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Knee Arthritis | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Knee Arthritis
What You Need to Know
 Knee arthritis occurs when the cushioning cartilage in the joint wears
down, making the knee stiff and painful with certain movements.

 Osteoarthritis — gradual, age-related degeneration of cartilage — is the

most common form of arthritis in the knee, but trauma and autoimmune
conditions can also lead to cartilage damage.

 The cartilage damage associated with arthritis is irreversible, but there are
nonsurgical and surgical treatments that can help reduce pain, increase joint
flexibility and improve overall quality of life for people with knee arthritis.

What is knee arthritis?

Knee arthritis is inflammation and deterioration of knee joint cartilage. Cartilage
is the slippery coating on the ends of bones that serves as a cushion and allows
the knee to smoothly bend and straighten. When cartilage wears away, the space
between the bones narrows. In advanced arthritis, bone rubs on bone and bone
spurs (bumps on the bone) may form.
Damage to the joint cartilage over time may result in the development or
worsening of deformities of the knee, including knock knees and bowleg.

Knee Arthritis | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Types of Knee Arthritis

There are many different kinds of arthritis, but the ones most likely to affect the
knee are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and post-traumatic arthritis.
Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative joint disease. It is the most common
form of knee arthritis and can affect other joints as well. It is often associated with
wear and tear related to aging, and gradually progresses over time. The breakdown
of cartilage leads to pain and inflammation.

Knee Arthritis Symptoms

Knee arthritis can make activities of daily living very difficult, including walking and climbing
stairs. Signs of arthritis in the knee may include:
 Pain in the knee that can be worsened by certain movements and exercises, including
prolonged walking or standing.
 Stiffness of the knee joint, which makes it difficult to bend and straighten the knee.
 Catching and locking of the knee, which occurs when damaged and rough cartilage
makes smooth movement difficult.
 Crepitus: the audible cracking, crunching, clicking or snapping sound made when
moving a damaged joint.
 Weakness in the knee, which is often a result of reduced activity and resulting atrophy
(loss) of the quadriceps or hamstring muscles. Knee arthritis may reduce how much
someone moves, which makes the joint even weaker and worsens symptoms.

Knee Arthritis | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Risk Factors for Knee Arthritis

 Age. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative, “wear and tear” condition. The older you are, the
more likely you are to have worn-down knee joint cartilage.
 Heredity. Slight joint or genetic defects may contribute to osteoarthritis in the knee.
 Excess weight. Being overweight or obese puts additional stress on the knees over time.
 Injury. Severe injury or repeated injury to the knee can lead to osteoarthritis years later.
 Overuse. Jobs and sports that require physically repetitive motions increase the risk.
 Gender. Postmenopausal women are more likely to have osteoarthritis than men.
 Autoimmune triggers. While the cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown,
triggers of autoimmune diseases are still an area of active investigation.
 Other health conditions. People with diabetes, high cholesterol, hemochromatosis (high
levels of iron in the blood) and vitamin D deficiency are more likely to have

How is knee arthritis diagnosed?

Your doctor may use some of the following diagnostic tests and procedures to determine if you
have knee arthritis:
 Medical history and physical examination
 Blood tests for genetic markers or RA antibodies
 X-rays to determine cartilage loss in the knee
 Joint aspiration: drawing out and testing the synovial fluid inside the knee joint
Cartilage cannot be seen on X-ray, but narrowing of the joint space between the bones indicates
lost cartilage. X-rays show bone spurs and cysts, which can be caused by osteoarthritis. Other
tests such as MRI or CT scans are rarely needed for diagnosis.

Knee Arthritis Treatment

Treatment plans vary depending on the type and stage of arthritis, your age,
severity of pain and other factors. Cartilage loss cannot be reversed, but there are
ways to reduce pain and prevent further damage. Nonsurgical treatments of knee
arthritis include:

Knee Arthritis | Johns Hopkins Medicine

 Activity modifications that may keep joint pain and inflammation from
flaring. This may include avoiding high-impact exercise, such as running
and jumping. Engaging in low-impact exercises and remaining physically
active is key to managing symptoms.
 Physical therapy to improve strength and range of motion.
 Weight loss (if applicable) to reduce stress placed on the joint.
 Bracing to provide more stability to the joint.
 Medications and injections, such as hyaluronic acid injections, to control
pain and inflammation and promote healing.
 Walking aids such as a cane or walker that provide support.
The progression of knee arthritis and effectiveness of nonsurgical treatments
varies. Your doctor will work with you to develop a personalized plan that may
include a combination of nonsurgical treatments.

Knee Arthritis Surgery

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