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1. Prepared Recipe: BIKO

6 Cups Glutinous Rice or Malagkit P 60.00

Pandan Leaves

6 Cups Coconut Milk 40.00

1 kilo Brown Sugar 44.00

Anise Seeds 5.00


Latik 35.00

Total Expenses P188.00

A.) Selling Price= P 188.00 + (50% of total expenses) 94.00

24 slices

= P 282.00

24 slices

= P 11.75 or P 11.80

B.) Total Expenses for Biko = P 188.00

Total Expenses For Utilities
And Packaging(Gas & Packaging) = 50.00
P 238.00

Selling Price= P 238.00

24 Slices
=P9.92 x 20% (P1.98)
= P11.90 or P 12.00
2. Compute for the selling price of the recipe below.
Computation for Maja Blanca:

A.) Selling Price= P 117.50 + (50% of total expenses) 58.75

24 slices

= P 176.25

24 slices

= P 7.34 or 7.40

B.) Total Expenses for Biko = P 117.50

Total Expenses For Utilities
And Packaging(Gas & Packaging) = 40.00
P 157.50

Selling Price= P 157.50

24 Slices
=P6.56 x 20% (P1.31)
= P7.87 or P 7.90

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