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brushing, you throw on a black tea with the shop's logo plastered
CHAPTER 1: Wednesday Regular boldly on the back.

4:15 am An onigiri.

You groggily wake up from the sound of your alarm from your cell- A yawn escapes from you as you wiggle yourself into your jeans.
phone. The annoying voice of Atsumu's voice recording screams be- Tossing your hair in a messy bun, you then slip on a pair of socks, a
side your ear. " face mask, and sneakers before hurrying out of your empty apartment.
You make sure to lock the door before hurrying down the staircase.

“Wake up, sad girl!"

Phone, check.

Keys, check.
Grumbling under your breath, you stretch your arm out towards your
nightstand. The phone falls onto the floor and, you are forced to get up Wallet, check.
now. Sitting up, you rub your eyes and ruffle your hair. You stare out
into the darkness of your room and lean over to grab the phone you've Pack of cigarettes, check.
Lighter, check.

Pocket knife, check.

"Shut up..." Your finger taps the alarm off and, you stare at the time.
You have roughly 15 minutes to get ready and another 20 minutes of
walking to get to work.
You mentally check if you've grabbed everything before you've
walked too far from the apartment.

Not wasting any more time, you pull the blanket off of you and head
into the bathroom to freshen up. After your morning skincare and teeth

You've lived alone for five years now since the age of 15. Your grand-
mother originally had her name under the contract. But since you're 20
now, you're legally able to take over the contract without her help. You've met Osamu just a year ago when he was in desperate need of
There are moments where you missed your family but, you know that an employee after several others ran out on him. They couldn't handle
you're much safer being by yourself. his anger when things were not done quickly. But you've yet to see this
angry side of him. Other than his brother Atsumu who provokes him
from time to time.

Away from that man.

Your relationship was merely a business relationship but as time went

by, a friendship had formed by how compatible the two of you work
Anxiety litters your body when you think about him and, you reflex- together. But of course, you hid certain things about yourself from
ively embrace yourself. You couldn't let the thoughts take over you him. You didn't want to burden him with your problems.
first thing in the morning. You reach for the pack of cigarettes in your
back pocket when someone snatches it away from you. Alarmed and
annoyed, you turn around with furrowed brows. Ready to yell at who-
ever it is. Shaking your head, you slide the cigarettes back into your back pocket.
"It's nothing." Osamu glances at Y/N briefly but he doesn't press the
issue. The two of you walk to the onigiri shop in comfortable silence.

"Y/N, you know how I feel about the smell of cigarettes." A monotone
voice speaks from above you and, your anger subsides when you see
who it is. Upon reaching the onigiri shop, Osamu takes the keys out of his
pocket and unlocks the door for the two. He parts the door open to let
you in first. You're familiar with the usual tasks by now. The two of
you quietly prepare the ingredients for today's set of onigiri's. Being
Osamu Miya, your boss and friend, located in the busiest street of Tokyo means a lot of foot traffic comes
into the shop.

Exhaling under your breath, you reach for the pack out of his hand.
The two of you only operate during the mornings and afternoons, clos-
ing right before the dinner rush. With this limited-time slot, the num-
ber of customers triples thus making Osamu's onigiri shop a popular
"What's stressing you out so early in the morning?" The two of you spot.
walk together towards his onigiri shop.

You notice a jar of pickled plums besides the other ingredients in the ・゚゚・。.
fridge. Taking the jar out, you walk over to Osamu who's, washing the
rice. "Are we making pickled plums a regular Wednesday special?"

You walk towards the door to flip the open sign over but before you
can even do so, the door flings open.
Osamu nods his head, lowering his eyes back down to the rice.
"There's a guy I know who loves them. I'm trying to coax him to visit
the shop more by luring him in with these. They're one of the best-
pickled plums in Japan." "Y/N~" Atsumu grins from ear to ear when he sees you. "It's so re-
freshing to see a beautiful face first thing in the morning."

You smile under your mask at how childish Osamu sounds but, you
don't tease him for it. "This guy...Is he a good friend of yours Osamu?" "You can't even see half of my face Atsumu." You reach past him to
You walk back to the fridge to grab the other ingredients out. Several flip the sign over before walking back to the kitchen. Atsumu shrugs
containers line up the wooden counter behind you. The onigiris are when he watches you. "I know your beauty under that mask. So my
made, to order with a front counter sitting service to allow the cus- point still stands."
tomers to watch.

"Are you here to eat or talk Atsumu?" Osamu eyes his brother with a
Osamu closes the lid on three different rice cookers. He walks over to still expression when he walks out of the bathroom. "You have classes
you and helps you prepare the fillings for today's onigiri. "Hm...he's this morning, right?" Atsumu groans at the thought of his morning
closer to Atsumu but since we're together most of the time, we share classes, a frown on his face. "Don't remind me." He walks over to take
the same group of friends." a seat on one of the stools. A smirk plasters on his face when he eyes
you. "Y/N can I--"

You cringe at the thought of Atsumu.

Before Atsumu finishes his sentence, you're already busily making his
usual order. His golden eyes lower down to your busily plastic gloved
hands. The smirk on his face softens to a smile and he hums under his
His carefree and overly confident personality wears you out. You can breath. "Heh, I'm touched you know my order Y/N."
only imagine his group of friends may be the spitting image of him.
The two of you continue to converse freely as you both prep.

"Why wouldn't she?" Osamu stands beside you with his arms to his
side. "You're a regular who doesn't pay. I'd remember your order too if
I were her." Atsumu gasps dramatically. "I shouldn't have to pay my "This is the guy I mentioned earlier Y/N." Osamu glances over at
brother for food. Besides, my presence in your shop is enough pay- Sakusa. The two of you share eye contact and you're unsure how to
ment." Osamu shakes his head and changes the conversation. "Where's read him. His deadpan expression reminds you more of Osamu than
Sakusa?" Atsumu. You flick your eyes between Sakusa and Osamu, analyzing
the two.

"What for?" Atsumu raises a brow and Osamu holds up the pickled
plums. A devilish grin forms on Atsumu's face when he eyes the jar. "What is it?" Sakusa speaks up to you. "Did you say something bad
"You're adamant about Sakusa becoming a regular, aren't you 'Samu? about me Osamu?" His black eyes glance over to Osamu's silver ones.
You know how he hates crowds. Your shop is literally in the heart of Osamu shakes his head, he's unsure why Y/N is acting like this.

"I just expected someone annoying like Atsumu." You speak bluntly.
"The shop opens at 6 AM. The crowd isn't that packed at this hour."
Osamu retorts. A soft jingle of the windchimes pulls their attention
away to the door. "Speak of the devil, there he is." Atsumu raises a
hand towards Sakusa. Sakusa presses his lips together under his mask, he eyes the girl in
front of him with a steely gaze. You feel a coldness tingle down your
spine from his stare. Atsumu's mouth is too full to retort back and you
hear a low chuckle from Osamu. "I apologize for Y/N's bluntness
You welcome the guest, not looking up to see who it is when you place Sakusa."
the two tuna onigiri's on a plate. You lower the plate in front of At-
sumu and turn your eyes over to the person who's stepped in. You raise
your eyebrows when you look at the person who tiredly stands at the
front entrance. He's a bit taller than the twins. His hair a wavy black You bow slightly when you feel Osamu's eyes glare at you. Atsumu
with two moles on the right side of his forehead. His voice is muffled swallows his piece and bickers at you. "You think I'm annoying Y/N?
by the white face mask he wears. "Morning." I'll have you know, several girls like our friendship." You hold back
the eye roll and smirk. Atsumu sees the glimmer in your eyes, a frown
forms on his face when he's unable to see your smile. "Say, why do
you wear a face mask Y/N? Are you a germaphobe like Sakusa?"
Atsumu points to the seat to his right. "Good morning Omi-Kun. We
were just talking about you." Sakusa walks over to the right of Atsumu
and takes a seat.
So that's why he wears a face mask.
Y/N. "Don't we all have things we keep hidden from others? I'm sure
she has her reasoning Atsumu."
You only wore yours to hide your face from the potential of running
into the people you disliked the most. Whether Tokyo is enormous or
not, you didn't want either of your parents to stumble into you. You
shake your head. "I'm hiding from someone." The others are unsure if Despite looking so expressionless, Sakusa's words are full of emotion
you're joking or not but from your serious tone, they think otherwise. when you listen to him. You start to question why a guy like him
hangs around Atsumu. Sakusa takes a bite of the onigiri after saying
his piece. The corner of his lips briefly curl up but he's quick to hide
the smile.
"Are you a fugitive Y/N? Osamu did you do a background check on
her before you hired her?" Atsumu turns his attention to Osamu who's
grabbing a few pickled plums out from the jar. "Her records clean.
Don't let your imagination run wild." Osamu shuts Atsumu's imagina- "Maybe the two of you should be friends. You're both so to your-
tion off. He grabs a handful of rice and begins to mould a triangular selves." Atsumu looks at Sakusa and Y/N. The two of you share eye
shape into his palm. "How many would you like Sakusa?" contact again and Sakusa is the first one to look away. He shrugs his
shoulders in response. "You know I'm horrible at making friends At-

"Just two." Sakusa answers immediately. You grab an empty cup and
pour green tea into the glass before placing it in front of Sakusa. He
quietly thanks you and lowers his mask to take a sip of the drink. At- "Well, yeah. But so is Y/N. There's one similarity right there! You
sumu is still stuck on Y/N's answer, he rubs his chin and looks over to both also wear face masks." Atsumu chuckles to himself. "Half of
her. "Who could you possibly be hiding from? Your mysteriousness is Japan wears them," Sakusa speaks nonchalantly.
attracting me Y/N."

"Don't force yourself to do anything you don't want to just because At-
"I refrain you from flirting with my employee Atsumu." Osamu places sumu says so," Osamu interjects into the conversation. "Besides, Y/N
a plate in front of Sakusa who thanks Osamu. has a say if she wants to be friends with Sakusa too."

"She's not just your employee Osamu. She's a friend too. A friend The three turn their attention towards you. You turn off the sink and
who's hiding something from us." Atsumu crosses his arms and you wipe your hands on a towel. If Sakusa becomes a regular on Wednes-
reach over for his plate to wash it. "'re curious too right days; there's no reason for you to not get to know him. You're here at
Sakusa?" Sakusa is about to take a bite of his onigiri when Atsumu the shop every five days that it's open any way. You walk over to stand
speaks to him. He lowers the onigiri down for a moment to look at in front of Sakusa. The counter dividing the two of you. You lower
your mask briefly to smile at him. You then formally introduce your-
self to him. "I'm Y/L/N Y/N. You can find me here if you ever want to

Sakusa nods his head, eyeing Y/N's smile before it's hidden away from
the face mask.

"Damn it," Atsumu grumbles when he looks at the blurry photo he's
captured. Osamu grabs his phone from him and deletes the failed at-
tempt of capturing a photo of Y/N. The two bicker at each other and
you quietly giggle to yourself.

"Sakusa. Sakusa Kiyoomi." A low voice speaks over to you and you
turn your attention over to Sakusa. He doesn't offer you a smile but
you can see his still expression relax a bit. "The soon to be Wednesday
regular who loves pickled plums?" You offer Sakusa a pickled plum
on a toothpick. He's careful to not touch your fingers when he takes the
toothpick from you.

"I guess so." Sakusa looks at the pickled plum before flicking his eyes
over to you.

Little do the two know, that this moment is the start of something so
fragile and tender


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