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Firke L.E Darisera1, Ni Putu Nursiani2, Tarsisius Timuneno, M.si3

Program Studi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Nusa Cendana Kupang

This study aims to determine the effect of workload and work motivation on employee
performance at PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua. Data collection techniques in this study
used questionnaires, interviews, documentation, and observation. The type of research used
in this study is associative research which aims to determine the relationship between two or
more variables, and the research approach used is a quantitative approach. The analytical
technique used is descriptive statistical analysis, and inferential analysis using multiple linear
regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 22 application. The results of the
descriptive analysis stated that work motivation and employee performance were in the high
assessment criteria, while the workload was in the low assessment criteria seen from the
achievements of each variable. The results of the ui t show that the workload partially has no
significant effect on employee performance at PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua, while work
motivation partially has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT.
PLN (Persero) Atambua. Furthermore, the results of the F test simultaneously show that
workload and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on the performance of
PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua, which is strengthened by the results of the analysis of
determination which shows that the variables of workload and work motivation in
influencing employee performance are relatively strong.
Keywords: Workload, Work Motivation, Employee Performance

The economy is strongly influenced by the need for competitive human
resources, and having capabilities in their fields are very much needed by
organizations, because human resources are one of the most important elements in
determining the success or failure of an organization, where currently the competition
in the human resource market is quite tight. For this reason, it is necessary to increase
the quality of optimal human resource productivity. To fulfill this, it takes human
resources who have optimal performance, for that the organization must be able to
create conditions that can encourage and enable employees to develop and improve
the abilities and skills of employees optimally. According to Moeheriono (2014:65)
performance is a record of the results obtained from certain job functions or activities
over a certain period of time. suggests that performance is a real behavior that is
displayed by everyone as work performance produced by employees in accordance
with their role in the company. Employee performance becomes a benchmark for
companies in production operations and becomes the basis for achieving the expected
goals (Rivai, 2009:309).
One of the factors that affect employee performance is workload. Employees
are required to be able to meet the targets set by the company. Basically, human
activities in a work system structure can be classified into physical work (muscle) and
mental work (brain). This physical and mental activity has consequences for the
emergence of workloads. The workload of each employee should be evenly
distributed so that it can be avoided that there are organizational units that have too
many activities and there are organizational units that have few activities. If the
worker's ability is higher than the demands of the job, a feeling of boredom will arise.
On the other hand, if the worker's ability is lower than the demands of the job,
excessive fatigue will appear (Sutarto, 2006: 105).
Not only the workload related to the quality and quantity of the product
produced by each employee, but by conducting a workload analysis it also prevents
excessive work stress/pressure. If the workload given to employees is too heavy, it
will have an impact on employee performance in the organization or company. Vice

versa, if the workload given by the company to its employees is too light, it will also
have an inefficient impact on the company. Based on the results of the number of
outputs or work that can be produced by each employee, it can be seen how many
employees are actually needed by the company in achieving the target. This can be
done through a workload measurement, so that employees can work optimally
according to their abilities. In other words, the company must pay attention to the
workload given to its employees so that employee performance increases (Sutarto,
An employee is said to have good work motivation at work if the workload set
is achieved or if the realization of the performance results is higher than the workload
set by the company. According to Hasibuan (2009: 95) Motivation is a stimulant of
desire and a driving force of one's willingness to work and in each motivation has a
specific goal to be achieved. Wherever employees work there are several things that
make the employee feel motivated at work. whether working in service companies,
trading, in government agencies, even working in electricity.
The relationship between workload and employee performance can be said that
the higher the workload, the lower the employee's performance, on the contrary, the
lower the workload, the higher the employee's performance (Surjawanto, 2016:45).
Likewise with the relationship between work motivation and employee performance.
Motivation of employees is very influential on employee performance. Employees
who have high motivation will try their best to get the best results, one of which is
getting high scores in performance appraisals. On the other hand, if the employee has
low motivation, he will work according to his own will and will not achieve a
performance appraisal. When an employee does his job with passion, his performance
will be good (Sutarto, 2006: 130).
Work motivation and workload are indicated to have a joint influence on the
performance of employees. If employees have low motivation coupled with a high
workload, they will not work optimally according to what is expected by the
company and will result in work stress. If the company has a low workload, it will

make all employees work with the best results, but the workload is not supported by
the awareness of each employee so it is not effective (Sutarto, 2006: 155).
Employees who have low motivation will be difficult to be affected by the
existing low workload. So that employees will still work according to their wishes
and will be hampered to get maximum performance results as expected by the
company. If the workload felt by employees is low, then employees will work with
the maximum possible results, especially supported by high motivation from each
employee, so that employees will work according to what is expected to achieve the
work target assessment because employees are able to work as expected. This
indicates that the workload and work motivation have an impact or influence on
PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua, Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, serves
the electricity-related needs of the community, PT PLN (Persero) Atambua provides
services such as submitting electricity installations, adding electricity, applying for
voltage increases, checking PLN electricity bills, electricity payments, providers of
lighting and electricity disturbance services (hospitals, schools, parks and so on), to
complaints. PT PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua must and must provide and provide
maximum service to the entire community.
From the results of initial interviews with two employees in the field of SPV,
Customer Service and Administration, Yonathan Chornel Richie Mosey and the
Technical Section of Kristian Plaituka PT PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua on January
29, 2021, it was found that there were still problems in the form of many employees'
work being completed not on time, employees less than optimal. in prioritizing work
and are more likely to delay work so that the work deadline cannot be completed on
time. This causes the previous work to be piled up, thus preventing it from meeting
the targets that have been set. Furthermore, employees must complete their work
beyond the allotted time because during normal working hours they cannot complete
work so they have to increase working hours or work overtime. Based on the
description above, the authors are interested in raising this issue with the title "The
Effect of Workload and Work Motivation on Employee Performance"


1. Understanding Employee Performance

According to Moeheriono (2014:65) Performance is a record of the results
obtained from certain job functions or activities over a certain period of time.
According to Sinambela (2012: 5) performance is the level of success of a person
or institution in carrying out their work. Meanwhile, according to Fahmi
(2013:128) suggests that performance is a description of the level of achievement
of the implementation of an activity or activity or policy program in achieving
the goals, objectives, vision, mission of an organization contained in the
formulation of the tragic scheme "Strategic Planning" of an organization. Based
on some of the expert opinions above, it can be concluded that performance is a
result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out
his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him.
Performance Indicator
Performance indicators are something that will be calculated and measured.
Performance indicators according to Suyadi (2008:27) performance can be assessed
or measured by several indicators, namely:
1. Effectiveness
2. Responsibility
3. Discipline
4. Initiative
2. Definition of Workload
According to Munandar (2014:20) workload is the tasks given to the workforce
or employees to be completed at a certain time by using the skills and potential of
the workforce. According to Dhania (2010:16) Understanding workload is a
collection or number of activities that must be completed by an organizational
unit or position holder within a certain period of time. Tarwaka (2014:104)
concludes that workload is something that arises from the interaction between

task demands, the work environment in which it is used as a workplace,
behavioral skills and perceptions of work.
Based on these definitions, it can be concluded that workload is a number of
processes or activities that must be completed by a worker within a certain period
of time.
Workload Indicator
According to Alamsyah (2012: 19) indicators in the workload are:
1. Targets to be achieved
2. Working Conditions
3. Use of Working Time
4. Work Standards
3. Understanding Work Motivation
Motivation is a desire in a person that causes that person to take action
(Mathis and Jackson, 2006: 89). According to Hasibuan (2009: 95) that work
motivation is the provision of a driving force that creates one's work enthusiasm
so that they want to work together, work effectively and be integrated with all
their efforts to achieve satisfaction.
From the opinions of experts, it can be concluded that work motivation is a
will or desire that arises in employees that creates enthusiasm or encouragement
to work optimally.
Motivation Indicator
Indicators of motivation from Maslow's theory. The hierarchy of needs theory from
Abraham Maslow according to Hariandja (2007:102). Consist of :
1. Physiological-needs
2. Safety needs
3. Social needs
4. The need for appreciation (Esteem-need)
5. Self-actualization need


Workload (X1)
-Targets to be achieved
-Working Conditions
-Use of Working Time
-Job Standard H1
(Alamsyah 2012:19)
Employee Performance (Y)
H3 -Responsibility
Work Motivation (X2) or -Discipline
further researchers -Initiative
Physiological (Suyadi 2008:27)
-Security H2
(Maslow dalam Hariandja

H1: It is suspected that the workload has a significant effect on the performance of
employees at PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua.
H2: It is suspected that work motivation has a significant effect on employee
performance at PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua.
H3: It is suspected that workload and work motivation simultaneously have a
significant effect on employee performance at PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua.

The type of research used in this research is associative research. This research
approach is quantitative research. The population for this study were all permanent
employees of PT PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua who were not currently occupying
positions totaling 92 employees. The number of samples taken based on the Slovin
formula obtained by 48 employees. The probability technique used is Simple Random
Sampling, (Sugiyono, 2012) with simple random sampling because the sampling of
the population is done randomly without regard to the strata that exist in this
population. Data collection techniques used are interviews, questionnaires,
observation and documentation. The test instrument used is the validity test and the

reliability test, the classical assumption test used is the normality test,
multicollinearity test and heteroscedasticity test.

Judging from the validity of the X1 variable, all item 1 is 0.714, item 2 is 0.884,
item 3 is 0.729, item 4 is 0.808, item 5 is 0.818, item 6 is 0.876, item 7 is 0.854, item
8 is 0.838, where rcount has a value greater than rtable that is 0.284. Likewise, the X2
variable all items are declared valid because the value of item 1 is 0.757, item 2 is
0.737, item 3 is 0.623, item 4 is 0.714, item 5 is 0.629, item 6 is 0.697, item 7 is
0.748, item 8 is 0.817, item 9 is 0.781, item 10 is 0.730, where rcount has a value
greater than ttable, which is 0.284. Likewise with the Y variable, all items are
declared valid because the value of item 1 is 0.818, the value of item 2 is 0.799, the
value of item 3 is 0.677, the value of item 4 is 0.723, the value of item 5 is 0.845, the
value of item 6 is 0.694, the value of item 7 is 0.691, the value of item 8 is 0.706,
where rcount has a value greater than rtable, which is 0.284. Then from the results of
the reliability test, it was found that the value of Cronbach's alpha is X1 of 0.925, X2
of 0.900, and Y of 0.883 where this value is higher than the minimum value of
Cronbach's alpha, which is 0.6. For this reason, the research instrument can be said to
be reliable or reliable. From the results of multiple linear analysis obtained
Y=18,690-0,024.X1+0,337.X2, based on the results of the t-test the value of the
variable t-count (X1) is -1.112. Because tcount is known, the next step is to compare
it with ttable (table distribution of ttable values). The formula for finding t table is df
= n-k = 48-2 = 46 at an alpha level of 0.05 for a two-tailed test, then the obtained
ttable is 2.012 because tcount is smaller than ttable and a significance value of 0.825
is greater than 0.05 then the load work does not significantly affect employee
performance. Next, the results of the t-test, the t-value of (X2) is 2.512. Because
tcount is known, the next step is to compare it with ttable (table distribution of ttable
values). The formula for finding t table is df = n-k = 48-2 = 46 at an alpha level of
0.05 for a two-tailed test, then the obtained ttable is 2.012 because tcount is greater
than ttable and a significance value of 0.016 is smaller than 0.05, so motivation work

has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Furthermore, the
analysis of the coefficient of determination, it can be seen that the value of R Square
is 0.773 and if it is changed in percent (%) then the value becomes 77.3% while the
remaining 22.7% which means that the ability of the workload variable and work
motivation in influencing the performance variable employees are relatively strong
because the R2 value of 0.773 is closer to 1.

The results of the descriptive analysis on the Workload variable at PT. PLN
(Persero) ULP Atambua, with the achievement value being at a low level. Thus it is
known that the Workload given by PLN Atambua does pay attention to the workload
indicators so that they can manage them properly. Based on the results of the
descriptive analysis on the work motivation variable at PT. PLN (Persero) ULP
Atambua, with the achievement value being at a high level. Thus it is known that the
Work Motivation provided by PLN Atambua has good benefits for employees so that
employees can work well and wholeheartedly.
Based on the results of partial hypothesis testing, it shows that Ho is accepted and Ha
is rejected, meaning that the workload does not significantly affect the performance
of employees at PT PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua.
Based on the results of partial hypothesis testing, it shows that Ho is rejected and Ha
is accepted, meaning that work motivation has a significant effect on employee
performance at PT PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua, the test results show that
motivation has a positive effect on employee performance.
Based on the analysis results indicate that workload and work motivation
simultaneously have a significant effect on employee performance. Based on the
results of the coefficient of determination (R2) explains that work motivation and
workload have a relatively strong influence on employee performance, so the
hypothesis in this study is accepted. However, this research is not absolute because
there are factors other than workload and work motivation that also affect the
performance of employees at PT PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua. The other factors that

can affect employee performance according to Dharma (2002:50) include training,
work environment, ability and education.

Based on the results of quantitative research conducted on employees of PT. PLN
(Persero) ULP Atambua regarding the effect of workload and work motivation on
employee performance, it can be concluded that:
1. The results of the descriptive analysis state that workload and work
motivation on employee performance at PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua are
in high assessment criteria, seen from the achievements of each variable.
2. Based on the results of the partial hypothesis test (t test) it proves that the
workload does not significantly affect the performance of employees at PT.
PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua
3. Based on the results of partial hypothesis testing (t-test) proves that work
motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at
PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua.
4. Simultaneous hypothesis test results (f test) prove that workload and work
motivation simultaneously affect employee performance at PT. PLN (Persero)
ULP Atambua.

1. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, researchers provide
Suggestions to PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Atambua in order to pay attention to
the workload given and always increase employee motivation.
2. For further researchers
For further researchers who will examine workload and work motivation, it is
recommended to use additional other factors that are not discussed in this
study such as internal organizational environmental factors, leadership factors,
team factors, systems, contextual, and abilities.


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