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Beatriz Tavares, 1A

Home Style Differences

There are several differences between life in Brazil and in other countries. Speaking first of all
about the United States, Americans eat more junk food than Brazilians, because there is a wide
variety that is very easy to access for them. It is also interesting to mention that here in Brazil,
the population is far less patriotic than in the United States, and they have great appreciation,
respect and pride in their successful country.

Regarding Australia, it’s noticeable that Brazilians wear shoes more often at home than
Australians. They seem to be quite fond of going barefoot, considering that they enjoy being
shoeless even outdoors. Furthermore, another difference is that, in Australia, people do not
often use the “Brazilian way”, in other words, they are much more obedient, and the rules are
strictly followed.

Finally, regarding the differences that exist in Canada, Brazilians seem to be more open with
others around them than Canadians, so if someone is invited to a Canadian's house, must
know that this is a sign of trust from the part of it. Another difference is in relation to the
environment. Canadians are much more concerned about recycling and throwing garbage in
the trash bin than Brazilians, so much so that if you are caught not throwing organic, recyclable
or regular trash in the right bin, you could even get a fine.

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