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School subjects, the important of learning


I have IT, PE, Hungarian Grammar and Literature, English, Maths, Art, Physics and
History lessons. My favourite subjects are: Hungarian Grammar and Literature and of
course English. I like these lessons because the teachers are kind with us and the
lessons are funny and interesting. We always smile or laugh and learn new
interesting things during the lessons. I enjoy these lessons and I’ll miss them when I
finished this school. I’m good at English and Hungarian Grammar. I’m lazy so I
sometimes get bad marks from them.
I learn English because it is the most poplular language in the world. Everybody
speaks it and I like it.
I have 6 English lessons a week with 2 extra lessons. We had an English course
book. We read English texts, talked a lot in English and learnt new words and
grammars in the lessons. Of course English lessons were funny and interesting so
we always listened to the teacher and smiled a lot. I think we always worked hard on
the lessons. It has a lot of advantages to speak more than 1 foreign language. For
example: you can be a translator, you have more opportunities to get a good job, you
can visit foreign countries to practise the language, you can meet foreign people and
make friends. If you want to get a diploma you have to speak at least one foreign
The most popular foreign languages are: English, German, French and Spanish.
Hungarian people should learn foreign languages because it’s easier to get a job
abroad if you are understood anywhere in the world. There are lots of foreign
companies in Hungary and they need English speaking people.
Guides, translaters, teachers of English, travel agents, secretaries, bussinessmen,
juornalists, diplomats, Members of Parlament and managers need to speak foreign
languages. I can improve my English knowledge in different ways, for example: I
read English books, watch English speaking films, listen to songs in English, travell
abroad and use the Internet.
English is such a popular language because 375 million speak it. It’s the language of
business life, computers, politics, entertainment. It sounds pleasant, it isn’t difficult
and it’s useful.
I have met lots of English speaking people. For example: when I was in London, at
Kylie concert and lots of my friends are foreign so when I met them or we talk each
other on the Internet, we talk in English.

School subjects, the important of learning languages- Angol 13.tétel

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