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©Elizabeth 2018 and beyond. All rights reserved.

Wellness Business Masterclass:

Facts Checklist

Myth 1: There’s no money in wellness.

Wellness is now a $__________ industry.

Truth: Wellness is an abundant and still growing industry with

more than enough to go around.

Myth 2: The market is too saturated.


The online course industry has exceeded $_____ BILLION in the last
few years and it just keeps growing

There are over _____ BILLION people on the planet, and more than
_____ of them are on the internet.

Truth: There aren’t enough people in wellness right now.

Myth 3: It’s too hard, or I don’t know enough.


__________ has never been easier.

Truth: Anyone can start an online wellness business.

Elizabeth Rider’s Wellness Business Masterclass: 5 Pillar Checklist

©Elizabeth 2018 and beyond. All rights reserved.

Wellness Business Masterclass:

5 Pillar Checklist

Pillar 1: Customer Focus

I understand the difference between product-focused and

customer-focused strategies
I have a clear picture of my exact customer
I understand how to identify my customers pain-points, wants, and
I understand how a customer-focused strategy works

Pillar 2: Outstanding Branding

I understand High-End Branding on a DIY Budget

I have my main colors, secondary colors, and fonts identified
I know how to use my fonts and colors in Canva (or other program)
I know my niche and why it’s important
I know what’s essential and what’s not on my website
I have a strong brand voice and know how to use it
I know how to write strong web copy and headlines
I know that my about page is more about my customer than it is

about me, and I have my short bio ready to go

Elizabeth Rider’s Wellness Business Masterclass: 5 Pillar Checklist

©Elizabeth 2018 and beyond. All rights reserved.

Pillar 3: Connection & Value

I know how to create a high-impact blog

I know how to never run out of blog ideas
I have a solid understanding of email lists
I know what social media platforms I should spend effort on
I know how to grow beyond my own blog

Pillar 4: Signature Program

I know why a Signature Program is crucial to my business

I know how to outline my Signature Program

I know my numbers and how to tell if I should add more

I know how to create my signature program

Pillar 5: Heart-Centered Sales & Funnels

I feel good about the sales process

I understand the concept of a sales funnel
I know how to write a high-converting sales page
I know how to plan a program launch

I know that I’ll never be “ready” and that I should start now. I
know that I have a gift to teach! Nothing is ever perfect. (Let’s go!)

Elizabeth Rider’s Wellness Business Masterclass: 5 Pillar Checklist

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