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Part 1 :

1. I love eating healthy food because it is good for my heath, but I also love eating fast food
because it is very delicous.
2. I always take panadol tablets, and I sometimes buy a cough medicine, it helps me feel better and
relax when I feel so bad.
3. Yes, I always pay attention to public information and also follow this forum to make my diet
plans. They usually give a positive information for the public.
4. Personally, I think I should eat more healthy food and get some exercise to have a healthy
lifestyle. Hanging out for a walk is also th good way for me to enhance my health.

Part 2:

Today I am gonna tell you guys about the one time that I had to wait for my dad which was a memorable
moment to me. It happened when I was 6 years old, my dad took me and my brother to his garden
which far away from my house. It was a beautiful garden and I am very intertested in walk through this.
After a long day, my father decided to go home. However, my dad had to choose me or my younger
brother to drive home first because dad still had to carry some big bags, there wasn’t enough space to
carry the two of us. So my father divided it into 2 trips and the first time was my brother. I had to stay
there and wait for my dad come back to pick me up. It was a very long time for me to stay in the garden
while it was getting dark. I felt so scare and worry if my dad didn’t come back. I cried a lot and almost
broke down when I saw my dad came and he comforted me. It was such a memorable moment and I
never forget that time.

Part 3:

1. In my opinion, those who want to move have to arive at the bus stop or the airport early. And if
you attend a interview of you are the examiner you also have to arrive soon.
2. In my country, arriving early is the best way to judge people’s quality. We do not like people
who come late, especially if he is a host.
3. Technology can help us to arrive early. For example: the alarm or the reminder on my
smartphone when we have a special meeting.
4. I think all the jobs have a patience on it but especialy nursing, docter, teacher have a higher level
of patience.

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