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There is a group consisting of two females and one male. Since the group don’t know
what to do at first there is the male, who was just like "BIDA BIDA," who amalgamated their
names to form their group name without asking anyone whether it would be alright. But
because the 2 females are delightful, they start to accept it. So the group of NICKUEÑA had fun
for every moment, they have so much comfort to each other even though it was the first time
for them to meet but feels like they are old friends that reunited again. While they get to know
each other, they have so much fun during the Virtual Meeting. Because every member of
NICKUEÑA had a sense of humor, it seemed like they were in a variety show. And out of
nowhere there's something they sense as uneasiness.

The group has decided on two specific laughing moments. The NICKUEÑA group always
had a lot of laugh-out-loud moments. They selected to share their two most hilarious moments
because only two are required. First, as the Virtual Forum began, one of the members used a
messenger filter to create a positive atmosphere and she used the zombie look like filter and
that's the reason why other members laugh at her because it suits her. And also others copy
her and find the filter she used and it looks like there is a zombie who is on a virtual meeting.
For the second moment, before they played a game called "10 live," the male had no idea that
he will be tricked by the two females, into playing unfair to him just to make him do the
punishment on his own. He feels betrayed at first but he has no choice but to accept the
punishment of the game. And after all, he makes the two females burst into a laugh.

And also there's an awkwardness during the virtual meeting, aside from the Laughter
Moments. They felt embarrassed every time the discussion came to an end; it was as if an angel
had walked into their moment and left them speechless. When the virtual meeting ended, one
of them started talking about doing a TIKTOK, which made the others feel awkward because it
was their first time meeting virtually and they were suddenly doing a TIKTOK dance. But
eventually, everyone agreed on the idea of their member. There are so many retakes but the
time goes by they finally perform a TIKTOK, with the best in the finest dance in the world as the

Even though there was awkwardness in the Virtual Meeting, the group chose to be
comfortable and did not bode a negative path of awkwardness. "HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE"
triumphed in NICKUEÑA's group because they fully understand that the situation they are in is
not ideal. They never allow negative feelings to enter their lives because every member of
NICKUEÑA is wise enough to choose happiness and make the most of any opportunity that
comes their way.

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