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Central Dogma of Life: DNA Expressing Itself

DNA - Genetic Material

its named like that because it is the blueprint of organisms
Bacteria shape - circle
DNA shape - linear structure but when zoomed it is a helix structures (double stranded

Embedded in those structures is the Genes

Genes - it is the code that determine your attributes

Genes can be manipulated in many ways

The shape of the DNA is linear because it will always have a complementary strand

It is a double helix structure because it protects the DNA

DNA is a super structure because there are many genes that will get read and only a portion of
it will get transcribed
its like reviewing for an exam you don't read the entire book you only read the ones that are
important to the exam

Three major processes:

Replication - process of replicating dna into 2 identical DNA

Transcription - process of converting DNA to RNA

Translation - converting RNA into a protein sequence

Proteins - anything in your body that has a function

Carbs and lipids - energy sources that have abundant hydrogen basis attached, when removed
it is getting released

Molecule will not have a function unless its in a protein form

That's why DNA gets replicated, transcribed, and translated into proteins
Analogy: DNA is the man in the bank, RNA is the (withdrawn) needed cash, Protein is the
product you're gonna buy because everything that you buy SERVES A PURPOSE
All Nucleic Acid shares the fundamental structure of having Phosphate group, Sugar ring,
Nitrogen Base

DNA stores information

RNA stores the information from a simpler molecule

ATP stores energy

NADH stores electrons

Chargaff's rules:
First Rule - A = T and G = C

A =/= C or G =/= T because they cannot fulfill their valence electrons

A = T: 2 hydrogen bonds

G = C: 3 hydrogen bonds

Extra Notes:
Purines are large 2 ring structure (A and G)

Pyrimidines are smaller 1 ring nitrogen structure (T and C)

they complement each other

Second Rule - if DNA to RNA, then A = U

T cannot be created in an RNA because the structure has one more oxygen than DNA



Major and Minor Grooves - the distance between the loops

DNA as a Genetic Material

Frederick Griffith

2 strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae:

Rough does not have a protective capsule; easily detected and destroyed by immune system
Smooth has polysaccharide capsule; prevents detection by immune system
-it's capsule prevents any phagocytosis
-it hinders our immune cells, which is why it spreads in our body

Griffith's Experiment:
4 setups:

A - S strain in mouse, results in death

B - R strain in rat, results in mouse being unharmed because of the immune cell killing it
C - S strain with high heat, results in mouse being unharmed because the organism already
died when exposed to high heat
D - S strain with high heat and R strain (via mixing), results in mouse dying because R strain
was able to get the DNA material from the S strain and incorporated its DNA to the S DNA

D strain is equivalent to mutating bacteria

Avery-MacLeod-McCarty Experiment: (determine the active factor in the bacteria)

Basically, Griffith's Experiment with extra steps

Centrifuged -> Heat kill -> Homogenize cells -> Extract carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

Evidence that viral DNA can program cells:

Virus, DNA or RNA enclosed by protective coat, often protein

Life Cycle of a Virus:

1. Virus will inject its DNA into a bacterium
2. The DNA gets translated to protein and the virus gets developed
3. Once it gets finished being translated the virus spreads

Hershey-Chase Experiments: (determine where the virus is going to spread)

DNA Replication:

DNA is semi-conservative

Meselson and Stahl experiment: (the experiment that explained why that DNA is

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