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Rezumat Summary
Sindroamele paraneoplazice sunt afecþiuni clinice rare Paraneoplastic syndromes are rare clinical findings
ce afecteazã anumite pãrþi ale corpului, instalându-se ca affecting different parts of the body as a result of circulating
urmare a acþiunii unor substanþe circulante sintetizate de substances synthetized by different tumors. Lung cancer
diverse tumori. Cancerul pulmonar poate fi însoþit de can be accompanied by various paraneoplastic syndromes,
diferite afecþiuni paraneoplazice, cum ar fi sindroame including endocrine, neurologic, rheumatologic,
endocrine, neurologice, reumatologice, hematologice ºi hematologic and dermatologic syndromes. Cutaneous
dermatologice. Sindroamele paraneoplazice cutanate
paraneoplastic syndromes are a category of skin diseases
reprezintã o categorie de boli dermatologice care pot fi puse
that can be related to an internal neoplasm. Erythroderma
în legãturã cu un neoplasm intern. Eritrodermia se
is characterized by a generalized redness of the skin, which
caracterizeazã printr-un eritem cutanat generalizat ce
can be caused by a range of conditions such as psoriasis,
poate fi cauzat de o serie de boli precum psoriazisul, alergii,
erupþii medicamentoase, diverse boli sistemice, tumori allergies, drug eruptions, but also systemic diseases like
hematologice ºi, mult mai rar, tumori solide. Descriem hematological malignancies and, rarely, solid tumors. We
cazul unei paciente în vârstã de 80 ani suferind de report on the case of an 80-year-old woman with a
eritrodermie paraneoplazicã asociatã unui carcinom cutaneous paraneoplastic syndrome represented by
bronhopulmonar. erythroderma as a result of lung cancer.

Cuvinte cheie: eritrodermie, sindroame paraneo- Key words: erythroderma, paraneoplastic syndromes,
plazice, cancer pulmonar. lung cancer

Intrat în redacþie: 25.01.2018 Received: 25.01.2018

Acceptat: 19.02.2018 Accepted: 19.02.2018

* Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecþioase ºi Tropicale “Dr. Victor Babeº”, Secþia Dermatologie, Bucureºti.
“Victor Babeº” Hospital of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Dermatology Department, Bucharest.
** Universitatea de Medicinã ºi Farmacie “Carol Davila”, Bucureºti.
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

Introducere Introduction
Tulburãrile paraneoplazice cuprind semne ºi Paraneoplastic disorders encompass signs
simptome ce apar în cadrul unor boli tumorale and symptoms which appear as a result of
maligne prin afectarea la distanþã a diferitelor damage to different organs caused by a remote
organe.[1,2] Deºi acestea nu sunt expresia clinicã malignancy.[1,2] Although these are not the
a metastazelor, ele sunt cauzate de neoplazie ºi îi clinical expression of metastases, they are
urmeazã cursul, astfel încât îndepãrtarea tumorii connected to the primary disease and do follow
va conduce la vindecarea sindromului para- the course of the malignancy, in a manner that the
neoplazic, la fel cum o recidivã tumoralã va fi removal of the tumor will invariably lead to the
însoþitã de sindromul respectiv. Severitatea healing of the paraneoplastic syndrome; how-
acestor afecþiuni nu corespunde stadiului tumo- ever, a relapse of the cancer will be accompanied
by the afore mentioned syndrome. The severity
ral. Tumorile pot asocia sindroame paraneo-
of these syndromes does not correspond to the
plazice nu doar prin capacitatea lor de a secreta
tumor stage. Various tumors associate para-
substanþe bogate în peptide, citokine ºi hormoni,
neoplastic syndromes not only through their
ci ºi printr-o reacþie imunã încruciºatã ce are loc ability to secrete substances rich in peptides,
între celulele normale ºi cele tumorale. Tumorile cytokines and hormones, but also through an
care asociazã cel mai frecvent afecþiuni para- immune cross-reaction between normal and
neoplazice includ cancerele pulmonare, mamare, tumoral cells. Tumors that most frequently
din sfera ginecologicã dar ºi tumorile þesuturilor associate paraneoplastic disorders include lung
hematopoietice ºi limfoide.[3] cancers, breast tumors, gynecologic malignancies
S-a demonstrat faptul cã aproximativ 2–20% and tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphoid
dintre pacienþii care suferã de cancer sunt afectaþi tissues.[3]
ºi de sindroame paraneoplazice, prevalenþã care It has been shown that about 2–20% of
este posibil sã creascã având în vedere faptul cã patients suffering from cancer are also affected by
speranþa de viaþã a acestor pacienþi tinde sã fie paraneoplastic syndromes, prevalence which is
mai lungã datoritã îmbunãtãþirii continue a likely to increase since the life expectancy of these
metodelor de diagnostic. Aceste tulburãri pot patients tends to be longer due to the continual
afecta ambele sexe, indiferent de rasã.[4] improvement of diagnostic methods. These
Sindroamele paraneoplazice apar, de obicei, mai disorders can affect both genders regardless of
târziu în viaþã, vârsta medie de debut fiind de 66 race, with no predilection reported so far.[4]
ani, persoanele mai tinere rareori prezentând Paraneoplastic syndromes usually display later
astfel de tulburãri.[5] in life, the average age of onset being 66 years,
with younger individuals rarely experiencing
such effects.[5]
Caz clinic
Descriem cazul unei paciente în vârstã de 80 Clinical case
de ani, din zona urbanã, care se adreseazã clinicii
We report the case of an 80-year-old female
de dermatologie pentru o erupþie eritematoasã
patient from the urban area who addresses the
generalizatã cu o nuanþã brun-violacee, însoþitã
dermatology department for a generalized
de prurit intens, al cãrei debut a avut loc cu 6 luni erythematous eruption with a purplish-brown
înainte de prezentare. De asemenea, pacienta tint, accompanied by intense pruritus. The
relateazã faptul cã a urmat un tratament bazat pe patient states that the lesions had first occurred 6
corticosteroizi orali, sub care a observat o uºoarã months prior to the presentation and that she had
îmbunãtãþire a erupþiei. Totuºi, odatã cu redu- followed a treatment based on oral cortico-
cerea dozei, leziunile au revenit la intensitatea steroids with a slight improvement of the
iniþialã, ceea ce a determinat vizita la clinicã. eruption. However, when reducing the dose, the
Antecedentele familiale au fost nesemnificative, lesions returned to their initial intensity, which
în timp ce istoricul medical personal a dezvãluit prompted her visit to the clinic. Family history
doar o intervenþie chirurgicalã pentru implan- was insignificant and previous medical history
tarea unei proteze de ºold. only revealed a hip replacement surgery.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

Examenul clinic a evidenþiat o erupþie Clinical examination revealed an erythe-

eritematoasã brun-violacee, cu o distribuþie matous purplish eruption with a generalized
generalizatã, respectând gambele (Fig. 1, Fig. 2). distribution, sparing the calves (Fig 1, Fig 2). The
Intensitatea era mai accentuatã la nivelul intensity was greater in the cleavage, posterior
decolteului, pe toracele posterior preponderent torso paravertebral and dorsal sides of the hands,
paravertebral ºi pe faþa dorsalã a mâinilor, with well-defined limits of the dorsal palmar
realizându-se o delimitare netã faþã de faþa junction. The eruption was accompanied by
palmarã. Erupþia se însoþea de un prurit intens. intense pruritus. On lung auscultation, a
La auscultaþia pulmonarã s-a putut detecta un modified vesicular murmur could be detected.
murmur vezicular modificat. Pacienta a relatat, Moreover, the patient had developed dysphonia
de asemenea, instalarea disfoniei cu câteva luni several months before presentation.
înainte de prezentare. The blood analysis only showed a minimal
Din probele de laborator s-a remarcat doar o increase in ESR while the biopsy revealed
creºtere minimã a VSH, în timp ce biopsia a marked epidermal atrophy with pigmentation of
evidenþiat o atrofie epidermicã pronunþatã cu the basal layer accompanied by moderate dermal
pigmentarea stratului bazal alãturi de un edem oedema and a mild lymphocytic inflammatory
dermic moderat ºi un infiltrat cu celule cell infiltrate (Fig 3, Fig 4).
inflamatorii limfocitare (Fig. 3, Fig. 4). Since the eruption showed no further
Având în vedere faptul cã erupþia nu s-a improvement under local and systemic cortico-
ameliorat sub corticoterapia localã ºi sistemicã iar therapy and the skin biopsy ruled out both
biopsia cutanatã a exclus atât eczema cât ºi eczema and lymphoma, a paraneoplastic cause
limfomul, a fost suspectatã natura paraneo- was suspected. The chest X-ray that was later
plazicã. performed showed an opacity in the posterior
Radiografia toracicã efectuatã ulterior a arãtat basal segment of the left lower lobe, bilateral
o opacitate pulmonarã localizatã în segmentul opaque subclavicular micronodules and no
postero-bazal al lobului inferior stâng ºi pleural effusion (Fig 5, Fig 6). The patient was

Fig. 1. Aspect clinic. Erupþia eritematoasã Fig. 2. Aspect clinic. Erupþia eritematoasã
Fig. 1. Clinical aspect. Erythematous eruption Fig. 2. Clinical aspect. Erythematous eruption

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

Fig. 3. Aspect histopatologic, 10X, 4X. Atrofie epidermicã, Fig. 4. Aspect histopatologic, 10X, 4X. Atrofie epidermicã,
infiltrat limfocitar difuz, pigmentarea stratului bazal infiltrat limfocitar difuz, pigmentarea stratului bazal
Fig. 3. Histopathological aspect, 10X, 4X. Epidermal Fig. 4. Histopathological aspect, 10X, 4X. Epidermal
atrophy, diffuse lymphocytic infiltration, pigmentation in atrophy, diffuse lymphocytic infiltration, pigmentation in
the bottom layer the bottom layer

micronoduli opaci situaþi subclavicular bilateral, referred for a pulmonary consultation and at the
fãrã revãrsat pleural (Fig. 5, Fig. 6). Pacientul a pulmonologist’s recommendation a CT scan was
fost consultat ulterior de medicul pneumolog, then executed.
care a recomandat efectuarea unei tomografii The subsequent CT scan revealed a nodular
computerizate. process that occupied the area inferior to the left
Examenul CT realizat ulterior a evidenþiat un oblique fissure. The process had spikes in its
proces nodular situat inferior de scizura oblicã contour along with an intensely irregular shape
stângã. Formaþiunea avea un contur spiculat ºi o and was measuring about 46/40 mm in its
formã intens neregulatã, mãsurând aproximativ maximal axial diameter. The lesion was also
46/40 mm în secþiunea axialã maximã. Leziunea accompanied by small satellite nodules, the
era, de asemenea, însoþitã de mici procese largest of which was located in the left lower
nodulare cu aspect satelit, cea mai mare dintre lobe, measuring 12 mm in diameter. Micro-
acestea fiind localizate în lobul inferior stâng ºi
nodules could also be detected in the right
având un diametru de 12 mm. De asemenea, la
pulmonary lobes. Left hilar lymph node
nivel pulmonar drept s-au putut observa
enlargement was also present and the largest
micronoduli ºi leziuni nodulare mici. S-au pus în
lymphadenopathy was situated infracarinally,
evidenþã ºi un hil pulmonar stâng cu dimensiuni
measuring 38/22 mm. Isolated axillary lymph
global crescute alãturi de adenomegalii media-
stinale, cea mai mare mãsurând 38/22 mm. Au node enlargement was also present, with the
putut fi evidenþiate ºi adenopatii axilare izolate largest lymph node measuring 10 mm in
cu dimensiuni maxime de aprox 10 mm. Nu s-au diameter. No pleural or pericardial effusion could
decelat acumulãri patologice la nivel pleural sau be detected (Fig 7). With this result, the
pericardic (Fig. 7). Având acest rezultat, medicul pulmonologist was able to establish the diagnosis
pneumolog a putut stabili diagnosticul de cancer of lung cancer.
pulmonar. During hospitalization, the patient was
Pe parcursul internãrii, pacienta a fost tratatã treated with systemic and topical corticosteroids,
cu corticosteroizi sistemici ºi topici, ameliorarea with minimal improvement of the skin lesions.
leziunilor cutanate fiind minimã. Ulterior, Afterwards, the patient refused any and all
pacienta a refuzat tratamentul oncologic ºi a fost treatment for the tumor and was eventually lost
pierdutã din evidenþã. to follow-up.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

Fig. 5. Radiografia pulmonarã, vederile postero-anterioarã Fig. 6. Radiografia pulmonarã, vederile postero-anterioarã
ºi lateralã. Opacitate la nivelul segmentului bazal posterior ºi lateralã. Opacitate la nivelul segmentului bazal posterior
stâng ºi micronoduli subclaviculari opaci bilaterali stâng ºi micronoduli subclaviculari opaci bilaterali
Fig. 5. Chest X-ray, PA and LAT view. Opacity in the Fig. 6. Chest X-ray, PA and LAT view. Opacity in the
posterior basal segment of the left lower lobe and bilateral posterior basal segment of the left lower lobe and bilateral
opaque subclavicular micronodules opaque subclavicular micronodules

Fig. 7. Tomografia computerizatã. Proces tumoral la nivelul lobului inferior stâng

Fig. 7. CT scan. Tumoral process in the lower lobe of the left lung

Discuþii Discussions
Afecþiunile paraneoplazice sunt efecte la Paraneoplastic disorders are remote effects
distanþã produse de anumite tipuri de cancer, produced by certain cancers, which can be
acestea neputând fi atribuite nici invaziei locale ºi attributed neither to local invasion nor to
nici metastazelor tumorale. Deºi rareori se metastasis. While seldom lethal, these effects can
întâmplã sã fie letale, ele pot domina tabloul sometimes dominate the clinical picture.[8] They

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

clinic.[8] Sindroamele paraneoplazice au fost were first mentioned in 1890 by a French

menþionate pentru prima datã în 1890 de un specialist, M. Auchè, who reported the involve-
medic specialist francez, M. Auchè, care a relatat ment of the peripheral nervous system in
implicarea sistemului nervos periferic la pacienþii neoplastic patients.[9]
neoplazici.[9] The most common paraneoplastic disorders
Cele mai frecvente tulburãri paraneoplazice are represented by endocrine syndromes
sunt reprezentate de anumite sindroame endo- (Cushing syndrome, inappropriate antidiuresis,
crine (sindromul Cushing, sindromul secreþiei hypercalcemia, hypocalcemia), neurologic and
inadecvate de vasopresinã, hipercalcemia, hipo- neuromuscular syndromes (sensory neuropathy
calcemia), sindroame neurologice ºi neuro- and encephalomyeloneuritis, limbic encephalitis,
musculare (neuropatia senzitivã ºi encefalo- peripheral neuropathies), hematologic syn-
mielonevrita, encefalita limbicã, neuropatii dromes (erythrocytosis, anemia), the hyper-
periferice), sindroame hematologice (eritrocitozã, coagulable state (venous thrombosis, dis-
anemie), starea de hipercoagulabilitate (tromboza seminated intravascular coagulation) and
venoasã, coagularea intravascularã diseminatã) ºi cutaneous syndromes.[8]
sindroame cutanate.[8] Dermatozele paraneo- Paraneoplastic dermatoses encompass a wide
plazice cuprind un grup larg de afecþiuni group of cutaneous and mucocutaneous
cutanate ºi muco-cutanate dependente de o disorders which are related to an internal
malignitate internã dar fãrã a fi legate în mod malignancy in the sense that, although
direct de aceasta. Sindroamele paraneoplazice dependent on its evolution, they are not directly
cutanate pot fi clasificate, în funcþie de linked to the tumor. Paraneoplastic dermatoses
specificitate ºi frecvenþa asocierii cu anumite can be classified, according to specificity and the
tipuri de cancer, în dermatoze paraneoplazice frequency of association to certain cancers, in
obligatorii, facultative ºi excepþionale.[5] obligate, facultative and exceptional paraneo-
Sindroamele cutanate obligatoriu paraneo- plastic dermatoses.[5]
plazice sunt afecþiuni cutanate care se asociazã Obligate paraneoplastic dermatoses are
aproape constant cu anumite neoplazii. Din cutaneous disorders which are almost constantly
aceastã categorie fac parte urmãtoarele der- associated with certain malignancies. Pertaining
matoze: acrokeratoza Bazex (carcinomul cãilor to this category are the following cutaneous
respiratorii superioare), acanthosis nigricans afflictions: acrokeratosis Bazex (upper airways
(adenocarcinom gastric, carcinom bronhogenic), carcinomas), acanthosis nigricans (gastric
keratodermia palmarã “tripe palms” (adeno- adenocarcinoma, bronchogenic carcinoma), tripe
carcinom gastric, carcinom bronhogenic), papilo- palms (gastric adenocarcinoma, bronchogenic
matoza cutanatã floridã (adenocarcinom gastric), carcinoma), florid cutaneous papillomatosis
osteoartropatia hipertroficã (carcinom bronho- (gastric adenocarcinoma), hypertrophic
genic), eritemul necrolitic migrator (gluca- osteoarthropathy (bronchogenic carcinoma),
gonom), eritema gyratum repens (carcinom necrolytic migratory erythema (glucagonoma),
bronhogenic), pemfigus paraneoplazic (limfom, erythema gyratum repens (bronchogenic
leucemie) ºi hipertricoza lanuginosa (diverse carcinomas), paraneoplastic pemphigus
carcinoame).[6, 7] (lymphoma, leukemia), acquired hypertrichosis
Sindroamele cutanate facultativ paraneo- lanuginosa (various carcinomas).[6, 7]
plazice includ sindroame care sunt relativ Facultative paraneoplastic disorders involve
frecvent asociate cu diverse neoplasme. Acestea syndromes which are rather frequently but not
sunt reprezentate de hipocratismul unghial constantly associated with various neoplasms.
(carcinom bronhogenic), semnul Leser-Trélat These are represented by nail clubbing
(carcinom gastric, carcinom bronhogenic), ihtioza (bronchogenic carcinoma), the sign of Leser-
dobânditã (boala Hodgkin), pitiriazis rotunda Trélat (gastric carcinoma, bronchogenic carci-
(carcinom hepatocelular), hiperkeratoza palmarã noma), acquired ichthyosis (Hodgkin disease),
dobânditã (diverse tumori solide), dermato- pityriasis rotunda (hepatocellular carcinoma),
miozita (leucemie, limfom), sindromul Sweet acquired palmar filiform hyperkeratosis (various

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

(leucemie, limfom), pyoderma gangrenosum solid tumors), dermatomyositis (leukemia,

(leucemie, limfom), sindromul unghiilor galbene lymphoma), erythroderma (lymphoma, various
(cancer mamar), eritromelalgia (neoplasme tumors), Sweet syndrome (leukemia, lym-
mieloproliferative), reticulohistiocitoza multi- phoma), pyoderma gangrenosum (leukemia,
centricã (limfom), sindromul fasciitei palmare cu lymphoma), yellow nail syndrome (breast
poliartritã (cancer ovarian), pruritul generalizat cancer), erythromelalgia (myeloproliferative
fãrã leziuni cutanate (boala Hodgkin, limfom). neoplasms), multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
[6, 7] (lymphoma), palmar fasciitis and polyarthritis
Sindroamele cutanate excepþional paraneo- syndrome (ovarian cancer), generalized pruritus
plazice sunt dermatoze care rareori se asociazã cu without skin lesions (Hodgkin disease,
o malignitate internã. Printre acestea se numãrã lymphoma).[6, 7]
pemfigoidul bulos (tumori solide), epidermoliza Exceptional paraneoplastic disorders are
buloasã dobânditã (limfom), dermatoza buloasã syndromes that are infrequently associated with
cu depozite liniare de IgA (limfom Hodgkin), an internal malignancy. Such are the cases of
sindromul Raynaud (limfom, tumori solide), bullous pemphigoid (solid tumors), acquired
sindromul sclerodermiform (limfoame), urticaria epidermolysis bullosa (lymphoma), linear IgA
cronicã (cancer ovarian, limfom), vitiligo dermatosis (Hodgkin lymphoma), Raynaud
(melanom), eczema craquelé (adenocarcinom syndrome (lymphomas, solid tumors), sclero-
gastric), eritem inelar centrifug (carcinom dermiform syndrome (lymphomas), chronic
bronhogenic). [6, 7] urticaria (ovarian cancer, lymphoma), vitiligo
Deºi cele mai multe neoplasme sunt capabile (melanoma), eczema craquelé (gastric adeno-
sã asocieze fenomene paraneoplazice, s-a carcinoma), erythema annulare centrifugum
demonstrat faptul cã tumorile pulmonare (bronchogenic carcinoma).[6, 7]
asociazã cel mai frecvent astfel de afecþiuni [10], While most neoplasms are capable of
aproape 10% dintre pacienþii cu cancer pulmonar associating various paraneoplastic phenomena, it
suferind, de asemenea, ºi de un sindrom has been shown that lung tumors most
paraneoplazic. [11] Nu s-a stabilit nicio legãturã commonly associate this type of disorders[10],
între severitatea sindroamelor paraneoplazice ºi with almost 10% of lung cancer patients also
stadiul tumorii primare. Ocazional, aceste suffering from a paraneoplastic effect.[11] No
tulburãri se pot dezvolta înaintea depistãrii connection has been demonstrated between the
afecþiunii maligne, în timp ce în alte cazuri ele se severity of the paraneoplastic syndromes and the
pot instala în stadiile tardive ale bolii sau ca un extent of the primary tumor. Occasionally, these
semn de recidivã tumoralã. disorders will develop before the detection of the
Carcinomul bronhogenic poate asocia o gamã malignancy, while in other cases they may appear
largã de afecþiuni paraneoplazice, cele mai in the late stages of the disease or as a sign of
frecvente dintre acestea fiind reprezentate de relapse.
sindroamele endocrine, neurologice ºi osteo- A broad range of paraneoplastic disorders
articulare. Sindroamele endocrine întâlnite în has been shown to be associated with broncho-
cancerul pulmonar includ hipercalcemia asociatã genic carcinoma, the most frequent of which are
malignitãþii, sindromul secreþiei inadecvate de endocrine, neurologic and skeletal effects.
vasopresinã, sindromul Cushing, ginecomastia, Endocrine syndromes include humoral hyper-
hipoglicemia, hipercalcitoninemia, hipertiroidis- calcemia of malignancy, syndrome of
mul ºi sindromul carcinoid. Sindroamele inappropriate antidiuretic hormone production,
neurologice întâlnite în neoplasmele pulmonare Cushing’s syndrome, gynecomastia, hypo-
pot fi împãrþite în douã subgrupe, respectiv glycemia, hypercalcitonemia, hyperthyroidism
sindroame ale sistemului nervos central ºi and carcinoid syndrome. Neurologic syndromes
sindroame ale sistemului nervos periferic. found in lung malignancies can be divided into
Exemple de afecþiuni aparþinând primei categorii two subgroups, namely syndromes of the central
sunt reprezentate de encefalomielitã, mielopatia nervous system and syndromes of the peripheral
necrotizantã, encefalita limbicã ºi retinopatia nervous system. Examples of pathological

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

asociatã cancerului. Sindroame paraneoplazice conditions pertaining to the first category are
cu implicarea sistemului nervos periferic sunt encephalomyelitis, necrotizing myelopathy,
reprezentate de neuropatia senzorialã subacutã, limbic encephalitis and cancer associated
neuropatiile autonome, pseudo-obstrucþia retinopathy. Examples of pathological conditions
gastrointestinalã cronicã, sindromul Guillan- related to the peripheral nervous system are
Barré, nevrita brahialã, miastenia gravis ºi subacute sensory neuropathy, autonomic
sindromul miastenic Eaton-Lambert. Sin- neuropathies, chronic gastrointestinal pseudo-
droamele osteo-articulare includ osteoartropatia obstruction, Guillan-Barré syndrome, brachial
hipertroficã ºi hipocratismul digital. [1, 12] neuritis, myasthenia gravis, Eaton-Lambert
Dermatozele paraneoplazice întâlnite cel mai myasthenic syndrome. Skeletal syndromes
frecvent la pacienþii cu cancer pulmonar includ include hypertrophic osteoarthropathy and
acrokeratoza Bazex, acantosis nigricans, kerato- digital clubbing. [1, 12]
dermia palmarã “tripe palms”, semnul Leser- Paraneoplastic dermatological disorders
Trélat ºi eritema gyratum repens.[1] most commonly encountered in lung cancer
Acrokeratoza paraneoplazicã sau sindromul patients include acrokeratosis Bazex, acanthosis
Bazex se asociazã întotdeauna unei neoplazii, cel nigricans, tripe palms, the sign of Leser-Trélat
mai adesea cu localizare la nivelul tractului and erythema gyratum repens. [1]
aerodigestiv superior sau pulmonar.[13] Dintre Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica or Bazex
tipurile histologice de cancer pulmonar, syndrome is always associated with a
carcinomul cu celule scuamoase asociazã cel mai malignancy, most often located in the upper
frecvent sindromul Bazex, urmat de adeno- aerodigestive tract or in the lungs.[13] Among the
carcinom.[14] Acrokeratoza paraneoplazicã este histological types of lung cancer, squamous cell
observatã aproape exclusiv la bãrbaþii cu o vârstã carcinoma most commonly associates Bazex
medie de 55 de ani, care relateazã un abuz de syndrome, followed by adenocarcinoma.
alcool ºi tutun în trecut. Leziunile sunt eritemato- [14] Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica is almost
scuamoase, psoriaziforme: plãci imprecis deli- exclusively observed in male patients around the
mitate de culoare roºie-violacee, acoperite de age of 55 who report alcohol and cigarette abuse
scuame de grosimi variabile, mai mult sau mai in the past. The lesions are erythemato-
puþin aderente; leziunile sunt nepruriginoase ºi squamous, psoriasiform: poorly defined plaques
nedureroase. Topografia este limitatã la extre- of purplish-red color, covered in scales of various
mitãþi, nas ºi urechi. Tratarea tumorii amelioreazã thickness and adhesiveness, nonpruritic and
semnificativ leziunile cutanate. Deºi painless. The topography is limited to the
fiziopatologia sindromului nu este clarã, în extremities, nasal ridge and ears. Treatment of the
prezent se atribuie un rol factorilor de creºtere.[6] malignancy greatly improves the cutaneous
Acanthosis nigricans este o afecþiune ce poate lesions. Although the pathophysiology of the
fi împãrþitã în douã categorii: acanthosis syndrome is still not clear, attributing a role to
nigricans malign sau paraneoplazic ºi acanthosis growth factors is currently taken into con-
nigricans benign, care poate fi idiopatic, familial, sideration. [6]
indus de medicamente (acid nicotinic) sau în Acanthosis nigricans is a condition that can
contextul hiperinsulinemiei. Toþi pacienþii adulþi be divided into two groups: malignant or
cu acanthosis nigricans instalat spontan, paraneoplastic acanthosis nigricans and benign
indiferent de sex, ar trebui sã fie investigaþi acanthosis nigricans, which can be idiopathic,
suplimentar, având în vedere posibilitatea familial, drug induced (nicotinic acid) or
depistãrii unei malignitãþi interne. Deºi associated with hyperinsulinemia.[15] All adult
adenocarcinoamele gastrice asociazã cel mai patients with new-onset acanthosis nigricans,
frecvent acanthosis nigricans, reprezentând 55- regardless of gender, should go through a
61% din totalul adenocarcinoamelor ce sunt detailed examination for internal malignancy.
însoþite de acest sindrom, s-a raportat, de Although gastric adenocarcinomas most
asemenea, un numãr semnificativ de cazuri de frequently associate acanthosis nigricans,
carcinom pulmonar cu celule mici asociind representing 55-61% of all adenocarcinomas that

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

acanthosis nigricans. [16] Aspectul clinic associate this syndrome, a significant number of
caracteristic din acanthosis nigricans este non-small-cell lung carcinoma cases associating
reprezentat de plãcile cenuºii care se întunecã acanthosis nigricans has also been reported.[16]
treptat pânã ajung la o culoare aproape neagrã, The most important clinical aspect of acanthosis
fiind localizate în axilã, feþele interne ale nigricans is represented by gray plaques that
coapselor, regiunea anogenitalã, pliurile de piele slowly darken to an almost black color, located in
de la nivelul foselor cubitalã ºi poplitee ºi the axilla, inner thighs, anogenital region, folds of
regiunea cervicalã posterioarã. De asemenea, la skin behind the elbows and knees and the back of
nivelul acestor plãci se pot întâlni papiloame ºi the neck. Papillomas and seborrheic keratoses are
keratoze seboreice.[6] Patogeneza din acanthosis also typical in paraneoplastic acanthosis
nigricans paraneoplazic, deºi încã neclarã, se nigricans.[6] The pathogenesis of paraneoplastic
presupune cã implicã un nivel crescut de factor de acanthosis nigricans, although unclear, is
creºtere transformant (TGF) care vizeazã epi- believed to involve an increased level of
dermul prin intermediul receptorului factorului de transforming growth factor (TGF) targeting the
creºtere epidermal (EGFR). [17] epidermal tissue via epidermal growth factor
Hiperkeratoza palmarã “tripe palms”, receptor (EGFR). [17]
cunoscutã ºi sub numele de acanthosis palmaris Tripe palms is also known as palmar
sau pahidermatoglifia dobânditã, se defineºte hyperkeratosis, acanthosis palmaris or acquired
printr-o îngroºare de culoare gãlbuie a pachydermatoglyphia and it is defined by a
tegumentului de la nivelul palmelor ºi plantelor yellowish thickening of the palms and soles
care conduce la dermatoglife accentuate. Studiile which leads to pronounced dermatoglyphics.[6]
aratã faptul cã majoritatea cazurilor de
Studies show that most cases of tripe palms,
hiperkeratozã palmarã, respectiv 94%, sunt
specifically 94%, are related to cancer[18],
cauzate de cancer[18], astfel încât specialiºtii sunt
prompting medical specialists to do a detailed
determinaþi sã efectueze investigaþii mai detaliate
examination for internal malignancies when
atunci când se confruntã cu aceastã afecþiune, cu
encountering this ailment. In 77% of cases
scopul depistãrii unor eventuale afecþiuni
acanthosis palmaris was observed in association
maligne. În 77% din cazuri, acanthosis palmaris a
with acanthosis nigricans. The most commonly
fost observat în asociere cu acanthosis nigricans.
observed underlying cancer in patients with
Cancerul responsabil de cele mai multe cazuri de
hiperkeratozã palmarã, respectiv 54%, este palmar hyperkeratosis alone was bronchogenic
reprezentat de carcinomul bronhogenic, în timp carcinoma, adding to a total of 53% of cases,
ce asocierea hiperkeratozei palmare cu acanthosis while patients that associated acanthosis
nigricans s-a întâlnit mai frecvent în cancerul palmaris and acanthosis nigricans most often
gastric (35% din cazuri) dar ºi în cel bronhogenic suffered from gastric cancer (35% of cases)
(11% din cazuri).[6,18] Fiziopatologia acanthosis followed by bronchogenic carcinoma (11% of
palmaris este încã neclarã, dar se atribuie un rol cases).[6,18] The pathophysiology of tripe palms
efectelor proliferative ale TGF-α secretate de is still not clear, but it is thought to involve the
tumorã. [6, 19] proliferative effects of TGF-α secreted by the
Semnul lui Leser-Trélat se referã la apariþia tumor. [6, 19]
bruscã a numeroase keratoze seboreice sau The sign of Leser-Trélat expresses the sudden
creºterea rapidã a numãrului ºi dimensiunii celor onset of multiple seborrheic keratoses or the
preexistente. Acest sindrom poate fi însoþit, rapid increase in number and size of preexisting
ocazional, de alte afecþiuni paraneoplazice ones. This syndrome is sometimes associated
cutanate, precum acanthosis nigricans.[6] with other paraneoplastic diseases, such as
Adenocarcinoamele gastrice par sã asocieze cel acanthosis nigricans.[6] Gastric adenocarcinomas
mai frecvent semnul Leser-Trélat[16], fiind seem to associate the sign of Leser-Trélat most
urmate de carcinoamele pulmonare cu celule frequently[16], followed by non-small-cell lung
mici.[20] Patogeneza acestui sindrom nu este pe carcinomas.[20] The pathogenesis of this
deplin înþeleasã, dar se acceptã implicarea syndrome is poorly understood, with a role being
mutaþiilor genelor FGF3 ºi PIK3CA.[21] attributed to mutations of FGF3 and PIK3CA.[21]

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

Eritema gyratum repens este o dermatozã Erythema gyratum repens is a rare der-
rarã care însoþeºte de obicei neoplasmele matosis that usually accompanies intrathoracic
intratoracice, deºi a fost descrisã ºi în absenþa neoplasms, although it has also been reported
vreunei malignitãþi detectabile.[22] Erupþia in the absence of any detectable malignancy.
constã în benzi eritematoase concentrice de 2 [22]
pânã la 3 cm lãþime, care creeazã un aspect The eruption consists of 2 to 3 cm wide
dantelat, respectând în general faþa, scalpul ºi erythematous concentric strips that create a lacy
extremitãþile. Aceste leziuni se aflã în continuã aspect, generally respecting the face, scalp
schimbare, lãsând în urma lor o descuamare finã. and extremities. These lesions are constantly
Ocazional acestea pot deveni pruriginoase.[6] Un shifting, leaving behind a thin desquamation.
studiu ce a inclus 49 de cazuri de eritema Occasionally pruritus is reported. [6] A review
gyratum repens a arãtat faptul cã 84% dintre that included 49 cases of erythema gyratum
cazuri au fost determinate de o malignitate repens showed that 84% of the cases were related
internã, carcinomul bronhogenic fiind cel mai to an internal malignancy, with bronchogenic
frecvent cancer care a determinat apariþia acestui carcinoma being the most common cancer that
sindrom.[23] Fiziopatologia implicatã în aceastã associated this syndrome. [23] The patho-
afecþiune este încã neclarã, dar se suspecteazã physiology involved in this syndrome is still
implicarea unui mecanism imun, deoarece în unclear, although an immune mechanism is taken
membrana bazalã a pielii acestor pacienþi au fost into consideration since complement and
detectate depuneri de imunoglobulinã ºi immunoglobulin deposits were detected in the
complement. [24] basal membrane of both healthy and affected
Eritrodermia sau dermatita exfoliativã se skin. [24]
caracterizeazã prin eritem ºi descuamare ce
Erythroderma or exfoliative dermatitis is
afecteazã cel puþin 90% din suprafaþa corpului.
characterized by erythema and scaling affecting
[25] Aceasta poate fi însoþitã de alte simptome
at least 90% of the body surface.[25] It may be
precum febrã, frisoane ºi prurit. Cel mai frecvent
accompanied by other symptoms like fever, chills
apare ca exprimare a exacerbãrii unor boli
and pruritus. It is most often caused by an
dermatologice preexistente, precum dermatita
exacerbation of a previous dermatologic disease
atopicã ºi psoriazis, sau în contextul unor reacþii
like atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or a drug
cutanate post-medicamentoase. Dintre medi-
reaction. The most common drugs that can be
camente, cel mai adesea pot cauza eritrodermie
antibioticele (penicilina, sulfonamidele), allo- related to erythroderma are antibiotics
purinolul, dapsona, blocanþii canalelor de calciu, (penicillin, sulfonamides), allopurinol, dapsone,
cimetidina, sãrurile de aur ºi litiul.[26] Deºi mult calcium channel blockers, cimetidine, gold salts
mai rar, o tumorã malignã poate fi detectatã în and lithium.[26] Although infrequent, a
aproximativ 10% din cazurile de eritrodermie.[6] malignant tumor can be detected in about 10% of
Cancerele hepatice, de colon, sân, prostatã ºi erythroderma cases.[6] It has been shown that
tiroidiene asociazã cel mai adesea eritrodermia ca liver, colon, breast, prostate and thyroid cancer
manifestare cutanatã paraneoplazicã, în timp ce most often associate erythroderma as a
eritrodermia determinatã de cancerul pulmonar paraneoplastic cutaneous manifestation, while
este, în realitate, o descoperire rarã.[27] Meca- erythroderma related to lung cancer is actually a
nismele implicate în patogeneza dermatitei very rare finding.[27] The mechanisms related to
exfoliative paraneoplazice sunt încã insuficient the pathophysiology of exfoliative dermatitis
înþelese, dar se suspecteazã o naturã imunã. caused by internal malignancies are still
Astfel, se vorbeºte despre un turn-over epidermic insufficiently understood, although they are
accelerat determinat de prezenþa infiltratului believed to be of an immune nature. Thus, an
limfocitic bogat ce apare în urma interacþiunii accelerated epidermal turnover occurs as a result
complexe dintre proteinele de semnalizare of the lymphocytic infiltrate that is caused by a
precum interleukinele 1, 2, 8 ºi moleculele de complex interaction between signaling proteins
adeziune celularã precum molecula de adeziune such as interleukins 1, 2, 8 and cell adhesion
celularã vascularã (VCAM) ºi molecula de adeziune molecules like vascular cell adhesion molecule

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

intercelularã (ICAM). [28] Se iau în considerare, de (VCAM) and intercellular adhesion molecule
asemenea, ºi un rãspuns imun cauzat de celulele (ICAM). [28] However, an immune response
tumorale, precum ºi o reacþie încruciºatã între brought about by the tumor cells or an antigenic
antigenele tumorale ºi cele cutanate normale. [29] cross-reaction between carcinoma and the
Eritrodermia paraneoplazicã este un tegument are also taken into consideration.[29]
indicator foarte rar al cancerului pulmonar, în Paraneoplastic erythroderma is a very rare
literaturã fiind descrise doar câteva astfel de indicator of lung cancer, with only a handful of
cazuri. Gupta et al au descris cazul unui pacient such cases having been described in the
în vârstã de 53 de ani, admis pentru eritem, literature. Gupta et al described the case of a 53-
îngroºare ºi descuamare a pielii asociate cu prurit year-old male patient admitted for erythema,
intens, având o duratã de 3 luni. Investigaþiile thickening and scaling of the skin associated with
clinice ºi paraclinice au condus la depistarea intense pruritus with 3 month duration. Clinical
cancerului pulmonar situat în lobul inferior and paraclinical investigations have led to the
drept. [30] Adramanantena et al au prezentat diagnosis of lung cancer in the right lower lobe.
cazul unui pacient în vârstã de 81 de ani care a [30] Adramanantena et al presented the case of an
fost internat pentru alterarea stãrii generale ºi 81-year-old male patient who was admitted with
eritrodermie. Dupã ce s-a diagnosticat cancerul general malaise and erythroderma. After being
pulmonar, s-a instituit chimioterapie, rãspunsul diagnosed with lung cancer, chemotherapy was
tumoral fiind favorabil, eritrodermia cedând de instituted and there was a favorable tumoral
asemenea în intensitate. Cu toate acestea, response along with the fading of erythroderma.
recurenþa eritrodermiei la 2 luni dupã finalizarea However, the tumor relapse was announced by
chimioterapiei a anunþat recidiva tumoralã.[31] O the recurrence of erythroderma 2 months after
combinaþie rarã de multiple manifestãri paraneo- the completion of chemotherapy.[31 A rare
plazice cutanate reprezentate de eritrodermie, association of multiple paraneoplastic cutaneous
ihtiozã dobânditã ºi keratodermie palmo- disorders: erythroderma, acquired ichthyosis and
plantarã a fost raportatã la un bãrbat în vârstã de palmo-plantar keratoderma was reported in a 56-
56 de ani care a fost diagnosticat cu cancer year-old male patient, who was diagnosed with
pulmonar cu celule mici. Dupã o pneumo- non-small cell lung cancer. After a left pneu-
nectomie stângã, manifestãrile cutanate au cedat. monectomy, all cutaneous manifestations ceased.
Totuºi, recidiva tumoralã a avut loc un an mai Still, the tumor recurrence occured a year later
târziu cu consecinþe fatale. [32] Similar cu cazul and the outcome was fatal.[32] Similarly to the
de faþã, Chirag et al au prezentat cazul unui case we are describing, Chirag et al presented the
pacient în vârstã de 55 de ani, admis pentru case of a 55-year-old male patient admitted for
eritrodermie cu o duratã de 7 luni. Pacientul nu a erythroderma with 7 month duration. The patient
rãspuns la corticoterapie ºi, prin urmare, had no response to corticotherapy and therefore
suspiciunea unei afecþiuni neoplazice a dus la the suspicion of an internal malignancy led to the
diagnosticarea cancerului pulmonar cu celule diagnosis of squamous cell lung cancer. [33]
scuamoase. [33] In the case we are reporting, the patient
În cazul pe care îl expunem, pacienta a presented for a generalized erythematous
prezentat o erupþie eritematoasã generalizatã eruption accompanied by intense pruritus that
însoþitã de prurit intens, având debutul cu 6 luni had occurred 6 months prior to the presentation.
înainte de prezentare. Având în vedere aspectele Taking into account the clinical aspects, the lack
clinice, lipsa rãspunsului la corticoterapie ºi of response to corticotherapy and the histo-
rezultatul histopatologic, am considerat necesarã pathological findings, we went looking for
o colaborare cu medicul pneumolog. În urma collaboration with the pneumologist. Following
investigaþiilor ulterioare, s-a constatat faptul cã further investigation it was found that the patient
pacienta suferea, de fapt, de cancer pulmonar, was in fact suffering from lung cancer so that
astfel încât, în cele din urmã, s-a putut stabili ultimately, the diagnosis of paraneoplastic
diagnosticul de eritrodermie paraneoplazicã. erythroderma was established.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(1): 35-47

Concluzii Conclusion
Prin acest caz dorim sã subliniem importanþa This case aims to underline the importance of
recunoaºterii sindroamelor dermatologice pre- recognizing dermatological syndromes and
cum ºi stabilirea cauzelor acestora. Astfel, când establish their causes. Whenever the etiology is
etiologia este neclarã, ar trebui efectuate unclear, further examination for internal
investigaþii suplimentare cu scopul depistãrii malignancies should always be performed, since
unei eventuale afecþiuni maligne. Acest mod de it might lead to an earlier diagnosis that could
abordare ar putea duce la stabilirea mai rapidã a contribute to a better outcome. Paraneoplastic
unui diagnostic cert, lucru care ar putea contribui erythroderma is a very rare tell-tale sign of
la obþinerea unor rezultate mai bune. Eritro- lung cancer that nevertheless should not be
dermia paraneoplazicã este o manifestare foarte overlooked, especially in cases resistant to
rarã a cancerului pulmonar, dar care totuºi nu conventional treatment.
trebuie trecutã cu vederea, mai ales în cazurile în
care se dovedeºte a fi rezistentã la tratamentul

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Conflict de interese Conflict of interest


Adresa de corespondenþã: Mircea Tampa

Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecþioase ºi Tropicale “Dr. Victor Babeº”, Secþia Dermatologie, Bucureºti.
Universitatea de Medicinã ºi Farmacie “Carol Davila”, Bucureºti.

Correspondance address: Mircea Tampa

“Victor Babeº” Hospital of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Dermatology Department, Bucharest.
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest.


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