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NAME- Nidhi Mhaiskey

Class-10 A
School-Ira International School

CBSE Storytelling Competition on Stories of Human -interest

Category---Secondary Class 9 to 10


Wilhelm Town was famous for its beauty and mystery. There's a secret that a 'dangerous
treasure' is hidden somewhere in its dense woods.Jake wanted to discover it.He roamed in the
Black Hills and found a man who said,"Hey you girl!Oh yes boy...That's stupid!Anyone who
searches for it is also stupid!You stupid!Me stupid!Everyone stupid!"
Jake laughed.The man said-
"​The treasure lies near the heart of the Hill,
in the shoes of the oldest living being,
the smart one surely will,
discover that bloody thing​."

Next day,when Jake picked up the newspaper,the headline read-

"The heart of the Black Hills-Maiden River-is all polluted"
He was overjoyed.His mother said, "When I was of your age,I used to play there and climb the
oldest living being."
Jake asked,"What are you talking about mum?"
"The tall tree near the Maiden River,it's said to be the oldest one on Black Hills.People jokingly
call it the oldest living being."
Jake discovered the treasure soon.
He opened the box and found a video game.A beam of light flashed upon his eyes and the next
moment he was startled,"This isn't Wilhelm!Where am I?"He asked a shopkeeper who
replied,"Oh well,who are you to ask me this?You stole my fish!You are a thief!"Jake was
frightened.He started running.He finally met two men whom he asked the name of the
place."Hey,you know what, we actually don't care,unless we get elected.Look at this picture
He's our leader.Does this guy look like a leader to you?"Jake asked them again."Look,I told you
that doesn't matter to me anymore.What benefit will I get remembering the name of this city,
proudly called Madness Peak? Whoops!"

Jake was worried.A women appeared who said,"Boy you have entered a game.You
have to find the Majestic Stone.You have only one life. Here's the entire map and here meet
Natasha and Steve;they too entered the game."Jake started right away.He described his
plan,"So the stone lies in Morgan;to reach there we have to pass through some obstacles."
"Of what kind?"asked Steve.
Natasha answered,"They are gonna be riddles.One wrong answer and we are trapped."
Steve said,"That's right!Let's go!"
"No,we have to go Knowhere."said Jake.
"We have to go somewhere Jake."
"No,now Knowhere is a place;on the way to Morgan."

They opened the map and the letters appeared-

"What lies in the middle of March and April but not at the beginning of any month?"
Natasha said,"Is it summer?"
Steve said,"It has to be Ice Cream."
Jake said laughing,"The letter R is the answer."
They all went ahead to Queens.

"If you drop me,I'm sure to crack,but give me a smile and I'll always smile back."
"Is it a Mirror?"said Natasha.
"Do you think a mirror smiles back?"said Steve.
"Yes, it does.We get it!"
Finally they reached Morgan.

​"I have cities, but no houses,

I have mountains, but no trees,
I have water, but no fish."

Steve panicked,"What's this?Is it a dream?"

Natasha said,"Oh look at the map again."
Steve jumped and said,"Map!That's the answer!"
Natasha was worried,"If we get wrong,we stay here forever Steve."
Jake said,"I believe Map should be the answer.However,if it's not,then we can do nothing.Let's
go for it."

Suddenly,with a huge thunder,the Majestic Stone appeared.They gave it to the woman

who returned them the video game."GAME OVER!YOU WIN!"
They came back to Black Hills and destroyed the game.They saw the man who said,"Stupids
again….this Cake!No ,Jake!Go home you idiots."

Thank You!

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