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1. Microscope, an invaluable instrument in microanalysis has 3 general parts namely:
a. Low power, medium, high power objectives c. magnifying, mechanical, illuminating
b. Cause adjustment, fine adj. Eyepiece d. condenser, mirror, Irish diaphragm
2. The marijuana leaf, small twigs, seeds hulls, and flowering tope exhibits a characteristic of warty
appearance due to the presence of non-granular hair w/o is also known
a. Spheroid, base c. CaCo₃
b. Cystholit hair d. Tetrahydrocannabinol
3. The following are preliminary test for blood except
a. Benzedrine test c. luminal test
b. Kastle-mayer test d. all of the above
4. This chemical test can give a positive proof of semen
a. Florence test c. acid phosphate test
b. barberios test d. all of the above
5. The conclusive test for marijuana is to determine the presence of cannabinol and
tetracannabinol and this is best done by
a. fast blue salt test c. thin layer chromatography
b. microscopic test d. color test
6. A wet blood stain should be dried by
a. placing it near hot object c. air dry sample
b. placing under the sun d. inside the oven
7. A concentrated resin extracted from marijuana and contains purely tetrahydrocannabinol
a. cocaine c. heroin
b. marijuana or pots d. hashis
8. The microscope course adjustment is used
a. hold diff. objective and facilitate shifting o such objectives
b. initial focusing by raising or lowering the body tube
c. condense and concentrate the reflected light from the mirror thru specimen
d. observe the details of the specimen but very ,much large
e. none of these
9. in the collecting blood sample, the liquid blood is placed on a sterile test tube and preservative
added which is
a. hydrogen peroxide c. 10 % formalin
b. sodium fluoride d. distilled water
10. Useful for detecting nor determination, demonstration or menstruation of blood corpuscle
a. Confirmatory test c. kestle mayer test
b. microscopic test d. none of these
11. Preliminary test indicates that the stain is blood and to establish definitely that the stain is really
a. confirmatory test c. micro chemical test
b. perception test d. blood grouping
12. Most delicate and reliable test for determining the presence of blood on both old and recent
a. spectroscopic exam c. micro chemical test
b. biological exam d. microscopic test
13. Process in which a normal suspension of human red cells mixed the serum of another group
thus when reacting & produces a clumping together
a. Agglutination c. Heterogenic
b. homozygous d. none of the above

14. the genes are unlike or not like and a new combination will arise in the next generation
a. homogeneous c. genes
b. heterogeneous d. all of the above
15. it ejaculated by male species and the normal quantity for an average person is about 1.5 to 3.5
cc per ejaculation
a. spermatozoa c. genes
b. semen d. all of the above
16. semen without spermatozoa
a. olingospermia c. genes
b. ovanism d. none of these
17. an appendages of the skin w/c occurs everywhere on the human exept palm of the hand and
sole of the feet
a. fozzy hair c. public hair
b. scalp hair d. hair
18. outermost covering and consist of one layer non-nucleated polygonal cells w/c overlaps like
scale fish
a. medulla c. cortez
b. roots d. cuticle
19. includes partially burned particles deposit on the target at definite pattern depending on the
a. gunpowder residue c. gunpowder test
b. smudging d. none of the above
20. principles involve in to the produces and formed phenolphthalein, producing pink color in the
presence of alkali
a. distillation c. oxidation
b. gravitation d. aeration
21. to prove conclusive for the presence of blood and substance responsible for establishing the
presence of blood
a. precipitin test c. microscopic test
b. confirmatory test d. takayama test
22. solution used to improved the microscopic appearance of specimen under the microscope
a. Iodine sol. c. saline soil
b. tincture solution d. none of the above
23. I collecting evidence to a rape case in hotel or rooms one process is by using ultra violet light to
determined the seminal stain to a cloth which the appearance is
a. Luminous white c. mucus from nose
b. Yellowish d. all of the above
24. Which of the following s the proper way to collect and preserve garments (as evidence) with wet
a. Allow it to air-dry out of direct sunlight and pack it with a paper container with a proper
b. Dry it directly under direct sunlight and place it in a plastic bag
c. Immediately place it in a plastic bag and seal it
d. Cut the wet portion and place it in a plastic bag
25. Which of the following is the proper procedure in the documentation of DNA evidence at a
crime scene:
a. Photograph it before it is touched, move or collected
b. Have a plastic container to placed collected material
c. Immediately collect and pack the evidence
d. Cordon the area

26. When collecting DNA sample evidence, what do you do?

a. Pick it up with your bare hands
b. Wear gloves and mask every time this specimen is handled
c. Have the collected materials dried immediately to prevent contamination
d. Placed the collected materials together in a plastic container to avoid contamination
27. In blood grouping examination, the inheritance of the AB O factors that falls to sum of inherent
genes found to the evidence
a. phenotype c. genes
b. genotype d. spermatozoa
28. Lab procedures in tracing blood type as follow except
a. salination of blood sample c. shacking the centrifuge sample and drop a sulfur acid
b. Centrifuge the sample with saline sol d. None of the above
29. Sanction by law of ascertaining a judicial proceeding truth respecting a matter of fact in issue
wherein scientific knowledge is necessary
a. physical evidence c. scientific evidence
b. evidence d. circumstantial evidence
30. What is the amount of DNA sample evidence, what do you do?
a. 15 Ng c. 5 Ng
b. 10 Ng d. 2 Ng
31. This is a way amount of DNA needed for PRC based DNA analysis
a. Immersing in boiling coffee c. immersing in acid
b. steaming the paper in boiling water d. exposing to direct sunlight
32. This refers to the clumping of blood in the test for blood
a. contamination c. suspension
b. agglutination d. hardening
33. This test determines whether a blood is human or animal
a. takayama test c. marquis test
b. benzedine test d. diphenylamine
34. What do you call fluid portion of blood
a. cell c. erythrocyte
b. Genes d. plasma
35. This is the cell arising from the union of an egg and a sperm cell:
a. gene c. spermatozoa
b. sperm d. zygote
36. This is a road-like structure in the cell nucleus, along which the genes are located. It is composed
of DNA surrounded by other materials, mainly protein:
a. gene c. cell
b. chromosome d. enzyme
37. A unit of inheritance consisting of a DNA segment located on a chromosome
a. gene c. cell
b. chromosome d. enzyme
38. What is the constituent of blood, which is responsible for the formation of haemochromogen
a. red blood cell c. serum
b. white blood cell d. antibody
39. This is one of the active ingredients of marijuana:
a. tetrahydrocannibol c. spheroidal cystolith
b. patric hayes d. silvertone keys


40. This protein that destroys or inactivates a specific antigen can be found in the blood serum:
a. antibody c. antigen
b. antiserum d. erythrocyte
41. What do you call the circular lines, perpendicular and faces the surface where the force
a. radial fractures c. rear crack
b. concentric fractures d. right angle fracture
42. Radial cracks form a right angle on the reverse side of the force is called
a. front crack c. 3R’s rule
b. RFC rule d. radial fracture
43. If the side of the pane which is struck is called the “front”, it will be found, when examining the
triangular pieces shown above, lines of the edges are parallel to the
a. front side of the 2 edge formed
b. pattern edge formed and reversed at the line right angle
c. point of impact caused by stretching of the glass front surface
d. all of the above
44. The above figure illustrate the marks left on the three edges explained by the principles of
a. Matwejeff c. 3R’s rule
b. RFC rule d. the theory of Matwejeff
45. Presuming the figures above is a window pane of automobile as described before, radial cracks
begins from the side opposite the impact begins from the side called
a. spiral or concentric crack c. concentric
b. spiral radial fracture d. front fracture
46. The left fracture, serves as a point of comparison to glasses surface is called
a. polish mark c. glass composition
b. X-ray diffraction d. opacity
47. The sheets of glass cemented together by transparent sheet of cellulose nitrate or acetate are
classified as
a. pyrex glass c. safety glass
b. optical glass d. hand glass
48. They settle very slowly and ultimately deposit on any exposed surface. It is significant in crime
a. grem c. clay mineral
b. dust deposited from the air d. mineral
49. What color can you see under the ultra-violet light on metal pattern examination?
a. pale yellow fluorescence c. dark maroon fluorescence
b. light maroon fluorescence d. bright maroon fluorescence
50. In the physical examination of aluminum and lead under the U.V. light, their color is
a. tannish c. mottled dull yellow
b. bright yellow d. blackish purple
51. In the formation of rocks and minerals, soil on the surface of the earth, decomposition of
igneous particles are called
a. alluvial soil c. primary minerals
b. sedimentary soil d. colluvial soil
52. What is the most important in the identification of soil?
a. primary mineral c. clay mineral
b. organic constituent d. rock formation


53. Some aspect in document examination, especially from provinces, detection, and deciphering
paper document maybe classified as
a. illegible writing c. erasure
b. obliteration d. contact writing
54. In the chemical methods on paper examination, paper moistened with hypochlorite eradicator
and turns to blue color, and revealed the color of ink and fibers used. This method is
a. starch iodide paper test c. ammonium sulfate vapor test
b. pH indicator paper test d. litmus paper test
55. An objectionable feature in chemical examination to documents may be prevented by carefully
applying reagent, and then the kind of ink used will always prevail. What is the ink if sodium,
potassium and sulfur or hydroxide is used?
a. Logwood ink c. gallotanc ink
b. Alanine ink d. ball point pen ink
56. The application of pressure on the writing instrument and would appear as a carbon copy if a
sheet of carbon is inserted in between.
a. obliterated writing c. indented writing
b. developing invisible writing d. carbon paper
57. What produces contact mark on the area or impression to walls or in body of cars?
a. friction mark c. tool mark
b. compression mark d. all of these
58. Stress lines on a concentric crack will be at right angle to the front side that is the side from
which the blow came rather than the rear side.
a. RFC rules c. radial crack
b. 3R’s rule d. concentric crack
59. Dust brought from the field consists largely of soil and rocks debris together with minute
fragments decayed living.
a. footpath dust c. dust deposited in air
b. occupational dust d. saw dust
60. Matters in the wrong place is called
a. dust and dirt c. dust in air
b. grems and clay d. dust in foot
61. The solution used in aiding to restore hidden or tampered serial no. of machine is
a. ether c. etching solution
b. turpentine d. thinner
62. Examination under the metallographic microscope of a broken tip or end of the screw driver
found on the window edge, the screw driver recovered from the suspect showed similarity
a. microstructure c. hardness, and age of fracture
b. spectrographic composition d. all of the above
63. Alloy metal used in denture repairs which is called amalgam consists of
a. Hg and Cu c. Hg and Al
b. Hg and Si d. Ag and Pt
64. Resinous materials used for making positives from negocoll and colloidal magnesium are called
a. celinit c. negocoll
b. hominid d. amalgam
65. The major component of glass is
a. Lime c. soda
b. Silica d. magnesia

66. A super cooled liquid which posses high viscosity and rigidity is called
a. lime c. glass
b. soda d. gel

67. By adding Millon’s reagent, a pink color would be formed if it is present.

a. rosin c. casein
b. starch d. gelatin
68. A material which is used to improve the quality of the paper is called
a. sizing material c. gelatin
b. rosin d. starch
69. Test for fiber used to determine whether it is of human or animal origin is called
a. Ignition test or burning c. chemical analysis
b. Fluorescence analysis d. microscopic analysis
70. The obscuring of writing by superimposing ink, pencil or other marking material is called
a. erasure c. indented writing
b. obliterated writing d. contact writing
71. What is the kind of ink wherein the use of chemical bleaches is ineffective?
a. Carbon c. nigrosine
b. Logwood d. oxidation
72. Chemical decomposition of matter through the action of heat is called
a. Pyrolysis c. detonation
b. Combustion d. oxidation
73. What is formed by incomplete combustion of acetylene or natural cracking of hydrogen in the
absence of air?
a. Carbon black c. soot
b. Camp black d. black bone
74. Measure of the rate of flow of heat through unit area of the material with unit temperature is?
a. Conduction c. radiation
b. Thermal conductivity d. oxidation
75. What are the incandescent gases accompanied by oxygen?
a. Fire c. heat
b. Flame d. smoke
76. Matter made up very fine particles and condensed vapor as a result of combustion is called
a. Fire c. heat
b. Flame d. smoke
77. Heat is transformed by circulating medium either gas or a liquid nor molecules to a medium is
the concept of
a. Conduction c. radiation
b. Convection d. fission
78. What is the heat transfer when energy travels through space or materials as waves?
a. Conduction c. radiation
b. Convection d. fission
79. What is the fine powdered substance which when mixed with all in proper proportion and
ignited will cause explosion?
a. Dust c. smoldering
b. Starch d. all of the above
80. The active particle of burning characteristics by the heat and light of combustion is called
a. Oxidation c. moldering
b. Flash point d. fire

81. When the nitrogen products are burned, the color of the smoke and fire is
a. Black smoke and deep red flame
b. Heavy brown with bright red flame
c. Black smoke with red and blue green flame
d. Greenish yellow flame and smokeless

82. When asphalt shingles are burned, the color of smoke and flame is
a. Black smoke with blue,-green flame
b. Heavy brown with greenish flame
c. Black smoke with little red orange flame
d. Black smoke with black flame
83. Arson can be committed by negligence as covered by what law?
a. Art. 365 of RPC c. Art 325 of RPC
b. Art 326 of RPC d. Art 320 of RPC
84. Burning one’s own property is also punishable if the purpose is to defraud or cause damage to
another. This is the provision of
a. Art 365 of RPC c. Art 25 of RPC
b. Art 326 of RPC d. Art 320 of RPC
85. Observation to a broken glass parallel to the side that was struck and will be at right angle and
perpendicular to the right side with stress line. This is referred to as
a. Front side was struck c. right crack will be right angle
b. Radial crack with stress line d. all of the above
86. Unnecessary writings that are not capable of being read usually made on checks birth certificate
and transcript of records is called
a. Illegible writing c. erasure
b. Obliteration d. all of the above
87. What is the type of documents which are obtained from the records of file, and executed in the
ordinary course of man’s activities be it social, business, official or personal affairs?
a. Requested c. none of the above
b. Collected or procured standard d. all of the above
88. Document which an issue has been raised or which is under scrutiny is called
a. Standard document c. procured standard document
b. Questioned document d. requested document
89. What is the technique of separating and analyzing components of mixture selective absorption
is column of powder or a strip of paper?
a. Photographic instrument c. transmitted light
b. Ultra violet light d. thin layer chromatography
90. Age of document maybe associated with the age of the writing instrument used, when was it
produce and its type.
a. Stamps c. typewriting
b. Textual content d. ink
91. The manufacturer of the paper can often be determined from the watermark, its composition,
size and condition
a. Fiber c. ink and paper
b. Paper d. all of the above
92. Pictorial image formed by casting shadow, usually of the hands upon a rightful surface or screen
is called
a. Binocular microscope c. ultraviolet light
b. Magnifying lens d. shadow graph

93. Instrument primarily used to decipher writing in charred documents is called
a. Infrared viewer c. transmitted light
b. Ultra violet light d. table lamps
94. Any objects that contains handwriting or typewriting and whose source or authenticity is in
doubt is referred to as
a. Questioned document c. known questioned
b. Document d. known standard
95. Those writing inks are partially visible impressions appearing on a sheet of paper underneath
the one which the visible writing was done.
a. Obliteration c. indented
b. Erasure d. super embossing
96. A document that is completely written and signed by one person, taken from the Greek word
“holo” which means hand and “graph” which means writing.
a. Questioned document c. disputed document
b. Holographic document d. none of the above
97. An invisible radiation which occurs in the wavelength just before the visible blue-violet end of
the spectrum (white light) and is best used in revealing the watermarks of the paper is called
a. Infra-red light c. ultra-violet light
b. X-ray d. transmitted light
98. Is a distinctive design impressed by means of a dandy roll during its manufacture is called
a. Wire marks c. paper design
b. Fiber marks d. water marks
99. It is an invisible radiation beyond the portion of the visible spectrum which is usually recorded
on specially sensitized emulsion and best used in deciphering an obliterated writing.
a. Ultra-violet light c. X-ray
b. Infra- red light d. transmitted light
1. The process of obtaining a magnified photograph of small object with the use of a microscope
using a short focus lens of a long bellow extension is called.
a. photomicrography c. photomicrography
b. microphotography d. infra-red photography

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