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Reviewer for Normal Microbial Flora of the Human Body contaminated with S.

epidermidis or due to
improper cleaning of the venipuncture site.
What is the importance of the normal flora of the body?
- if the resident flora is disturbed by these transient
- The normal flora is important because without it, flora, it may colonize, produce disease and
the invading pathogens or bacteria will be the ones proliferate.
to dominate the body by taking all the nutrients, o Pag nasobrahan ka ng antibiotics, you risk
and this is called Bacterial Antagonism killing your normal flora. Organisms that are
o The normal flora prevents the invading resistant to antibiotics such as Clostridium
pathogens from dividing by secreting difficile which is already a normal flora in
antimicrobial agents the intestine will then proliferate and cause
- They aid in Digestion through the interconversion? disease as the other normal flora are killed.
Of bile into urobilinogen & stercobilinogen The disease is called Pseudomembranous
o And the synthesis of Vitamin K colitis.
- It also helps in producing antibodies when there is
The Role of Resident Flora
an invading pathogen in the body
1. Members of the resident flora of the gut synthesize
Normal Microbial Flora
vitamin K and aid in the absorption of nutrients.
- denotes the population of microorganisms that 2. Normal flora of the skin prevents colonization of
inhabits the skin and mucus membranes of the pathogens through “bacterial interference” /
gastrointestinal tract healthy normal persons. bacterial antagonism.

o Mucus membrane inserts the vagina that - Bacterial interference is through:

has Lactobacillus acidophilus which a. competition for receptors or binding sites on
converts glycogen into lactic acid that host’s cells.
lowers the pH of the vagina and inhibits the
growth of bacterial pathogens such as b. competition for nutrients.
Nocardia asteroides or Gardnerella
c. mutual inhibition by metabolic toxic product
vaginalis which is the causative agent of
(toxic to the pathogen).
bacterial vaginosis
d. mutual inhibition by antibiotic materials or
 Gardnerella vaginalis invades when
bacteriocins (are naturally occurring antibiotics in
the pH of the vagina increases that
the body).
happens during hormonal changes
- suppression of the normal flora clearly creates a
 During menopause where the
partial local void (nothingness or walang organism
hormones of the patient are
sa part ng body na yon) that tends to be filled by
inactive, there will be no glycogen
organisms from the body and behave as
in the vagina and Lactobacillus
opportunistic pathogens producing a disease.
acidophilus diminish that will
- normal flora may also become opportunistic
increase the pH level
pathogen and produce noninvasive diseases by
- the skin and mucus membranes always harbor a forcefully remove from the restrictions of that
variety of microorganisms that can be arranged in environment and introduced to bloodstream or
two groups: tissues.

1. The resident flora consists of relatively fixed types Eg. Viridans streptococci during tooth extraction or
of microorganisms regularly found in a given area at tonsillectomy. Usually, the ones present in our
a given age. teeth is Streptococcus mutans
a. Newborn babies do not have normal flora
Bacterioides during trauma of the gut.
yet until they come into contact with other
persons or when breastfeeding. The Normal Flora of the Skin
2. The transient flora consists of nonpathogenic or
- the resident microorganisms of the skin are:
potentially pathogenic (depending on the level of
1. Aerobic (thrive in the presence of oxygen) and
immunity of the patient) microorganisms that
anaerobic (cannot live in the presence of oxygen)
inhabit the skin and mucus membranes for hours,
diphtheroid bacilli (Corynebacterium diphtheriae
days or weeks; it is derived from the environment
[FAE], Propionibacterium spp. [FANAE])
(Staphylococcus epidermidis which is one of the
a. Obligate (only exist in area w/o oxygen)
normal flora of the skin and is the most abundant
aerobic and obligate anaerobic
normal flora in the skin that prevents the growth of
b. Facultative aerobic (needs oxygen but can
other organisms specifically the Staphylococcus
live in areas without oxygen) and
aureus), does not produce disease, and does not
facultative anaerobic (do not need oxygen
establish itself permanently on the surface.
but can live in areas with oxygen)
a. Staphylococcus epidermidis can be an
2. Non-hemolytic aerobic and anaerobic staphylococci
opportunistic pathogen when they are
(Staphylococcus epidermidis and other coagulase-
inoculated in the blood which causes
negative staphlococci, ocassionally Staphylococcus
sepsis. When the sepsis is not treated, it
aureus [FAE], and Peptostreplococcus spp. (they are
causes subacute bacterial endocarditis.
capnophilic meaning they love CO2) [FANAE])
b. Staphylococcus epidermidis enters the
a. Hemolytic means they destroy RBCs
bloodstream via needles that are
3. Gram-positive, aerobic, sporeforming bacilli that are the body <5.0. During viral infection, the
umbiquitous in air, water and soil (Bacillus subtilis number of neutrophils decreases, and the
the most common). number of lymphocytes increases. The
4. Alpha-hemolytic streptococci (viridans streptococci) normal flora notices the lower amounts of
and enterococci (Enterococcus spp.). N and this results to the opportunistic flora
a. Alpha means partial lysis of RBCs to multiply. When these opportunistic
b. Gamma means there is no hemolysis of bacteria grow such as Streptococcus
RBCs pneumoniae, they stimulate mucus
c. Beta means complete hemolysis producing cells and push these pathogenic
d. Delta an inner zone of Beta hemolysis and bacteria into the lungs and cause “tubig sa
outer zone of Alpha hemolysis (used for baga”. It also causes the blockage of air
Clostridium perfringens) exchange in the alveoli and if there is no gas
5. Gram-negative coliform (any bacteria found in exchange, there will be no breathing in the
human feces) bacilli and Acinetobacter spp.. patient that causes in lower oxygen
6. Acid fast, non-pathogenic mycobacteria occur in saturation that will be the cause of death
sebaceous-rich sections (external ear, genetalia). o When Streptococcus pneumoniae migrates
7. Fungi and yeast are often present on skin folds. in the nose, it travels through the ears via
8. Non-pathogenic Neisseria spp. the use of the eustachian tube which is a
passage that connects the ears and the
nose by being pushed by mucus, and when
- aerobes and anaerobes often join to form it reaches the ears, it causes Otitis media
synergistic infections of the skin and soft tissues (infection of the middle ear). When this
such as gangrene (dissolution of tissues), Otitis media is not treated it migrates into
necrotizing fasciitis (known as flesh eating bacteria), the inner ear causing Otitis interna and if it
and cellulitis (usually caused by Staphylococci & is still not treated then it progresses into
Streptococci). the brain and spinal cord causing
o Types of gangrene are the liquid gangrene meningitis. Which is why when there is a
which are found in diabetic feet blockage in the eustachian tube due to
o Gas gangrene that is caused by Clostridium mucus when we have cold, we have
perfringens difficulty in hearing as well.

The Normal Flora of the Mouth and Upper Respiratory The Normal Flora of the Mouth and Upper Respiratory
Tract: Tract:

- Nose: Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Staphylococcus - infections of the mouth and respiratory tract are
epidermidis, S. aureus, and streptococci. usually caused by mixed oronasal flora, including
o Corynebacterium diphtheriae is an anaerobes.
opportunistic pathogen that causes Pseudo - peridontal infections, sinusitis, perioral abscesses,
membrane that causes plaque in the and mastoiditis may involved predominantly
pharynx that traps other bacteria and cells. Prevotella melaninogenica, Fusobacteria, and
It is hard to remove as the mucosa will also peptostreptococci.
be removed.
- Mouth and Oropharynx: Viridans streptococci, - aspiration of saliva (containing 10 2 of these
aerobic and anaerobic staphylococci, gram-negative microorganisms and aerobes) may result in
diplococci (Neiserria lactamica, N. mucosa, necrotizing pneumonia, lung abcess, and
Moraxella catarrhalis), C. diphtheriae, occasional emphyema.
The Normal Flora of the Mouth and Upper Respiratory
- Teeth and Tonsilar Area: Viridans streptococci,
anaerobic spirochetes (non-pathogenic and the
pathogenic are Treponema which are the causative - Dental Caries
agents of syphilis, Leptospira that causes
- is a disintegration of the teeth beginning at the
leptospirosis, and Genus Borrelia), Prevotella spp.
surface and processing inward.
(P. melaninogenica), Fusobacterium spp., Rothia
dentocariosa., and Capnocytophaga spp., anaerobic - main organisms involved are Streptococcus mutans
vibrios and lactobacilli, Actinomyces spp, protozoa and other viridans streptococci (S. salivarius),
(Entamoeba gigivalis), and yeast (Candida albicans). peptostreptococci.
- Bronchii, Trachea and Laryngopharynx: non-
hemolytic and alpha-hemolytic streptococci - other organisms that contributes in the
(Streptococcus pneumoniae becomes opportunistic development of dental caries are Capnocytophaga
when it goes into the lungs by being pushed due to spp., Rothia dentocariosa.
increased mucus and passes its pathogenic genes 1st: the enamel which is noncellular is demineralized
into its allies), and Neisseria spp., staphylococci, attributed by bacterial products of fermentation (formation
Haemophilus influenzae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, of dental plaque).
Prevotella spp.
o COVID-19 or Rhinovirus which is the 2nd: subsequent decomposition of dentin and cement
causative agent of common colds. Every involves bacterial digestion of protein matrix.
viral disease decreases the WBC count of
3rd: involvement of the root nerve endings causing painful o they produce vitamin K.
inflammation. o conversion of bile pigments, bile acids and
indole to urobilin and stercobilin
(urobilinogen and stercobilinogen will
Dental Caries become urobilin and stercobilin when they
are exposed to oxygen).
o absorption of nutrients and breakdown
o Bacterial antagonism.

The Normal Flora of the Intestinal Tract:

1. Bacterial flora may produce ammonia (usually

caused by Proteus spp. because they secrete urease
- When a tooth has organisms in it such as which splits urea to form water H2O and ammonia
Streptococcus mutans. This organism alone does NH3) from the breakdown products that may
not cause dental caries unless you eat table sugar contribute to hepatic coma.
(sucrose). Now, through the action of fermentation 2. If these resident flora are inoculated in the
of S. mutans, it converts the sucrose into Levans (is bloodstream, they can produce sepsis and
the insoluble polymer of fructose) + Dextran (is the meningitis.
insoluble polymer of glucose) which are water 3. Over-drug medication may cause killing of some of
insoluble polymers and are called slime. the drug-resistant resident flora and opportunistic
- Kapag hindi ka nagmumog or nag toothbrush after infection to other may occur such as Staphylococci,
mo kumain ng merong sugar at merong S. mutans Enterobacters, Enterococci, Protei, Pseudomonas,
sa tooth mo, mafferment yung sucrose into slime Clostridium deficille, and yeasts.
where it will cover the tooth together with other 4. The anaerobic flora of the colon including
organisms or bacteria that are in that area. Dahil Bacterioides fragilis, Clostridia, Peptostreptococci,
water insoluble yung slime, hindi na siya maddetach plays an important role in abscess formation
from the tooth unless you use acids, but these acids originating in perforation of the bowel.
can also deteriorate the enamel in the tooth. 5. Prevotella bivia and P. disiens are important in
- After producing the slime, tapos na yung trabaho pelvis abscess.
nung S. mutans and the other organisms na kasama 6. Feeding of large amounts of Lactobacillus
niya are the ones that will deteriorate the enamel acidophilus may result in temporary establishment
that causes the caries. The direction of the caries is in the gut with concomitant partial supression of
paloob ng tooth and the bacteria will secrete toxins the other gut flora.
and acids from the fermentation that will further
The Normal Flora of the Intestinal Tract:
digest the enamel.
- After progressing further inside the tooth and na - the organisms that are not usually present in the gut, thus
reach na nila yung root, dun palang mag sstart yung considered as pathogens are:
pain or toothache.
- Helicobacter pylori (causative agent of pyloric
The Normal Flora of the Intestinal Tract: ulcers)
- Yersinia pestis (black death), Y.
1. During birth, the GIT is sterile, but organisms will
pseudotuberculosis (causative agent of enterocolitis
soon introduced by food and milk, mostly are lactic
and sepsis), Y. enterocolitica (same with Y.
acid streptococci, lactobacilli, gram-positive non-
motile organisms (eg. Bifidobacterium spp.)
- Campylobacter jejuni (most common cause of
produces tolerable acid pH.
2. Newborns on intensive care nurseries tend to be
- Pathogenic Escherichia coli (EIEC, ETEC, EHEC, EAEC)
colonized by Enterobacteriaceae (Klebsiella
- Vibrio cholerae
pneumoniae, Citrobacter freundii, and Enterobacter
- Shigella dysenteriae, S. sonnei, S. flexneri, S. boydii
aerogenes) all of them causes sepsis.
- Salmonella typhi
3. Adults has vast variety of normal GIT flora consisting
of non-pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae, enterococci The Normal Flora of the Vagina:
and other gram-positive cocci, few gram positive
1. Mostly dominated by Lactobacillus acidiphilus that
bacilli, and other gram-negative rods. 96 – 99% are
ferments lactose, glycogen, and other carbohydrates to
anaerobes such as Bacterioides fragilis,
lactic acid responsible for the acidity of the vagina.
Fusobacterium spp, anaerobic lactobacilli, anaerobic
cocci (Peptostreptococci), 1 – 4% are facultative Menopause:
aerobes (gram-negative coliform bacteria),
-the normal lactobacilli are suppressed and replaced by
enterococci, and small numbers of protei (Proteus
mixed flora of cocobacilli (Gardnerella vaginalis), yeasts,
vulgaris and P. mirabilis) Pseudomonads
group B streptococci (S. agalactiae that causes UTI aside
(Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. putida, P fluoresence
from the invasion in the vagina), alpha-hemolyic
and others) lactobacilli, Candida spp., and other
streptococci (Enterococci & S. bovis), anaerobic
organisms. They are known as fecal flora.
streptococci, Prevotella spp., clostridia, Ureaplasma
The Normal Flora of the Intestinal Tract: urealyticum (STI or sexually transmitted infection), and
sometimes Listeria monocytogenes (Enterobacteriaceae
- the intestinal flora are important because:
that causes diseases on newborns), and Mobinculus spp.
with the diminishing acidic pH (pH becomes alkaline
favoring the growth of these organisms.

o Gardnerella vaginalis sticks to the side of an

epithelial cell

The Normal Flora of the Conjunctiva:

1. The predominant normal flora are diphtheroids,

Staphylococcus epidermidis, and non-hemolytic

2. Neiseriae and gram-negative bacilli resembling

haemophili (eg. Moraxella spp. that causes sore eyes and
blindness when there is a decrease in immunity) may also

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