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Sociological factors and Delinquency

Numerous factors, including gender, race, family, circle, environment, and socioeconomic
condition of a kid, have an impact on juvenile criminality. They contend that everyone has the capacity
and opportunity to do criminal or delinquent offenses in a social control framework. According to this
point of view, juvenile delinquency is a consequence of insufficient external social supervision and
internalized societal ideals for some youngsters, who might turn even temporary independence into
delinquent behavior. Juvenile antisocial conduct is a result of the dissatisfaction of being a part of a
lower class of youngsters who find themselves unable to accomplish their monetary prosperity. Youth
delinquency is a response to a lack of socially acceptable opportunities.

One social factors also that can affect to a child delinquency is the interpersonal interactions
which one of the key elements in influencing how children's mindsets develop in the home, the
interpersonal contact between parents and kids. In order for their children to grow into teens who meet
their expectations, parents can use a number of communication and education tactics. However, in
practice, not every family can live up to the idealized definition of a good family. Conflicts between
family members can sometimes disrupt the peace and comfort in the house and lead to a dysfunctional
family.  Since the family is a child's first significant social setting, which is essential attitudes that emerge
through adolescence. A family will function optimally if there is a pattern of open communication,
mutual accepts, support, security and comfort as well as spiritual life is maintained.

Interpersonal communication patterns can be identified into 3 patterns

Communication Patterns Permissive, this patterns characterized by unlimited freedom to

children to act and behave in accordance with the wishes of the child. This pattern known as omission

Authoritarian Communication Patterns, this patterns characterized by low acceptance but high
control, a rigid rule of parent, being stiff or hard, emotional and being refused. Therefore, usually child
will feel irritable, fearful, sad, unhappy, easily influenced, stress, and unfriendly.

Democratic Communication Patterns, this patterns characterized by an attitude of openness

between parents and children, make rules agreed, parents try to respect the ability of children directly.

In a social factors and delinquency, the open possibility of the community Ecological Conditions
or the environmental factors can contribute to a juvenile crime. Delinquents tend to come from
backgrounds of social and economic deprivation. These families tend to have lower than average
incomes and social status. But perhaps more important than the individual families' situation is the area
in which a youth lives. Environmental factors that contribute to juvenile crime and violence include
violent and permissive families, unstable neighborhoods, and delinquent peer groups.

Even if violence is not modeled at home, research indicates that children are still at risk for
experiencing violence in the future because of the lack of strong social ties and restraints as well as
parental inability to instill in their children traditional standards and values. Additionally, certain areas
provide opportunity for education and violent behavior. In addition to offering high levels of exposure to
violence, the existence of gangs and illicit markets, especially drug distribution networks, also serves as a
source of violent role models and lucrative rewards for significant violent behavior. Although early
childhood behavioral tendencies continue over into the school setting, the school setting also has the
ability to foster conflict, annoyance, and aggressive reactions to these circumstances.

Juvenile Delinquency also influenced by rapid social change stimulated by industrial

development, urbanization, the influence of the mass media, and economic pressures. And lastly one
factor of the social delinquency is this socioeconomic status, which is also identified as social position of
individuals or groups in a society. So it was labeled as, low, middle and high class.

Delinquency, primarily affects young people, is a social phenomenon that denotes behavior that is
against societal norms of morality. It is because, people with high SES may live well and enjoy numerous
perks, but those with low SES may not. As a result of their experiences, persons or children with low SES
deal with a lot of bodily and psychological pressures, stress or problems in their life experiences. Some
of this kids suffer or had a mental, behavioral disorders. So this issue now is for those youngsters which
belong to the lower SES areas, which can create prolonged mental health problems that can lead to
serious behavior problems through adolescence and adulthood. Delinquency is a learned behavior that’s
reflects the norms, values, belief, and behavioral characteristics of those whom the delinquent or the
child interacts.

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