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Name: Lordelene M.

Pendon Course & Section: BPED 1A



Title: Girl with a Pearl Earring Title: The earring

Artist: Johannes Vermeer Artist/Model: Ms. Lordelene M. Pendon

Painting: Oil on Canvas Gadget used: Iphone 6s+

Uploaded: 1965 Uploaded: May 2022

Cost: $30 million sold in 2004 Cost: 250,000.000


When I first started doing photo appropriation, I thought it would be simple to replicate
the artworks of various artists. Not until I chose to recreate Johanes Vermeer's
painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring." I'm both pressed and excited to recreate his
artwork because I assumed it would be simple, but it's actually quite difficult. While
recreating the artwork, I gradually came to respect the artist's labor and emotions. It's
difficult to portray, but I believe I did a good job.

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