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1. This test compares the patient’s and examiner’s hearing by bone conduction. The examiner alternately
places the vibrating tuning fork against the patient’s mastoid process and against the examiner’s mastoid
bone until one of them no longer hears a sound. The examiner and patient should hear the sound for
equal amounts of time.
a. Weber
b. Rinne
c. Schwabach
d. Ticking watch test
2. In scalene cramp test, the patient is in sitting and
a. Rotates the head to the affected side, pulls the chin downward
b. Rotates the head to unaffected side, pulls the chin upward
c. Rotates the head to affected side, pulls the chin upward
d. Rotates the head to the unaffected side and pulls the chin downward
3. In Naffziger’s test, the recommended time in compressing the jugular vein is
a. 30 secs
b. 10 secs
c. 30 mins
d. 10 mins
4. Indication for cross well-leg raising test
a. Sciatic nerve affectation
b. Tibial nerve affectation
c. Sural nerve affectation
d. Common peroneal nerve
e. Disc prolapse
5. True about valsalva maneuver except:
a. Patient may first flex the hip to a position just short before pain is felt
b. Patient is in sitting position
c. Pain increases and rules out intrathecal pressure
d. Patient bears down as if evacuating bowels
e. None of these
6. The patient stands on one leg and extends spine while balancing on the leg. The test is repeated on the
opposite leg. Positive test is indicated by pain in the back.
a. One leg standing
b. Stork standing
c. Lumbar extension test
d. All of these
e. None of these
7. A positive stork standing test is being associated with pain at the back and
a. Transverse ligament stress
b. Pars interarticularis stress
c. Spondyloptosis
d. Compression fracture
8. PROVOCATIVE test except:
a. spurling's test
b. maximum cervical compression
c. jackson's compression test
d. distraction test
9. A patient is positioned by the therapist with the cervical spine rotated to the right. The patient then extends
the neck as the therapist externally rotates and extends the right upper extremity. The radial pulse is
palpated in the right upper extremity by the therapist. What type of special test is this, and for what
condition is it testing?
a. Adson’smaneuver – cervical disc herniation
b. Lhermitte’s sign – cervical disc herniation
c. Adson’smaneuver – thoracic outlet syndrome
d. Lhermitte’s sign – thoracic outlet syndrome
10. Patient laterally flexes head to one side, and then the examiner applies downward pressure on the patient’s
head. If the pain is felt on the opposite side to which the head is taken, it is indicative of:
a. Nerve root compression
b. Muscle spasm
c. Nerve root distraction
d. Inflammation
11. Patient in supine, the legs are raised straight two inches from the table and held as long as he can. If the
patient can hold the position for 30 secs with no pain, then an intrathecal pressure may be ruled out:
a. Milgram’s
b. Gaenlen’s
c. Hoover’s
d. Naffziger

12. This procedure tests the integrity of the segmental innervation of the rectus abdominis and the paraspinal
mm. The patient lies a quarter sit up with arms cross over the chest. If the umbilicus is drawn up, down, or
to one side, there may be asymmetrical involvement of the anterior abdominal paraspinal mm.
a. Patrick’s test
b. FABER test
c. Beevor’s test
d. Valsalva maneuver
13. A patient comes to you with complaints of numbness and paresthesia that radiate on the left arm. To have
an accurate plan, you asked the patient to rotate the head to the (L) then you pressed down straight to the
head. Then you repeat it on the other side. The patient said that her symptoms were produced during the
1stmaneuver. What special test is being performed?
a. Brachial plexus compression test
b. Scalene cramp test
c. Jackson compression test
d. Bakody’s sign
e. None of these
14. You tap the area of the parotid gland overlying the masseter mm. The facial mm will contract in a twitch if
blood calcium is low. This is a test of the 7th cranial nn. Which of the following best describes this special
a. Jaw reflex
b. marin amat test
c. chvostek test
d. marcus-gunn phenomenon
e. bell's phenomenon
15. Lhermitte's sign is seen in:
a. all of these
b. disc herniation
c. multiple sclerosis
d. spinal cord dse
e. none of these
16. It is the active form of ULTT 4:
a. bakody's sign
b. wright's test
c. naffzigger's test
d. bikele's sign
e. spurling's test
17. Your px feels an electric-shock sensation down the spinal cord and legs when his neck is flexed. Which of
the following is positive?
a. Neri's sign
b. Leri's sign
c. Kernig's sign
d. Lhermitte's sign
18. The Romberg test is said to be positive if the patient manifests _____, which indicate deficits in the ______.
a. Dizziness; dorsal column
b. Postural sway; dorsal column
c. Dizziness; cerebellum
d. Postural sway; cerebellum
19. The examiner palpates the radial pulse and then draws the patient’s shoulder down and back A positive
test is indicated by an absence of the pulse and implies possible thoracic outlet syndrome.This test is
particularly effective in patients who complain of symptoms while wearing a backpack or heavy coat.
a. Costoclavicular Test
b. Military brace test
c. Wright
d. A and B
20. In Halstead maneuver, the cervical region is positioned _____.
a. Lateral flexion to the contralateral side
b. Lateral flexion to the ipsilateral side
c. Rotation to the ipsilateral side
d. Rotation to the contralateral side
21. Forward bending test is also known as ____.
a. staheli's test
b. adam's test
c. lasegue's test
d. nachlas test

22. SLR with big toe extension:

a. sicard's
b. braggard's
c. turyn's
d. brudzinski
23. Paralysis of the abdominal mm could be verified by performing:
a. Valsalva maneuver
b. Crede's maneuver
c. Beevor's sign
d. Flick's sign
e. Murphy's sign
24. In this test, patient is positioned in prone while the PT applies pressure to the posterior aspect of the lumbar
spine with one hand and passively flexes patient’s knee with the other hand. What test is being described
which confirms unstable spinal segment?
a. Segmental instability test
b. Stork – standing test
c. Ely’s test
d. Pheasant’s test
e. Gluteal syline test
25. A 30 y/o male patient comes to you with complaints of worsening pain in the low back. History revealed
that pt has been undergoing PT sessions for 6 mos now but reports no progress on the condition. Pt asked
the patient to kneel on a chair and then bend forward to touch the floor with the fingers. As a result, patient
is unable to perform the test and overbalances. What special test and diagnosis would you conclude on
the situation?
a. Hoover’s test – malingering
b. Ely’s test – rectus femoris tightness
c. Burn’s test – malingering
d. Sit and reach test – lumbar strain
26. The ipsilateral posterior rotation test is also known as:
a. Flamingo’s test
b. Yeoman’s test
c. Sign of the buttock’s test
d. Lasegue’s test
e. Gillet’s test
27. A 14 y/o female patient who is recently diagnosed with thoracic dextroscoliosis is referred to you for further
assessment and evaluation. What special test will you perform on the patient?
I. Beevor’s test
II. Plumbline test
III. Forward bending test
IV. Naffziger’s test
V. Leg length test
a. i, ii, v
b. ii, iv, v
c. ii, iii, v
d. i, iii, v
e. i, iv, v
28. The shoulder abduction test is usually used to check for radicular symptoms on the cervical spine. What
nerve roots are most likely checked by this test?
a. C5 – C7
b. C1 – C2
c. C3 – C4
d. C4 – C5
e. C7 – C8
29. This test requires the patient to lie supine and raise his uninvolved leg. If there is back and sciatic pain on
the involved side, there may be evidence of space occupying lesion in the lumbar area
a. Milgram’s test
b. Well leg raising test
c. Kernig’s test
d. Hoover’s test
30. All of the following are indicated for sacroiliac joint lesion, except:
a. Gillet’s test
b. Straight leg raise
c. Yeoman’s test
d. Piedalu’s sign
e. None of these

31. Schober's test measurement which is indicative of ankylosing spondylitis:

a. < 5 mm
b. < 5 cm
c. < 5 inches
32. In Rinne’s test, where should the examiner place the tuning fork initially?
a. Vertex
b. Mastoid
c. 1-2cm beside the ear
d. Forehead
33. What is being tested in Schwabach’s Test?
a. Bone conduction
b. Air conduction
c. Sound pitch
d. A and B
e. B and C
34. True regarding Foraminal Compression Test, except:
a. This test is performed if in history the patient has complained of nerve root symptoms which at
the time of examination are present
b. This test is designed to provoked symptoms
c. The examiner applies a downward force as the patient bends or side flexes to affected side first
d. The examiner applies a downward force as the patient bends or side flexes to the unaffected side
as well
35. The following are the positioning of the upper extremity in performing ULTT 1, except:
a. Shoulder depressed and abducted 10 degrees
b. Elbow extended
c. Forearm supinated
d. Finger and thumb extension
e. None of these
36. What nerve/s in ULTT 1 is/are being assessed?
a. Median nerve
b. Anterior interosseous nerve
c. C5, C6, C7
d. All of these
e. A and B only
37. In performing Elvey’s Test what should be the position of the cervical spine
a. Contralateral side flexion
b. Ipsilateral side flexion
c. Ipsilateral rotation
d. Contralateral rotation
38. To assess upper motor neuron lesion using Lhermitte’s Sign, the patient is in this position
a. Short sitting
b. Long sitting
c. Supine
d. Prone
39. It is a test to determine subluxation of the atlas on the axis
a. Pettman’s distraction test
b. Sharp Purser Test
c. Craniocervical Flexion Test
d. Lateral Shear test
40. This is also known as the Long sitting slump
a. Slump test method 1
b. Slump Test method 2
c. Slump test method 3
d. Slump test method 4
41. The shoulder abduction test is usually used to check for radicular symptoms on the cervical spine. What
nerve roots are most likely checked by this test?
a. C1 – C2
b. C6-C7
c. C3 – C4
d. C5-C6

42. The patient lies on the side with the upper leg (test leg) hyperextended at the hip. The patient holds the lower
leg flexed against the chest. The examiner stabilizes the pelvis while extending the hip of the uppermost
leg. Pain is present whenever positive. What special test is being described?
a. Gaenslen’s test for L4 nerve lesion
b. Gaenslen’s test for thoracic segment pathology
c. Yeoman’s test for L4 nerve lesion
d. Yeoman’s test for lumbar segment pathology
e. None of these
43. The patient is relaxed in a prone position with the head straight and arms by the sides The examiner stands
at the patient’s feet and observes the buttocks from the level of the buttocks. The affected gluteus maximus
muscle appears flat as a result of atrophy. This test indicates lesion in which of the following nerve roots?
a. L5, S1, S2
b. L4, L5, S1
c. S1, S2, S3
d. L4, L5 only
44. Which of the following special tests is done in prone position?
a. Milgram
b. Yeoman
c. Piedallu
d. Sacral fixation test
45. All of the following are special tests for intermittent claudication, except:
a. Bicycle test of Van Gelderen
b. Stoop Test
c. Threadmill test
d. All of these
e. None of these
46. True regarding maximum cervical compression test, except:
a. the patient side flexes the head and then rotates it to the same side.
b. A positive test is indicated if pain radiates into the arm
c. If the head is taken into extension (as well as side flexion and rotation) and compression is
applied, the intervertebral foramina close maximally to the side of movement and symptoms are
d. Pain on the convex side indicates nerve root or facet joint pathology, whereas pain on the
concave side indicates muscle strain
47. This is the called the neck flexion component when performing SLR
a. Sotto Hall
b. Linder
c. Hyndman
d. All of these
e. None of these
48. The nerve bias in SLR method 4
a. Femoral nerve
b. Sural nerve
c. Common peroneal nerve
d. Tibial nerve
49. This test is also known as Nachlas test
a. Prone knee bending
b. Lasegue test
c. Slump test
d. Laguere test
50. Which SLR method requires the foot to be positioned into eversion?
a. SLR method 1
b. SLR method 2
c. SLR method 3
d. SLR method 4

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