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The Book of Romans



Our team has been buzzing about the newest issue of The
Press – The Book of Romans. This is such an exciting book that
will have you feeling renewed, refreshed, and hopeful. It’s a
letter that reads in such a way to bring you into the grace and
unconditional, sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. Paul takes the time
to write and explain that the Old Testament Law magnified our
humanity which created awareness of our need for a perfect
Savior. He didn’t die because we deserved it, He lovingly died
because we so desperately needed a Savior.

As a team, we are praying that you would be released from the

legalism of religion and laws and find grace and feel
empowered to live a new life as the righteousness of Jesus
Christ. Praying God would strengthen you to live a life of
sacrificial love that would show others what Jesus’ love really
looks like and represent the Good News of the Gospel daily.

Let’s get started!

iDisciple Brand Manager
Week 1

Day 1 Paul’s Greeting

Day 2 The Righteous Live by Faith

Day 3 God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness

Day 4 Ignoring God Leads to a Downward Spiral

Day 5 God’s Righteous Judgment

Week 2
Day 6 God’s Righteousness

Memory Verse | Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, Day 7 The Righteousness of God Through Faith
and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you?
Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your
sin? - Romans 2:4 Day 8 The Promise of Faith vs Keeping the Law

Rome: Walking "The Roman Road" Day 9 Developing Patience

Day 10 The Gift of Grace Greater Than Sin

Day 11 When Death Becomes Life

Day 12 What is True Freedom?

Day 13 Released from the Law

Memory Verse | But no one earns God’s righteousness. It

Week 3 can only be transferred when we no longer rely on our own
works, but believe in the one who powerfully declares the
ungodly to be righteous in his eyes. It is faith that transfers
Day 14 The Purpose of the Law God’s righteousness into your account! - Romans 4:5

Day 15 Living by the Power of the Holy Spirit The Unbelievably Good News That
We Believe
Day 16 A Glorious Destiny

Day 17 The Triumph of God’s Love

Day 18 God’s Freedom of Choice

Day 19 Good News for All People

Day 20 God Will Not Forget His Promises to Israel

Memory Verse | So we are convinced that every detail of

our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are
his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed
purpose. - Romans 8:28

Are You a Romans 8:14 Christian?


Week 4

Day 21 Pruning and Grafting Branches

Day 22 A Complete Israel

Day 23 Your Proper Role in the Body of Christ

Day 24 Transformed Relationships

Day 25 Our Relationship with Civil Authorities

Day 26 Fulfilling the Law Through Love

Day 27 Unity amid Diversity

Memory Verse | Never let evil defeat you, but defeat evil
with good. - Romans 12:21

Peace Out and Good Riddance

Week 5

Day 28 Walking in Love

Day 29 Love is the Key to Unity

Day 30 Paul’s Reason for Writing

Day 31 Paul’s Final Instructions

Memory Verse | Now, those who are mature in their faith

can easily be recognized, for they don’t live to please
themselves but have learned to patiently embrace others in
their immaturity. Our goal must be to empower others to do
what is right and good for them, and to bring them into
spiritual maturity. - Romans 15:1-2

Final Prayer
The book of Romans was a letter written from the Apostle Paul to The Roman Church. To
give some context, prior to this letter, the church was made up of both Jews and
Gentiles. Emperor Claudius, at the time, saw the growth of the church and heard that
some Jews were following a man named “Christus.” Not realizing that the church was
made up of both Jews and Gentiles the Emperor issued a decree that exiled all the Jews
from Rome. This left the Gentiles, Synagogues, and house churches without Jewish
traditions, knowledge, and teachers. Without this guidance, the Gentiles continued life in
their Gentile culture.

After about five years, the Jews began making their way back and tensions in the church
began to rise. The Jews and Gentiles began to realize that they viewed the Old
Testament Law differently, causing division. The Jews were trying to hold the Gentiles to
the law in order to make them righteous and justified. They couldn’t understand how God
would let the Gentiles be a part of His chosen people when they wouldn’t follow all the
laws perfectly. The real root of tension and disunity in the church was their inability to
love one another despite their differences. Each side was choosing to camp out in their
own beliefs and needs over having humility and working together in love to figure out
and understand God’s intentions for them.
Paul shattered the Jews way of thinking by writing to them and boldly saying there is not
a single person that has followed the laws perfectly, therefore, everyone needs the Good
News of the Gospel. He explained that the law was there to explain what sin is, but no
one can be made new by it. It doesn’t make you righteous or justified, but anyone that
has faith in Jesus and believes in the Gospel will be empowered to follow the law. Paul
ultimately calls both sides of The Roman Church to action by offering their bodies as a
living sacrifice and to be transformed by the renewing of their minds to bring back unity
in the church. He was urging them to realize that the good news out of falling short was
that Jesus saves us not because we deserve it but because we need it. This justified the
ask of sacrificial love towards one another because Jesus followed all the laws and still
laid down His life in love. What was to unify them now was their faith, not their birthright
or background. This resolved the tension and division between Jews and Gentiles.

The point of Romans was to show the world that the law was meant to magnify our
humanity to show everyone our need for the Gospel. This is what brings unity to the

Author: Paul

Audience: The Roman Church

Major Themes: The power of the Gospel, salvation,
righteousness and justification, unity in the church
Chapters 1-4 – The Gospel Reveals God’s
Chapters 5-8 – The Gospel Creates New Life
Chapters 9-11 – The Gospel Fulfills God’s Promise of a
New Covenant Family
Chapters 12-16 – The Gospel Unifies the Church
Often in the church, we are warned about letting ourselves
become a slave to our sin. Yet, in this opening of Romans, Paul
ROMANS 1:1-7
declares Himself a slave to Christ, further pointing to the Scripture
that tells us we can only serve one master. The blessing is that
Christ does not look at us as “slaves” in the average sense, but
gives us the title of His children. Do you consider yourself a slave (or
servant) of Christ’s? Or does it feel more like a burden to love and
be loved by Him?

the book of ROMANS

Throughout the New Testament, many of Paul’s letters begin with a
THE RIGHTEOUS LIVE greeting like this passage: He is always praying for the church he is
BY FAITH writing to, and he always wishes to be able to be with them. Take a
ROMANS 1:8-17 look at your own community—does it look like this? Do you have
people you know are praying for you and people you are
continuously praying for? Paul sets a pretty clear example of what
fellowship with other believers should look like.


Do you ever find yourself not wanting to tell people that you are a
GOD’S WRATH ON Christian? We might not ever feel point blank “ashamed of the
UNRIGHTEOUSNESS Gospel,” but how often do we make the little choices to not do the
ROMANS 1:18-21 right thing or sway from giving someone encouraging advice from
Scripture just because we feel a little shaky about standing firm in
our beliefs around people who don’t necessarily share those


A major theme of this letter from Paul is that the root of all sin
IGNORING GOD LEADS comes down to people deciding they would rather worship the
TO A DOWNWARD created instead of the Creator. It’s a regular trap we can fall into,
SPIRAL maybe even sometimes without realizing it. What created things in
ROMANS 1:22-32 your life tend to take the place of God? Identify them so that you
know what you need to give to God in order to put Him at the
center of your life always, especially when your attention begins to


God’s kindness is meant to lead us to repentance. Take inventory of
GOD’S RIGHTEOUS your life today: do you tend to abuse God’s grace like Paul talks
JUDGEMENT about in this passage? Do you look at His forgiveness as a pass to
ROMANS 2:1-29 keep messing up, or do you take His mercy as an invitation to be
more like Him?

the book of ROMANS

How often do you let other people’s actions affect what you
believe and think about God? Romans is clear in these verses that
when everyone else fails us and lies and doesn’t represent Jesus
ROMANS 3:1-8
well, God will be the one who stays true.

the book of ROMANS


Don’t you see how wonderfully kind,

tolerant, and patient God is with
you? Does this mean nothing to you?
Can’t you see that his kindness is
intended to turn you from your sin?

Romans 2:4


Walking "The Lord Jesus, I am walking “The Roman Road”

again today. I confess before You my faith in

Roman Road" You, and I commit to You that when others rise
from sleep, I’ll seek an opportunity to confess
You with my mouth. Keep me daily, I pray, in
David Mainse
the center of Your will and purpose for me as
Will you walk "The Roman Road" to develop a believer. Amen!
a personal faith in Jesus Christ?
Today’s Reading: Romans 1-2 100 PERSONAL WORDS:
It is believed that for a person in a coma,
Key Verse: Romans 1:7 hearing is the last sense to go. The person
To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, cannot confess with their mouth, and I’ve told
called to be saints… several comatose victims to think their
confession. As well, I’ve ministered to stroke
“All” – could that include even the Emperor? It victims who can’t speak, and they’ve
would be another 300 years before Emperor confessed by nodding their heads. For me, the
Constantine became a believer in Jesus. The moment I confessed Jesus with my mouth, I
Apostle Paul, writer of Romans, begins here knew I was right with God. Just to confirm that
with the Jewish people who lived in Rome. It is faith, the next day, I went forward at an
believed that Paul wrote to the Romans in 56 evangelist’s call. As a 16-year-old, I repeated
A.D. from Corinth during his third missionary John 6:37. “You said, Lord Jesus, that if I come
journey. It is not his first letter to the churches, to You, You would receive me. I’ve come to
but it is placed first because of its length and You. I believe in You. I know that You have
vital importance to the understanding of received me.” Repeating that several times,
salvation. Millions of people have followed got through to my entire being. I’ve never
“The Roman Road” to a personal faith in Jesus. doubted my salvation since that time.
The mileposts on the road are: (1) Romans 3:23 Hallelujah!
– “All have sinned.” Confess that we are sinners
in need of the Savior. (2) Romans 6:23 – “The
gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our
Lord.” Receive God’s gift by confessing that
we have received Jesus into our lives. (3)
Romans 10:9-10 – Believe that God raised Jesus
from the dead, and tell someone that we have
received Him, believed in Him, and that we
now believe we have eternal life in Him.
How often do you find yourself trying to stick so rigidly to the
THE RIGHTEOUSNESS commands God has given us? On the contrary, how often do you
OF GOD THROUGH find yourself neglecting those very commands because of what
FAITH Christ did on the cross for you? The law was given as a reminder
ROMANS 3:9-31 that there is nothing we can do to save ourselves because we can’t
even live up to the bar God has given us. It’s our reminder for why
we need grace!


In verse 20, Paul writes about how no unbelief made Abraham
waiver from believing that God would keep His promise despite
how low the chances seemed. This is the difference between faith
ROMANS 4:1-25
and the law: one condemns while the other gives hope. Do you
think you have a faith that wouldn’t waiver if you were staring at an
impossibility in front of you?


DEVELOPING PATIENCE Paul encourages us in our sufferings, saying that it in fact ends up
ROMANS 5:1-11 producing hope. Can you think of a previous season of suffering
you endured? Can you see now the strength that it gave you and
the hope you received in the end? Take some time to write about it
in your journal!


Do you ever look at your sin as something that negates your
THE GIFT OF GRACE salvation or makes you unworthy of being able to sit in God’s
GREATER THAN SIN presence? This reminder in this passage in Romans boldly claims
ROMANS 5:12-21 that, while sin has the power to keep us away from God, Christ’s
sacrifice and grace is much more powerful and abounding even
more to cover all for an eternity.

the book of ROMANS

What’s interesting about this passage is the way that Paul paints
WHEN DEATH the picture of how we die to our sin – at the end of the day, a
BECOMES LIFE death always had to occur in order for there to be eternal life... it
ROMANS 6:1-14 just ended up being Christ for us.

Does the Christian faith ever seem like a bunch of rules to you?
WHAT IS TRUE Does it seem like you have less freedom now that you love God?
FREEDOM? The difference between being slaves to sin and slaves to Christ is
ROMANS 6:15-23 found in the freedom to finally be able to do what we know we
want to do (what is good) when before we could only do what was
wrong even though we didn’t want to do that!


We no longer sit under the law in the sense that we do not have to
work at being perfect or “good enough.” How often do you talk to
the Holy Spirit, asking Him to help you live out your freedom now
ROMANS 7:1-6
that you have a Helper to sanctify you daily?

the book of ROMANS

But no one earns God’s righteousness. It
can only be transferred when we no
longer rely on our own works, but
believe in the one who powerfully
declares the ungodly to be righteous in
his eyes. It is faith that transfers God’s
righteousness into your account!

Romans 4:5

Romans 5&6: The Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are

forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed
is the man against whom the Lord will not

Good News That

count his sin.” (4:7–8)
But how could God forgive us without making
us pay our “fair share”? Romans 4:24–25 gives
We Believe us the answer: “It will be counted to us who
believe in Him who raised from the dead Jesus
Elyse Fitzpatrick our Lord, who was delivered up for our
God knows all our ungodliness and yet forgives trespasses and raised for our justification.”
and justifies us. Jesus Christ was “delivered up.” He died for
our trespasses. On the cross He bore all God’s
Standing in righteousness before God is ours if just wrath and then He died as a sinner in our
we believe God is good enough to give it to us. place: deserted, in weakness and shame,
But that’s the hardest thing in the world to bearing the full weight of all the punishment
believe. Who would think that by simply believing we deserve. The heavens were silent and
that God tells the truth we are counted as darkened that day, but another day was
righteous? Who would believe a just God coming when He would be “raised for our
“justifies the ungodly” without becoming unjust justification.”
Himself? But it’s true!
That means when God raised Jesus from the
Here’s good news: If we believe He’s forgiven us
dead, He was vindicating Him. As Alex Motyer
and given us right standing before Him simply
says, “The resurrection is God’s ‘Amen!’ in
because He said He would—not because of any
answer to Christ’s ‘It is finished!’” The
of our good works but only by faith—we are
resurrection means that all the blessings are
ours now! We are forgiven; we are justified
and all by faith alone. How do we know? We
In what way?
know because Jesus is alive. There simply is no
All our lawless deeds are forgiven. The Lord will better news anywhere.
never count our sin against us. What would our
lives be like today if we really believed we’re In Romans 5 and 6, Paul continues to proclaim
completely forgiven? If we were completely free the good news. He begins chapter 5 by
of guilt? If these old thought patterns were assuring us that God is no longer angry with
shattered forever: I’m not making it. I always us. Even when we suffer, it’s not because He’s
mess things up. I have to try harder? Knowing angry, but because He’s working hope into our
that God knows all our ungodliness and yet hearts through the Holy Spirit. We have
forgives and justifies us should transform salvation, justification, and reconciliation
everything about us. through faith in Jesus.
FIND MORE ON IDISCIPLE.ORG So does grace equal freedom to sin?

In chapter 6, Paul answers the argument that we

always hear (especially in our own hearts) when
we talk about the good news. Here’s the
argument: If God loves to pour out grace on
sinners, and He gets glory by doing so, then
maybe we should sin more so He can pour out
more grace, and thereby get more glory for
Himself. Paul is flummoxed by his own rhetorical

What? Haven’t you been listening? Did you miss

the part about your union with Christ in His death
and resurrection? You are forgiven because the
old you that deserved death has died and a new
you has come into being, a new you that has the
record of all of Jesus’ obedience. How could you
go on living as if all this good news weren’t true?
Don’t you understand what your baptism means?

I’m sure if you got news that a mysterious

benefactor left you $10,000,000, your life would
change. But this is better than a generous
inheritance! This is news of a whole new you: a
you without guilt, without a sentence of death
hanging over you, without a celestial frown
lurking behind every dark cloud. A you with a
completely clean slate; a holy, beloved,
cherished you.

It’s better than a do-over or a resolution to try

harder. And it’s the news we need to remember
even though we may already be a Christian.
We’ve been given a new life and have been
guaranteed that we can’t mess this life up. Why?
Because God loves and justifies sinners. Jesus
has already done it all. In light of that good
news, rejoice and live in grateful response. What
do we need to do? Believe that this good news is
about us!
THE PURPOSE OF THE Time to be honest with ourselves: how often do you know what you
LAW should do, and yet you find yourself unable to do it? What Christ
ROMANS 7:7-25 did was give us the ability to finally be able to not only know what
is right, but actually be able to do it!


LIVING BY THE POWER The Spirit helps us in our weakness, according to Romans. While we
OF THE HOLY SPIRIT often speak to God or Jesus in our prayers, we are doing the Helper
ROMANS 8:1-17 a disservice – the Spirit, after all, is who makes us look more and
more like Christ every day. How often do you talk to the Spirit? How
often do you call on Him to help you when you don’t know what to
do or pray or where to turn?


A GLORIOUS DESTINY Romans repeatedly tells us that we have been chosen or
ROMANS 8:18-27 “predestined,” but it’s also important to note that Romans says we
are not chosen at random or because we are more special than
others; no, Romans tells us that we are chosen for the sake of
bringing those around us to know Jesus, too. Do you live in that
purpose you were chosen for? Does your life exemplify the realness
and glory of Christ?

the book of ROMANS

THE TRIUMPH OF Are you operating in a space that works for freedom, or are you
GOD’S LOVE living a life where you thrive from freedom?
ROMANS 8:28-39


GOD’S FREEDOM Romans 9 can be a difficult chapter for many when we consider
OF CHOICE that even our suffering or destruction in the world is chosen and
ROMANS 9:1-33 allowed by God. Paul tells us, however, that we have no right as
the clay to look at the Potter and ask why He has formed us as He
has – after all, everything He shapes He does so for the sake of His
glory and our goodness (even when it comes to the vessels of
destruction He has chosen to make). Do you see God’s love in His
freedom to choose? Have you ever expected one thing from Him
and stumbled over the reality of what He was actually working
together in your life?


GOOD NEWS FOR How often do you confess that Christ is your savior? The Word here
ALL PEOPLE says that it is with our hearts that we first believe, but then the seal
ROMANS 10:1-21 of our salvation is our mouth. Once you have done that, you are
saved! Now, how often do you continue to proclaim Jesus? Do the
people around you know that you are saved?

the book of ROMANS

GOD WILL NOT FORGET Have you ever felt forgotten by God? The beauty of this
HIS PROMISES TO ISRAEL passage is that God has enough love and grace to
ROMANS 11:1-10 encompass all, without forgetting about a single person
He has called.

the book of ROMANS


So we are convinced that every

detail of our lives is continually
woven together for good, for we
are his lovers who have been
called to fulfill his designed

Romans 8:28

Are You a
Are you a person led by the Spirit? The verse
above tells us that those who are led by the
Spirit are sons of God. "But because My
Romans 8:14 servant Caleb has a different spirit and
follows Me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into
Christian? the land he went to, and his descendants will
inherit it" (Num. 14:24). Caleb was a Romans
Os Hillman 8:14 man! The Spirit led him. He was not led by

Many of us have failed to enter into our own

Many of us have failed to enter into our own
Promised Land, because we have failed to be
Promised Land because we have failed to be
led by the Spirit rather than by fear.
led by the Spirit rather than by fear. Fear
prevents us from entering into what God has
For if you live according to the sinful
promised for each of us. God has reserved an
nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you
inheritance for us that is exceedingly good.
put to death the misdeeds of the body, you
God described the Promised Land as a land of
will live, because those who are led by the
milk and honey. Our own Promised Land is the
Spirit of God are sons of God (Romans 8:13-
same. But you must be led by the Spirit to
enter in. You cannot be led by fear, reason
and analysis, or even skill. The Spirit must lead
Joshua and Caleb are described in Scripture
as men who had a different spirit. They were
two of the 12 spies sent into the Promised Land
Commit yourself to being a Romans 8:14 man
to determine if it could be taken, as God had
or woman. Then you will enter into the land
promised it to them. The other ten gave a bad
God has promised for you.
report that instilled fear in the people, which
ultimately caused a rebellion. This resulted in
an entire generation dying in the desert.
Joshua and Caleb were the only two who were
led by the Spirit of God versus the spirit of
fear. They were the only ones to enter the
Promised Land from their generation.


PRUNING AND Is Jesus your source of energy? Romans refers to Him as the vine
GRAFTING BRANCHES (as He is referred to frequently in the New Testament) -- meaning
ROMANS 11:11-24 that He is our source of life. Is it Him you turn to when you need
fuel? Or do you depend on yourself?


A COMPLETE ISRAEL This passage says that “the gifts and calling of God are
ROMANS 11:25-36 irrevocable.” Can you identify your own gifts and calling? Make
a list!


YOUR PROPER ROLE IN Do you know what your role is in the body of Christ? While it’s
THE BODY OF CHRIST easy to look at what others are getting to do in the body of
ROMANS 12:1-8 Christ, we have each been given a job to do in a way that only
we can do it.


When this scripture says to “let love be genuine,” the word “love”
here refers specifically to a God-like agape love. So here is our
challenge: how do you love? In what ways do you show genuine
ROMANS 12:9-21
love to the people around you?

the book of ROMANS

When the authorities in your life (personally and over the lives of
all) frustrate you, do you ever consider that they are only in the
position they are in because God chose to put them there? Does
ROMANS 13:1-7
this change the way you think about them, respond to them, and
even pray about them?


FULFILLING THE LAW Do you love other people well? Romans says that we will be
THROUGH LOVE known by our love, and that instead of trying so hard to keep all
ROMANS 13:8-14 of the commands of God, we can keep them by just simply loving
those around us.

Would you consider yourself to be a judgmental person? Are you
too busy looking at how other Christians handle themselves to
even look at your own life and what you are doing? God makes
ROMANS 14:1-11
one thing clear in this passage of Romans: Everyone who is His
servant answers to Him and Him alone.

the book of ROMANS


Never let evil defeat you, but

defeat evil with good.

Romans 12:21

Every day, sometimes every minute, I go from

Peace Out and speaking out of wanting to control the
situation and trying to figure out how to make
Good peace my way to handing the relationship and
situation back to the hands of the one who set
Riddance the standard for what relationships should look
like. It’s human nature and just “easier” to let
Emily Manke emotions run rampant when it comes to
relationships. The downfall is that we end up
I believe we all genuinely want to see the reacting to those rather than consulting God
people we encounter succeed and feel and His word on how to get what our souls
understood, but we go about our relationships really yearn for in our relationships which is
with no guidance or intentionality to see that healthy, genuine, reciprocated, safe,
through. This can ultimately lead us to a respectful, and honoring relationships. I
defeated, hopeless, and mediocre attitude believe we all genuinely want to see the
towards the relationships that we care about people we encounter succeed and feel
most. understood, but we go about our relationships
with no guidance or intentionality to see that
I hate to admit how often I have been tempted through. This can ultimately lead us to a
to say, “Peace out and good riddance,” when defeated, hopeless, and mediocre attitude
challenges arise in relationships. I know, I know, towards the relationships that we care about
not very “Christian” of me but from strangers to most.
acquaintances, friendships to family
relationships; Relationships can be so hard. If that is where you find yourself today, I am
right in that tug-of-war of emotions with you.
Can we be real for a few minutes? I am pretty As I wake up each morning, I do my best to
sure if I posed the question, “how many of you pray over each of those relationships and ask
have had, or are currently having, a hard time God how to navigate each one. I have found
with a relationship?” Every single one of you that the Apostle Paul gives us a blueprint of
would probably shoot up one or maybe both how relationships are transformed in Romans
hands. Isn’t it so hard to choose to do the hard 12. Here are ten ways to transform a
work in relationships to make them last? If I relationship the way God intended:
can be even more vulnerable with you for a
minute, I confess I have several names and 1. Always be sincere and put action on your
situations circled on my mirror right now that love.
could use a whole lot of Jesus and guidance as
I feel at a complete loss with how to navigate Let the inner movement of your heart always
them. be to love one another, and never play the role
FIND MORE ON IDISCIPLE.ORG of an actor wearing a mask. - Romans 12:9

2. Outdo the other person in respect and 7. Take notice of what is happening in their
honor. lives. Celebrate their wins with them and
grieve with them through losses. Show them
Try to outdo yourselves in respect and honor of compassion.
one another. - Romans 12:10
Celebrate with those who celebrate, and
3. Keep a close relationship with the Lord. weep with those who grieve. - Romans 12:15

Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your 8. Value them for their worth in God’s eyes,
passion toward him boiling hot! Radiate with not just the value they bring from their actions.
the glow of the Holy Spirit and let him fill you
with excitement as you serve him. - Romans Live happily together in a spirit of harmony,
12:11 and be as mindful of another’s worth as you
are your own. Don’t live with a lofty mind-set,
4. Don’t give up on people when things get thinking you are too important to serve others,
hard. but be willing to do menial tasks and identify
with those who are humble minded. Don’t be
Let this hope burst forth within you, releasing a smug or even think for a moment that you
continual joy. Don’t give up in a time of know it all. - Romans 12:16
trouble, but commune with God at all times. -
Romans 12:12 9. Think of others before yourself daily. Live at
peace with everyone.
5. Take an interest in their interests.
Never hold a grudge or try to get even, but
Take a constant interest in the needs of God’s plan your life around the noblest way to
beloved people and respond by helping them. benefit others. Do your best to live as
And eagerly welcome people as guests into everybody’s friend. – Romans 12:17-18
your home. - Romans 12:13
10. Be kind and generous.
6. Watch your words. Speak blessings over
them. Beloved, don’t be obsessed with taking
revenge, but leave that to God’s righteous
Speak blessing, not cursing, over those who justice. For the Scriptures say: “Vengeance is
reject and persecute you. - Romans 12:14 mine, and I will repay,” says the Lord. And: If
your enemy is hungry, buy him lunch! Win him
over with kindness. For your surprising
generosity will awaken his conscience, and
FIND MORE ON IDISCIPLE.ORG God will reward you with favor.

Never let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with

good. – Romans 12:19-21

As we go about our week, I would like to

challenge you to join me in starting each day
with a simple but intentional prayer over every
relationship or situation you may be facing.
Something like this:
God, thank you for (insert name). Bless them. I
realize that you are God in (insert situation)
and there is no one better to handle it. I leave
them/it in your hands today. Help me love
them. Amen.


WALKING IN LOVE Would you be willing to give up something you loved if it
ROMANS 14:12-23 hindered the souls of the people around you? Walking in love
looks like making sure the people around you keep their soul
intact, and that nothing you do is a stumbling block to them.


LOVE IS THE KEY Repeatedly throughout Paul’s letters to the churches, Paul
TO UNITY identifies that our job as believers is to build one another up
ROMANS 15:1-13 and to not let anything we say or do tear each other (or the
church) down. What does “building up” look like to you? Do you
know anyone who is good at building people up? Take some
time today to build up someone in your life!


PAUL’S REASON In these closing two chapters, Paul refers to God as, 1) the God
FOR WRITING of encouragement, 2) the God of endurance, 3) the God of
ROMANS 15:14-33 hope, and 4) the God of peace. Have you tapped into these
different attributes of God? If you had to describe what God
has been the God of in your life, what would you say?


PAUL’S FINAL Paul closes this letter by reminding everyone that God is “the
INSTRUCTIONS God of peace” but that He will also be the One who, “crushes
ROMANS 16:1-27 Satan.” God is the one who is our peace and our strength. Can
you think of a time in your life when He has been both?

the book of ROMANS

Now, those who are mature in their
faith can easily be recognized, for
they don’t live to please themselves
but have learned to patiently
embrace others in their immaturity.
Our goal must be to empower
others to do what is right and good
for them, and to bring them into
spiritual maturity.

Romans 15:1-2
Thank you for bringing me from death to life. Thank you
for making a way when a way to You was altogether

As I go out into my little world, I pray that the reminders

of Your heart for me from Romans stay with me
wherever I go and that I don’t rush past the mundane
minuscule things of my day-to-day without realizing
that I have been chosen for this path I am on.

Thank you for choosing me, for inlaying purpose in me

and my life before I was even a thought in my mother’s
mind. I pray that you continue to equip me to steward
that calling well through my words and actions and that
You give me Your eyes, Your hands, and Your heart
while I stand as a witness to your goodness on this

Do through me what only You can do!

It’s in your Holy, Unrivaled name I pray,


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