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BERS | 1. Below are a few things you might see, feel, hear, smell or taste at a party! Sort the descriptive words/phrases into the five different categories. Write them down on the lines given below. i colourful streamers cold drinks sweet scent of perfume | | singing music Spicy pizza laughter big balloons dancing | sweet pastries aroma of food hot coffee | At the party 30 Creative Writing Book 1 Scanned with CamScanner 2. Imagine you are at a party. Write some senten: le ces to di the party. You may include words from practice a. series I was at my friend's birthday party last evening. 1. What did you see? 2. What did you hear? 3. What did you smell? 4, What did you eat? How did it taste? 5. What did you touch? How did it feel? | Unit 4 | Describe Using Your Five Senses 34 yorevney 4 Scanned with CamScanner 1. You have bought bananas, grapes, lemons and rambutans from the supermarket. Take one fruit at a time. Sample each fruit and talk about it. Record what you experienced in the table given below. How it How it feels when smells What Isee} touched How it tastes 1. Banana {| & I H 2. Grapes te, | 3. Lemon | 4, Rambutans Creative Writing Book 1 Scanned with CamScanner 2. Based on your observations, answer the following questions. . Which fruit is sweet and juicy? e Which fruit is sour? N 3. Which fruit is the brightest? |. Which fruit has hairy skin? - Coenen EEE 5. Did any fruit make a funny sound? | a | Unit 4 | Describe Using Your Five Senses 33 vw AntY Scanned with CamScanner So Unit 5 Fee eke Pera it t We experience many different feelings during the day. For example: happy, sad, surprised, nervous, embarrassed, excited etc. The pictures below show different feelings. Can you guess the feelings? Write the correct feeling below each picture. Then write one sentence with each feeling. 1, Y 9 09 er RR 34 Creative Writing Bi Scanned with CamScanner Unit 5 | Telling About Feelings 35 Scanned with CamScanner You show your feelings by your actions. Read the words below | and match the feelings with the appropriate actions. The first one | is done for you. and down, dance, thumbs up, laugh ——_\ _ : @) / cry, sit alone in a i 1 | corer, cover your | proud 1 face t (3 }-------------- Soe eee \ "I did it", smile big, happy 1 1 \ ‘ stand tall \ | oo 1 = stomp your feet, if | v yell, close your fist ] T n \ f c (CS pocnonrrro 5 ! hide, run away { \ 36 Greative Writing Book 1 Scanned with CamScanner Imagine the following situations and fill in the i t blanks with th appropriate feelings. You may use the helping words eae baw, guilty excited fresh frightened mad tired nervous __ lonely 4. When I am lost in the shopping mall, I feel 2. When someone takes away my favourite things, I feel 7 3. When a dog comes running after me, I feel F 4, When my best friend goes on a holiday and I have no one to play | with, I feel 7 5. When I bully my little sister and she cries, I feel e 6. When my grandparents visit us, I feel . | After a shower, I feel ; | . At the end of the day, I feel : 31 unit \ Telling About Feelings Scanned with CamScanner , oe | Imagine a rainy day. Try to recall how it looked, sounded, smelt, felt and tasted. Fill in the shapes with words or phrases. 5. What I tasted 38 Creative Writing Book 1 _Aa Scanned with CamScanner Describe a y day in about 8 sentences. You may use the words from Practice 4. Scanned with CamScanner

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