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New Features for Revit MEP 2023

Exercises 55: Electrical Analysis

1. Start Revit 2023

2. Open Exercises_55.rvt
3. You will find a PDF link to your RVT file
4. Click the PDF link, and turn on Enable Snaps
5. Go to Analyze tab, locate Electrical Analysis panel
6. Click Area Based Load Boundary, from the Draw, select Rectangle option, and select the floor plan from top left,
to bottom right to define your first boundary
7. Click Area Based Load, and select the boundary you just defined
8. From Properties, click the small button with the three dots of Area Based Load Type, a dialog box will come up.
Define a new type, and call it Residential, set the Power Density = 92 W/m 2, change the Load Classification to be
Power, click OK, from context tab, click Finish Editing button
9. Click the boundary you just defined and look at the values calculated in the Properties
10. Start Area Based Load Boundary again, add create EIGHT lines to cut the apartments from the outside corridors
and the staircase and elevator
11. Select the plus sign at the center of the plan, from the context tab, click Divide Area Based Load, select the FOUR
areas of the apartments, click Finish Editing button
12. Hover over the plus, press [Tab] until you highlight the outside corridors, select it, from Properties, click the
small button with the three dots of Area Based Load Type, a dialog box will come up. Define a new type, and call
it Common Area, set the Power Density = 108 W/m2, change the Load Classification to be Power, click OK
13. Select the first boundary, from Properties, set the Name to be Apartments, and for the second boundary name it
14. Go to View tab, locate Windows panel, click User Interface drop-down list, turn on System Browser
15. Add Equipment Load setting up the following information:
a. Name = Elevator
b. Load Classification = Power
c. Voltage = 208 V
d. Apparent Load = 7300 VA
16. Create Electrical Analytical Power Source and call it Utility
17. Create Electrical Analytical Bus and call it Main Switch Board
18. Do the following linking inside the System Browser:

19. From Project Browser, check the schedule named Electrical Analytical Load Schedule, which you can customize it
as you wish
20. Save and close the file
Tutorial 56: MEP Fabrication Data Manager:

1. Start Revit 2023

2. Open Tutorial_56_A.rvt
3. In order for the MEP Fabrication Data Manager to work with you, you have to do the following steps:
a. Start Autodesk Desktop App from your desktop
b. Search for MEP Fabrication Data Manager Sync, download it and install it at your computer
c. Start MEP Fabrication Data Manager Sync, upload the desired Fabrication MEP Configurations (usually
they are installed in the following path: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Fabrication 2023\
d. Choose between Revit MEP Metric Content or Revit MEP Imperial Content
e. Upload the configuration
f. Go to any bowser and go to the following link: (you have to have
Autodesk account and own Revit, or AEC Collection)
g. If needed input your username and password
4. Inside the browser, from the left pane, select Services
5. Select (250PA) click the checkbox, click Copy
6. Call the new service (250PA) – My Project, and set the following:
a. Hanger Engagement = Around Part
b. Insulation Specification = Acoustic Liner 25
c. Insulation Type = Inside
d. Click Apply
7. A new service is added
8. Go to MEP Fabrication Data Manager Sync
9. You will find that the current configuration is UNSYNCED, click the three vertical dots and select Download Now.
Now the configuration will display the word Ready
10. Go to the file Tutorial_56_A.rvt
11. Go to Fabrication Settings
12. Select the Configuration with the CLOUD icon
13. Click Reload Configuration
14. The new service now is available for use
15. Load the new configuration into your project
16. Open Tutorial_56_B.rvt
17. Zoom to the duct work at the top, hover over one of the return ducts, press [Tab] several times to highlight the
run, then click to select it
18. From context tab, click Selection Box command
19. Select one of the straight ducts, you will see In-Canvas controls, click one of the offsets (at the right or at the
left) and change the value to 850, you will notice that when you change the elevation for fabrication elements,
the entire run will react and not only that part
20. Save and close the file
Tutorial 57: Printing Enhancements:

1. Start Revit 2023

2. Open Tutorial_57.rvt
3. When you look at the Project Browser, you will find a rectangle at the left of each view/schedule. There are
three different cases for this rectangle:
a. Filled with blue color – means this view/schedule was placed on a sheet
b. Filled with white color – means this view/schedule is not placed in a sheet
c. Half filled with blue color – means this schedule is split into more than one sheet (using Split & Place
function) and one or more of these schedules is not placed in its sheet
4. Double click sheet P-05 – Lighting Level 1, you will see there is a view and schedule
5. Right-click the sheet name, from the list there are three options:
a. Duplicate Sheet / Duplicate Empty Sheet – which means it will duplicate the title block
b. Duplicate Sheet / Duplicate with Sheet Detailing – which means all schedules, legends, and annotations
is included
c. Duplicate Sheet / Duplicate with Views – which means the new sheet will include all views from the
current sheet, and since you can’t have the same view in multiple sheets, you will see the following
dialog box:

d. You have to select whether you want to duplicate the view, duplicate the view with detailing, or
duplicate the view as a dependent (these options were discussed before)
6. Select Duplicate, what is the name of the new sheet? ____________________________ And what is the name
of the new view? _________________________________________
7. Rename the new sheet to be P-06 – Lighting Level 2, delete the schedule
8. Select the view, from context tab, locate Positioning & View panel, select 2 – Ceiling Elec
9. From Quick Access Toolbar, click PDF button, under Export Range, click the Selected views/sheets option, then
click the pencil to edit. Once the dialog box comes up, select Check All to select all views and sheets, then click
Edit print order button. Test the three available options
10. Click OK, then Select, and Close
11. Save and close the file
Tutorial 58: Schedule Enhancements:

1. Start Revit 2023

2. Open Tutorial_58.rvt
3. Go to Space Lighting Load Per Level Schedule view
4. You will notice there are spaces in Level 1, and Level 2
5. Go to P-05 – Lighting Level 1 sheet
6. Insert Space Lighting Load Per Level Schedule in this sheet below the floor plan view, you will find that all spaces
are listed in the schedule
7. Go back to Space Lighting Load Per Level Schedule view
8. Click Filter button from Properties, turn on the Filter by sheet, click OK
9. Go to P-05 – Lighting Level 1 sheet
10. You will notice that only the Level 1 spaces are listed
11. Go to P-06 – Lighting Level 2 sheet
12. Insert Space Lighting Load Per Level Schedule in this sheet
13. What happened? _____________________________________________________________________
14. Go back to Pipe Schedule view
15. Click Formatting button from Properties
16. From the left pane, select Type, click Conditional Format button
17. Set the following condition: Type == Copper, set the Background color = Cyan, click OK, then click OK
18. Check the schedule
19. Save and close the file
Tutorial 59: Displace in 2D & 3D and Tagging:

1. Start Revit 2023

2. Open Tutorial_59.rvt
3. You are at HVAC / Floor Plans / 1 – Mech view
4. Go to 3D Elec – Electrical Room
5. Select the transformer
6. From the context tab, locate View panel, click Displace Elements
7. Tripod will appear, pull the green 3D arrow out
8. While the transformer is selected, click Path button, and click the three edges of the transformer
9. Go to Annotation tab, locate Tag panel, click Tag by Category, tag the displaced transformer with leader
10. Tag the panel beside it
11. Then displace it, you will find that the tag will move with it
12. Go to 1 – Ceiling Mech view
13. Zoom to the rooms at the bottom, select the air terminal at the right
14. Displace it as you did in 3D to the right and below, and add Path lines, then tag it
15. Go to 1 – Ceiling Elec Tag view
16. Zoom to the rooms at the bottom
17. Start Tag by Category command turn on the Leader, and click the first light at the right, locate the location of the
tag near the middle of the horizontal wall
18. Select the new tag, using Add / Remove Host, add seven more tags to the other lights
19. Move the tag to center location between the four windows
20. Click the tag, click Merge Leaders
21. You can do the following:
a. Show All Leaders
b. Hide All Leaders
c. Show One Leader
d. Select Leaders to Show (you can hide some, and show some)
22. Save and close the file
Tutorial 60: General Enhancements:

1. Start Revit 2023

2. Open Tutorial_60.rvt
3. Now section can cut more elements like Plumbing Fixtures
4. Go to 1 - Plumbing
5. Zoom to the Ladies Room, double-click the section arrow, you will notice that water closets are not cut by the
6. Click one of the water closets, from context tab, click Edit Family, from Properties, turn on Enable Cutting in
Views checkbox, click Load into Project and Close, don’t save, Overwrite the existing version. You will notice that
the water closet now is cut by the section
7. Go to 3D Elec - Electrical Room view
8. Now you can measure in 3D view (with Chain, or without Chain)
9. Go to 1 – Mech floor plan view
10. Using Crossing or Window, select all HVAC elements, you will see lots of pins displayed
11. From context tab, locate Controls panel, and click Activate button (the same button is available in the Quick
Access Toolbar) what happens? _____________________________________________________________
12. Click it off
1. Save and close the shape

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