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M: Good afternoon, my name is Milagros Espinoza and I am part of the personnel selection

team of this company, we currently require staff for the marketing position in our branch of Ica

H: hello, pleased to meet you, I am Carlos Torres Gonzales and I am very happy that I have
been taken into account to arrange a job interview

M: First of all, I appreciate your interest in applying to the square for which we are
interviewing, I have been reviewing your life sheet and I would like us to talk more fully about
the information provided, so I would be grateful if you would answer the questions that I am
asking you, what do you think?

H: Yes, it seems perfect to me

M: I want to confirm the information of your personal data, what is your full name and your

H: My name is Carlos Humberto Torres Gonzales and I am 25 years old

M: Where do you currently live and what are your contact numbers?

H: I currently live at Av. Gerónimo de Cabrera 918, Ica and my phone number is 945 346 324

M: ok, tell me what interested you about the company so that you have considered it as a
possible place of work?

H: I was very impressed to observe the announcement published on the company's social
networks, since I was looking for a job and the requirements shown in the publication fit my
professional profile.

M: OK, can you tell me about your academic education?

H: I graduated in the digital marketing career at the Technological University of Peru, when I
finished it, I automatically enrolled in courses and diplomas to acquire more knowledge about
my profession.

M: Why did you decide to study that career?

H: I decided to study this career because I love what is related to the world of advertising,
propaganda, market studies and everything related to innovation and creativity.

M: What achievements have you made during your career?

H: I have successfully completed my career with a remarkable average, in addition to working

and representing highly recognized Peruvian brands

M: Oh, interesting, and considering we give you the job, how do you look in 5 years?

H: If I am given the opportunity to work in your company, I would consider the objective of
moving up to a digital superviser to train employees.

M: Oh, those goals are very good, as a last question, what lifestyle do you currently have?

H: I have a productive lifestyle, as I wake up early in the mornings and enjoy reading and

M: Ok Mr. Torres, to finish the interview do you have any questions for me?
H: Yes, how would you describe the company's culture?

M: Well, our company is characterized by the outstanding concern towards our employees, in
addition to the reason that we try to provide the best opportunities so that they can perform
their work correctly.

H: And as a last question, how is a typical day of work in this position?

M: A typical day as a Digital Marketing Manager is very interesting, since you are in contact
with customers to listen to their needs, as well as making use of the company's technology

H: Ok, thank you for answering my concerns

M: Well Carlos, we have reached the end of the interview and stay tuned to your email for
prompt news of the position in the company.

H: Okay, don't worry I will be attentive to my mail for anything, thank you so much.

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