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Our world is better as of this generation but the real problem is us people for we are no

longer at our shapes. We are no longer at our shapes as to say for the reason that
technology has been destroying us for years. We are tying up ourselves in social media
too much because we have become accustomed to the benefit it provides us – and our
path is diverted because of this. We often want to discover new things even if it doesn’t
bring positive impact on us. In other words, social media is addicting. To some
appearances, technology is beneficial but the way we use it is detrimental. Therefore,
the world is becoming worse in order to become better later.

Being addicted to social media is like losing our sense of word and identity. As we
expose ourselves on the media, it also changes the way we think about our own selves
and others. With that, we are living in an illusion. I think that social media has a way of
making humans more reclusive and seclusive. We are unable to function in the real
world and to have real conversations with real people. We are being trapped by the
media. We are poisoned by what we see because we believe we can keep up. That’s
how easy to be a product of social media consumption.

Technology has revolutionized the world over 20 years but the revolution didn’t come
without a price – the reality of addiction. It does not only impact the world but totally
changed it a lot. And we have to consider some negative ways of how technology is
being such. Everyone has likely experienced these problems to some extent: Bullying,
fake news spreading, pornography, drug and human trafficking and depression. Further,
most of us today use social media in a regular basis and leaves us feeling isolated. These
only prove that technology or social media somewhat affects us users directly and

To conclude, the world seems worse now than we were kids. We were used to play
outside and kept ourselves unbothered with those mess and nonsensical social events in
the media. We felt our freedom before but today we are like robots being controlled
and manipulated by technology and social networking sites. We had lost the ability to
calm and soothe ourselves in the real world. And that denotes social dilemma and
telling us that many social media companies succeed by capturing as much of our
attention, then selling it. So, as the saying goes, if we are not paying for the product, we
are the product.

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