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Readig Rewires Brain for Higher Intelligence and Empathy

Minda Zetlin wrote an article titled "You Can Improve Your Emotional Intelligence With 1
Simple Activity. In her article, Zetlin says that there's a compelling scientific evidence that
reading novel will both improve emotional intelligence and will give a better brain function.
Other researchers that are mentioned from the text found out that reading fiction, non fiction
and not reading at all had a measurable effect on subjects' emphaty. Research suggests that
both life-time experience of reading fiction and the extent to which a reader feels 'transported'
by the narrative are associated with empathy. This study examined these relationships further
by delineating empathy into cognitive and affective components. Zetlin also desrcibes that
reading does in fact make people more intelligent. With that, research shows that reading not
only helps with fluid intelligence, but with reading comprehension and emotional intelligence
as well. According to these researchers, people make smarter decisions about themselves and
those around them. Such that, it has been proven from Zetlin's article that reading in general
benefits brain and how it functions and adds years to life. Zetlin concludes the importance of
reading wherein it rewires brain for higher intelligence and emphaty.

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