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Look at the picture and read the description. Observa la imagen y lee la descripción.
The Johnson family is on vacation at a
lake. Dad, Mom, Henry and Lynne.
They also have their dog with them.
Dad is grilling hamburgers and mom is
giving him corn to grill.
Henry and Lynne are serving
themselves. Lynne likes chicken and
Henry takes hot dogs and hamburgers.
There is fruit juice to drink.
On the lake is a gray motorboat.
Tonight they will sleep in the tent.
Mom is wearing a purple skirt and
Papa is wearing shorts.
Grete has long, brunette hair.
Hans is taller than Grete.
They also have a robot, Hal. He has
just caught a fish.

Make 5 positive sentences in the present simple. Realiza 5 oraciones positivas en

presente simple.

1. Lynne grills the corn and Henry cooks the meat.




Answer the questions. Responde las preguntas.

1. What pet does the Johnson family have?

2. How many hamburgers does Dad grill?
3. What is mom wearing on her head?
4. What color is the tent?
5. What is the nationality of the family? You can see that in the flags.

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