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Group’s members

• Anoceto Anabel
• Espinoza Herrera Daniela
• García Genesis
• Guerrero Aguiño Nohelia
• Pérez Vásquez Joselyn
• Torres Tapia Iván

Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperatures and weather patterns. This
process not only affects human beings, but all living beings. There are several ways to
contribute to the reduction of this harmful phenomenon. In our opinion, we consider
that there are a lot of to prevent this process.

Private vehicles are a constant source of pollution. That is why riding a bicycle is a
sustainable option. Something that is recommended is to encourage that use of bicycles.
Since, bicycles are the most sustainable transport, because: they do not consume fuel.
They do not emit greenhouse gases. They produce much lower noise levels than cars.

In the fight against climate change it is essential to seek the protection of the forest
mass. It is important to avoid practices that could pose a risk of fire, such as having a
barbecue in a natural area. We must promote the planting of trees, each tree can absorb
up to a ton of CO2, and thus contribute to the fight against climate change.

Many people consider that it is not necessary to make measures to prevent climate
change, since they consider that it is an innate process of life. But for example, studies
have shown that a plastic bottle can take about 500 years to decompose. It is evident,
therefore, that we must avoid the consumption of plastics if we want to take care of our
Definitely, fighting climate change is a difficult task, but not impossible. As we have
seen, with small actions in our daily lives, we can greatly contribute to avoiding this
dangerous phenomenon. In our opinion, we consider that there are several ways to avoid
this process. It is our task to apply the necessary measures.

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