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2. TIME: 09.30 – 10.30


The following test will be used .................... the students’s knowledge of Advanced
Grammar they have already studied in this smester.
(A). to measure (B). for Measuring
(C). measuring (D). being measured

Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentences.

1. The teacher gave us a challenging assignment, but we all enjoyed ..... it.
(A). doing (B). do
(C). to do (D). for doing

2. Most students of the Advanced Grammar class spend their time ........ education exibition in our province..
(A). attended (B). attending
(C). was attended (D). was attending

3. The window of our house which was ..... needs to be repaired by someone now.
(A). being broken (B). broken
(C). break (D). breaking

4. My parents who are farmers in the mountain will get .......if we do not finish our study on time.
(A). disappointed (B). disappointingly
(C). disappointedly (D). being disappointed

5. All lecturers of English Department will go ..... to strenghten their backgrounds of major study.
(A). on overseas (B). to overseas
(C). overseas (D). in overseas

6. His lovely grandmother ....... cook ‘Kuah Pliek’ when she was still young.
(A). using (B). to use
(C) use to (D) used to

7. In a hot, sunny climate, man acclimatizes by eating less, drinking more liquids, wearing lighter clothing,
(A). skin changes that darken (B). his skin may darken
(C). experiencing a darkening of the skin (D). darkens his skin.

8. All of the new students must………………..but also their clothes before they depart to Darusslam. .
(A). not only pack their books (B). their books not only pack
(C). pack not only their books (D). not their only books pack

9. It is necessary for every student ……………. hard to pass the examination .

(A). studied (B). studying
(C). to study (D). is studied

10. Sometimes, lecturers also felt ......... because they have a lot of things to do in one week.
(A). boredom (B) boring
(C). bored (D) boringly
11. We see the police ………….. for the thefts who run near our village .
(A). is seraching (B). are searching
(C). was searching (D). searching

12. After having learning Grammar for one semester, .................................................

(A). the teacher gave us the final examination (B). the students took the final examination
(C). the final examination was given by our lecturer. (D). the lecturer prepared the final examination.

13. The man player in the world will visit my village next year.
(A). who the famous (B). who is the famous
(C). which is the famous (D). whom is famous

14. If Mulyani had been able to finish her assignment, she………, he would have come to class.
(A). she would have come to class (B). she would come to class
(C). she came to class (D). she was coming to class

15. The people in the middle highland of Aceh are always ……....... having many friends from various
(A). interesting in (B). interest in
(C). interested in (D). to have interested in

16. The volleyball competitions in our town has been posphoned .............. the rainy season takes place.
(A). because (B). because of
(C). although (D). Inspite of

17. When a university .............. a new regulation, it must relay its decision to the students and faculty
(A). formulating (B). formulates
(C). Being formulated (D). Having formulated

18. One of the students in our class considered that the Grammar class is quite ............... .
(A). difficulty (B). difficulty
(C). be difficult (D) be difficulty

19. Because the severe rain and wind occured, the bus stopped in the transit area ............ ..
(A). resting (B). rest
(C). to rest (D). for being rest

20. My mother requested that my friend, Ani, takes ablution before the ............ comes.
(A). prayed time (B). pray time
(C). praying time (D). time pray

21. My elder sister, ................................. , is now studying to be a doctor in a famous university in Medan.
(A). at which was an English student (B). that was an English student
(C). who was an English student (D). which was an English student

22. A beautiful lady ...................... from a big university in our city will be placed as a secretary in our office.
(A). graudated (B). graduating
(C). was graduated (D). being graduated

23. All students smell something .............. when they are in chemistry laboratory room.
(A). burning (B). burned
(C). burn (D). being burned

24. Mathematics ..................... my most difficult subject so far this semester

(A). having been (B). has been
(C). being had been (D). to have been
25. The students ................. a great respect to the lecturer who has worked sriously to reach the target of his
teaching programs.
(A). will giving (B). will gave
(C). will be given (D). will give

26. One of private universities .............. into a national university in our province.
(A). will develop (B). will be developed
(C). will be developing (D). to be developed

27. Many young learners of the English language ................ to learn a lot of vacobulary to improve their
reading skill.
(A). needing (B). needs
(C). need (D). is needing

28. ...................................... in the library will improve your stock of knowledgs as students.
(A). Reading a lot books (B). Read a lot books
(C). Being read a lot of books (D). To reading a lot of books

29. We all .................of our old parents because they have given us their great love and attentions.
(A). Must take care (B). Must taking care
(C). Must be taken care (D). must have been taken care

30. As Moslems, we have to.....................the rules of Islam in our daily life for being the Ummah of Prophet
Muhammad P.B.U.H.
(A). follow (B). following
(C). followed (D). be foloowed

31. .........................., she will buy many English books for her reference so that she is able to master her
(A). If she has a lot of money (B). She has a lot of money
(C). If she had a lot of money (D). If she has had a lot of money

32. Hopefully, the students of UIN Ar-Raniry who have studied ............... will be easy to find jobs when they
graduate from the University.
(A). who study seriously (B). who seriously study
(C). who studied seriuos (D). who serious study

33. All of Achehense foods .....................since they are made of mixed traditional recipes.
(A). tasting deliciously (B). taste deliscious
(C). taste deliciously ( D). tasting delicious

34. Linking verbs English Grammar are considered as non-action verbs which must be
understood well by every student.
(A). which are found (B). which is found
(C). which found (C). which are finding

35. Please recheck your work very carefully, before ................ to your lecturers.
(A). submit (B). submitting
(C). submitted (D). is submitted

Good Luck

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