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-y- -

IJESCISSIBLE j Aft.T, 1&91 , ~~i1,1e, C:onivr:iu:,is: C,Al"'Lr) I How '10 RESt.lND : I. WHO GAtJ Rl:SC114D WHaJ "ff> ~l!'SC.IND CV~
VClllfd unn'I re,6';,c411;f. (1) Cc11+rt.1~ wkd 'i'lh, lo.t 81AC1rdians ~ti\ WClrtl '
s ,/ "lhro14 i'I r,11.wc:r ( (i) wtil\'in +yco.,s -mm (1') 8-i Rlln~CA'110N e,f
RWSCl~IOM', • -&lej 1-Cfl'tSont S\,tffe,, lffict\ .,,, mart -!hClln 1/+ 9 .T 9'/ ; ' ~ 9uC1rdie111
er&otts ...-ie oltbecit+,"Ol'l -kl of .ff,e VQlue of ofhe -fk'ir\g• ,fo., Rli?Sc.1~10N,
l'ICl10t-l I) Of
Cid 1....m ofvvard c(u{,"-9 (r4).,a'in1"9 ea,ac:i~- wo.rd ~"' .+ ..,.,,.,s
return -lhC ,t+("'Sf ~tch ' I n ~ of '4,Qtd ..... •n
~• ,ff,,e 01,Jlct 6f "41t ,. NO 11.t.scis~ion:rf ; 4ctlon e1,9di11,t oll,c, e,,a,aa
conwc.+, witt, Wrts, (i.) Cc,it,ract, •n 1'€prtSQrrtQtiot\abs1.ll'f-ees , lf-i+ie ,. . 7
piict and 1iS ~~est. lctl+Cr $\lffer.s IC410I\ of more ,fhan 1/+ bf -flolc vaki, l".)\olred PQ1,
hQS oll,e, (1,) 1-, Al!ISINl'l!E Ci.) w"J41,i'in 4ycca,s ~m .('1) l.lpor, ft(if°l'1iM,
• M.T, " ' ' of ofhe +h'in9, lc.~I ~ns;~ ·e1W1t1 ~k~9e of dom1ci1e 4 "(CarJ ffllll'I kr.owkclgt
~E'~JS m:5: rtflClrafion ; (MT, IJIJ) o# CDu'4nftt• of dCJfl'licilC of ol.Sfnftcl ,
plC(imfffl MUS+ lit able (~) ContY4 ats u.,de,,tqlc.Qn rll\ -fv'Qud e,f' ~di-torr whftl " pldinKff Cltl'lf'lo/' rehlm ~)B'j CR~(s1 ,~., -a (4) '1) .-,(l (4)
-to ,efum ~1111-hcu "'•n -k ,~er CAnnct 111 q""f olt\f.r ~cwi«r cc,ftec:t ~• his ~rt o,f oi.ir9a+icn, l'i11dv.diti9 li(in o.f ~ - w'iih'in 4 yeatJ - . Upon fklCR1,nc,iJ
rec.tlved "'I vlt'N• of ,ff.« ela1'MS dlte -tll4an,. , (~. ,s95, .r
C,Cd'""'1 cl'fdfiM, Oflltr
Corm'Qc,t, . pctr , I ) pa,41c~ "'1),ldlcccl • k~1•c:1se or /~4yco.r5~M
obJ"•ot r7f (.Dl'lfyQd' SIKMld C4) Cotl+f'Qc.ts whiclo\ -10 iti'ings "Jn ri'h9Cttion w1~o.rt or.jer.t Ts 1n tie hqndJ (4) l"f PAR'1'1' L11l 6A-NT 'M:llld\oll-ent Cllllofrad. kn°""1ed9e of ~1.1d..ient
1101-bl 'in l&9QI ,oue~lon -Hit l<nowlt.d~ Cfld qrprtNCll .f litii9ams or o( Cf et it-li,d pe.tson 'in ~ Cc~-~ ,ori1raet.
of- ofl,'i,-d rQnOnS 'in saod C.O""f'it4tlt j1o1c:tic.iQ\ a\ol'lt'lo-i'b. good 1Q"41 .i (MT, 1315, 't\tQ
,(Qi+!,,. pq,. '3.)
" ofhe,e MUJi be l'IO o-ffitt " ContrQcts ente..d 1n+D
l~I ,en,ed.j, Ct) All bfhllr cc~cts Specialb, dec.larec:I b'I 10.w 'It\ b•hQlf of p °"· -11 11ota" -f IIOk It
,1 Qt,non M\15+ be. - ...hf .fo &e suiucot +ii rtScission. '"' Qb5C1111ee h~llt ~8" .,.,.tral l"I.IHI: Qotien .fo>,, Rlrfll'I CM'C:11-1 :
-"to'\,eAc I
. ,. • - --v
,-i+'lin -fM profG< Or1e-"'"':1. a,rrt,v11cl b..j,-lh,e '°'-!rt. ,uclssion lo& btou9ht -hM
cl,w,ses -the c.,,,fwQcf
pte.sclif+iv& pe,iod, . (ART,1394') b-, ,fl,.e "in_}A,ed party all ii\ delecfs
t1,1 merrts made r,n Q fkri'e. of 'ln.soi.,en~ .fo.,. ll'IOllllnt ·11 ~cu ~ d .
._ I \d'h, d(l "'1> clth"9ctKoris to wt,ase. "'41fill"'t.nt ih-e de~ COUid "O Nt.."'( • Mr, 13'f_,
t'""'V or I\Ot' be ecmr•t"41d ... • A.-.1 1382.. C#II~

V01DA8LI!: RRT. i,qo. to/oi dQblG C.Onttc:1cts : (rv) How ~-~""1-J_~ WHO c:At-1 ANNUL Wl-411N 10 ANIJUL C.URB
v~lld Ul'Mff annun~d (1) 01RE'CT'\.'{ J b~ an A~1:1r1 'Wlf Q~rner,t (I') V'Mi'in 4 '(CCI~ ofltr (I) Rl'l11FICATION "-f
(1) ln«>pQ~ of one -to 9\vicc,-,,sent
b:1 q pt0pClr qc,1-jon 'in
"Court. • JIii~. ~,o, -to iM cor,t,,Qot,.
Q(l!iCl'I\ .fw J!lllnl.ll"'e~, i.e 'i"~cl Q\l ~o -M SIMllrdianM'ip of 'suar&~ of
(-a) 1w01"ec.n.f , b'I are obl,i9«d ?I\IN(.IPIIU."( Mtn«S / 'incapai,-toted 'incqpa~d pGrScln
PIii•' 1.
Atll'I\Jl.~l'Nf': . eoum~d c(i~ ~s k'ing ftf .sues101M.1L'1", pGrson •"1tJ,1~1 " 1nj1Ar•d pc.triy
• hi\f. 199=t
J 1"111.11\AGII t~on of- ihe
'lt\'i'ng, clefivtttd, 11lo~w~
(2.) Co"S4nl' -Jmat,41d b.f :
,fo.,, poJin~ ct.Kon
of iM. co~ +o set
., ......... ('lo)
.. l'IO!e. •
J t(WDS : 6'fitiJ (wnl!Ol\/cwal)
iYl.lm qndprlc,1 pctfd w~
'irr!Oiosf. - Ara. 13118 •- / Miffal<.e

OS'1clt '4kt C:On+v"cic+,
ptnan., Qrt ~* w",tt,'in 4 'j'4Qrs
tri,lled (l!Ckl Cll:IW'olU:t)
carinot ._11,,e -!he 1nfu.rlidc:iitioYI, vlo1411c.t.
/ Al!Q\11~1¥:
J Viole.nee. 'i""'Pc:a~ of -11,osQ Of ui,duo 'infh.&Gnc.-e
~cn: '1110:lf'<I~ ~Mollmeni GAflroJt11' Q , 1oio..i.c1,-. of f'IQSclr'I

~on.of ff r~•s / lni'\N{1dc:a-Hon p""-lect : whom -lk~ COl'!lracf'fd, (,~.

1ohidi t~d4!tl "'-t con-lttltt
-1¥,T. ,,....
(11 oijed- i, Mitt -+hrO\lgh
I rGtsons wno ~Qd 'f('~cn _!jUlt'f -lrtrn 1aiclC111,10
da~ts -Iv be fGid b.f l.\nd1.1t fr.A1.tfi!I\Ce r,,,i;l'Ylidcri\"c,r\ / vlcttrit4 1 0, £111a of diSto,4rlf », ~ "<tqiad,
1t01.\cl M.fa\ltt e,f 'l. fCli~: ftl«wl'tct
pct"'S who CCIII \tel 1'18 r' 1.11'\dull 'i.Gk.c411c.G, o, c,f ,...,l\ofalce ftf -frciud,
c., ...

dt-ltc.1-of ~e c.o~c,1-
,ff,f. pti-JOI\ ~ O hQf 0
e,,,,p'°'ftd I 0( "';~ ~'~lies/
ri9hl- +D 1' f-hl+G -lhQ ~ ~~ -+-
( ~If Ylrh4Q of M\T 20!1o'11
1 pRl(eec("\9s,, - Ntr. "'°' CCl1t1ed "'lfkakCl CQl\nol
~ .hit rlglrt,.-
(1.) tf-lhe Po'i Clllnnol
bQSf. ofM5',. aoti°" UfOI\
~es~ -flaw< of 'ftolf.
( -
~~ riolz:
- .i~ CD~ 01\-\r\l\sic) rt)'lore W1f hf. is l:icM,,d eonf.ra Cit • • lt«1'. I!"
~ .-,-..;r.
... ,eiu,,, . :' - Nt:r 14o'Z. - '· 11'5
(1.) f'P.1;Scl'\1Pn01<J ,.,, 7<-..')
·- ~ ~ -
,., _,...,_.__ ART', li0.3, UnClnfun:eable Co~~ : (
UtJ EN l'OACI!'11 SLE · HOVI! TC P\S~I L Wt-1O <:AN ~SAIL. Wl-lli:W 1b ASSAIL. CIJRE:
hJ.o offtcl unlf&s rolrfiecl, (1) Co11'IY'ci~ en+~td 'tn+o 'in -K.e no.111e of o.l"IOl+,,tu (•) AAilFICJ'\1\0N
1' NOT b'f di~ ae:h'cn. (t) 5'f ftfJOI\ WhO,Se hCllme Wh(lr\ GI PA1\T'( asKs
cannc,t- be,,,,c,d b.f b_y one V'/i-K-C1Jt I Cl( don11.9 'in fXCeCS ~, -the '°"Mllcl . WO$
,.arson whOSQ no.r,ie
Q ptiipc.r o.cA;on 'in c.our+,
J Pis a Dcl~SE, b'(
Court 'I'- enf,o(ce.
Ck.!inOfil;y, (UN,A,UnlcA1'Ul) CololfflA~.) ~ed '1rrt,, , 1114 cipteav:i 'in "'°'e
~on- ~lsmiss -11.,e. -th-e c.or,f-,act.
o~..iim. c{ pro f'tu-k/ Co'l"IM:lct,
C.C~plc(i,n -11.e.

tound -lhc:itI -11,t
(1.) Ccniv'actg Cov9¥ed b.( ~ 'T'IJ'!£' of which
Ccn,iyqc.t rs 1.1r1~a1>1e. ('1) 8'f cisa'intt whClffl _,. not«. II ('1) AAn Pl CA'T'I OIJ
I by pa-~ cisolinst whorl\
drcl not Cct"llpl'f w'i-4+1 ~e re.9ui"rGrnei,t, I -IM CO?l+rat-1' IJ ~rg IVmF'ICMlo,.j -M COntv'c:ld' i, ~ctd
I O~ec:tion 't+ -4+1e, ~ « d Cl ,,,s p,'ivies ont pa~ c-rivert1
f" -Fo'ilure. tD c~eot ...
~id11ne.t +.J frbve
~I (h~rf, reps, assi9ns ). -t1,e contrcic:t n+o
Q \IOIOA f3LE COffll"Qcl
i 1-' Cl a,eplan<.e i,e,.ef,'(s
an Ora I Contvci ct- •
(•f) Col\"fYQc:tr pa.-ti-e.s c,) 6-i oec(inw -vl,om -/lffl.r.~ (~1 AAIIFICM'ION
( appli <Elblt c/,,,'i to I "8 pl'lt'~ C>19i.1qrd1or,~
'inco.f'able t,f 91111--e ~,e11t -tl) -the ~e. comrqcl is Wii,9
of P!raud ) ~ ; ot 111, pfivies; of Sc,rH pa!if41l
c:crrtraot ' ~ .1405 ,/ c-tra~'19 f'C'ttiCIS
Cl(' pc,we,,,h Of guQ,dians
"&t~f~e • Crc)sri'"iAitt9~~
VOIO tlf lr-JE,<ISTliNT AAT', 1'4o9. Co,mac,ts void -wt>m 11,e beff'"ni"9 ·. How ff> lrtsAIL WH0 CFr>,/ ASsAII. Wl,IIIEN 'Tto A-SSA-IL-

/ Ah1olutt~ mll a11d void (i)" WhQSCI CdUJe, 01:iJect C-f r..irpQ.IQ ,,., "~ 'illnOCQ/Tt (I) a.,
inrtoc:em- I""'~
d ererise
I No effect al- all Qnd is CoMVOr~ ,t,. la.w , 11\0yQIS, soo d o1 L.ess-9"6~ ~ , !Jfon ILUS-9.Ji~ pc:lrfl,l,"f'OII
"Th't aotiOl'I Cl(' CANNOT bCI cu..ed.
GGUtt- diccrc.+,1)(1 court dis~+lon not prc,sc./.bQ.
~l\nof bt fO'llfi •d , ws~i, public 01dcz, °' puoh'c .J I~CQpci~td flk'SCf\ o/ 11'c:apc~H,:1l-ecl f)Qno,\ ..._o
ir P"'rhf -+t> Qn '1llot.,QI -At\T
poli~. ( \..cacl< ..f" ""IQl-\',c:J c~ ..t\o ls Q pr.~ +I, di\
11~1Jdl """4ol ~c.+ 1+10
I-A1c..rI-c o/ lwi~ ~.son Cl'iteol & affeolrd .l'I Cll~....J
(1.) Wh 1Ch art dbsol~l_y .s'im\llQl«d

~ » 1.--..S,,~o<"
(1),, odiOf\\~ (2.) of'fl,,,e fQl'flCS
O{ .fic:,t,i,t;OU~ • ~i\ ~ O U) CfC)
cleGlllratiot'I 61, 'i11tllifi~ pClr:Jcf\ wn eise
c~) '!hos• whose _sau1C1 Of <>Ill•"" clli!. llol ~s+ t( n.l\(~ ol ccnt,ac,t. ~~e.,~n Qr'.! di~c:tl~
it 1 , 1 ' A ~ ~
+lme -!he -tmnscionon (i•-is~ cl11ri'\9 affeokd 11,e
01- ff of :'I (l.) fls Pl'1"!tl&•
'ie ~w./o~ J 11f Ccsr,i,,,Qof-.
'""di (M · I ~)t f'i'') -~14-2.1,
'4-) ThOSQ \\otiose ~ •c:f is ounide ~e ccmme,a
$'1,1c:h d~Q nol ClloCtolal,tQ
§ ofm1n,
ofi,/i,d rau ,-is not d -il l W , k ~,

l8 l!S) 'l'llo.l'e which eontem,IClte an 'imp~ible

d'wectl_y ~ d 09 \e. ~ ~ t-.w/~

II I.,) In
Cor,haot,, (Art,

rAI'• PIIUao Qpf'i•S

- 1\ewt,_.e.~
M '!hose Wh~ ~e ~t 'irr!Clmicn of pc:Arii~s r(lative v-lh"' cawe 1r olo)&d t~ +)
-1-o -!tie objec.t _50.nnot be cucevt dined. of c.or,w~ct ~':Mt,
CA diM111C1I ~se..
("f) Co~c.h ~rei~,~ f1'7hibiied o( cleeldttd c,...t. 1411)
(1) f'lr'SOII cl'ir~
aU«CJ!ed 1>::, c.a,,trac:t
\!Old la.w.
f ~ Who~ prvtedicn
-IM, p~luiHtiCI'\ c,f -,..e
Cs) Direct reiutts of III ptevicus 'llle9al catrlrad-, l~W is d-ig11-.d,
- Aw(!'. 14-ZZ. •
-.. r= _
·lm:J". I+"

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