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Medical Curiosities that became Circus Sideshows

(can be used for a larger title board)

The People Called Freaks A popular circus attraction was known as the freak show. Performers in this show often lived with a rare medical condition that made them much different in appearance from a typical audience member. Some performers were mentally underdeveloped, and therefore, exploited by circus managers. But, many of these freaks were fully aware of their circumstances and enjoyed being the curiosity thousands of people came to see.

General Tom Thumb Charles Sherwood Stratton was a dwarf who reached lifelong celebrity status under the showmanship of P.T. Barnum. He was known as General Tom Thumb and stopped growing at the height of 34. At an early age, Tom Thumb performed by singing, dancing, and imitating famous historical figures such as Napoleon. He smoked cigars, chided the audience, and became one of Barnums biggest profit makers. Tom Thumb married a fellow midget, Lavinia Warren.

Jo Jo the Dog-Faced Boy A Russian man named Fedor Jeftichew lived with a medical condition called hypertrichosis. With hypertrichosis, people grow hair in what is considered an abnormal amount. P.T. Barnum hired Fedor in 1884 and told circus audiences an extravagant story about Jo Jo and his similarities to a dog. Jo Jo played the part by growling and barking. He was one of the highest paid performers for his time. Link to the pic page of Jo Jo. Im sure one of them can be used. %20Boy&hl=en&

Eng and Chang, the Siamese Twins Born in 1811 in Siam (now Thailand), Eng and Chang were conjoined twins who became two of the most famous touring performers. Their fame inspired other such twins to be called Siamese twins. It is more appropriate to call twins with this condition conjoined. Eng and Chang were joined at the sternum by a piece of cartilage. Today it would be very easy to separate Eng and Chang, but in the 19th century, medicine was unable to perform such a surgery. %20Twins& The Aztec Children Barnum called Maximo and Bartola The Aztec Wonders. Born around 1850, Maximo and Bartola were microcephalic (meaning with a small, underdeveloped cranium). Barnum claimed that Maximo and Bartola were the last of the ancient Aztecs. They were popular for the Victorian audience interested in ancient civilizations and Darwinism. They were so well-liked that even after Maximo and Bartola retired more Aztec Wonders filled the spot. imgurl= archive.html&usg=__R8Vveh_rtTmImkAUgqaxXbsbNQ=&h=300&w=400&sz=22&hl=en&start=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=7CmPZaBYt8512M:&tb nh=93&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMaximo%2Band%2BBartola,%2Bthe%2Bancient Koo Koo, the Bird Girl Minnie Woolsey, born in Georgia in 1880, became known as Koo Koo, the Bird Girl. She suffered from a condition known as Virchow-Seckel Syndrome. This skeletal disorder is characterized by dwarfism, a small head, recessed jaw, and an underdeveloped brain. Minnie had no hair growth, grew no teeth and was also blind. She traveled with the circus, and in 1932, she was featured in the movie, Freaks. %20Girl&

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