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Oral Communication

More Phrasal Verbs

Let’s find out the meaning of these phrasal verbs.

1. Match the phrasal verb and its meaning by writing the number of the
phrasal verb next to its meaning.

leave home to go to a social event

1Go back

2Check in return to a place

arrive and register at a place

3Drop by Remember that phrasal verbs are verbs with
So, you can’t translate them literally to your
ask many people the same question
4Ask around

5Give out arrive without an appointment

6Go out give to many people (usually at no cost)

2. Choose 4 of the phrasal verbs. Write your own dialogue of 50-60 words
where the characters use the phrasal verbs with each other.

Good ways to organize ideas. Group work. Form groups of four. Select one phrasal mind. give group
(each no importance,
must havenot making aph
a different b
grill. to cook food over fire or hot coals, usua
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