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London Police Lead Me to Alleged Jewish Mafia Who Allegedly Instigated the Killing of

the Afzaal Family Members in London, ON.

By: Andrew Kaprusiak (August 13th, 2022)

I went out for a walk on August 11th at about 7:00 pm. A police SUV facing south and
turning east implied that I should walk east on Oxford Street. I did so and arrived at the
Oakridge Secondary School sports field. There were several pee-wee soccer games
going on, so I decided to see if there was anyone there of interest that the police SUV
had been apparently pointing out. There was a particular couple there in their 30s with
their child. The man appeared to me to be an immigrant and the woman appeared to be
Jewish. I noticed that the family had a very nice, new white Nissan Tundra pick-up truck.

It was implied to me subsequently that this alleged Jewish woman, or her Jewish family
relatives, had been involved in the horrific deaths of a Pakistani-Canadian family, the
Afzaals, in Oakridge on June 6th, 2021. Allegedly, Nathaniel Veltman jumped the curb
and drove his pick-up truck into the Afzaals, who were walking along the sidewalk on
Hyde Park Road near South Carriage Drive. Four of five of the family members on the
sidewalk tragically died from the accident. We, in Oakridge, are constantly reminded of
these horrific murders, as we should be, by a monument that was put up by the city at
the intersection of the accident. Yet what appears to be a white-instigated hate crime
towards a family of muslims (it was alleged that Veltman was wearing a jacket with
swastikas on it)1 is allegedly instead, a crime instigated by Jewish mafia in London in
order to try to disparage a decent, prosperous city and to mercilessly slaughter a family
of Muslims.

After Veltman hit the family, he stopped his pick-up truck to await arrest at the Cherryhill
Mall parking lot on Oxford Street. The buildings behind the Cherryhill Mall are the
Cherryhill apartments which are the epicentre for the most deranged, evil and disturbed
members of the Jewish mafia in London. From time-to-time one can sit in the Cherryhill
Mall food court and witness the most insane members of Jewish mafia in London
socializing. Here is what I wrote in my journal after observing the Cherryhill Mall food
court full of deranged Jewish mafia operatives:

The apartment complex was started by a wealthy holocaust survivor, Sam
Katz. At the time it was first built, Cherryhill had a lot of families and university
types as its residents; now it is home to mostly senior citizens. However, the
complex is also home to the most deranged members of the London Jewish
mafia who live alongside the seniors at the Cherryhill apartment complex. On
a couple of occasions while in the food court of the Cherryhill Mall in recent
years I was subjected to freak-show parades of the most deranged-
appearing members of the Jewish mafia in London. Baby-faced pedophiles,
psychopaths, murderers, transsexuals, coprophiliacs all sat in the food court
jabbering away. These individuals actually try to appear as deranged as
possible. It was very surreal. As a result, it began to get quite disturbing and I
was getting uncomfortable until my Jewish musician friend whom I have
known since high school showed up. We sat down, reminisced and had a
good conversation. I knew this guy was good-natured so there was at least
one good guy amongst all these creeps. Regardless, my point is that
Cherryhill Boulevard and Oxford Streets —where the murderous driver was
stopped by police— is the epicentre of deranged Jewish mafia in London.
Also, this same location was very close to where I identified a very high-up
family involved in Jewish-mafia instigated tragedies in London. I was directed
to go to the Cherryhill Mall one day and to wait for a high-level mafia figure. I
was not disappointed and a Jewish woman showed up in a red Chevy
automobile with licence number CCDB396. I assume it is the males in this
family that are the most troublesome. Where I saw this woman and her car
was only about 50 m away from where police arrested the driver who mowed
down the family on June 6th. This is a tacit indicator that this woman’s family
may have been involved in the June 6th collision tragedy and that Londoners
wanted me to duly note a possible Jewish mafia instigator of this horrible
London tragedy. 2

Anyways, what is to be concluded from the London police pointing this alleged Jewish
woman out to me on this day and tacit police allegations in this regard over the past few

1) The woman, or her family, at Oakridge secondary sports field was likely involved in
instigating the death of the Muslim Afzaal family for Jewish mafia. As I pointed out in my
article on the subject of the Azaals’ deaths,3 London police had a forewarning of this
event, so it cannot be considered a spontaneous act of a psychopath.

2) The alleged perpetrator of the tragedy, Nathaniel Veltman, allegedly stopped his pick-
up truck in Cherryhill Mall parking lot in order to be arrested by police there. As I
mentioned previously, this area is the epicentre for London’s most deranged Jewish
mafia operatives. Veltman, by stopping his truck in this location to be arrested by police,
tacitly implies that Veltman was aware that he had been coerced into committing this
crime by Jewish mafia.

3) Another Jewish mafia woman tacitly pointed out to me by London police at the
Masonville Mall on July 21st, 2022 was another alleged instigator of the Afzaal
murders.4 This Jewish woman appeared very deranged and it was alleged that she lives
in the Cherryhill Mall apartments where the most bizarre Jewish mafia members in
London live.

4) There is mounting evidence —coming from London police and intelligence agencies
especially— that this alleged hate crime committed towards the Afzaals was not
instigated by a white, crazed neo-Nazi, which has been suggested by the press. Instead
this crime was allegedly instigated by Jewish mafia and instead set-up to appear as a
neo-nazi hate crime. I have no rationale to explain specifically why Jewish mafia would
orchestrate such a crime except to disparage the city of London and to try to have
London regarded as a city of intolerance. However, as is apparent from my writings and
the surreptitious allegations of intelligence agencies, police and UK TV, Jewish mafia
are actively seeking to cause as much violence and misery in the lives of non-Jews in
the West as possible. Jewish mafia has adequate funds with which to carry-out such
covert terrorism in the West and, as well, they have access to China’s communist
infrastructure in the West with which to perpetrate these acts along with the full
benediction of the Chinese government. In short, it appears that, ultimately, the murder
of the Afzaals was an act of communist/organized crime subversion. China carries out

these acts of terrorism in the West in the hopes of pressuring the West into allowing it to
annex Australia. The only reason that I can think of that Jewish mafia participates in
such defacto acts of terrorism is that it is the price that it must pay in order to continue to
utilize China’s infrastructure of communism in the West. Jewish mafia has privileged
access to China’s massive surveillance data of the West and its infrastructure of
communist corruption in the West’s social institutions so that it can effectively terrorize
and persecute non-Jews in the West, both as a defence of Jewish groups, and as a
means of consolidating its influential hegemony in the West as well. So Jewish mafia
must participate in China’s acts of defacto terrorism in the West to continue to earn the
trust of communist China and to have privileged access to China’s communist
infrastructure in the West.

5) Jewish mafia operatives residing in the Cherryhill apartments must be arrested en

masse and held under security certificates as defacto terrorists if we are ever to stop
Jewish mafia from destroying the lives of so many non-Jews as possible in London. We
must face up to the fact that China and Jewish mafia are carrying-out defacto terrorist
acts in the West. It is evident that these groups use terrorism as a means to strengthen
and consolidate their influential hegemonies in the West.

I should also mention that the ethnic Dutch community implied to me that the alleged
perpetrator of the truck killings, Veltman, was a pedophile. I suppose that its quite easy
to get a pedophile to commit horrific crimes. If an individual has knowledge or proof of a
pedophile’s crimes towards children, they can use this as leverage to get the pedophile
to commit just about any malevolent act through the use of blackmail. If Veltman is a
pedophile he is no neo-Nazi. All pedophiles are communists which I point out in the
appendix of this article.


How Pedophiles Influence and Control Communism in the West: (excerpt)

…The French left-intelligentsia in the 1960s shamefully supported and signed a petition
calling for the decriminalization of consensual sexual relations between adults and
young children. This was precipitated by: “An open letter signed by 69 people, including
Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Françoise Dolto, Philippe Sollers,
Alain Robbe-Grillet and Louis Aragon…[being] published in Le Monde, on the eve of the
trial of three Frenchmen, (Bernard Dejager, Jean-Claude Gallien, and Jean Burckardt),
all accused of having sex with 13- and 14-year-old girls and boys [and condemning their
arrest].5 However, it was not only French communist males that endorsed pedophilia as
famed French communist feminist Simone de Beauvoir was a pedophilia advocate as
well: “Simone de Beauvoir was one of the signatories of that letter [see above] that
defended the legalization of pedophile relations, and also of another letter published by
the newspaper Le Monde on January 26, 1977.” 6

Similarly, the German left in the late 1960s and 1970s advocated developing pedophilic
relations between adults and children: “One of the goals of the German 1968 movement
was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual
inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.
Sexual liberation was at the top of the agenda of the young revolutionaries who, in
1967, began turning society upside down.”7 The “sexual liberation” of children is really
just the same as the sexual abuse of children, as children cannot effectively protect
themselves from sexual exploitation.

However, pedophilia is not just hidden in the shadows of communist/socialist

organizations. Some communist parties have pedophilia written openly and directly in
their political constitutions. This is the ultimate proof that communism is the political
orientation for the world’s pedophiles. For example, the Communist Party of Great
Britain has child/adult sexual relations written directly into its political platform: “The
abolition of age-of-consent laws. We recognize the right of individuals to enter into the
sexual relations they choose provided this does not conflict with the rights of others.
Alternative legislation to protect children from sexual abuse.”8 The last sentence seems
to imply that, the CPGB would protect children from sexual abuse. Nevertheless, adult/
child sexual relations would not be abuse if children could legally consent to sexual
relations. So this clever bit of “double-speak” implies that the CPGB would get rid of
age-of-consent laws in order to get around child abuse laws. However, we all know how

easy it is for an adult to manipulate a child. Legally allowing children to be mentally
equal in dealing with adults is morally wrong and sets them up for all kinds of abusive

The next few quotes from the International Communist League/Spartacist Canada
website makes it clear that, not only is legalization of pedophilia important in the far-left
agenda, but that also children are not given the typical communist concern for their well-
being as adult male members of the proletariat typically are. All the typical clap-trap we
hear from communists about the exploitation of the workers and their rights is absent
when it comes to the sexual exploitation of children. Children are, in fact, excluded from
protection from pedophiles in the communist world-view. In the next few quotes on the
Communist League/Spartacist Canada website communists state that children should
be able to be the subject of pornography and to engage in sexual relations with adults.
As well pedophiles, pedophile organizations and child pornographers are freely given
protection from communist organizations:

We also oppose the criminalization of those who look at child pornography

which, like all pornography, is simply words and images designed for
pleasure…We oppose age of consent laws because we oppose state
intervention into people’s private sexual activities. We do not accord the
capitalist state the right to decree the age at which youth may engage in
consensual sexual activity…For us Marxists, the guiding principle in sexual
relations is that of effective consent, not age, relationship, sex, number or
degree of intimacy. This means nothing more and nothing less than mutual
agreement and understanding, as opposed to coercion. As long as those who
take part agree to do so at the time, no-one, least of all the state, has the
right to tell them they can’t do it…we do not think intergenerational sex is by
definition abusive, nor do we think incest is a priori a crime to be punished by
the bourgeois state…However, the effects of more than two decades of
ideological warfare and state repression have penetrated deeply into society.
NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association), which advocates the
right to intergenerational sex, is persecuted and hounded…The refusal of gay
groups and defenders of gay rights to defend a vulnerable group like
NAMBLA is both cowardly and suicidal; it was not that long ago that
homosexuality was considered a crime or at best a pathology.” 9

It’s a curious contradiction when communist political regimes the world over are as
completely oppressive as they are in regards to human rights and behaviour in general,
yet you are free to engage in all the weirdest sexual acts with women, children and
animals without consequence. What does this tell us about these people? For one thing
it tells us that a lot of communists are uncontrollable sex maniacs trying to shake off just
how corrupted they become after engaging in these acts by stating that it’s alright to
engage in any sex acts. It’s going to take more than a few changes to sexual
prohibitions in society for these individuals —thoroughly corrupted by their immoral sex
acts— to gain back control over their lives. Many of societies’ sexual prohibitions are
there for good reasons and evolved over centuries, such as the prohibition in regards to
incest. Terrible human deformities resulted from in-breeding, damaging the human
gene-pool and it was this realization that ushered in the incest prohibition. A few
legislative changes will not change peoples’ thinking in these regards and only after
peoples’ thinking has changed can these individuals possibly imagine escaping their
cages of sexually-imposed corruption. Only society as a whole can grant dispensation
for sexual transgressions. Nevertheless, as is evident from the quote above, child
protection from pedophilic sexual relations is considered a “bourgeosie” idea in
communist thinking and one that —like other bourgeosie ideas— must be overthrown.
The International Communist League/Spartacist Canada organization goes on to
support one of Canada’s most repugnant pedophiles and the child pornography he
creates, John Robin Sharpe: “Alongside the drive to regulate who people have actual
sex with, the government also aims to bar everyone from even reading about or viewing
depictions of sex, especially if youth are involved. After many years of trials, in 2002
Vancouver resident John Robin Sharpe was acquitted of child pornography charges
stemming from his fictional sexual stories and sketches portraying youth.” 10 Sharpe is a
child pornographer and distributer. His 6 year court case made an indelible impression
on Canadians and was a watershed in terms of growing pedophile influence and
subversion in Canada.

The Communist Party of Great Britain mirrors Canadian communist ideas that children
do not need to be protected from sexual predation by pedophiles, even in relationships
that are considered to be sacrosanct such as the role between teacher and pupil: “The
CPGB fully supports the demand that all criminal charges against Goddard [a female
teacher] should be dropped, who is due to be sentenced on September 21 in Southwark
crown court under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 for having sex with a 15-year-old
female pupil…”11 It is evident that the CPGB openly supports sexual relations between
teachers and students which would be disastrous to the educational system and youth.
If the prohibition of sexual relations between youth and teachers were eliminated
eventually sex maniacs and pedophiles would completely dominate this profession.

Regardless, there are many contradictions in muddled and deceptive communist party
thinking. One is the idea that women will only become truly “liberated” through
communism and socialism. However, how can a political party led by woman-hating
pedophiles truly “liberate” women? The fact of the matter is that women are more prone
to exploitation in a political system led by pedophiles. This truth is obvious in the
following quote where communists claim that “victimless crimes” (often involving abuse
and exploitation of women) should be legalized: “We Marxists oppose not only
reactionary “age of consent” and “statutory rape” laws, but also other laws against
“crimes without victims”, such as gambling, prostitution, drug abuse and
pornography….our longstanding defence of NAMBLA (North American Man/ Boy Love
Association, which advocates the decriminalization of consensual sex between men and
boys), is based on our Marxist programme for women’s liberation through socialist
revolution.12 As an example of how exploitative the CPGB’s platform towards women is,
it is evident from the above quote that only when women/girls have no legal protection
from being coerced into underage sexual acts, pornography, prostitution and drug
addiction will they be considered “liberated” by “socialist revolution”. Unfortunately,
many naive, young girls are often addicted to drugs by males then sent out to prostitute
themselves in order to support their drug habits and a male who oversees their
prostitution. Is this situation just one big victimless crime or is it a form of vile
exploitation that seriously harms women? I think it is abusive exploitation, the
communists think it’s a victimless crime. Once again, communism’s concern for the

exploitation of the working class gets “thrown-to-the-wayside” when it comes to allowing
for the sexual exploitation of women and children by communist men. As a result of the
increasing corruption of Western society at the hands of communists, we are seeing
ever-greater levels of such exploitation towards women, such as increasing drug
addiction, prostitution and increasing pornography production.

As is evident from the above excerpts, communism and socialism are the political
stripes of pedophiles. Pedophiles are all typically communist/socialist in political
orientation, even if they are involved in other political movements. Pedophiles seek to
destroy the validity of the political right and, as is evident from their writings, communist/
socialists seek to exploit and abuse women and children by dismantling the legislation
that has built up over the years and the creeds that have been a part of civilized society
for centuries in order to protect women and children.

The end result of having pedophiles control our lives and our social institutions through
their coercion and corruption is that our social institutions do not function as they
properly should. Instead of serving the public and society-at-large, our social institutions
serve societies’ needs sometimes but often they are co-opted into functioning to serving
their defacto overlords, pedophiles, communists and organized crime. Therefore, our
social institutions are incredibly dysfunctional and actually persecute individuals who
have run afoul of pedophiles. For example, our post-secondary institutions are
corrupted with adopted people/organized crime operatives being carried through their
degrees without having to do any substantive work towards their degrees and
afterwards enter professions for which they are wholly unsuited for. Universities are key
to the corruption pedophiles perpetrate in society. It is from universities that the cancer
of corrupt organized crime stooges flow into the professions throughout the rest of

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