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By: Andrew Kaprusiak (revised August 15, 2021)

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Film: Jewish Mafia Propaganda Advertising

I have been writing about disturbing allegations on organized crime for the past many
years. Some of the most shocking and heinous allegations have been levelled at the
Jewish mafia. Jewish mafia is an underground organization that the Jewish community
is loath to admit exists, but it does and is one of the cruelest and most virulent form of
mafia organization there is. The cruel mistreatment that the Jewish community faced in
Europe during World War II has given birth to an equally cruel and misanthropic Jewish
mafia bent on retribution, self-defence through barbaric aggression as well as an
organization which absconds with money through theft and extortion in many
unconscionable ways. Nevertheless, this mafia organization justifies its existence as
necessary in defending Jewish communities. However, the Jewish community —as I
mentioned earlier— refuses to admit that such an organization exists and, furthermore,
the Jewish community plants false information in the mass media denying the
existence of a Jewish mafia as the following extract from Wikipedia illustrates:

As American Jews improved their conditions, the Jewish thug and racketeer
either disappeared or merged into a more assimilated American crime
environment. American Jews quietly buried the public memory of the
gangster past; unlike the [Italian] Mafia, famous Jewish American gangsters
like Meyer Lansky, Dutch Schultz and Bugsy Siegel founded no crime
families. Much like Irish-Americans and other ethnicities (with the exception
of Italian-American criminal organizations), Jewish-American presence in
organized crime began to decline after World War II. Jewish-American
individuals remain closely associated with organized crime, especially
Italian-American and Israeli organized crime, but the Jewish-American
criminal organizations and gangs which once rivaled the Italian and Irish-
American mobsters during the first half of the 20th century have largely
faded. (

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To suggest that the Jewish mafia “faded-away” immediately after —what most Jews
consider to be the deadliest event in Jewish history— is absolutely preposterous.
Rather than “fade away” after World War II, Jewish mafia sought to exact deadly and
barbaric retribution from ethnic rivals and went underground in order to hide this
vengeance. As well, Jewish mafia became involved in myriad reprehensible extortion
schemes which appear to be justified, in part, due to past Jewish persecution. Going
“underground” not only allowed Jewish mafia to escape being blamed for these
schemes but allowed Jewish mafia to blame other ethnic groups for their crimes. To
define going underground in this context effectively means that:

1) Jewish mafia actively denies its existence and mainstream media sources go along
with this misinformation. To contrast, Italian mafia seems to encourage public
awareness of this organization but in a distorted and misleading manner.

2) Many ethnic Jews involved in Jewish mafia disguise their ethnicity and are effectively
raised as individuals from non-Jewish ethnic groups. I have seen ethnic Jews living as
Catholics in Catholic communities, and most surprisingly, ethnic Jews living as Arabs in
Arab communities who go so far as to attend mosque diligently. Of course these
“covert” Jews do not ascribe to the Jewish religion or to Jewish lifestyles in any way.
Furthermore, many of these Jewish mafia do not have ethnically Jewish surnames. To
contrast, it appears that Italian mafia seem to celebrate their ethnicity and Catholicism
although this tactic appears to be a veneer to obfuscate an accurate depiction of the
Italian mafia community. So it is through tactics such as these which allows Jewish
mafia to remain virtually invisible in society.

As I mentioned, the denial of the existence of a Jewish mafia is the opposite tact of the
Italian mafia which openly romanticizes their organized criminals in the mass media,
especially in film and on television. However, you will find no equivalent whitewashing
of Jewish mafia as you see in the mass media in regards to Italian mafia. There are no
charismatic Jewish Don Corleones or Hebrew Tony Sopranos in the Jewish mafia and
in the mass media. Jewish mafia are completely hidden from society. There are many
reasons for the peculiar characteristic of the Jewish mafia to remain invisible in society.
For example, acknowledging Jewish organized crime in the past fuelled anti-semitism
and further alienated the Jewish community from mainstream society. (https://

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…it was a common reaction to ignore or hide the question of Jewish crime.
For instance, Detroit Jewish journalist Philip Slomovits acknowledges that
the Jewish community was well aware of Jewish gangsters, but didn't want
anything about them printed in the newspaper: "'We panicked, ' he admits.
'We worried about what the Gentiles would say and submitted to our
fears'" (Rockaway, 58). This fear of making all Jews look bad was not limited
to journalistic accounts; more than one academic historian, engaged in
researching the first documented accounts of Jewish gangsters in the
United States, has reported being asked why he or she must air dirty laundry
"in front of" the entire country. (

Ultimately, at the heart of Jewish mafia’s tendency to remain hidden from society is the
fear that Jewish mafia and the extremely malevolent crimes they commit will provoke a
backlash towards the Jewish community. As a result, the virulence of Jewish mafia
crimes are completely downplayed and distorted in society. For example, the Wikipedia
article on Jewish-American mafia ends by stating only 3 instances of Jewish-American
mafia crime in the last decades of the 20th century: an illegal scheme to force Jewish
men into granting their wives divorces, money-laundering and ecstasy trafficking.
( This is a far cry from
the multitude of vicious crimes-against-humanity that I have personally witnessed
Jewish mafia committing since the 2nd half of the 20th century. Here is a partial list of
crimes-against-humanity I have witnessed Jewish committing and which I have written
about as well:

1) Killing and paralyzing large numbers of ethnic Germans, ethnic Eastern Europeans
and European aristocracy;

2) Causing unnecessary brain operations and subsequently serious mental disabilities

in ethnic Germans, ethnic Eastern Europeans and European aristocracy;

3) Sterilizing —through medical negligence— ethnic Germans, ethnic Eastern

Europeans and European aristocracy;

4) Enslaving blacks into Jewish organized crime organizations;

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5) The violent and barbaric murders of several young females in retribution for the
prosecution of the estate of the Jewish mafia pedophile pimp Jeffrey Epstein;

6) Intentionally causing cancer in individuals;

7) Allegedly causing the 1986 Chernobyl explosion and subsequent nuclear disaster;

8) The assassination of socialists and socialist political leaders;

9) Active involvement in numerous highly unethical schemes such as murdering

adopted children for life insurance money.

It is easy to see why Jewish mafia deny any substantive involvement in organized crime
and try to hide their involvement in it due to the consummately malevolent crimes-
against-humanity that they commit. Furthermore, by Jewish mafia going underground
and taking on various other ethnic identities to commit such horrific crimes it allows
Jewish mafia to, not only deny involvement in such acts, but it also allows them to
blame the people of other religions and ethnicities for what are Jewish mafia crimes.
For example, if a covert Jewish mafia figure is faithfully attending a Catholic Church,
their children are attending a Catholic school and has an ethnically-neutral surname
and yet is instigating the murder of Catholics from aristocratic backgrounds, a Catholic
will be blamed for the crime. It also obvious that these covert Jewish mafia figures act
to spy on various ethnic communities likely in order to gauge antisemitism in various
communities and to identify individuals who could become problematic to Jewish
mafia or the Jewish community. Furthermore, covert Jewish mafia operatives are —by
being so well-entrenched in other ethnic communities— in an ideal position to extort
the money of these communities.

Nevertheless, one of the main reasons that Jewish mafia went underground and hides
its involvement in organized crime is to covertly deliver retribution to those they
consider their ethnic rivals for the holocaust of World War II. Jewish mafia has
embarked on a vicious agenda of aggression directed at individuals who run afoul of
the Jewish community. Unfortunately one of the consequences of the Jewish holocaust
in World War II was that this genocide became a catalyst for Jewish mafia to justify and
perpetrate some of the most reviled crimes-against-humanity in the name of defence of
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the Jewish community and in the name of retribution. My family has been no stranger
to these crimes. My father, of Polish ethnicity who fought in World war II, was falsely
diagnosed with a brain tumour which caused him to have unnecessary brain surgery
that left him seriously permanently psychologically disabled and it was Jewish mafia
which instigated this atrocity. Furthermore, I personally have had to face Jewish mafia
retribution. I was thrown from my 12th storey apartment balcony by operatives for the
Jewish mafia in 1998 and almost paralyzed when I was 35-years-old. Likewise, I have
had to endure a life of poverty and unemployment since 2006.

However, what characterizes Jewish mafia vengeance for the holocaust is its
clandestine nature. It is alleged that Jewish mafia instigated the crash of German
tourists in Madeira in the spring of 2019 killing 29 and made the crash appear as an
accident. Furthermore, that Jewish mafia similarly instigated the Saskatchewan bus
tragedy in April of 2018 killing 16 youths and paralyzing one. Most odiously are
allegations from British intelligence agencies that Jewish mafia caused the Chernobyl
nuclear power plant explosion in 1986. Recently, there have been allegations on the
BBC via British intelligence agencies that Jewish mafia instigated the deaths of several
young females females: Ariana Rae Delfs (17), Jordan Lyndsey (21), Ellie Gould (17),
Grace Millane (22), Miriam Beelte (26), Wilma Andersson (17), Chantelle Jones. (13),
Claudia Carrick (7), Isabellaan Battiscombe (7), Emmalyn Nguyen (19), Jennifer Board
(22), Jennifer Board (22) and Simone Norowzian (21). Allegedly these females were
clandestinely murdered in retaliation for the suicide of Jeffrey Epstein and the legal
prosecution of Harvey Weinstein and Ron Jeremy Hyatt. Can anything be more
abhorrent and barbaric than the assassination of school-girls? As well, I would like to
recount the story of a female I knew at university who was the victim of Jewish mafia
barbarism and retribution:

In another example of the horrifying atrocities being meted out to individuals

of German and Eastern European ethnicity by Jewish mafia, I knew a woman
at university named Val Kurck. I got to know her quite well as we were on a
university semester in London, UK together and subsequently later lived in
Guelph, Ontario. She is definitely one of the nicest and gentlest females I
have known. She told me that she was ethnically German and Russian and
she had been born and raised in Southern Ontario. She underwent a
complete hysterectomy in her late 20s on advice from a mafia doctor. It
turns out the doctor was a stooge for the Jewish mafia and he gave her all
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sorts of spurious medical assessments leading her to believe that she would
be healthier if she had the hysterectomy. She told me her doctor told her
that she would lessen her risk of contracting cancer later in life if she had the
“unnecessary” hysterectomy. What a malevolent choice to offer a young
female: sterilization or contracting intentionally-caused cancer. At this point
in time the Guelph General Hospital was full of mafia doctors that were so
incompetent. One time, around the time of Val’s hysterectomy, I was
misdiagnosed with a leg sprain by an Italian mafia doctor when it turned out
to be a broken leg! What was so peculiar about the situation is that Val is a
good, kind person; I cannot imagine her ever in her life transgressing
somebody so badly to deserve being sterilized unnecessarily. More evidence
that Jewish mafia retaliate against good people whose relationship to World
War II and the Holocaust is so tenuous as to be virtually non-existent. Val
would have been an excellent mother if she had had the chance. I have
uncovered a seriously barbaric, dark side to the Jewish community in
Canada. They are loathe to admit they have a mafia which commits such
heinous acts, but nevertheless it is so. The Jewish mafia, furthermore,
seems to single out good people for such ill-treatment as well.

Sterilizing young Canadian women whose distant relatives came from Germany and
Eastern Europe is undoubtably an abhorrent crime-against-humanity, so the question
must be asked why does Jewish mafia commit such heinous and malevolent crimes?
There is no doubt that Jews have been subjected to mistreatment historically, so do
their mafia commit horrible crimes in the spirit of the old testament that states: an eye
for an eye? (Lev. 24:19–21) Compounding this tendency to commit terrible crimes,
Jewish mafia often farm-out their crimes-against-humanity. That is, Jewish mafia pays
other mafia organizations to carry-out crimes which they instigate. For example, my
friend Val Kurck’s unnecessary sterilization was ostensibly carried out by Italian mafia
yet instigated and paid for by Jewish mafia. Similarly, my father’s brain damage was
not actually carried out by Jewish mafia but it was instigated and paid for by them.
Therefore, it is difficult to directly associate Jewish mafia with actual crimes of this sort
because others are enlisted and paid to carry out these crimes for Jewish mafia. The
fact that Jewish mafia cannot easily be proven to have committed malevolent crimes
certainly would contribute to the intense severity of these crimes since they can be
quite comfortable that other ethnicities will be held responsible for these crimes, not

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Another facet of Jewish mafia crimes-against-humanity is that these crimes are

justified by Jewish mafia in order to protect and preserve the Jewish race. The
holocaust had an indelible effect on Jewish organized crime and henceforth, the most
paranoid, destructive and reactionary impulses of the Jewish mafia community have
been given complete legitimacy and are deemed completely reasonable defensive acts
in the context of the long shadow of persecution that culminated in the Nazi Holocaust
of World War II. Jewish mafia crimes were designed to appear to be necessary to
protect the Jewish community from another holocaust, not to be retribution and
crimes-against-humanity unfairly meted out towards other rival ethnic groups. So, the
murder of a UK teen by Jewish mafia is not regarded as a heinous and callous act of
malevolence, but is instead a necessary act in order to preserve Jewish narcotics
dealing operations, which in turn preserves income into the Jewish community of
which money is necessary to ensure the adequate protection of the Jewish community.
Therefore, the holocaust seems to have fostered a defiant siege mentality in the Jewish
mafia which justifies any offensive/defensive recourse no matter how barbaric it seems.
Surely no one is more aware of this predicament than the Jewish community
themselves. As a result, Jewish mafia has chosen to forgo obedience to conventional
legal systems in place in countries where they reside around the world, (partially due to
these legal systems not protecting Jewish communities in the past) and Jewish mafia
have ordained themselves the true protectors of the Jewish community. As a result,
Jewish mafia dominance of the entire Jewish community is complete and

However, it is difficult for Jewish mafia to live as hidden outlaws committing

clandestine crimes in a modern-day-nation-state. Modern-day intelligence agencies —
through extensive surveillance— are quite adept at unpeeling the layers of obfuscation
which Jewish mafia use to cover their tracks of their crimes-against-humanity. Trying to
hide crimes-against-humanity from ever coming to the light of day is extremely difficult
for an organization to accomplish, especially since Jewish mafia pays other mafias to
commit their crimes-against-humanity. Jewish mafia are, therefore, susceptible to
blackmail and extortion by organized crime organizations carrying out their crimes.
Chinese organized criminals would never make themselves so vulnerable to other
criminal organizations which is why Chinese organized criminals carry out their most
heinous crimes —or at least they coerce Chinese women into carrying out these
crimes. So, ultimately, extensive surveillance by intelligence agencies and other mafia
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organizations being on the hook for Jewish mafia crimes-against-humanity conspire to

undermine Jewish mafia attempts to hide their serious crimes from the world. This
uncomfortable truth is laid bare by the Jewish community in their anxieties and
preoccupations and how they are portrayed in the mass media. Film, as I have pointed
out before, is an art form in which the Jewish community excels in. So how Jews are
portrayed in films can be metaphors or allegories for how they act and behave in actual
society. One such film which is an allegory for the world in which wealthy Jewish men
inhabit is: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory released in 1971. As I said, there are
no romanticized contemporary Jewish mafia figures in the mass media such as Don
Corleone or Tony Soprano. However, Jewish mafia is not completely without their
allegorical figures in film and on television. And, as one would expect, these figures are
completely divorced from reality in many ways. One such figure representing Jewish
mafia is Gene Wilder in the Willy Wonka film. Although Willy Wonka is ostensibly
portrayed as an affable yet eccentric children’s story character, he also represents
Jewish men entrapped in the world of Jewish organized crime who have sold their
souls in order to obtain the benefits of organized crime. As such, this film gives
metaphorical insights as to what kinds of crimes Jewish mafia men are committing as
part of the advantages they obtain from organized crime membership. As I will
demonstrate, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory tacitly confesses the crimes-
against-humanity that Jewish organized crime are committing and gives, as well, the
rationale for committing them.

One day in November 2019 I was watching an auction program on the BBC. One of the
items that went under the hammer was a prop chocolate bar from the film: Willy Wonka
and the Chocolate Factory. I was surprised to see this prop command a price of $8000
USD. What a testament to the popularity of this film. I had never seen the film before,
but I had noticed it was still relevant in popular culture almost 50 years after its initial
release. Casinos today contain many different types of Willy Wonka slot machines. Tim
Burton re-released another version of Willy Wonka called Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory in 2005. The Willy Wonka character sometimes appears in the mass media as
an object of satire. There is definitely something about this film that has captured the
imaginations of the mass public to give it such enduring staying power in popular
culture. So I decided to watch the film and to try to analyze it in order to account for its
popularity and relevance in contemporary society. Often films which have captured the
public’s imagination do so because they express a fundamental truth about society.
What possibly could be the truth that Willy Wonka in his fantasy-world expresses? I
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believe it is that the Willy Wonka story and character expresses a fundamental flaw of
humanity to which we are all prone: how easily individuals can be ushered into
inhabiting a fantasy-world where they cease to adhere to conventional morals and can
be made to abandon adherence to laws that are the cornerstone of civilized society. In
short, how people convince themselves that they are unique in terms of their utility to
society and, therefore, believe they do not have to adhere to the conventions of society
designed for the masses. Or, examined in another way, how the sometimes harsh
realities of life motivate us to try to inhabit a fantasy-world where these harsh realities
are minimized. For example, unemployment later in life is a harsh reality with the result
that many individuals become organized crime operatives because these individuals
have job security due to mafia terror tactics. Unfortunately though, these individuals
soon discover that they have often replaced one harsh reality with an even worse one!
Often individuals who become mafia operatives for the job security discover they have
to commit serious crimes to earn their job security, which makes them vulnerable to
legal prosecution. It is one of the great ironies of life that people often try to escape
disconcerting circumstances in reality only to end up worse off from where they began.
Often, as well, they lose control over their lives in the bargain.

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For Example, having large sums of money often leads to individuals inhabiting a
fantasy world. After all, the wealthy have the funds to make their fantasy worlds
tangibly real. Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch is an extreme example of a wealthy
man making his fantasy-world real. Not only did Michael Jackson end up abandoning
society’s laws, values and moral conventions, but he built his own fantasy world,
Neverland, and demonstrated how divorced he became from society’s’ values by
molesting young boys within his fantasy-world, which to him became like an island
where he was a law unto himself. When the real world eventually collided with
Jackson’s fantasy world in the form of legal prosecution, Jackson had to resort to
using surgical anaesthetic to block the real world out. Jackson paid for his existence in
his fantasy world with a terrible drug addiction and, eventually, with an early death.
Another way many people enter a fantasy-world existence is through joining organized
crime organizations or cults. I have often written in the past on the cult of adopted/
fostered youth ensnared by organized crime. In high school, university or college
adopted/fostered youth are offered the chance to obtain a degree, diploma or for a
highly lucrative trade, without having to study for it. After they graduate they are offered
positions in organizations due to the auspices of organized crime, where they cannot
be fired due to mafia strong-arm tactics. Adopted/fostered individuals are even given
pliable spouses and their pursuit of hedonistic pleasures such as recreational drug-
taking or sexual excesses are encouraged and facilitated. However, in return they must
give up control over their lives to the organized crime bosses and they must commit
serious crimes for the mafia such as extortion, embezzling and murder. Many adopted/
fostered individuals end up eventually having nervous breakdowns or are killed off by
organized crime because they are considered easily expendable (which is what
happened to our common-law sister-in-law, Susan Liverpool when she balked at
embezzling money from banks for organized crime). So there are many ways
individuals can leave reality behind for a fantasy-world and they do so unreservedly as
life in a fantasy-world seems to be more amenable and offers more security in many
ways than does a conventional life. Unfortunately, though inhabiting a fantasy-world
tends to corrupt an individual as they usually commit serious legal or moral
transgressions which then ultimately make them vulnerable to extortion or legal
prosecution. The moral of this fundamental flaw inherent in humanity is an individual
thinking they have more control over their own lives living in a fantasy-world often finds
out that, paradoxically, they lose control over their lives. But it is not just wealthy,
adopted/fostered or individuals prone to ingratiation who are vulnerable to inhabiting a
fantasy-world, we all are and, as a result, we are all prone to the corruption and loss of
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control over our lives that comes with entering a fantasy-world. Ultimately, many of
these themes that I have discussed are quite apparent in the Willy Wonka film. Willy
Wonka is the archetypal man living in a fantasy-world who has completely divorced
himself from reality. The children in the film enter their fantasy-world made of candy
and suffer dire consequences after indulging themselves too much in Willy Wonka’s
candy. All of these allusions towards entering fantasy-worlds in order to enjoy a better
life, only to find that we end up worse off for doing so, is a major theme in Willy Wonka
and the Chocolate Factory.

My first impression in viewing the film was that it —even though it was touted as a
children’s film— seemed to have many serious and dramatic adult themes contained in
it. In the first part of the film where the public is in a frenzy to discover the 5 “golden
tickets” hidden inside the Willy Wonka chocolate bars, I was surprised to see such
adult themes such as poverty, inequality, gluttony, pedophilia, persecution and even
Nazism crop up early on in the film. As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, the
contradictions inherent in the interaction between fantasy-world and real world in Willy
Wonka typify these contrasts. So it is quite strange to see harsh realities such as
Nazism being used as allegories in a children’s fantasy-world film. For example one of
the main child characters in the film, Charlie Bucket, is from a poor family and his
family sleep four together in a bed. Charlie becomes lucky enough to find a golden
ticket in a Wonka bar and is subsequently invited to go on a tour of Willy’s chocolate
factory and to receive a lifetime’s supply of chocolate. Other characters who find the
golden tickets are Augustus Gloop a gluttonous German boy, a spoiled girl named
Veruca Salt who unfairly buys up thousands of Wonka bars and has an army of
employees go through them to find the golden ticket. So the theme of the dichotomy of
rich and poor is introduced early on in the film and the stark global reality of haves and
have-nots illustrating that while Charlie Bucket’s parents have to sleep four in a bed
and eat gruel, Augustus Gloop —the German boy— scarfs down massive amounts of
food like a glutton. Also, Veruca Salt —to whom money is no object— can afford to
unfairly buy up thousands of Wonka bars in order to find a golden ticket. So we see
early on in the film that poverty and wealth are contrasted as is gluttony and scarcity.
Therefore, one of the underlying themes in the early part of the film is that it is infinitely
better and tremendously advantageous to be wealthy rather than poor.

These uncomfortable truths about the world are counterpointed with another
uncomfortable theme in the film, that of pedophilia, personified by Bill the candy-shop
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owner. Bill represents the archetypal pedophile complete with pedophiles’ bow-tie and
loud colourful clothing to attract children. Pedophiles’ shameful exploitation of children
throughout history by baiting and rewarding them with sweets and other foodstuffs is
exemplified by Bill the candy-store owner who befuddles the children he is grooming
for pedophilic purposes in his shop with the children’s song the Candy Man: “Who can
take tomorrow and dip it in a dream? The candy man can ‘cause he mixes it with love
and makes the world taste good.” We are, likewise, introduced to the distorted
archetype of the pedophile in Willy Wonka, a man different from the rest who “loves”
children and who can perform magical acts; someone who can take the poverty and
broken dreams endemic in life and “turn them around”, someone who can make a
harsh world “taste good”. The pedophile also typifies individuals who inhabit fantasy-
worlds. Due to society’s proscription of pedophiles’ sexuality and the persecution that
pedophiles face, these individuals are particularly prone to living in fantasy-worlds
where the rule of law is non-existent and society's morals are turned upside-down. In
the Willy Wonka film the pedophile represents a figure who can make things better for
persecuted peoples, as pedophiles are persecuted people who have learned to survive
by inhabiting hidden avenues of power in the world through the use of coercion and
terror. For example, pedophiles predominate mafia leadership positions and are
powerful communists in the workplace. The pedophile, therefore, has the power to
transform the lives of persecuted people “and make the world taste good”. It appears
through these themes in the Willy Wonka film that Jewish organized crime have
appealed to pedophiles for help in order to ensure the survival and preeminence of the
Jewish community in the west. Pedophiles can give an individual job security or offer
retribution to avenge those who feel that they have been wronged. (Unfortunately
pedophiles demand that individuals’ commit serious crimes for them to warrant such
protection.) To emphasize this interpretation of the archetype of the pedophile in Willy
Wonka, we also see in this segment of the film children invited behind the candyman’s
counter where they proceed to raid the candy jars. Some kids are on a ladder in the
candy store suggesting that children will only advance and receive whatever their
hearts desire in life if they submit to pedophiles’ hegemony in society and the
workplace. And this is also an uncomfortable truism in the real world. Pedophiles often
stand in between individuals’ career aspirations —often demanding that extortionate
tolls be paid to them— in order for individuals to proceed in their careers, because
ultimately pedophiles are the highest level communists in society. Nevertheless as I
mentioned earlier, harsh realities about the world are alluded to and glossed over with
bright colours, candy and song early on in Willy Wonka which I thought somewhat
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inappropriate for a young audience. In fact I cannot think of another children’s film or
program which initially points out so many harsh realities and depressing adult themes.
Usually children’s films obliquely point out troubling adult themes in the most general
and un-frightening ways such as by vaguely alluding to the struggle between good and
bad in the world. So in many ways Willy Wonka appears to be more an adult film. The
film story of Willy Wonka is ultimately an adult allegory portrayed using the motifs and
story-telling qualities of a children’s story. Children can access the film and enjoy it
through the use of children’s storytelling techniques but allegorically it is an adult film.
The only other book I can compare Willy Wonka to in such a manner is George Orwell’s
Animal Farm. Animal Farm, just like Willy Wonka, uses the devices of children’s
literature to convey an adult-themed allegory.

Another adult theme running through this “children’s” film —believe it or not— is that of
Nazism and the Holocaust. For example, many of the scenes for the film were shot in
Munich, Germany. In the film’s initial scenes a group of very Aryan-looking German
children run out from under a German cathedral spire, through the streets of Munich to
the candyman’s store. Inside the candyman’s store is a sign for Fickelgrubers Fudge
and is a not-so-subtle reference to Adolf Hitler’s mother’s surname, Shicklgruber. (see
screenshot below) Furthermore, in this scene Bill the candyman —at one point—
appears to be making a Nazi salute. So themes of Nazism are also apparent in this
“children’s” film lending it a somewhat disturbing, surreal quality. As well, these
allusions to Nazism in Willy Wonka let us know that we are watching an allegorical film
about Nazism. Further to this effect Charlie Buckets next passes by a dark, eerie
looking factory with “Wonka” emblazoned at the entrance in wrought iron. In fact this
factory is a metaphor for the Nazi death camps and “Wonka” in wrought iron at the
entrance appears to read at one point as “work” which is a reference to the notorious
cruel and sadistic sign in front of Auschwitz death camp stating: “Arbeit macht
frei” (Work sets you free). (see screenshot below) A mysterious peddlar creepily states
to Charlie in this scene: “Nobody gets out” while speaking about the factory, another
reference to Nazi death camps as few of the Jewish victims got out of these camps.

The next scenes in Willy Wonka seem to refer to the ghettoization and poverty of Jews
in pre-World war II Europe with the image of ethnically Russian Jewish actor Jack
Albertson (playing Grandpa Joe) laying in bed with 3 other elderly individuals. Grandpa
Joe eats a meagre bowl of watery cabbage soup for supper and which is to be
everybody else’s supper as well. The central point in the scene is when Charlie pulls

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out a loaf of bread to the delight of the household. The underlying meaning of the
scene is that only bread (a metaphor for money) can change the plight of the Jews
from discrimination, persecution and poverty. All these references to the poverty of
Jews in Europe’s Jewish ghettos are contrasted with the gluttony of Germans in Willy
Wonka who greedily scarf down sausages and sauerkraut as is apparent from the
images of stout Augustus Gloop’s family as they are interviewed while downing
copious amounts of German cooking. And yet an underlying question arises in these
scenes in the film: How does one acquire wealth along with the security and protection
it provides while confined to an impoverished European-Jewish ghetto? And this is
where Willy Wonka comes in. Willy Wonka’s persona as a wealthy, eccentric candy-
man dedicating his life to making children happy —which is so endearing to children—
is contrasted with the more accurate interpretation of the man as someone who is cut-
off from reality living in a fantasy-world of their own making. At this point in the film we
are next surreptitiously confronted with some of the crimes that Willy Wonka has
perpetrated due to his residing in a fantasy-world of his own making. So ultimately
Willy Wonka serves the dual purpose of appearing as an amiable children’s character
while at the same time representing Jewish men at the apex of Jewish organized crime
living in a fantasy-world of wealth and pleasure while simultaneously committing
crimes-against-humanity. So ultimately the film Willy Wonka serves as a vehicle for a
children’s story but it also serves to present the predicament of Jewish men involved in
Jewish organized crime committing their crimes in such a way to sugar-coat these
crimes or to make them justified and more palatable to adults viewing the film. Due to
the serious contrasting themes of poverty and wealth, gluttony and scarcity, childish
naivite and deadly Nazism in the film one cannot escape the underlying notion that
these themes represent how the Jewish community has been childishly and
inadequately addressing its problem of persecution of the Jewish community
throughout its history. To see the crowd of cute German children running through the
streets of Munich to a candy store, while contrasted with themes of Nazi death camps
(represented by Willy Wonka’s factory) and Hitler (Fickelgruber’s fudge) seems to
suggest that the Jewish community has been completely naive in it’s appraisal of
human nature in light of its deadly persecution exemplified by the Holocaust. We see in
the first few scenes of Willy Wonka the contrasting themes of cute German children
along with themes of Nazism suggesting that some of these same cute children’s
parents conspired to engineer a mass slaughter of the Jewish community and that, as
a result, we are introduced to the incredibly cynical and misanthropic theme that cute,
lovable German children can grow up to become genocidal adults. So early on in the
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film we are introduced allegorically (through the contrast of children’s motifs and
Nazism) to the theme that the Jewish community has been naive —to the point of
negligence— in terms of its assessment of the threat that other ethnic groups represent
to the Jewish community. Furthermore, contained within this theme that the Jewish
community has been naive in approach to defending the Jewish community, is the idea
that the culmination of hundreds of years of persecution of the Jewish community in
Europe did not lead to eventual repentance from its persecutors but instead, a final
solution of mass slaughter. So in the initial scenes of Willy Wonka we have expressed
this idea that the Jewish community has been seriously misguided and naive in the
threat that society poses to the Jewish community. Unfortunately, this cynical appraisal
by the Jewish community will form the basis and justification for, in turn, initiating a
campaign of deadly retribution and revenge directed at ethnic Europeans, especially
ethnic Germans, ethnic East Europeans and Europeans of aristocratic background led
by Jewish mafia.

For example, earlier in this article I mentioned how my father was given unnecessary
brain surgery at the instigation of Jewish mafia leaving him seriously intellectually
disabled. In my article that I wrote on this topic I gave evidence to suggest that what
happened to my father was not an isolated incident and suggested that this was a form
of retribution doled out by Jewish mafia on a massive scale towards individuals of
aristocratic-European ethnicity. Particularly telling was an incident I recounted at a
Jewish bakery in Montreal in the late 1980s:

As an epilogue to my account of my father’s mistreatment at the hands of

Jewish mafia, I asked myself, was this an isolated incident, or was it an
indicator of more widespread retaliation towards those involved in World War
II? I have seen several examples which would seem to point to the latter.
One day my brother Stan and I were in the Jewish district of Montreal known
as “the Main”, St. Lawrence Boulevard. We went to the Jewish bakery which
had been there for decades and only just closed down 15 years ago. I had a
can of Pepsi in my hand and one of the old Jewish women there —in their
wigs— asked if she could have the pop-tab I used to open the can, I said
yes, and she twisted it off, pulled up a clear garbage bag full of pop-top-
tabs and placed my tab in it. I thought it was curious that she was collecting
something so seemingly useless. Nevertheless, we took our bread and left.
On after-thought it was apparent that the woman was gloating over the fact
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that Jewish mafia had taken off “the top off my pop (father)” and that,
furthermore, they were in the process of taking many other “pop-tops” off as
well. These are indicators that this vengeance for the Holocaust of World
War II is being perpetrated on a massive scale by Jewish organized

Furthermore, this theme of taking the skull-caps or “crowns” off of those of European

aristocratic ethnicity is apparent in other films. For example, in Mel Brook’s Young
Frankenstein, Marty Feldman (of Jewish ethnicity) who plays Igor in the film, steals a
brain in a glass jar for Dr Frankenstein to use in order to make his monster come to life.
So there is a theme running through Hollywood films for this crime-against-humanity of
retribution directed towards ethnic Europeans and it is even alluded to several times in
the Willy Wonka film. For example at minute 49 of Willy Wonka we see Grandpa Joe
hanging-up his coat before starting the tour of Wonka’s factory. Joe is standing
beneath a golden hand which emanates from the wall and which takes coats just like a
coat hanger. (see screenshot below) The hand reaches down and takes Joe’s hat off of
his head —an allusion to the Jewish mafia crime of causing unnecessary brain
operations in those of European aristocratic heritage. That this is a metaphor for the
crime of causing unnecessary brain damage to individuals’ at the hand of Jewish mafia
is repeated a few minutes later on in the film when Willy Wonka says to Augustus
Gloop (the German boy in the film): “Don’t lose your head Augustus…We wouldn’t
want that.” (min 51:50) So two times in close succession in the film we are subjected to
surreptitious allegations that imply Jewish mafia is causing brain damage in those of
aristocratic-European ethnicity in society. To further emphasize the glib nature of this
self-confession on the part of the Jewish mafia Willy Wonka states: “Through this room
all of my dreams become realities and some of my realities become dreams.” (51:39)
This is a clandestine allusion to the notion that Jewish ideas of retribution towards
Germans can become reality if Jewish mafia choose to live in the lawless fantasy-world
of Willy Wonka/organized crime.

To summarize so far, the Jewish mafia alleges through the metaphors and allegories in
the Willy Wonka film that the ghettoization, persecution and poverty of the Jews
throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries along with the Holocaust of World War II
was the catalyst for many in the Jewish community and for Jewish mafia to reappraise
their policies of non-aggression in the countries that they inhabited. The policy of
Jewish non-aggression and pacifism resulted in regular persecution of the Jewish
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community culminating in a deadly mass slaughter of the Jewish race in Europe.

Therefore, the ineffectiveness of trying to be pacifists seemed to provoke the Jewish
community, especially its mafia, to try the opposite tact, that of covert violence and
retribution directed towards their rival ethnic groups. And this change of tact is evident
in the Willy Wonka film where the Jewish mafia announces surreptitiously that it is
embarking on an agenda of covert violent retribution directed towards their European
rivals, especially ethnic Germans, ethnic east Europeans and European aristocracy.

Yet what did the Jewish community and Jewish mafia have to sacrifice in order to
obtain the means to carry out this harsh retribution? It is well-known that individuals
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who become organized criminals must effectively “sell their souls to the devil” in order
to receive the benefits of organized crime membership. In fact mafia members do
receive many substantial benefits from being in the mafia. Mafia guarantee their
members job security (they cannot be fired due to a firewall of mafia terror which
surrounds them). Often mafia members earn a lot of money (although most of this
money comes from extortion and theft). And often mafia members are free to pursue a
life of unbridled hedonism such as recreational drug-taking or excessive debauched

sexual activity without having to worry about legal consequences which often arise in
pursuit of these lifestyles. Nevertheless, mafia members have to make sacrifices to
earn these privileges of mafia membership. Often these sacrifices are made by
committing serious crimes, including murder and causing cancer in people for
organized crime, but more typically organized crime operatives must steal large sums
of money. Curiously, the sacrifices that organized crime operatives must make are
referred to in a clandestine manner in the Willy Wonka film. One sacrifice the Jewish
mafia seems to have specifically made and which is referred to obliquely in the Willy
Wonka film is to finance and oversee a great amount of the narcotics trade in the West.
To see Willy Wonka and children cavorting around in his surrealistic factory candy-
garden where everything is edible and everything is brightly-coloured, including giant
coloured mushrooms, is tantamount to see Willy Wonka in a tacit psychedelic-drug-
inspired world. This film was released just four years after the Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s
album, when psychedelic drugs were sweeping the world of youth. In fact the film
scenes of Willy Wonka in his candy-land garden seem to perfectly illustrate the lyrics of
Beatle’s psychedelic tunes such as Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds: “Picture yourself in
a boat on a river…With tangerine trees and marmalade skies”. (see screenshot below)
So ultimately while the Jewish mafia is tacitly confessing to going into cahoots with
organized crime in order to obtain retribution towards those of European extraction for
the Holocaust in Willy Wonka, they are also tacitly confessing that they are coerced into
being predominant in the narcotics trade globally.

Does the Willy Wonka film allude to other crimes-against-humanity that Jewish mafia
may be taking part in? There is a provocative scene from an allegorical point-of-view in
the Willy Wonka film at minute 56. Willy Wonka is in his fantasy-world/candy-garden
singing the song: Pure Imagination. (see screenshot below) He sits down amongst a
patch of candy daffodil flowers and takes one of the daffodil flowers that looks like a
cup and saucer. Willy sips the nectar from the daffodil cup. Then, surprisingly, he bites
down on the daffodil as it is obviously made of candy, as everything else is in his

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garden, and eats the daffodil cup. Although appearing childishly surreal, this scene is a
tacit confession on the part of Jewish mafia in using chemicals to cause cancer in
people. First of all, the daffodil is a symbol of cancer survival. Daffodils are often the
first flowers to bloom in the spring after winter and are considered symbolic of the
hope that cancer will be defeated after the long sickness of cancer’s winter. In fact
daffodils have symbolized the fight against cancer as far back as the 1950s:

In the 1950s, afternoon TREND (standing for treatment, research, education,

needs of patients and diagnosis) teas were held by Canadian Cancer
Society volunteers to raise money for cancer research. A particular TREND
tea held one April saw a group of volunteers decorate tables using bright
yellow daffodils, promoting a cheery and hopeful mood. The TREND teas
then became known as daffodil teas. In 1954, a daffodil tea was hosted by
Lady Flora Eaton at the Eaton’s store in Toronto and was attended by 700
women. A few years later, in 1957, the Canadian Cancer Society had their
first official daffodil fundraiser leading them to continue to sell the perky,
yellow flower. (

By 1971, the year of Willy Wonka’s release the cancer-symbolism of the daffodil would
have been quite entrenched in society. So it would be fair to say that the daffodil scene
in Willy Wonka is a tacit allusion that Jewish mafia has participated in causing
unnecessary cancer in individuals by adulterating their food/drink. (https://
Cancer-in-People-With-a-Single-Exposure); (

I mentioned that one of the advantages, as well as the disadvantages, of Jewish mafia
is that they avoid committing specific crimes as much as possible and hire others to
commit crimes for them. This makes it difficult to connect Jewish mafia to specific
crimes, yet also makes them vulnerable to blackmail at the hands of those they farm-
out to commit the crimes they instigate. Is this topic referred to in any way in Willy
Wonka? It is with the peculiar characters known as the Oompah-Loompahs: “In the
book version of Willy Wonka [first published in 1964], [the Oompa-Loompas were] a
tribe of 3,000 amiable black pygmies who have been imported by Mr. Willy Wonka from
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‘the very deepest and darkest part of the African jungle where no white man had been
before.’ Mr. Wonka keeps them in the factory, where they have replaced the sacked
white workers. Wonka’s little slaves are delighted with their new circumstances, and
particularly with their diet of chocolate.” (from Jeremy Treglown’s Roald Dahl: A
Biography) One would think that this racially provocative perspective on the Oompah-
Loompahs contributed to their being made etnically-neutral in future Roald Dahl books
and films. In the 1971 Willy Wonka film the Oompah-Loompahs are orange-skinned
dwarves. Certainly, it would have been very poor judgement to place African dwarves
in the position of being Willy Wonka’s workers in a film in the 1970s as it would have
been panned as patently racist. However, there is some truth to the notion of members
of the black community being cajoled and exploited by some in the Jewish community
especially by Jewish mafia. Unfortunately, many in the black community are exploited
and enslaved to lives of crime at the instigation of the Jewish mafia. I have observed
many instances of the black and Jewish communities interacting and my overall
impression is that the Jewish community tends to be completely obsequious to the
black community. The Jewish community tends to reaffirm the black community in their
most paranoid appraisals of caucasian racism. Furthermore, the Jewish community
goes out of their way to hire inordinate numbers of blacks for Jewish businesses. It is
in this manner that Jewish mafia cajoles the black community into working on their
behalf —not only for the purposes of legitimate employment— but also to cajole them
into carrying out illegal and immoral acts for the Jewish mafia.

For example, we had a Caribbean woman enter our lives who demonstrated to me how
shallow and insincere all the obsiquiousness of the Jewish community truly was
towards the black community; as a result I have come to see the Jewish mafia as the
greatest contemporary exploiters and persecutors of the black community.

Her name was Susan Liverpool and she was my brother Alex’s girlfriend/common-law
wife around the late 1980s-early 1990s. Susan was put up for adoption as a child while
her other siblings had not. Nevertheless, Susan, unlike many adopted individuals, had
a strong sense of right and wrong and was not criminally inclined in the slightest.
Susan never took recreational drugs and she never drank alcohol to excess either.
Eventually, Susan was reunited with her birth-family and did not embrace the anti-
social psychopathy which some adopted individuals do. Susan was very intelligent and
attractive as well. In fact, it would be fair to say that Susan was ideally suited to
become a preeminent and influential member of the Caribbean community in Canada.
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Susan graduated from university in 1989 with two degrees and got a great job as a
management trainee at the Royal Bank of Canada due, unfortunately, to the auspices
of the Jewish mafia. You see Susan fell into the trap that many adopted university
students do and was carried through university with straight “A” grades without having
to do substantial amounts of work towards her degree. Nevertheless, Susan who was
highly intelligent could have obtained those same “A” grades by herself if she had
chosen to apply herself more at university. However, adopted individuals are
considered the property of organized crime and black adopted students are considered
the property of Jewish organized crime. Susan was, in effect, cajoled throughout
university to join organized crime even though she was not criminally inclined in the
slightest (and I doubt she knew she was being recruited by mafia at the time).
Nevertheless, the Jewish mafia was now going to carry Susan into her new career, just
as they carried her though university. Susan was installed in an RBC bank branch in St.
Jacobs, Ontario, the heart of German-Mennonite country as a management trainee. In
reality, she was allegedly coerced into embezzling funds from the hard-working
members of the Mennonite community to go into the coffers of Jewish mafia. Imagine
the embarrassment which would have ensued if it was ever found out that Jewish
mafia was embezzling money from harmless, pacifist Mennonites who had nothing to
do with the Jewish holocaust whatsoever. Regardless, Susan being an honest, decent
person soon balked at being coerced into committing crimes for Jewish mafia. She
soon quit her career as a bank management trainee. Our family (not knowing the full
story) was bewildered with Susan’s decision. Why would she turn down a golden
opportunity to become a wealthy banker? Furthermore, Susan never again had a great
job after her time with RBC. After her bank job Susan drifted from low-paying job to
low-paying job but she never seemed to have regretted her decision to quit as a bank
trainee. Then tragically, when we were living in Quebec, we heard that Susan had
passed away in 2007. She must have been in her late 40s. Allegedly, she had gone into
a cosmetic clinic for a surgical tummy tuck and never awoke from the general
anesthesia. Peculiarly, Susan had no weight problems and was always very slim. Also,
she had taken out a very large life insurance policy on herself just months before her
death. Tyler, her and my brother’s son, was to inherit a fortune, we were led to believe.
We were happy that something good would come out of a terrible situation. However, I
knew that Alex would be held in suspicion by the Caribbean community as being
responsible for the death of Susan since an underage Tyler and my brother Alex, would
have been the primary beneficiaries of Susan’s life insurance proceeds. Regardless, I
believe that Susan had a change of heart about being a mafia operative and was going
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to go to the police or inform on the organization, in order to escape its clutches. As I

stated previously, Susan had a strong sense or what was right and wrong and she
wanted to do the right thing. I believe her guilt and shame about doing the mafia’s
“dirty-work” was destroying her inside. Susan never again worked at a bank after her
time at RBC and, instead, she was henceforth caught-up in the treadmill of short-term,
dead-end jobs. This indicated to Jewish mafia that Susan would not continue to steal
for Jewish mafia and she was intelligent enough to know that she could inform on them
to protect herself from being further exploited by them. Often organized crime
operatives take opioids, benzodiazepines and anabolic steroids to quell their
consciences but Susan never took drugs, nor did she ever drink alcohol very much
either. Susan was a very modest woman. So why did Jewish mafia pick on Susan —a
completely inappropriate candidate for being an organized crime operative and try to
force her into living a life she could not abide by? As I mentioned earlier, Susan was
poised to become a paragon of the Caribbean community in Canada. She had no vices
or personality defects which could have corrupted her and, therefore, she was well-
positioned to become a whistle-blower of the persecution faced by the black
community at the hands of organized crime, especially Jewish organized crime. It is
plain to see that Jewish mafia could not tolerate the threat to their organization that
Susan represented and had her killed off before she could blow the whistle on them.
So for all the synchophantic fawning that the Jewish community engages in towards
members of the black community, the unfortunate truth is that they enslave members
of the black community to lives of criminality for the Jewish mafia. Furthermore, if
blacks balk at their enslavement, or if they are exceptionally good people who are
uncorrupted they are simply killed-off by Jewish mafia in the futile attempt to keep
Jewish mafia crimes-against-humanity secret and to prevent good black people from
rising in society. I can wholeheartedly concur with this assessment of Jewish mafia, as I
am an uncorrupted individual who has fully materialized into an outspoken Jewish
mafia whistle-blower. I have had to endure three murder attempts instigated by Jewish
mafia, and yet have miraculously survived them.

It is evident from the Willy Wonka film that this film is an allegorical confessional for the
Jewish community as to the crimes-against-humanity being perpetrated by Jewish
mafia towards non-Jewish rivals. The film co-opts Roald Dahl’s book to justify and
explain the crimes-against-humanity and avarice exhibited by the Jewish mafia since
1971. Themes of Nazi savagery are apparent in the film as are themes of poverty,
scarcity and inequality. The film also allegorically confesses to causing unnecessary
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brain operations in Jewish rivals, to causing cancer in Jewish rivals and to entrapping
members of the black community into carrying out the crimes of the Jewish mafia. So
at its heart the 1971 film Willy Wonka is a ultimately a piece of Jewish mafia
propaganda which co-opts Roald Dahl’s story and characters as metaphors and
allegories for Jewish mafia crimes against humanity which were initiated after World
War II. In the 2006 version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory directed by Tim Burton
the themes of Nazisim and Jewish mafia retribution are not present. It is
understandable, therefore, in light of the 1971 film Willy Wonka —which co-opted
Roald Dahl’s children’s book as a vehicle for advertising Jewish crimes-against-
humanity and for conveying themes of Nazism— that Roald Dahl reportedly detested
the film and never watched it. (

The question must be asked, however, why would Jewish mafia co-opt Roald Dahl’s
famous children’s story and use it to advertise the crimes-against-humanity they were
committing and use it as an allegory for Jewish organized criminals living in a fantasy-
world? The answer to this question is simple enough, which is to determine if anyone
or any organization would confront them for their exceedingly illegal and immoral
agenda. It is tacitly, yet surreptitiously stated in the Willy Wonka film that Jewish mafia
will instigate millions of cases of retribution towards ethnic Germans/Eastern
Europeans and aristocratic Europeans by causing unnecessary brain surgeries and by
intentionally causing cancer in these individuals as well. It is also tacitly alluded to that
Jewish mafia will predominate in narcotics trafficking as well. Unfortunately, no
organization confronted the Jewish community or Jewish mafia with these issues of
concern raised by the film after it was released. It is evident then that Jewish mafia
took this ambivalence on the part of society as a “green-light” for them to proceed with
their plans of retribution. I really do not think that society, as-a-whole, can plead
ignorance in regards to the threats made in Willy Wonka and, in effect, state that they
did not know what was going on in the film because universities study surreptitious film
themes such as contained in Willy Wonka as do intelligence agencies. I suppose those
with a vested interest in exposing the retributive themes contained in Willy Wonka, the
ethnic German and European aristocratic communities, should have confronted the
Jewish community with their concerns about Willy Wonka but ethnic Germans were still
under the shadow of guilt stemming from World War II and I suppose the European
aristocracy shared in some of this guilt as well, leading them to ignore the threats
delivered to them by the Jewish mafia. However, this tact was wrong and it has led to
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millions being brutally persecuted and killed by Jewish mafia. And, as we all know from
the example of those who choose violence to punish and persecute people, it is not
enough to simply retaliate towards the generation which caused the initial violence
towards a community. Instead it is necessary to continuously deliver retribution
towards future generations of the initial transgressors in order stave off vengeance from
those who were violently forced to endure retribution. As the old mafia adage goes: if
the father is killed, it is necessary to also kill off his sons, and the sons of his sons, to
avoid retributive violence. The continuous and self-perpetuating nature of violence is
the reason why civilized people tend to avoid violence, yet violence is endemic to the
organized crime community. And due to this situation we are now seeing 2nd, 3rd, and
4th generations of ethnic Germans/Eastern Europeans and European aristocracy facing
Jewish mafia retribution for the holocaust.

For example, I knew an ethnically German family here in London, Ontario. They did not
have a German surname and they had obviously spent several generations in Canada.
Furthermore, they did not behave as many first generation ethnic Germans do such as
by celebrating typical German celebrations or by attending German churches or civic
halls. In fact, they were not very German at all besides the fact that they had some
early roots and ancestors from Germany. Nevertheless, these poor souls were
tormented by Jewish mafia as if they themselves had been death merchants in the Nazi
camps. The 15-year-old teenage girl in the family, Naomi Tilley, was manipulated by
Jewish mafia to take a course in “industrial baking” and was going to make this trade
her career. It is inexcusable to humiliate a 15-year-old Canadian teenage girl into
thinking she is Nazi war-criminal in such a manner. The boys in the family were
encouraged to play and spend time in a pedophile-communist cult church called the
Gateway Church near their home. Finally, a family of black drug dealers (the pawns of
the Jewish mafia) moved right next door to this hapless family of a couple and 3
children and seemed to be intent on turning the 15-year-old daughter into a drug-
addicted prostitute. Needless to say, the family had to move away in the face of such
pervasive persecution. As I said, the family were thoroughly Canadian in every respect.
Having distant Germans as relatives was the only thing about them which could
possibly characterize them as German. Nevertheless, they were treated by Jewish
mafia —especially the children— as if they were Nazi war criminals.

So by not confronting the threats that were being delivered upon them by Jewish mafia
after World war II, the ethnic German community around the world ultimately has
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condemned past, present and future generations of ethnic Germans to perpetual

persecution and retribution at the hands of Jewish mafia. This blindspot in the
consciences of European aristocracy, ethnic Germans/ethnic Eastern Europeans and
socialists must stop. The Jewish community must be confronted with the crimes-
against-humanity their mafia are perpetrating. Furthermore, a crimes-against-humanity
trial towards Jewish mafia must occur. Full disclosure of all Jewish mafia crimes-
against-humanity must be made as this would be a necessary condition of being
absolved of these crimes. Only society-as-a-whole can absolve the Jewish mafia of
their guilt in committing crimes-against-humanity. The suggestion in the film Willy
Wonka that Jewish mafia are not accountable for these crimes-against-humanity due
to the fact they inhabit wealthy fantasy-worlds and that they fell into the perpetual
retribution trap of violence through blind rage are not acceptable. Ultimately, what
appears to be the most uncomfortable reality to penetrate the fantasy-world of Jewish
mafia is that we are all responsible for our actions. Should Jeffrey Epstein be absolved
of any wrong-doing as a pedophile pimp because he was living in a “Willy Wonka” style
fantasy world? Should Jewish mafia be absolved of the deaths of many young women
viciously murdered in retribution for women being so bold as to prosecute Jewish
mafia for their illegal exploitation just because these Jewish mafia inhabit a “Willy
Wonka-style” fantasy world? No. The ultimate endgame of those who inhabit fantasy-
worlds is that their fantasy-world will protect them from due legal process in the
countries that they inhabit and this is not necessarily the case. Absolution from crimes-
against-humanity can only be granted to members of Jewish mafia by all of Western
society-as-a-whole. There is a precedent for all of this, absolution towards the German
nation was granted by the nations of the West through:

1) confession of all crimes-against-humanity perpetrated by the Nazi regime

2) incarceration of the summit of Nazi leadership

3) efforts were made by Germany to atone for the crimes-against-humanity caused by

the Nazi regime

As a result of this fair and just treatment to Germany, the nation has gone on to prosper
and has become a paragon of stability, financial prosperity and peaceful-coexistence.
None of this could have been achieved, however, without first having all of the above
pre-conditions satisfied and accepted as so by Western society as-a-whole. I believe
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that Jewish mafia must be subjected to the same requirements as the Nazi leadership
was after World War II in order to absolve the community of their complicity in crimes-
against-humanity. Absolution from crimes-against-humanity will give many within
Jewish mafia and their future generations, a “fresh start”. If action is not taken in these
regards Jewish mafia crimes-against-humanity will only worsen.

As evidence of this situation, I have uncovered another piece of Jewish mafia

propaganda in the form of a mass-release video which I am presently analyzing and
writing about. This video, released in 2011, marks a significant ratcheting-up in cruel
retribution towards the Jewish mafia’s targets for retribution alluded to in Willy Wonka,
ethnic Germans/Eastern Europeans and European aristocracy. Unlike the playful tone
of the threats delivered in Willy Wonka to cause brain damaging operations and cancer
in the latter groups, the tone of hatred towards these groups has not abated but has
become more pronounced and vicious in spite of retribution being delivered on these
groups by Jewish mafia 40 years after the release of Willy Wonka. Rather than the thirst
for vengeance at the hands of Jewish mafia being slaked by 40 years of retribution, it
has increased and become more barbaric in its calls for even more vicious retribution
to be delivered on the groups I mentioned earlier. In this video produced by Jewish
mafia eye-for-an-eye retribution is ominously referred to as “…the only way that [ethnic
Germans/Eastern Europeans and European aristocracy] could possibly repent for [their]
sins.” Furthermore, the tacit threat is made in the video to paralyze and kill ethnic
Germans and those who would prosecute Jewish mafia. It is obvious in light of the
threats delivered by the video that retribution delivered to ethnic Germans/Eastern
Europeans and European aristocracy will only increase in barbarity while retribution
delivered to those that have absolutely nothing to do with World War II, namely young
females, are having retribution delivered upon them by Jewish mafia. Jewish mafia has
murdered many young women so far for the prosecution and suicide of Jeffrey Epstein,
the prosecution of Harvey Weinstein and the prosecution of Ron Jeremy Hyatt. The
choice is clear, we must confront the Jewish community with the crimes their mafia are
inflicting on society now and request redress otherwise Jewish retribution will only
increase and be delivered to future generations of individuals with no connection to
World War II whatsoever due to the perpetual retribution trap of violence. Jewish mafia
has progressed from being wealthy individuals living in fantasy worlds to paranoid,
sadistic monsters inflicting horrific deaths on any who represent the slightest threat to
Jewish hegemony in society.

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So to conclude, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is more than a simple
children’s film. Its adult themes also characterize it as an allegory for the frailties of
humanity. Specifically, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory tacitly, yet
surreptitiously conveys crimes-against-humanity being committed by Jewish mafia
towards greater society. Specific crimes tacitly confessed to are causing unnecessary
brain operations with resulting intellectual disabilities in people, causing cancer in
people, contributing to narcotics trafficking and acknowledging that members of the
black community are being enslaved to Jewish mafia in order to carry out crimes for
this organization. By failing to acknowledge the provocations and threats contained in
Willy Wonka society has, in effect, given a “green light” for them to be committed.

Various Other Crimes Jewish Mafia Allegedly Commits

Nevertheless, in terms of the Jewish mafia’s politics, it is no secret, that many in the
Jewish community dislike socialists. When socialists get political power they sometimes
target Jewish financial resources with high taxes. Socialists also make many
businesses public enterprises, thereby, eliminating potential sources of revenue from
wealthy investors in the Jewish community. Perhaps the most egregious indication of
the Jewish mafia’s contempt for socialism is in its efforts to undermine successful
socialist countries such as Norway. For example, it is rumoured that Israeli intelligence
—under alleged Jewish mafia president Netanyahu— was aware that Anders Breivik
was about to unleash a massacre on the Norwegian people, especially its youth, in
2011. Apparently, Israeli intelligence services extensively surveils the far-right around
the world. Regardless, this potential mass shooting evidence was brought to the
attention of President Netanyahu and he allegedly forbade Israeli intelligence from
tipping-off Norwegian authorities. Breivik went on to slaughter 77 Norwegians.
Obviously many in the Jewish community dislike socialists; Jewish mafia hates them
and actively persecutes them.

Jewish Mafia Allegedly had Canadian Socialist Political Leader Jack Layton

Nevertheless, as I have alleged the Jewish mafia does seem to have a grudge to bear
with socialists, in general, and it appears Jewish mafia actively persecutes socialists.
The tendency of the Jewish mafia to persecute socialists, along with my allegations that
organized crime groups actively cause cancer in certain individuals certainly puts the
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cancer death of former NDP leader Jack Layton in a different perspective. (https://
Jack Layton was a good man who was poised to become prime-minister of Canada. He
was popular with the political centre, the political left-wing and the political far-left wing.
His leadership of the NDP saw this party rise from obscurity to form the official
opposition. This is a quote from Wikipedia: “In the 2011 election Layton led the NDP to
the most successful result in the party's history, winning 103 seats—enough to form
Canada's Official Opposition. Federal support for Layton and the NDP in the election
was unprecedented, especially in the province of Quebec, where the party won 59 out
of 75 seats.” Unfortunately, in 2010 Layton was diagnosed with prostate cancer and this
development ended his political career and was the reason for his untimely death:
“Layton died on August 22, 2011, after being diagnosed with cancer. He was survived
by his wife of 23 years, fellow Toronto MP Olivia Chow. The fact that a socialist leader
was well on the road to become prime-minister, then subsequently diagnosed with
cancer is highly suspicious. There are hundreds of kinds of chemicals that can be
surreptitiously administered to a person on a single occasion that can cause various
kinds of cancer in them. (
Chemicals-That-can-Cause-Cancer-in-People-With-a-Single-Exposure) Another
suspicious development in the Jack Layton saga was that Thomas Mulcair, alleged to
be Irish mafia from the predominantly Jewish political riding of Outremont in Montreal,
took over as the leader of the NDP after Layton’s death. However, NDP support
subsequently plunged after Mulcair became leader and the outlook for Canada’s
socialists to form a government is particularly bleak at the present time, which co-
incidentally, is how the Jewish mafia likes it. So ultimately, a socialist political leader
poised to become prime-minister contracts prostate cancer (which can easily be
induced in humans), he dies and then is replaced by an alleged Irish mafia figure that
the Canadian people do not particularly like, which causes the socialist NDP party
support to decline (and to not pose a threat to Jewish wealth). Furthermore, Jewish
organized crime appears to gloat over their defacto assassination of a socialist political
leader by having Layton’s replacement run for office in the wealthy Jewish majority
political riding of Outremont implying that Jewish mafia will not tolerate socialist threats
to Jewish wealth in Canada. Of course whether Jewish mafia covertly assassinated
Jack Layton or not depends on whether it is possible to specifically cause prostate
cancer in individuals.
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I looked up whether it was possible to intentionally-cause prostate cancer in men in

scientific research and was not disappointed. Firstly, only 3% of prostate cancer cases
result in death which is suspicious in Jack Layton’s case. (
articles/1203037) Why was Layton’s cancer so deadly? Was it due to genetic
predisposition, or did Layton not receive effective medical treatment for his cancer?
Unfortunately the latter answer appears to be the correct one. If Layton was
intentionally-given prostate cancer in order to cause death in him at the instigation of
Jewish mafia, it is likely Jewish mafia would work to ensure that Layton did not receive
adequate treatment for his cancer. Unfortunately our healthcare settings are full of
organized crime operatives (adopted individuals and pedophiles) that do the bidding of
the mafia and do not work in the best interests of peoples’ health. So the fact that
Layton’s cancer was so deadly when usually prostate cancer only results in death in 3%
of males is a red flag that Jack Layton’s cancer was intentionally-caused. How then
could Jack Layton’s cancer be intentionally-caused? One study demonstrated that it
was possible to induce cancer growths in mice by giving them a single subcutaneous
injection of prostate cancer cells. (
Although the cancer did not develop directly on the mouse prostate, the authors of this
research stated that other factors in the development of the tumours lead them to
believe that if prostate cancer cells were injected into a human it would cause prostate

The canine prostate carcinoma cell line CT1258 demonstrated to be

tumourigenic in the NOD-Scid mouse. Tumours induced in mice resembled
the biological behaviour of the tumour from which the cell line was originally
derived regarding growth pattern and histological appearance. Therefore we
conclude that the use of this animal model will provide results with a high
predictability towards clinical use in veterinary medicine and due to the
correlation between canine and human prostate carcinoma in humans as
well. (

As well as causing cancer through injections into the bloodstream, it is possible to

cause cancer in people through administering particular carcinogenic chemicals directly
onto the surface of the body part intended to contract cancer growth. (https:// Therefore, particular carcinogenic chemicals,
theoretically, could have been directly applied to Jack Layton’s prostate on the glove of
a medical practitioner examining Mr Layton or on the tip of a probe examining Mr
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Layton’s prostate. So there are several ways to successfully cause prostate cancer in
individuals with the single application of a carcinogenic chemical. However, it appears
these ways of causing cancer likely point to medical staff as having caused Layton’s
cancer and then further worsening his condition by denying him effective treatment for
his cancer. I do not want to unfairly single-out medical staff as having caused Mr
Layton’s cancer but hospital staff have to obey organized criminals working in our
healthcare settings or they lose their jobs or worse. Our healthcare settings, just like all
of our social institutions, are thoroughly corrupted by organized crime operatives
working in them. Only when organized crime operatives are removed from these
institutions will they begin to work in the best interest of the public. Regardless, Jewish
mafia allegedly assassinating political leaders in a covert manner is another terrible
crime being perpetrated by Jewish mafia. The fact that they tacitly advertised their
covert assassination of Jack Layton by electing his successor in the wealthy Jewish
majority riding of Outremont reflects on the great amount of power Jewish mafia has in

Jewish Mafia Allegedly Murdering Foreign-Born Canadian Children for Life Insurance

One tactic of the Jewish mafia going underground is to create “covert Jews”. It is
alleged that as part of the Jewish community's desire to keep abreast of anti-semitism
towards their community that they infiltrate various caucasian religious and ethnic
communities posing as members of these communities in order to gather attitudes
towards the Jewish community. For example they pose as Catholics, protestants and
mormons etcetera. It is alleged they do so in order to gather intelligence on a particular
community's feelings towards the Jewish community, to determine who the various anti-
semites are in a community and to determine who should receive Jewish mafia
retribution in a community. One of the advantages to Jewish organized crime in
changing their ethnic identities is that they can carry out particularly abhorrent criminal
acts and yet other ethnic groups get the blame for it. For example here is an article I
wrote on one covert Jewish couple:

While I was briefly employed with the YMCA in their after school program in
the spring of 2018, I met two nice students at St. Catherine of Siena school in
London on Friday May 25th named Tatum and Saidie. They were at about the
grade 5 level. They appeared to be brother and sister and were originally
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from Laos or Northern Thailand. Tatum had a shirt with little lobsters on it and
Saidie had a shirt that had: "Lets do donuts" on it. They speak English at a
native level. This brother and sister duo were adopted by a pair of caucasian
London adults, ostensibly Catholics, who seem to have financial gain
foremost in their minds, not the welfare of these kids.

They are both very bright and nice kids, however, I began to notice some
anomalies about them. They both wanted to play in a children’s basket-ball
apparatus for primary students, which suggested to me that they were hinting
to me that they were being turned into "basket-cases" and being abused by
their foster-parents. I got to see the foster mother as she came to pick up the
kids from school. She was caucasian and had a black Honda mini-van with a
Thule rack on the top of the van. She seemed very prickly and aggressive in
her demeanour which is a red flag that she could be a possible organized
crime operative. Tatum and Saidie got in the van and Saidie waved good-bye
to me. I thought that this was also a little strange as kids don't usually say
goodbye after school. I thought, perhaps, that Sadie was conveying to me
her belief, on a subconscious level that she would not be around much longer
in terms of her life. It was also alleged to me that Saidie and Tatum's foster
parents are not Catholics —which they purport themselves to be— but are
instead part of a strange organized crime group in society I call "covert-

In Tatum and Sadie's case their foster-parents disguise themselves as

Catholics so as a result, if anything unfortunate happens to Tatum and
Saidie, the blame will never come to rest on the Jewish community. And,
unfortunately it is alleged that a terrible fate is in store for these two children
at the hands of the Jewish mafia parading themselves as Catholics. It is
alleged that Tatum and Saidie have very large life insurance policies in their
names in case any sort of accident should happen to them. Also, it is alleged
that the parents are planning to have these two nice kids murdered once they
reach their teens in order to collect on these insurance policies. Imagine, the
Jewish mafia murdering adopted children from other countries in order to
enrich themselves, only to ultimately blame it on the Catholic community.
How consummately malevolent.
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You know since the holocaust of World War II some in the Jewish community
seem to have taken defence and retribution for the Jewish community to
barbaric and illegal extremes. In other words, the holocaust seems to have
given some in the Jewish community the impetus that any criminal activity on
their part is justified in order to exact retribution and reparations for the

In the meantime Tatum and Saidie seem to know that something is wrong in
their lives. They are being physically and psychologically abused to the point
that they want to go back to Thailand or Laos, rather than put up with their
abuse here in Canada. Does it need to be stated that a couple conspiring to
have their adopted children murdered for insurance money probably act in an
abusive manner towards their children to avoid harbouring benevolent
feelings for their children? And does it also need to be said that kids pick up
on these feelings of contempt levelled at them and view them as ultimately
life-threatening? Ten-year-old Saidie conveyed the feeling to me that she felt
she would die soon by drawing a blood red-lotus flower. The red symbolized
blood and the lotus flower, I believe, was a symbol of herself. After all, the
lotus flower is native to Thailand and Laos, as was she and Tatum. It was so
sad to see a child filled with angst and anxiety over her perceived untimely
death —at the hands of her foster parents no less. Nevertheless, in Saidie's
lotus-flower drawing she also conveyed the idea of hope. Only if she and her
brother can return to the land of the lotus flower and land of their birth will
they be able to escape death at the hands of a pair of mercenary

Actions such as this will ultimately have a very negative impact on Canada's
reputation abroad to potential immigrants. We must not allow the Jewish
mafia to sully the reputation of Canada. Furthermore, it is patently unfair to
place blame for this heinous crime on the Catholic community. It is obvious
that the Jewish mafia have a severe persecution complex, fostered by the
holocaust and by the crimes they commit, which motivates them to, in turn,
severely persecute other ethnic groups and to commit any crime, no matter
how barbaric it is.
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As you can see, becoming covert Jews allows Jewish organized criminals to commit
heinous crimes, even towards children, and to blame these crimes on other ethnic

Germans, Eastern Europeans and Aristocratic Europeans Targeted for Death by Jewish

In my time at university I became curious that Jewish mafia may have been intentionally
causing cancer in people, especially ethnic Germans. I knew of one man of German
ethnicity, a professor at the University of Windsor, named John Pufahl. He died of
cancer just before his retirement. Another German professor at Windsor, Erica
Kuendiger, similarly died of cancer just before she retired leaving a teenaged son
motherless. Of course my father’s botched medical procedure occurred just before he
retired as well. Another ethnically German professor I knew at Windsor, Doreen Shantz,
left before she was next and she gave up a comfortable tenure-track position at the
University of Windsor in the hopes of living a longer life in Kitchener. Nevertheless, is
there any data that would support my contention that ethnic Germans and Eastern
Europeans are being targeted for death by the Jewish mafia in retribution for the
holocaust? According to U.S. census data, the population of those in the United States
identifying as German in 1980 was 49 million or 26% of the United States population. In
1990 those numbers were 58 million or 23% of the United States population. In 2005
those numbers were 49.2 million or 17% of the United States population. In 2017 that
number was 43 million or 13%. ( All in all, the numbers of U.S.
citizens identifying as ethnically German declined 50% from a peak in 1980 to 2017. In
1980 1 in 4 Americans considered themselves of German ancestry. In 2017 that number
declined to 1 in 8. To put this decline in perspective, during the same time interval
numbers of U.S. citizens identifying as Polish and Greek remained relatively stable
between the same period and this appears to be the case for most ethnic groups. And
while there has been a similar deep decline in the number of individuals identifying as
Dutch, English and Scottish in the United States, these groups have not been the
source for a lot of anxiety on the part of the Jewish community as the ethnic German
Americans have.

Furthermore, suicide rates have increased dramatically in the United States since the
1990s especially in the northern border states in the West where most ethnic German-
Americans live. North Dakota —a state which has an ethnic German population of over
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40%— saw its suicide rate increase 57% between 1999 and 2016 (16,5 per 100,000).
dakota-saw-largest-spike-nationwide-new-study) Similarly, South Dakota with an ethnic
German population of over 40% has the 14th highest suicide rate in the United States at
16.7 per 100,000. (
SuicideSurveillanceJan2017.pdf) The increase in suicide rates for the overall United
States was 28% during the same time period. Furthermore, Wyoming and Montana
have ethnic German populations between 22 and 28% and their suicide rates are
almost double the national average at 24 per 100,000. Suicide rates in these two states
have increased by 84% since 1999 whereas suicide rates on average in the entire
United States have gone up 28% during the same time period. So in North Dakota,
South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming —America’s ethnic German heartland— which
have ethnic Germans making up between 22 to 40% of their populations, suicide rates
have increased by about 70% between 1999 and 2017. That rate is more than double
the 28% increase in suicide rates for the entire United States over the same time period.
To conclude, it seems there has been a decline in the ethnic German population of the
United States by about 15 million people between 1990 and 2017 whereas most other
white ethnic groups numbers’ appear to be relatively stable over time. Americans who
identify as Scottish or English have declined by about 50% in the United States from
1980 to 2017, however, they have not been the target of Jewish anxiety expressed
towards them as ethnic Germans have been.

It is Alleged Jewish Mafia Instigated the Murder of Justine Damond in 2017

Likewise, the death of Australian Justine Damond in July of 2017 was forecast to me by
London, Ontario police. Her death —that of an Australian woman of Polish ethnicity—
bears many of the hallmarks of being a murder instigated by Jewish mafia in the United

In this latest incident the police demonstrated to me, again, that they had
foreknowledge of terrible events which were about to unfold and yet were
powerless to prevent these events from transpiring. It was about 2 PM on
Sunday, July 16 2017 and I was walking to the big-box store plaza on
Fanshawe Park Road and Hyde Park Road. I was walking in front of the
Canadian Tire store when all of a sudden a police cruiser silently passed me
by very closely. The car, number 56, stopped directly in front of the store,
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very close to a sausage stand where a blond woman of Polish ethnicity sells
these food items. I often find police matters interesting so I stayed around the
Canadian Tire to see what had happened. I went in to the auto shop and
there was a black man in there attending to customers. The black man, by-
the-way, was almost directly behind the Polish woman selling sausages even
though her stand was outside of the store and they were divided by a wall.
There did not seem to be any serious altercation going on at the Canadian
Tire store and the police officer left shortly thereafter. He drove off, alone,
towards Fanshawe Park Road. Nothing much occurred so I did not pay much
attention to the incident until the next morning. I was reading the news and I
learned that an Australian woman of Polish ethnicity named Justine Damond
(nee Ruszczyk) had been killed by a black police officer in an affluent
neighbourhood in Minneapolis. Ms. Damond had called police to report an
alleged sexual assault she believed was occurring. The BBC reports: "The
Minneapolis Star-Tribune, citing three sources with knowledge of the incident,
reported that Ms Damond was dressed in her pyjamas and approached the
driver's side door to talk to the officer at the wheel after police arrived. The
officer in the passenger seat, identified by local media as Mohamed Noor,
drew his gun and shot Ms. Damond through the driver's window, the
newspaper reported. Mr Noor's lawyer, Tom Plunkett, confirmed on Monday
that his client had fired his weapon, killing Ms Damond.”

In hindsight it appears unmistakeable that the London police were alleging that Justine
Damond was allegedly murdered. The police car I saw at the plaza stopped nearby a
blond woman of Polish ethnicity selling sausages behind her. Within the store —almost
directly behind her— was a black man servicing customers. Thus, on Sunday July 16th
at about 2PM I witnessed a police car, a blond woman of Polish ethnicity and a black
man almost directly behind her. I understand that this time frame was well after the time
frame of the Justine Damond death (11:52 PM July 15th). Nevertheless, although this
particular incident did not actually foreshadow Ms. Damond’s alleged murder, there was
another incident of the London police actually foreshadowing this death which was well
before the day of the shooting on July 15th.

This forecast of Ms. Damond’s death occurred on Sunday July 9th, six days before Ms
Damond’s shooting. I was returning from London's Sunfest event at Victoria Park on this
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day. I was on the 17 bus and I noticed when we stopped at the corner of Wharncliffe
and Oxford streets that there was a police cruiser positioned at a 90 degree angle to the
bus just as had been a week earlier when the police forewarned that an accident was
about to occur near Adelaide and Oxford streets. The cruiser was parked in front of the
giant McDonald's "M". It was car number 22. Inside were two police women and the
driver had blond hair. Next I took a video clip of a black man on the bus who appeared
to be of Somali origin, similar to officer Noor. Once again I did not think much about
these events except I had the feeling the police were warning about something that was
to happen. Now in the context of the death of Ms. Damond the events, as they
transpired on the bus, seem to forewarn of her death. A police car with a blond officer in
it juxtaposed with the number 22 on the car (a common bullet calibre) with a large "M" in
the background suggesting murder, surreptitiously implies that a blond woman was to
be shot dead. The Somali man on the bus with the words "watch your step" in front of
him in the video clip I took suggest that police had an inkling —likely passed on by the
intelligence agencies— that Somali-American police officer Noor was premeditating the
death of Ms. Damond. Furthermore, as the Somali man noticed my phone camera
pointing at him he began to feign wiping away tears from his eyes, a callous indicator
that perhaps even the Somali community also knew of Ms. Damond's imminent death.

In effect, I was given substantial, although surreptitious, information by London police to

suggest that police knew beforehand of Ms. Damond's approaching murder, implying
that it was fully premeditated. The only reason that I can think of to suggest that police
chose to give me this information was that I publicly write about organized crime
subversion in society, and this is ultimately what Ms. Damond’s alleged murder appears
to be. Furthermore, it is obvious that Ms. Damond's murder was also pre-meditated by
Officer Noor. Therefore, it is likely that Officer Noor is a mafia operative within the police
department of Minneapolis acting in the interests of organized crime.

This crime committed against Justine Damond bears several hallmarks of being
instigated by Jewish mafia. Individuals of Eastern European ethnicity, such as Ms.
Damand, are particularly targeted for retribution at the hands of Jewish mafia, due to a
history of tensions between these ethnic groups. Also, it is the typical modus-operandi
of Jewish mafia to exploit and hire alienated and impoverished blacks to commit crimes
on their behalf. And although Officer Noor was not necessarily impoverished, he was
very alienated living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In a previous psychological evaluation
Noor “reported disliking people and being around them.” (
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damond/) It is likely that Officer Noor realized he was soon going to be fired as a police
officer, due to the many red-flags raised about his behaviour, and decided to ingratiate
himself, instead, to the Jewish mafia of Minneapolis by murdering Ms. Noor, while
concurrently unleashing his contempt for people on a hapless woman of Polish ethnicity.
Thus, Ms. Damond’s death can be considered a tacit murder at the hands of Jewish
mafia in Minneapolis.

To conclude, it is obvious from the Willy Wonka film that Jewish mafia believe they are
entitled to commit several crimes-against-humanity for retribution for the holocaust in
World War II. Jewish mafia co-opted the Roald Dahl book Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory in order to make a film that would outline their plans for retribution including
causing unnecessary medical procedures in individuals, causing cancer in certain
individuals and enslaving the black community to Jewish organized crime. Not receiving
any public criticisms about these unsettling themes in the Willy Wonka film encouraged
Jewish mafia to proceed with their malevolent plans. It must be made clear that the
themes present in the 1971 Willy Wonka film —those of Germany, Nazism, the
holocaust and pedophilia— were not present in either Roald Dahl’s original book or the
subsequent Willy Wonka remake film by Tim Burton in 2005. So Jewish mafia
intentionally introduced these themes in Willy Wonka (1971) effectively making the story
a vehicle for Jewish mafia propaganda. Furthermore, it appears that Jewish mafia is
committing several other malevolent crimes on a large scale in order to attempt to cow
people to the threat of Jewish mafia terror in the west and to administer retribution to
their rival ethnic groups. As a result, Jewish mafia is probably the most virulent and
malevolent organized crime organization on the planet. Jewish mafia overreacts and
inflicts terror on any and all threats that they perceive stem from rival ethnic groups. Due
to the substantial economic resources that Jewish mafia has access to, they are able to
exercise undue influence in the western democracies on the various ethnic groups in
these countries. Therefore, Jewish mafia hegemony in the west can be characterized as
exceedingly preeminent in the lives of westerners, which is what one would expect
through the combined use of barbaric terror tactics paired along with unlimited financial
resources to unduly control the lives of westerners.

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