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President Richard Nixon Tacitly Stated in His White House Tapes That Henry Kissinger

was a Chinese Communist Spy

By: Andrew Kaprusiak (April 22nd, 2022)

By the middle of the 20th century European Jews were alienated from both political
extremes of the far-left and far-right. The Nazis had tried to exterminate them during
World War II and the communists were cutting-off the influence of the Jews in
European communist organizations.1 2 Definitely antisemitism played a role in the purge
of Jews from European communist organizations, but so did Jewish abuse of power.
“Through the devastating years of the 1930s [Ukrainian famine, forced expulsions of
Ukrainians to Siberia, Stalin’s Great Purge] Jewish scientists, economists, writers,
musicians, party functionaries, soldiers, and laborers played a fundamental role in the
construction of the new Soviet society, and rose to unprecedented and unparalleled
positions of eminence, fame, and even power. The most reliable estimates hold that
Jews constituted some 6 percent of the Soviet ruling elite in the 1920s and 10 percent
of its economic elite. Indeed, at the same time as millions of peasants starved to death,
the social and economic status of the Jews continued to climb, establishing them as
perhaps the most educated, the most professionally successful, the most economically
secure minority in the country.” In fact, even some Jews confess that the Russian
Revolution of 1917 could not have taken place without Russian Jews organizing it.3 As
well, the Jewish community of Russia was amply rewarded for instigating this
revolution. They became legally emancipated and were well-represented in the Soviet
government and the Secret Police (the Cheka). That Jews were now prominent in the
Soviet government and secret police at a time when gulags were being filled, famine
was occurring in Ukraine, mass deportations to Siberia were occurring and terrifying
purges were occurring in Russia instilled in many Europeans fear of Jewish retribution
directed towards them by using oppressive communist infrastructure. Russia’s Jews
were likely made guilty-by-association for the tragic events of the early Soviet
communist revolution due to historic Russian anti-semitism. As a result, European
communist organizations began purging Jews from communist infrastructure around
the mid-20th century. Essentially, Europeans were terrified that European Jews would

use communist infrastructure with which to terrorize and control non-Jews as was the
case in the early years of the Soviet communist revolution. History has proven
Europeans to be completely correct about this negative development in society. Jews
instead turned to communist China after being purged from European communist
organizations and Jewish mafia in the West presently uses Chinese communist
infrastructure to terrorize and persecute non-Jews in the West.

How did this tragic situation materialize? How has Jewish mafia/Jewish communists
come to have such inordinate control over our lives in the West? Communist
infrastructure in the West includes predominant hegemony in the workplace, as well as
dominant hegemony over organized crime. Therefore, Jewish mafia is in the position to
terrorize Westerners in the workplace and through the use of organized crime
organizations. As a result, we in the West are presently being covertly terrorized by
organized crime and by communist workplace harassment that ultimately stems from
both Jewish and Chinese communist communities. How this situation arose is that, as
a result of being purged from European communist organizations and finding
themselves estranged from both political extremes in Europe, Jews turned to
communist China as the political entity best suited to accepting them and having their
interests at heart. So, finding themselves alienated from European communists in the
1940s, Jews began ingratiating themselves to communist China by engaging in
communist spying activities and by infiltrating the communist party in that country.4 By
mid-20th century most Jews migrated from Shanghai where there had been a sizeable
minority of them. In their place, a few key communist Jewish Europeans were inserted
into China where they proceeded to ingratiate themselves to communist Chinese
leadership. Sidney Shapiro, Israel Epstein, Sidney Rittenberg and Ruth Weiss were
prominent figures in nascent communist China and were influential upon China’s
leadership. In fact, Epstein was an actual member of the Chinese communist party.5
These prominent Jewish figures made forays into China in order to help consolidate
nascent Chinese communism, to act as a window onto the West for China and to lay
the groundwork for future trade with China and the West.6 For all their service to

developing Chinese communism, Jewish communists requested that they be given
substantial power in the West in order to control society to a great extent and to be
able to persecute non-Jews, ostensibly, to prevent another Holocaust from occurring.
However, for all intents and purposes Jewish mafia has been engaging in massive
crimes-against-humanity directed towards non-Jews in the West (as do their staunch
allies, Chinese communists) and admit as much tacitly. To emphasize the impact that
these stalwart Jewish communists had on Chinese leadership, imagine the context of a
very alienated communist China in the mid 20th century: The United States was taking
over the fight for Vietnam from the French, China had gone to war with the West in
Korea in 1953. The belligerents were China, the Soviet Union and North Korea versus
an enormous contingent of 23 nations from the UN. In 1969, China’s former ally, the
Soviet Union, split with the PRC and was seriously contemplating a nuclear strike on
China.7 China, like communist Jews, was acutely alienated by the early 1970s and
fearful communism could collapse, just as Jews were concerned for their society.
However, a handful of prominent Jews reassured the Chinese leadership that
eventually the world would recognize communist China and trade with it if Western
Jews used their influence to realize this eventuality. Doubtlessly, part of Jewish strategy
in China was to let Chinese communist leaders know that Western businesses, led by
Jewish business interests, would trade with communist China, if China allowed Jewish
mafia to be able to access and “rent-out” Chinese communist infrastructure in the
West in order to persecute rivals of the Jewish community. In effect, Jewish mafia
made a deal with communist China to prop-up the incompetent totalitarian regime and
to have the West trade with it in return for allowing Jewish mafia to persecute non-
Jews using Chinese communist infrastructure in Western social institutions.

Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States, was a devoted anti-communist
and was a member of the House on Un-American Activities Committee during the
McCarthy era. Therefore, Richard Nixon intimately knew who headed the hidden
communist leadership structure in the United States. As well, Nixon was aware of the
Jews’ culpability in regards to communist infrastructure in the United States. It is said
that Richard Nixon mistrusted 3 groups above-all: intellectuals, ivy-leaguers and Jews.8
Being that Richard Nixon was such a stalwart anti-communist, it is conspicuous that he
mistrusted Jews so much. Nixon’s mistrust of the Jews is ultimately indicative that he

knew they were at the heart of communist subversion in the United States. President
Nixon believed that Jews were born communist spies and even implied in one of his
White House recordings on July 5th, 1971 that Henry Kissinger, of Jewish ethnicity,
was a spy for China: “The Jews are born spies. You notice how many of them are?
They're just in it up to their necks.” President Nixon also commented on the dark side
of the Jewish community and their communist mafia: “…Jewish families are close, but
there's this strange malignancy now that seems to creep among them.”9 That
malignancy that Nixon speaks of in the Jewish community is undoubtably their support
for oppressive communism. Nixon then went on to name-off a list of Jewish spies on
tape and even implied that all Jews were spies: “[Spies are] all Jews. Every one's a
Jew. Gelb's a Jew. Halperin's a Jew.” For Richard Nixon —a man with an intimate
knowledge of American communism— to imply to his close advisors on tape, for all
posterity, that all Jews were communist spies in the same breath that he mentions
Henry Kissinger is a tacit indication that Nixon knew that Kissinger was a spy for
communist China. It is even alleged that Kissinger gave information on the Cruise
missile and Stealth jet aircraft to China in his more than 50 visits to that country.
Nevertheless, Nixon refused to overtly label Kissinger a spy but he certainly strongly
implied, for posterity, that he was one.

And in fact, from the early 1970s onward, the West saw Henry Kissinger dealing
extensively with China on the part of the United States and not just under the Nixon
administration. Kissinger made 50 visits to China and guided American Chinese policy
for 40 years10 often dealing with high-level Chinese leaders such as Zhou Enlai. Jasper
Becker, a UK commentator on China, however criticizes Kissinger’s contributions to
global diplomacy in regards to China. Becker stops just short of labelling Kissinger a
turncoat for communist China, just as President Nixon did, but nonetheless, like Nixon,
he strongly implies that Kissinger was definitely a stooge for communist China. In
hindsight it does appear that Kissinger was ultimately looking out for the best interests
of Jewish mafia in the West and for communist China, rather than that of America as a
whole when we look at who has benefitted from opening and normalizing relations with
China over the past 50 years. Jasper comments on Kissinger’s obsequiousness to the
Chinese leadership: “the Chinese couldn't believe their luck in finding such a naive and

biddable partner as Kissinger.”11 Kissinger was more concerned with ingratiating the
Jewish community to China in order to allow Jewish mafia to have access to Chinese
communist infrastructure in the West to be able to persecute non-Jews than he was
with safeguarding the best interests of the United States. For example, Jasper further
comments that Nixon, a staunch anti-communist likely encouraged by Kissinger,
eventually decided that defending communist China was in the best interest of the
United States. Kissinger fails to address this question in his famous book, On China.12
Why was there such an abrupt “about-face” in regards to China in American policy
under a devoted anti-communist president? Jasper also comments that, even today,
no advantageous reasons can be found for Nixon opening up and normalizing relations
with China. On the other hand, normalizing relations with China benefitted communist
China greatly by allowing its leaders to stay in power despite their disastrous
governance of that country including instigating a famine which killed 40 million
Chinese citizens. In the end it appears that ingratiating the United States to China by
normalizing relations with the nation only really benefitted Jewish mafia and communist
China. In return for propping up China’s incompetent leadership, Jewish mafia was
granted access to communist China’s infrastructure in the West (Western organized
crime organizations/communist hegemony in the Western workplace) in order to
persecute non-Jews. Particularly damaging has been the loss of 50% of the West’s
manufacturing jobs as part of this “deal with the devil” made by Jewish mafia with
communist China.13 In hindsight it appears quite likely that Jewish mafia, alienated
from the extremes of the political spectrum in the mid-20th century, reached an accord
with similarly disaffected communist China to help prop up the regime, to trade with
them and to sacrifice Western manufacturing jobs to them in order to have access to
Chinese communist infrastructure in Western institutions in order to be able to actively
terrorize non-Jews in the West. As well, Kissinger guiding American China policy —with
the best interests of Jewish mafia made paramount— for 40 years has been an
unmitigated disaster in other ways as well. For example, the United States has lost its
preeminence as the globe's strongest superpower. China now blithely views itself as
equal to the United States as a superpower, and soon will overtake it due to American
Jews lending their extensive wealth and influence in the United States in turncoat-

fashion to the communist giant. At the same time China can be confident that Jewish
mafia and the financial resources of the Jewish community will continue to prop up
China’s totalitarian leadership in the future, due to their “sweetheart deal” as long as
China provides Jewish mafia access to its communist infrastructure of terror in the
West so Jewish mafia can have inordinate influence over Westerner’s lives and
persecute them in so many horrific ways. In hindsight, all of Kissinger's China policy
seems to have —in fact— seriously weakened the United States and the West yet
tremendously increased Jewish mafia power in the West and ultimately strengthened
China. Surely, in light of all that has transpired since Kissinger’s policy of engagement
with China it is time to judge this man ultimately on the after-effects of his policies and
in such a light we can ultimately now only view Kissinger as a communist and a Jewish
organized crime stooge. This reappraisal of Kissinger’s diplomacy is more accurate and
necessary, as only China and Jewish mafia have benefitted from Kissinger’s China
policies. Furthermore, President Nixon who knew American communism and Kissinger
both to great extents implied in his famous White House tapes for posterity that Henry
Kissinger is a Chinese communist spy.

Europeans were correct in their appraisal of Jewish abuse of power and correct to
purge Jews from communist organizations in the mid-20th century. The Jews holding
communist reigns of power ultimately leads them to seriously terrorize and persecute
non-Jews. This abuse of power was evident in the early days of the Soviet regime and
is apparent in the West to this very day on a covert level. Jewish mafia along with
communist China is instigating several crimes-against-humanity in the West such as an
epidemic of autism in children using methylmercury, an epidemic in suicide rates, an
opioid epidemic, an epidemic of intentionally-caused cancer and unnecessary medical
procedures being performed such as unnecessary amputations and brain operations.
(see my scribd website writings) Unfortunately, we have failed as a society to prevent
Jewish mafia from having a pervasive negative influence on the West and on our lives.

My own personal experience of Jewish mafia interference in my life has been

catastrophic. For example, my father was given an unnecessary brain operation leaving
him seriously disabled in 1980.14 I have had 3 murder attempts directed at me, the first
when I was 10-years-old. I was tacitly told by Jewish mafia not to attend university or

bad things would happen to me. That warning was no bluff as Jewish mafia tried to
have me physically paralyzed in 1998. I have been blackballed by Jewish mafia from
the work force and my career that I studied for, teaching. I have not had full-time work
since 2006. I have been unable to marry and have a family of my own due to constant
harassment of the people in my life by Jewish mafia. Life under Jewish mafia
hegemony is a terrifying and dismal prospect.

However, in no way do I feel alone in regards to being persecuted by Jewish mafia;

many people are far worse off in these regards. A nice woman I knew of German
ethnicity named Val Kurck was given an unnecessary hysterectomy in her 20s leaving
her unable to bear children instigated by Jewish mafia. Most heart-breaking though are
the “murders-made-to-look-accidental” of so many young females with so much
potential to do good for society. With the assistance of UK broadcasters and those in
my home city of London, Canada I have been able to demonstrate that many of the
deadly “accidents” which appear to spontaneously occur to women in the West are
premeditated and defacto acts of murder instigated by Jewish mafia and Chinese
communists. (see my scribd website writings) The most recent murder of a young
female I reported on was that of Maija Nenonen on April 13th of this year. Maija was 21
and attending university here in London when she was brutally mowed down by a large
vehicle. The incident was made out in the news media to be an accident but Londoners
forecast Maija’s death to me the day before it occurred. Most heart-breaking of these
crimes-against-humanity directed at women that stands out in my mind —due to its
unfathomable cruelty towards a female— is the story of Ariana Rae Delfs. Ariana, a 17-
year-old from Florida I alleged, was intentionally given encephalitis.15 Ariana was a
healthy, gifted young woman, accomplished at so many things and obviously good-
natured and kind. She had to endure slowly becoming paralyzed and going blind on
her hospital bed allegedly due to her worsening intentionally-caused encephalitis.
Ariana, her father reported, was absolutely terrified with what was happening to her
body until her consciousness was finally snuffed-out by her disease. How could
someone purposely inflict such a terrifying death on a young female? London police
tacitly implied to me that the Jewish mafia scions of Hollywood, the Douglas’s were
allegedly responsible for Ariana’s tragedy. As far as I know Ariana and her family think
Ariana was the hapless victim of a freak accident of nature. Most people are simply

unaware that the disasters, disappointments and terror in their lives are instigated by
Jewish mafia/Chinese communists manipulating our social institutions and our medical
science against us as retribution for society’s past history of persecuting the Chinese
and the Jews.

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