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The angriest ethnically Irish guy I ever met: Dan Quigley and how he ruined a woman’s


By: Andrew Kaprusiak (March 15th, 2023)

The hottest-headed ethnically Irish guy I ever knew was a guy named Dan Quigley. I
met him in the fine art department of the University of Guelph in the 1990s. He, like me,
was a printmaker. He used to talk about the black Irish which was his term for Irish
mafia. He had a reputation for a terrible temper and I got to see this temper first-hand. I
was with somebody else at a table in the Albion tavern one evening at Guelph in 1996?
The tavern was very busy and full. Dan was at the next table with another guy; we could
overhear their conversation. They were discussing the topic of Northern Ireland. Dan
calmly stated his point of view to the other guy that he believed that Northern Ireland
was a part of the Irish island and so should be so politically as well. The other guy
started calmly stating his point of view that he believed the majority of people of
Northern Ireland wanted to stay aligned with the UK and so should so. All of a sudden
Dan jumped up out of his seat and threw his glass of beer on the floor smashing it. A
hush descended over the crowd at the tavern. Next, Dan started screaming at the guy
looking down at him: "Northern Ireland will always be a part of Ireland…(etcetera).” The
poor guy was mortified and had no idea he was talking Irish politics with a defacto Irish

Regardless, I got to witness the terror tactics that Dan allegedly got up to as an Irish
mafia operative. I had a neighbour in Guelph named Christine Chourmouzis. She was a
graduate student in science. Chris was in her 20s —a nice young woman— and had a
beautiful complexion. I had never known her to have issues with her complexion in the 3
years that I knew her. However, the last time we met I noticed she had developed skin
tags all over her face, maybe 30 of them. I didn’t talk to her about the matter and either
did she. She next told me she was moving out west to work. I did not see her again after
that. She now works at UBC and from her online pictures, it appears her skin completely
cleared up (as is the case with skin tags). It was forecast to me that Chris' face would
become the target of an Irish mafia attack. I do not know why but Irish and Greeks have
a serious blood feud between them in society. Both these groups completely detest
each other. Nevertheless, it was alleged that Irish mafia, specifically Dan Quigley,
gained access to Chris’ apartment and adulterated some facial cream of hers to cause
this breakout of skin tags. Dan did live close to Chris in downtown Guelph. As a result,
of this terrible event in Chris’ life being forecast to me, I have done some research on
skin tags and here are some interesting facts about them: “HPV [human papilloma virus
-a venereal disease] has a role in the pathogenesis of STs. [skin tags] Therefore, using
of antiviral or immunotherapy may help in STs management program. 1 Human
papilloma virus (HPV) is seen in 80% of the evaluated skin tag.”2 So to speculate it
could be that the human papilloma virus may be put into women’s facial creams in order
to cause a breakout of many skin tags on their faces. Women should be aware of this
potential danger. Personally I do not put anything on my face except tap water. To keep
my skin lubricated, I take omega 3 fish oil capsules. Women who are being threatened
in such a manner should not leave facial creams lying around at home or should use
single-use facial cream products. In terms of Dan Quigley, I always got along with him
and, in fact, he used to tell me he liked the light grey collared shirt that I wore.
Nevertheless, someone so filled with anger usually gets into deep trouble and the BBC
alleged Quigley was involved in the death of an ethnically Scottish woman in a wooded
area and that he threw hot oil on a woman. Dan was quite an adept woodsman from
talking to him. Obviously, Dan has spent time in prison at some point or another being
so hot-headed.



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