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The Jewish Mafia Katz’s Evil Crime Empire is Destroying London, Ontario’s Wholesome

By: Andrew Kaprusiak January 4th, 2022

In their relentless and unscrupulous pursuit of unparalleled riches London’s Jewish

mafia Katz family have allegedly turned to every conceivable criminal act to finance this
rise at the expense of the destruction of the lives of countless Londoners. When our
family arrived in London in 1969 it was an exemplary city in which to live. Opioids were
unheard of, there was no crystal meth epidemic and London was over-populated with
exceptionally beautiful women. London’s public schools were highly effective in their
teaching as well as free from an epidemic of bullying at the hands of organized crime
operatives. Similarly, pedophiles were extremely rare in London’s schools. Nowadays
there are at least 2 pedophiles working in each of London’s schools, and a plethora of
crazed Chinese/Vietnamese communist women working in these schools administering
the neurotoxin methylmercury to London elementary children and dulling their minds in
order to deal out retribution to London families who have run afoul of organized crime,
especially Jewish organized crime. As well, these days London faces both crystal meth
and opioid epidemics and London’s prostitution problem has become so bad that
London’s city council has declared the city home to some of the worst human trafficking
in North America.1 Many of London’s large population of exceptionally beautiful women
are now being corralled into prostitution. Many of the misfortunes to befall London
appear to have risen in Tandem with the Katz family’s relentless pursuit of wealth.
Getting rich off the misery of fellow human beings, is one of the oldest tricks in the book
and one which Jewish mafia excels at due to their misanthropic outlook on humanity
which catalyzes their crimes-against-humanity.

Sam Katz began building the Cherryhill apartment complex in London in 1965.2 Sam
Katz had been a concentration camp survivor and emigrated to Canada after World War
II. As the patriarch of the Katz clan, Sam’s concentration camp experience instilled in
him the contempt for humanity which would allow him to be as unscrupulous and
malevolent as possible in the accumulation of wealth and to pass this credo on to his
offspring. Our family’s first experience with the Katz family was living in their Cherryhill

apartment complex. I, my father (an architect of Polish ethnicity) and my brother lived at
170 Cherryhill Blvd. Sam Katz and the quack Chinese communist doctor Ong, who had
his practice at 190 Cherryhill, instigated my father’s unnecessary brain surgery which
left him seriously mentally disabled. The unconscionable barbaric Nazi experiments on
concentration camp victims —such as removing parts of their brains— instilled in
Jewish mafia and Sam Katz that the same barbarities needed to be carried out on
individuals in the West in the spirit of the Old Testament credo: “an eye for an eye”
regardless of the fact that my father had nothing to do with the Jewish holocaust and
spent the majority of world War II in the Liszt internment camp in Hungary. The
connection between Chinese communists in the pairing of a Chinese communist doctor
along with a wealthy Jewish mafia businessman in carrying out my father’s medical
barbarism is evidence that wealthy Jews are able to co-opt communist infrastructure in
their pursuit of wealth, which means that they are far from the free-market capitalists
they purport themselves to be and evidently they play both sides of the fence in the
conflict between capitalists and communists in order to more effectively accumulate
wealth. Obviously Jewish mafia and Chinese communists have teamed up together to
destroy the lives of European aristocracy, as I suspect what happened to my father has
happened to many others of European aristocratic extraction. My full account of my
father’s barbaric medical malevolence can be read at my Scribd site.3 Needless to say
the Cherryhill apartments were wired-for-sound by Jewish mafia and the Katz’s in order
to gather potentially sensitive surveillance information with which to blackmail

However, as the old saying goes: “a leopard cannot change its spots” and this adage
appears to apply to the Katz family’s future generations. There have been several
surreptitious allegations made by UK television on the 2nd and 3rd of January 2022 that
the Jewish mafia Katz family of London, Ontario have been predominant for causing
developmental disabilities in children in London using the neurotoxin methylmercury.
Methylmercury, depending on the size of the dose, can cause from mild autism to
serious mental retardation and severe birth defects in children. In fact, it was alleged by
UK television surreptitiously that the Katz family is responsible for causing brain
damage in gifted black children. At first, I thought that this allegation was preposterous.
Why would any group want to destroy the gifted of another ethnic group? Gifted people
enrich our world in so many ways. But then I began to think about the allegation in

greater depth. Often when serious allegations are made in regards to acts of utter
malevolence they are preceded by previous examples of this malevolence in my life.
And this appears to be the case in the allegation of the Katz’s causing brain damage in
gifted black people in London. In the year 2000, I worked at a Chinese language school
named McDonald Academy in Toronto. 99% of the students were from southeast Asia,
especially mainland China. I met a young black student in his early 20s who stood out
from the rest named Sammy. Sammy was the nicest black guy I ever met. He was easy
to talk to, friendly and well-mannered. However, it was evident that Sammy had learning
disabilities. I felt sorry for this poor guy who was so well-mannered and yet had difficulty
learning. When Sammy told me that his father was a physician in Chicago and Toronto,
I was taken aback. How was it possible that a young man —the offspring of a highly
educated doctor— had such pervasive learning disabilities? Doubtlessly, poor Sammy
had likely been brain-damaged by Jewish mafia. Perhaps Sammy’s father did not pay
enough protection money to Jewish mafia. Regardless, the fact that a black guy with
learning disabilities in my classroom had the same first name as the patriarch of the
Katz clan in London, who had caused brain damage in my father, leads me to conclude
that the Katz family are, indeed, involved in causing brain damage in gifted blacks. By
all accounts my student Sammy was originally likely one of those gifted blacks. As
another coincidence, my mother had one of her school students living with her in
Montreal named Cal Wright. Cal had significant developmental disabilities. My mother
used to take in stray and feral cats as well. Cal used to name them and he named one
feral cat, Sammy, around the year 1983. A developmentally disabled teen named Cal
naming one of our cats, Sammy, is doubtlessly another reference to the Sam Katz clan
being responsible for causing many cases of brain damage in children. Perhaps Cal had
been brain damaged by Jewish mafia in Montreal as well. Obviously there is more to the
allegations that the Katz clan have caused a lot of brain damage in children than a
couple of surreptitious allegations by UK television.

Nevertheless, the allegation that the Katz clan are causing brain damage in individuals
was not the only one made by UK television on the 2nd and 3rd of January 2022. Other
surreptitious allegations are that the Katz clan instigated the death of that 8-year-old girl
guide, Alexandra Stemp in London on November 30th, 2021. Imagine Jewish mafia had
someone drive an SUV into a group of Girl Guides and Brownies causing one death and
several injuries. It is evident from the malevolence of such an act that Jewish mafia
have completely turned their backs on people and rival only pedophiles as being
amongst the greatest haters of humanity. Jewish mafia appears to have as its over-
riding aim the goal of making peoples’ lives as miserable, toxic and as dangerous as
possible, all the while using their awesome wealth to fully realize this goal. My full
account of this Girl Guide tragedy can be read at my Scribd site.4 As well, another
allegation is that the Katzs caused brain damage in that nice, young blond woman with
the short hair who lives in 95 Fiddlers Green. She is in her late 20s and is very friendly
and kind. As well, UK television alleged that the Katz’s are involved in drug trafficking
and prostitution industries in London. Also, it is alleged that the Katz’s cause
intentionally-caused cancer in unionized employees in London especially in the CUPE
union. Another surreptitious allegation made by UK television was that European Jewish
mafia are causing brain damage in the gypsy community there.

Why must it be that Jewish mafia and pedophiles —the 2 greatest haters of humanity—
have the greatest power and control over our lives through pervasive communist
infrastructure and exceptional influence that wealth gives in the West? Are our lives not
difficult enough without the greatest haters of humanity making them even more
difficult? Do we deserve such treatment? Why must the most evil amongst us have the
greatest control over us? These people are inflicting epidemics of cancer, drug
addiction, prostitution, brain damage and medical malevolence over us. It could stop but
we must first cast off our fear of these individuals. Our worst fears about these people
have become fully realized. They are consummately evil and they regard our lives as no
more important than those of insects. These haters of humanity must be segregated
from civilized people so we can live our lives without the ever-present threat of evil
entering and destroying our lives.


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