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Akram Law Academy Law of Evidence


According to New Syllabus

Topic: “Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984”

Law of Evidence is included in SEE Law Course (20%)
Past papers questions are included

Price: 300

Akram Law academy

Author Law GAT Score: 88

About Author: A law graduate from International Islamic University and a

practicing lawyer. He provides guidance and lecturers in Law GAT or SEE law
test preparation.

How to prepare SEE Law: Study law subjects according to HEC SEE Law
Curriculum. Law GAT MCQs books available in markets are bulky containing
irrelevant material and also contained errors, so the most authentic source of
test preparation is the main law books called Bare Acts, which are freely
available here “Akram Law Academy”.

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Akram Law Academy Law of Evidence

Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984

1. Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984 was enforced on _______

A. 24th October, 1984 B. 25th October, 1984
C. 28th October, 1984 D. none of these
Answer: C

2. Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984, repealed the

A. Evidence Act, 1978 B. Evidence Act, 1908
C. Evidence Act, 1872 D. none of these
Answer: C

3. Evidence Act, 1872 was amended and replaced with Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984to
bring it with conformity with the
A. requirement of time
B. injunction of Quran and Sunnah
C. constitution
D. none of these
Answer: B

4. The QSO contains total Articles

A. 166 B. 176
C.164 D. 167
Answer: A

5. The QSO does not apply to proceedings before

A. tribunals B. special Courts
C. arbitrator D. none of these
Answer: C

6. Under the QSO, is competent to determine the competency of witness.

A. prosecution B. court
C. accused D. plaintiff
Answer: B

7. Article 2, of the QSO deals with

A. Exceptions B. Interpretation
C. Kinds of evidence
Answer: B

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Akram Law Academy Law of Evidence

8. All statements which the Court permits or requires to be made before it by

witnesses in relation to matters of fact under inquiry, such statements are called

A. Oral Evidence B. Documentary Evidence

C. None of these
Answer: A

9. The word "Evidence" is defined in Article _____of Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984

A. 2(a) B. 2(b)
C. 2(c)
Answer: C

10. The word "Fact" is defined in Article _____of Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984

A. 2(a) B. 2(b)
C. 2(d)
Answer: C

11. Anything, state of things, or relation of things capable of being perceived by the
senses is called
A. Feeling B. Fact
C. Act
Answer: B

12. Evidence may be given in any suit or proceeding of the existence or nonexistence
of every
A. Fact in issue B. Relevant Fact
C. Both A and B D. none of these
Answer: C

13. Article 3 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat prescribedthe competency of______

A. Witness B. Judge
C. Prosecutor D. Lawyer
Answer: A

14. A child is a competent witness to testify if he is able________

A. to understand the question B. giving rational answers
C. he is physically fit and healthy D. Both A and B
Answer: D

15. A lunatic is a competent witness to testify if he is able________

A. to understand the question B. giving rational answers
C. he is physically fit and healthy D. Both A and B
Answer: D

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Akram Law Academy Law of Evidence

103. Questions lawful in cross-examination is provided under Article of

the QSO.
A. 139 B. 140
C. 141 D. 142
Answer: C

104. During examination, no question can be asked from witness without reasonable
ground is provided under Article of the QSO.
A. 140 B. 141
C. 144 D. 142
Answer: C

105. Indecent and scandalous question during examinations is barred under Article
_____of the QSO.
A. 145 B. 146
C. 147 D. 148
Answer: B

106. When any witness turndown and record his evidence against the interest of the
party who produce it the party can make an application to the Court for declaring
such person (witness) as
A. lier witness B. hostile witness
C. chance witness D. simple witness
Answer: B

107. Article of the QSO provides for cross-examination of hostile

witness by party who calls such witness.
A. 149 B. 150
C. 151 D. 152
Answer: B

108. The credit of witness maybe impeached by

A. adverse party B. party who calls such witness
C. both A and B D. none of these
Answer: C

109. An investigating officer can refresh his memory from his diary as provided in
A. 155 B. 156
C. 157 D. 158
Answer: A

110. Article 163 of QSO deals with

A. special oath B. general oath
C. refreshment of memory D. none of these

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Answer: B

111. A Nikah form is_____ document

A. public document B. private document
C. local document D. none of these
Answer: A

112. The birth register maintained by municipality is

A. public document B. private document
C. special document D. none of these
Answer: A

113. Evidence produced through modern devices such as audio cassette is

A. inadmissible B. admissible
C. depends upon nature of the case D. none of these
Answer: B

114. Press clipping of news paper are_____ in law case

A. admissible B. inadmissible
C. depends upon nature of the case D. none of these
Answer: A

115. A video film is admissible piece of evidence under Article______ of QSO.

A. 163 B. 164
C. 165 D. 166
Answer: B

116. Evidence Act 1872 is repeal under Article______ of QSO.

A. 163 B. 164
C. 165 D. 166
Answer: D

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SEE Law test preparation registration

For scoring more than 50 in SEE law, one needs to study from error free
material. Our SEE Law notes and mcqs are error free and are prepared according to
HEC test pattern. There is one mark difference between 50 and 49. One mark can
change your status from pass to fail.

I have score 88 in Law GAT test and I recommend you to prepare it in a

professional way.

SEE law Registration link: Get Registered

Contact on WhatsApp


SEE Law mcqs are error free and are prepared according to HEC test pattern. There
is one mark difference between 50 and 49. One mark can change your status from
pass to fail. I strongly recommend all of you to study these mcqs for better scoring.

1. Law of Evidence [Rs. 300] [Click to see mcqs]

2. Constitution of Pakistan [Rs. 400] [click to see mcqs]
3. Criminal Procedure Code 1898 [Rs.400] [click to see mcqs]
4. Civil Law [Rs. 400] [Click to see mcqs]
5. Specific Relief Act [Rs. 300] [Click to see mcqs]

For preparation of Law GAT/SEE-LAW test contact at 03245971547
Copy right © 2021 Akram Law Academy
Akram Law Academy SEE Law MCQS

Major reasons of student’s failure in SEE Law test

All students can easily pass SEE Law but, still, there is a failure ratio and it is due to
the following few common reasons which you can easily avoid:

1. No Knowledge of SEE law curriculum/syllabus;

2. No Knowledge of paper pattern;

3. Poor time management;

4. Overconfidence;

5. Preparation from law GAT books having mistakes or irrelevant material;

6. Guidance from those having no proper knowledge of SEE law pattern;

7. Preparation from those having no proper knowledge of law;

SEE law preparation Guidance

I am providing guidance to applicants of SEE law and Law GAT test. It will
help them a lot not only in passing the test but also in achieving a handsome score. I
recommend and encourage all applicants to take this one-to-one preparation
guidance session.

Get register for SEE law preparation guidance [click for registration]

Contact: 0324-5971547 Contact on WhatsApp

For preparation of Law GAT/SEE-LAW test contact at 03245971547
Copy right © 2021 Akram Law Academy

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