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Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144

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Classroom social climate, self-determined motivation, willingness to

communicate, and achievement: A study of structural relationships in
instructed second language settings
Hye-Kyoung Joe a, Phil Hiver a,⁎, Ali H. Al-Hoorie b,c
International Graduate School of English, Department of ELT, 89 Yangjae-daero 81-gil, Gangdong-gu, Seoul 05407, Republic of Korea
University of Nottingham, School of English, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom
Jubail Industrial College, The English Language Institute, Jubail Industrial City 31961, P. O. Box 10099, Saudi Arabia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The purpose of this study is to integrate three related theoretical frameworks—classroom social climate,
Received 23 January 2016 self-determination theory (SDT), and L2 willingness to communicate (WTC)—and investigate connections
Received in revised form 14 November 2016 between key individual and situational factors for motivation and L2 achievement in a formal secondary-
Accepted 18 November 2016
school setting in Korea (N = 381). We propose a model of the impact of the classroom social climate on second-
Available online xxxx
ary school L2 learners' self-determined motivation and WTC, before extending our analysis to the effect of these
individual and contextual factors on L2 achievement. Structural equation modeling showed that self-determined
Basic psychological needs motivation was predicted by satisfaction of basic psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, and related-
Classroom social climate ness), which are in turn predicted by positive classroom social climate. WTC was predicted strongly by satisfac-
Self-determination theory tion of basic psychological needs, and weakly by perceived competence and identified regulation, but not by
L2 willingness to communicate intrinsic motivation. L2 achievement was initially predicted significantly by identified regulation and perceived
L2 achievement competence, but after controlling for prior achievement only perceived competence remained a significant, but
weak (β = 0.07), predictor. These findings support the notion that context is an empirically relevant frame of
reference for the study of individual factors, and highlight the impact a classroom environment exerts on impor-
tant L2 learning outcomes. However, our findings also underscore the work remaining in the L2 learning field to
uncover robust predictors of L2 achievement. We hope this study will stimulate further research into the situated
and interrelated nature of motivation, WTC, and achievement that will both consolidate and refine current the-
oretical and empirical insights.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is driven by externally-regulated motives, the notion of individual voli-

tional action to communicate in the L2—considered one of the most de-
One cannot think of successful second or foreign language (L2) de- sirable outcomes of learning a second language—is arguably absent
velopment occurring without at least some form of motivation on the from these settings (MacIntyre, 2007).
part of the learner (Dörnyei & Ryan, 2015). Motivation governs the di- A longstanding emphasis within this field is a focus on contextual
rection and magnitude of behavioral choices regarding what goals to features of the L2 classroom, conditions which are thought to play a
avoid or pursue (Dörnyei & Ushioda, 2011), and provides an indication key part in initiating and sustaining L2 learning motivation due to the
of the quality and quantity of goal-directed effort. As such, the question distributed nature (i.e., between people) of engagement and goal-di-
of how to get and keep learners motivated through the dips and peaks of rected behavior in classrooms (Wedell & Malderez, 2013). The notion
language development may be a priority of much of L2 instruction. that classrooms have distinct psychological environments, which may
However, the majority of L2 learning worldwide occurs in formal class- in turn affect individuals' thought and action, has been around for the
room settings involving long hours of intense preparation to succeed in better part of a century (Greeno, 2015). In the realm of L2 learning
compulsory examinations. Without debating the relative merit of these and use, this is even more pronounced because of the understanding
characteristics, we believe this indicates that learners are presented that learner characteristics, behavior, and development can be influ-
with little need to use the target language apart from achieving good enced by various competing temporal and situational factors (e.g.,
grades. Thus, while there may be learners whose L2 learning behavior Batstone, 2010; Kramsch, 2008; Larsen-Freeman, 2015; van Lier,
2004). Integrating various situative and individual constructs or pro-
⁎ Corresponding author. cesses offers a way to examine learning and development beyond the
E-mail address: (P. Hiver). individual, thus explaining why “individuals take up practices in
1041-6080/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
134 H.-K. Joe et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144

particular contexts as a function of their ongoing participation in social students' effort, engagement, and achievement in the classroom (Ryan
practices” (Nolen, Horn, & Ward, 2015, p. 235). & Patrick, 2001).
In this study we build on recent research showing the importance of With respect to classroom social climate and L2 learning in particular,
a situated perspective of L2 learners' willingness to communicate (e.g., research conducted by Noels and colleagues (Noels, 2001; Noels, Clément,
Cao, 2011; Khajavy, Ghonsooly, Hosseini Fatemi, & Choi, 2016; Peng, & Pelletier, 1999) is noteworthy as their results indicate an important link
2014; Yashima, 2012) to investigate the relationships between individ- between students' perceptions that their teachers' instructional style was
ual and situational factors that impact L2 willingness to communicate autonomy-supportive, on the one hand, and positive language learning
(WTC) and L2 achievement in a formal classroom setting. Noels (2009) outcomes on the other. This has also been explored with regard to
has proposed that self-determination theory (SDT) is a core model for learners' self-determined motivation (Noels, 2009; Reeve & Jang, 2006)
addressing both the individual learner's agency in a formal classroom and L2 willingness to communicate (Peng & Woodrow, 2010). More re-
setting and the social context of language learning. The constructs of cent research has reported not only that a teacher providing informative
SDT and WTC address not only how satisfaction of basic psychological feedback about learning progress was associated with increased intrinsic
needs (e.g., autonomy, competence, and relatedness) can lead to auton- motivation but also, conversely, that the more the students perceived
omous forms of motivated behavior in the language classroom, but they their teachers to be controlling, the lower the students' intrinsic motiva-
are also well-suited to integrating situational factors—such as the class- tion (Jang, Reeve, & Deci, 2010; Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2013). Because an op-
room social environment—into a combined framework for investigating timal social environment is likely to facilitate activities and interactions
cognitive choices and behavioral outcomes in L2 instructional settings. that promote L2 learners' psychological well-being, we expect the class-
Our primary aim in this article, extending work by Deci et al. (2001) room social climate to influence basic psychological needs (i.e., autonomy,
which proposes that autonomy support contributes to needs satisfaction competence, and relatedness) that lead to more autonomous forms of
and predicts key outcomes, is to capture theoretical and empirical in- motivation. We build on this idea in the next section.
sights in constructing an integrative framework of the structural rela-
tionships between these aspects. To do so, we propose a novel model 2.2. Self-determined motivation and L2 learning
of the impact of the classroom social climate on secondary school L2
learners' self-determined motivation and subsequent influence on Self-determination theory (SDT) has been described as a compre-
WTC, before extending our analysis to the effect of these individual hensive theory of human motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2000), developed
and contextual factors on L2 achievement. on the premise that when basic psychological needs are satisfied as a
function of interpersonal dynamics and social settings human beings
naturally develop growth-oriented propensities—namely, internaliza-
2. Literature review tion and intrinsic motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2012; Noels, 2009). SDT the-
orists argue that when these basic psychological needs are met humans
2.1. Context and the classroom social climate are able to internalize motivated behaviors—that is, they become self-
determined and autonomously initiated (Deci & Ryan, 2002). We,
A growing body of evidence suggests that the classroom social cli- thus, expect the more self-determined types of motivation to be influ-
mate plays a significant role in what actually happens in the process of enced by satisfaction of basic psychological needs in classroom settings
learning, and the way that the people in the classroom group think as these position learners to engage in more autonomously motivated
and behave (Jennings & Greenberg, 2009; Klem & Connell, 2004). Inter- pursuits (e.g., Carreira, 2012; Jang, Reeve, Ryan, & Kim, 2009).
personal relationships, modes of communication between individuals, Extrinsic and intrinsic motivations are thought to exist on a continu-
and other group processes that exist in the context of a classroom can um of self-determination (Reeve, 2002). On this continuum, amotivation
be seen as part of this classroom social climate (Dörnyei & Murphey, is the absence of any kind of motivation. Types of extrinsic motivation
2003). On an individual-focused level, the way students perceive various range from the least self-determined form external-regulation, to
aspects of the classroom social environment relates to their self-beliefs, introjected-regulation (i.e., when external forces of control have been
which are associated with the use of adaptive self-regulatory strategies internalized to some extent), identified-regulation (i.e., when an inter-
that in turn influence the nature and extent of their engagement and nalized sense of the personal value of an activity is achieved), and inte-
achievement in academic tasks (Patrick, Kaplan, & Ryan, 2011). Howev- grated-regulation (i.e., when performing an activity becomes a means
er, even learners' engagement, conventionally thought of as involving of expressing core aspects of one's identity). Although it originates exter-
primarily cognitive involvement and affective connections, has begun nally, integrated-regulation shares several characteristics with intrinsic
to be explored in ways which foreground the inherently social nature motivation, given that it stems from values that are fully congruent
of educational and intellectual endeavors (Wentzel, 2012). Philp and with aspects of a learner's self (Deci, Vallerand, Pelletier, & Ryan,
Duchesne (2016, p. 57) term this outcome “mutuality” or the effort, ac- 1991). Particularly with beginning adolescent L2 learners, however,
tive participation, and responsiveness that occurs when learners partake this type of regulation is not easily distinguished from identified regula-
in reciprocal social interactions in L2 classroom settings. tion because the source of motivation originates from outside (Noels,
Research into the social climate of the classroom posits three com- 2001; Pintrich, 2003). Because our sample is adolescent L2 learners,
plementary constructs (Patrick & Ryan, 2005): teacher academic sup- we do not examine integrated regulation, and instead focus on identified
port, teacher emotional support, and classroom mutual respect. regulation and intrinsic motivation in the rest of this article.
Teacher academic support refers to student perceptions of the teacher While SDT research has demonstrated that both intrinsic and identi-
helping them to master the learning content rather than encouraging fied self-regulations are associated with successful learning outcomes
competitiveness between learners; teacher emotional support relates (Burton, Lydon, D'Alessandro, & Koestner, 2006), the continuum view
to a student's perceptions of the teacher caring for them as a person of self-regulatory styles positions individuals' acceptance of the value
and supporting their overall well-being; classroom mutual respect con- and importance of a behavior and its integration into the self (i.e., iden-
cerns the students' perceptions of their teacher encouraging mutual re- tified regulation) further away from the autonomous end than individ-
spect and peer help in classroom interactions (see also Patrick, Ryan, & uals freely choosing to perform an activity for its own sake out of an
Kaplan, 2007). The premise of these dimensions of the social climate of a underlying sense of interest and enjoyment (i.e., intrinsic regulation)
classroom is that the extent to which students sense emotional support (Carver & Scheier, 2000). Some scholars have concluded that because
from their teacher, feel personally valued and able to contribute through identified regulation has stronger associations with investment of effort
interactions with their peers, and perceive their teacher as being com- and persistence, it is key to the successful regulation of behaviors that
mitted to supporting their learning is an important precursor to are highly valued socially but not necessarily fun, and thus a more
H.-K. Joe et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144 135

significant determinant of performance outcomes (Gagné & Deci, 2005; attitudes that either encourage or inhibit their willingness to engage
Ratelle, Guay, Vallerand, Larose, & Senècal, 2007). On the other hand, in- in communication (Cao, 2011; Khajavy et al., 2016). Learners in these
trinsic motivation may be more closely linked to enjoyable experiences studies, relying on experiential perceptions of the classroom environ-
such as L2 communication (Pae, 2008) as it is the form of activity regu- ment, reported that the mood, emotions, or climate sensed and shared
lation most closely associated affective drives that relate to happiness or by the class group, what might also be referred to as the classroom at-
satisfaction while engaging in an activity. mosphere, is one of the most prominently influential contextual factors
With its unique focus on internalization as a process of transformation, (Peng, 2014). The fundamental aim of language classroom instruction is
the direct implication of SDT for L2 pedagogy is that extrinsically motivat- often framed as enhancement of WTC (MacIntyre, Baker, Clément, &
ed students can develop toward more self-determined types of motivation Donovan, 2003; Öz et al., 2015).
given optimal environments which encourage choice in the learning activ- Willingness to communicate functions as a conduit to language
ity, support learners' efforts in meeting new challenges and help foster learning because higher levels of WTC contribute to more frequent L2
learners' sense of competence in their abilities (Dörnyei & Ushioda, use, and this increased interaction is thought to promote successful L2
2011; Noels & Giles, 2009). Existing research indicates that individuals development (Kang, 2005; Yashima & Zenuk-Nishide, 2008). We test
who report learning an L2 for more self-determined reasons generally dis- not only this assumption in our model, but we also expect the classroom
play greater motivational intensity, a heightened desire for L2 learning, social environment to provide the necessary pre-conditions for greater
more positive attitudes toward L2 study, and higher L2 achievement self-determination that will lead to enhanced WTC.
(Noels et al., 1999; Noels, Pelletier, Clément, & Vallerand, 2000; Pae,
2008). We, thus, expect WTC and L2 achievement to be influenced by
these more self-determined types of motivation, and test the influence 2.4. Hypotheses
of these two self-regulatory styles on our outcome variables separately.
We have reviewed three interrelated theoretical frameworks (i.e.,
2.3. L2 willingness to communicate classroom social climate, SDT, and L2 WTC) in an attempt to formalize
connections between key individual and situational factors that have
The construct of WTC has, and continues to attract considerable in- to date been discussed largely separately in the literature. These factors
terest in the L2 learning research (Gregersen & MacIntyre, 2014). WTC are summarized conceptually in Fig. 1. To be more specific, the over-
is generally defined as a volitional decision to initiate communication arching hypotheses that we test in our study are as follows:
in the second language in a particular situation with a particular person
at a particular moment in time (MacIntyre, Clément, Dörnyei, & Noels, (a) positive classroom social climate promotes the satisfaction of
1998). Whereas willingness to communicate in one's first language learners' basic psychological needs (Patrick et al., 2007, 2011),
was originally conceptualized more as a stable trait-like difference, L2 (b) satisfaction of basic psychological needs in turn leads to stronger
WTC takes into account dynamic contextual factors as well (MacIntyre self-determined motivation (intrinsic motivation and identified
& Legatto, 2011). L2 WTC is commonly associated with the sub-factors regulation) (Deci & Ryan, 2012; Jang et al., 2009), and
perceived communicative competence and communicative apprehen- (c) self-determined motivation subsequently influences WTC and
sion. The first of these is an individual student's own confidence in his achievement positively (Pae, 2008; Peng & Woodrow, 2010).
or her communicative competence, which has been shown to have a ro-
In addition to these overall connections in Fig. 1, we also anticipate
bust link to WTC (e.g., Fallah, 2014; Öz, Demirezen, & Pourfeiz, 2015).
more specific links:
Communicative apprehension, on the other hand, refers to the level of
anxiety or fear of communicating in the second language and is found
(d) satisfaction of basic psychological needs also has a direct effect on
to be negatively related to WTC across most research (Yashima, 2012).
WTC (Cao, 2011; Carreira, 2012),
WTC, on a fundamental level, is often more directly related to
(e) perceived competence facilitates both WTC and achievement di-
subjective self-evaluation of an individual's ability to communicate
rectly (Fallah, 2014; Khajavy et al., 2016), and
rather than an objective measure (Gregersen & MacIntyre, 2014, p.
(f) WTC influences achievement positively (Gregersen & MacIntyre,
214). This self-evaluation includes not only one's confidence in
2014; MacIntyre, 2007).
their capacity to construct meaning through language that is linguis-
tically accurate, but extends also to using coherent and cohesive dis- If a model fits the data, it is still possible that other competing
course, achieving functional intentions, communicating in a social models might fit the same data equally well or even better (Kline,
and contextually appropriate way, and compensating strategically 2015; Shah & Goldstein, 2006). Therefore, the second purpose of this
for gaps in this competence. Scholars, for instance, have acknowl- study is to test a plausible alternative model that might explain the re-
edged the significance of self-evaluation and perceived communica- lationships among the factors we are investigating. This competing
tive competence for individuals enacting WTC (MacIntyre, 2007), model (Fig. 2) posits a reversed pathway whereby the self-determined
with some finding a common tendency for apprehensive learners forms of motivation predict the way students perceive the classroom
to underestimate their communicative competence respective to environment. According to this model, interpretation of the classroom
their actual competence (MacIntyre & Doucette, 2010). This empha- social climate is relational to (i.e., a function of) one's motivation and
sizes WTC as an act of self-determined volition on the part of learners satisfaction of basic psychological needs. Whatever the actual classroom
to initiate communication in the L2. We, therefore, expect—as social climate, motivated learners will perceive it as enjoyable while
outlined previously—a direct effect on WTC from the more self-de- others will be left dissatisfied.
termined forms of motivation, but also that greater satisfaction of Finally, motivation researchers do not typically control for prior
learners' basic psychological needs, particularly perceptions of com- achievement. This is unfortunate considering that finding significant as-
petence, will influence WTC directly (e.g., Peng & Woodrow, 2010). sociations between motivational factors and outcome variables would
Scholars working primarily within the SDT tradition have noted that mean little if these associations simply disappear once we control for
“aspects of context shape the learner's experience, and, reciprocally, prior achievement levels. Because motivational factors would serve lit-
how the learner shapes the context to meet her needs and aspirations” tle purpose if they do not add to our prediction of a variable (e.g.,
(Noels, 2009, p. 299). With regard to WTC, this links to evidence from an achievement) over and above our knowledge of its existing state (e.g.,
intriguing line of research exploring WTC in L2 classrooms settings. This prior achievement), the third purpose of this study is to add prior
body of work suggests that the characteristics of many L2 classroom set- achievement to the model in order to investigate which associations
tings predispose learners to particular attributions, orientations, and would remain significant and which would not.
136 H.-K. Joe et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144



Teacher Basic
Classroom Willingness to
Academic Psychological
Support Social Climate communicate

L2 Achievement



Fig. 1. The hypothesized model.

3. Method 3.2. Instruments

3.1. Participants The participants responded to 5-point Likert scale items adapted
from the literature (see Appendix A). As a first step, the items were sub-
The participants were 381 (female = 266, male = 115) Korean sec- mitted to Mokken scale analysis using MSP 5 (Molenaar & Sijtsma,
ondary school learners of English as a foreign language. We recruited 2000) in order to minimize the risk of spurious over-dimensionalization
these L2 learners using quota sampling in order to ensure representa- which factor analysis, both exploratory and confirmatory, is prone to
tion of various geographic regions, socioeconomic strata, and the entire when using questionnaire data (see van der Eijk & Rose, 2015). Confir-
age range of secondary school (age range = 13–18 years old, M = 14.3, matory factor analysis was then conducted to test the measurement
SD = 2.7). Ninety-five participants (24.9%) were from secondary model using Amos 22 (Arbuckle, 2013).
schools in the capital, located in educationally competitive school dis- Mokken scale analysis pointed to seven factors underlying the data.
tricts with a higher than average socioeconomic status. An additional Mokken also calculates the homogeneity (H; N 0.30 weak, N0.40 medi-
172 learners (45.1%) were from suburban schools located in the most um, N0.50 strong) and reliability (rho) for each scale. The results are
densely populated regions immediately surrounding the capital. The presented next.
final 114 participants (29.9%) were from rural schools in provinces fur- Classroom Social Climate (9 items, H = 0.63, rho = 0.92, α = 0.92)
ther south and southwest of the capital. Compared to the capital, these was adapted from Patrick et al. (2011) and Patrick et al. (2007). Originally,
areas differ considerably with respect to educational investment and this scale consisted of three subscales: Teacher Academic Support, Teacher
socioeconomic status. Korea is typical of many foreign language con- Emotional Support, and Classroom Mutual Respect. The Mokken results sug-
texts with mandated high-stakes tests, and most (85.5%) of the partici- gest that it is not appropriate to treat these as three distinct latent vari-
pants reported engaging in regular independent L2 study outside of the ables, at least in this context. Each of these three subscales was
compulsory classroom setting. The majority (87.9%) indicated no study therefore aggregated and used as an indicator of Classroom Social Climate
abroad experience in the L2. (Teacher Academic Support, 3 items, α = 0.84; Teacher Emotional

Intrinsic Willingness to
Motivation communicate


Competence Psychological
Social Climate

Regulation L2 Achievement





Fig. 2. The competing model with reversed pathways.

H.-K. Joe et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144 137

Support, 4 items, α = 0.84; Classroom Mutual Respect, 2 items, α = 0.71). 3.3. Procedure
Three additional items were excluded because the Mokken results indi-
cated that they do not load on the Classroom Social Climate construct. The questionnaire items were adapted to the present context and
Basic Psychological Needs were assessed through the following scales, translated into the students' L1 (Korean) by a non-affiliated researcher fa-
all adapted from Carreira (2012). Autonomy (3 items, H = 0.65, rho = miliar with the principles of questionnaire construction and both lan-
0.82, α = 0.81) was concerned with learners' sense of ownership of guages in question, and then back-translated by the authors. Following
the learning process in the classroom; Competence (3 items, H = 0.59, initial IRB approval, we approached school administration and teaching
rho = 0.81, α = 0.78) was related to students' perceptions of their com- faculty in the locales of interest to obtain written institutional consent
petence as language learners; Relatedness (2 items, H = 0.64, rho = 0.74, and verbal participant assent. Students from the schools that agreed to par-
α = 0.71) was concerned with interpersonal involvement with ticipate completed the survey outside of their regular class time. They were
teachers and peers. Each of these three subscales was aggregated informed by the research assistant administering the questionnaire about
and used as an indicator of Basic Psychological Needs in the model. the purpose of the survey, reminded that participation was entirely volun-
One original item from Relatedness was omitted because it did not tary, and assured of the confidentiality of their responses. Throughout, the
load on that construct. participants were treated in accordance with APA ethical guidelines.
Self-Determined Motivation was assessed through two scales, both
adapted from the Language Learning Orientations Scale developed by 4. Results
Noels et al. (2000). Identified Regulation (2 items, H = 0.53, rho =
0.71, α = 0.68) was related to self-selected, personally important pur- The residuals of Intrinsic Motivation and Identified Regulation were
poses for language learning behavior; Intrinsic Motivation (5 items, allowed to covary due to being at the same level of self-determined mo-
H = 0.66, rho = 0.88, α = 0.89) was concerned with language learning tivation. The model had a good fit, χ2(107) = 227.280, p b 0.001, χ2/
behavior that is interesting, enjoyable, and self-actualizing. One item df = 2.124, CFI = 0.972, RMSEA = 0.054, PCLOSE = 0.222. However,
from each scale was excluded because they did not load on their respec- the modification indices suggested a path from Teacher Emotional Sup-
tive constructs. port to Competence that we did not anticipate. Adding this path im-
As educational outcomes, the following two measures were used. proved the model fit significantly, Δχ2(1) = 34.907, p b 0.001,
Willingness to Communicate (12 items, H = 0.67, rho = 0.95, α = ΔRMSEA = 0.002. Although this additional path was exploratory, it
0.95) was adapted from Pae (2011), a scale previously used with Korean had hardly any impact on the remaining coefficients in the model, and
L1 respondents. These items were concerned with willingness to com- so none of our conclusions were affected by it. The results of this
municate in the L2 with friends (4 items, α = 0.85), acquaintances (4 model are in Fig. 3, χ2(106) = 192.373, p b 0.001, χ2/df = 1.815,
items, α = 0.85), and strangers (4 items, α = 0.83). Each of these CFI = 0.980 RMSEA = 0.046, PCLOSE = 0.710.
three subscales was aggregated and used as an indicator of Willingness The results confirmed most of our hypotheses. However, only Compe-
to Communicate. Note that these three subscales are distinct from the tence and Identified Regulation were significant predictors of L2 Achieve-
Autonomy scale mentioned above. While the Autonomy scale ad- ment. Neither WTC nor Intrinsic Motivation could predict it. The
dressed voluntary participation inside the classroom, these three sub- exploratory path from Teacher Emotional Support to Competence was
scales were concerned with willingness to communicate outside the negative. One explanation may be that the social dimensions of a class-
classroom with friends, acquaintances, and strangers. The correlations room that promote emotional well-being are incongruent with these L2
between these three subscales and Autonomy were only moderate, students' perceptions of competence stemming from social comparison
rs = 0.40, 0.41, and 0.40, respectively. and normative criteria (i.e., test scores as a measure of L2 achievement),
L2 Achievement. We obtained two measures of L2 achievement for particularly if those individuals define competence as the superiority of
each participant. One was their exam results from the previous year their ability in relation to their classmates (e.g., Pintrich, Conley, &
(taken about six months before the study) to serve as a measure of Kempler, 2003; Senko, Hulleman, & Harackiewicz, 2011). Still, this find-
their prior achievement level, and one for the final exam (taken approx- ing and its interpretation remain tentative, and might be specific to this
imately four months after the study). Asian context. Therefore, we are cautious not to over-interpret it.
The questionnaire scales were then submitted to confirmatory factor Competence also predicted WTC and L2 Achievement directly. This
analysis in order to test the measurement model. The results showed indicates that Competence predicts these two variables over and above
that the model had good fit, χ2(94) = 207.861, p b 0.001, χ2/df = its shared variance with the other two indicators of Basic Psychological
2.211, CFI = 0.973, RMSEA = 0.056, PCLOSE = 0.147. With the excep- Needs. This is not surprising considering the role that perceived compe-
tion of Competence (0.46), all factor loadings were significant and over tence plays in human motivation and performance, which has been
0.50, and most of them were over 0.70. Most standardized residuals established experimentally (e.g., Bandura, 1986, 1997). What might
were also below ±2, and none exceeded ±3, indicating the observed have also contributed to this direct path is the fact that Competence
covariance terms reasonably fitted the estimated covariance terms. had the lowest loading on Basic Psychological Needs (see also Fig. 4),
Table 1 also presents the construct reliability and average variance ex- suggesting that some of its variance is not captured by this latent vari-
tracted (AVE) values, showing that the model, with the possible excep- able. This also explains the relatively low AVE value reported in Table 1.
tion of Basic Psychological Needs, had generally satisfactory convergent We then tested the competing model, in which the effect of Basic
and discriminant validity. There were no missing data to handle. Psychological Needs and Self-Determined Motivation is mediated by
perception of the Classroom Social Climate (see Fig. 2). The competing
Table 1
model (AIC = 473.256, BIC = 642.796) fit less well than the primary
Reliability and validity of the constructs in the measurement model and their inter-con- model (AIC = 286.373, BIC = 471.685). This suggests that the first
struct correlations. model (Fig. 3) better accounts for the empirical data.
The best fitting model was then reanalyzed after controlling for Prior
CR AVE 1 2 3 4 5
L2 Achievement (Fig. 4). This model had a good fit, χ2(117) = 217.105,
1. Intrinsic motivation 0.88 0.59 0.77
p b 0.001, χ2/df = 1.856, CFI = 0.979, RMSEA = 0.047, PCLOSE = 0.654.
2. Identified regulation 0.70 0.54 0.52 0.74
3. Willingness to communicate 0.97 0.93 0.41 0.35 0.96 As for the first outcome, WTC, the results showed that neither perceived
4. Basic psychological needs 0.63 0.37 0.67 0.40 0.59 0.61 Competence nor actual Prior L2 Achievement could predict it directly.
5. Classroom social climate 0.90 0.76 0.25 0.22 0.23 0.55 0.87 Instead, WTC was most strongly predicted by Basic Psychological
Note. CR = construct reliability, AVE = average variance extracted. Values in the diagonal Needs (one of which is Competence). Additionally, WTC was predicted
are the square roots of their respective AVE. only weakly by Intrinsic Motivation and Identified Regulation. As for the
138 H.-K. Joe et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144


.80*** .69***
.88*** .66***

Motivation Strangers Acquaint Friends
.96*** .96***

Classroom –.03
Mutual .61***
Respect .86***

Teacher Classroom .55*** Basic .39***

Academic Social Psychological Willingness to
Support .92*** Climate Needs Communicate

Teacher .83***
Emotional .71*** .65***
Support .10†



L2 Achievement



.95*** .54***


Fig. 3. Results of the final model without controlling for prior achievement. Error terms and their covariances were omitted for simplicity. The full model is in Appendix B. Note. †p b 10,
*p b 0.05, ***p b 0.001.

second outcome variable, L2 Achievement, adding Prior L2 Achievement 5. Discussion

to the model resulted in that no variable was now able to predict Final
L2 Achievement except Competence, and only very weakly. Prior 5.1. Revisiting our hypotheses
Achievement alone accounted for about 65.6% of the variance (directly
and indirectly; see Table 2), thus leaving just under 35% of the variance From its beginnings, L2 WTC has been conceptualized as a “complex
potentially explainable by the other variables. Competence explained system” of sorts (MacIntyre et al., 1998, p. 547), and the overall purpose
only 0.5% of this variance. A more detailed comparison of the coeffi- of this study was to examine empirically the relationships between the
cients before and after controlling for Prior L2 Achievement is presented contextual and psychological factors that might influence L2 learners'
in Table 3. WTC and achievement in a formal classroom setting. To this end, we


.88*** .79*** .69***
Prior L2 Achievement .12* .65***
.34*** .21*** Intrinsic
.07 Strangers Acquaint Friends

.96*** .96***
–.03 .97***
Classroom .58***
Respect .86***

Teacher Classroom .55*** Basic .39***

Academic Social Psychological Willingness to
Support .91*** Climate Needs Communicate

Teacher .83***
Emotional .09
Support .71*** .51***
–.26*** .68*** .33***

.07* Final L2 Achievement




.96*** .54***


Fig. 4. Results of the final model after controlling for prior achievement. Error terms and their covariances were omitted for simplicity. The full model is in Appendix B. Note. *p b 0.05,
***p b 0.001.
H.-K. Joe et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144 139

Table 2
Standardized direct, indirect and total effects on the two primary outcome variables.

WTC Final Achievement

Direct Indirect Total Direct Indirect Total

Prior achievement 0.04 0.16⁎⁎⁎ 0.21⁎⁎⁎ 0.78⁎⁎⁎ 0.03⁎ 0.81⁎⁎⁎

Classroom social climate 0.26⁎⁎⁎ 0.26⁎⁎⁎ –0.003 –0.003
Teacher emotional support –0.02 –0.02 0.02⁎ 0.02⁎
Basic psychological needs 0.39⁎⁎⁎ 0.13⁎ 0.51⁎⁎⁎ –0.02 –0.02
Competence 0.09 0.09 0.07⁎ 0.00 0.07⁎
Identified regulation 0.13⁎ 0.13⁎ 0.05 0.00 0.05
Intrinsic motivation 0.07 0.07 –0.05 0.00 –0.05
Willingness to communicate 0.003 0.003

Note. Indirect effects were computed for each of 10,000 bootstrapped samples. Significance was tested based on the 95% confidence interval.
⁎ p b 0.05.
⁎⁎⁎ p ≤ 0.001.

set out to integrate a number of frameworks (see Fig. 1) in an attempt to engender autonomy. Our model also indicated that teacher emotional
account for how contextual factors affect the quality of individuals' mo- support predicted competence negatively; however, this result remains
tivation and in turn positively influence instructed L2 learners' WTC and tentative as it is based on an exploratory path.
achievement. Our overarching goal, represented in the integrated With regards to our second hypothesis, need satisfaction in the L2
model in Fig. 3, has been to investigate the extent to which the social classroom was significantly related to self-determined forms of motiva-
context of the L2 classroom functions as a key factor in determining tion, and in addition to this our model confirmed that basic psycholog-
the quality of student motivation, thus contributing to WTC and success ical needs contribute positively to learners' WTC. As with the previous
in L2 learning more broadly. hypothesis, the strength of these effects remained virtually unchanged
Consistent with our first hypothesis, our main findings indicate that before and after controlling for prior L2 achievement. The finding that
the classroom social climate was a significant predictor of learners' basic satisfaction of basic psychological needs has a powerful direct influence
psychological needs. These results illustrate how context is an empiri- on WTC may be a result of individuals' greater engagement, well-being,
cally relevant frame of reference for the study of individual factors in and self-endorsement that are precursors to agentically committing
the field. Furthermore, they add support for the idea that students' per- oneself to volitional action such as L2 communication. Need frustration,
ceptions that their teacher cares about their learning and is invested in conversely, has been found to have the opposite effect on WTC in
their well-being and success, on the one hand, and their feelings of sup- instructed L2 settings (Cao, 2011).
port, caring, and encouragement from peers, on the other, will promote However, although we hypothesized that intrinsic motivation would
the necessary need satisfaction (Patrick et al., 2011). In fact, classroom better predict learners' WTC, we found evidence for a stronger link from
situations in which individuals feel under-valued, overly constrained, identified regulation instead. These results, whose implications we dis-
or threatened are likely to elicit defensive or aggressive student reac- cuss at length below, provide support for what Noels (2009) refers to as
tions. Dimensions of the social climate of the classroom that build relat- the somewhat counterintuitive superiority of identified regulation in
edness may include learners' feelings of affiliation, group cohesion, and certain contexts or with certain activities, and confirms a point made
fair and positive interactions. A predictable learning environment fea- previously that due to its close association with investment of effort
turing moderately challenging tasks, necessary instructional support, and persistence, identified regulation may better predict the successful
and regular experiences of success are likely to promote a sense of com- regulation of behaviors that are highly valued socially but not necessar-
petence. Furthermore, transparency, and the potential for choice over ily fun—including, for instance, classroom L2 learning. This illustrates
learning tasks, teams, and techniques that learners are involved in will that the characteristics and salience of social contexts, including the

Table 3
Standardized and unstandardized coefficients, standard errors, and critical ratios for the two final models.

Path β B SE CR

Classroom social climate → Basic psychological needs 0.55 (0.54) 0.446 (0.434) 0.052 (0.051) 8.619⁎⁎⁎ (8.441⁎⁎⁎)
Teacher emotional support → Competence –0.33 (−0.26) –0.383 (−0.296) 0.064 (0.059) 5.961⁎⁎⁎ (5.034⁎⁎⁎)
Basic psychological needs → Intrinsic motivation 0.61 (0.58) 0.949 (0.886) 0.109 (0.110) 8.708⁎⁎⁎ (8.060⁎⁎⁎)
Identified regulation 0.37 (0.33) 0.352 (0.315) 0.082 (0.080) 4.305⁎⁎⁎ (3.953⁎⁎⁎)
WTC 0.39 (0.39) 0.555 (0.545) 0.127 (0.123) 4.360⁎⁎⁎ (4.449⁎⁎⁎)
Competence → WTC 0.10 (0.09) 0.094 (0.084) 0.052 (0.055) 1.814† (1.535)
Final L2 achievement 0.41 (0.07) 0.412 (0.075) 0.050 (0.036) 8.186⁎⁎⁎ (2.103⁎)
Intrinsic motivation → WTC 0.07 (0.07) 0.068 (0.061) 0.900 (0.067) 0.368 (0.907⁎)
Final L2 achievement –0.03 (−0.05) –0.028 (−0.053) 0.062 (0.040) 0.457 (1.332)
Identified regulation → WTC 0.13 (0.13) 0.197 (0.194) 0.084 (0.084) 2.342⁎ (2.301⁎)
Final L2 achievement 0.12 (0.05) 0.193 (0.074) 0.094 (0.060) 2.060⁎ (1.239)
WTC → Final L2 achievement 0.03 (0.00) 0.033 (0.003) 0.058 (0.038) 0.561 (0.082)
Prior L2 achievement → Intrinsic motivation (0.12) (0.113) (0.050) (2.249⁎)
WTC (0.04) (0.040) (0.047) (0.868)
Final L2 achievement (0.78) (0.763) (0.033) (23.180⁎⁎⁎)
Identified regulation (0.11) (0.068) (0.034) (1.989⁎)
Basic psychological needs (0.21) (0.136) (0.037) (3.712⁎⁎⁎)
Competence (0.34) (0.326) (0.045) (7.306⁎⁎⁎)

Note. Values outside brackets are for the model before controlling for prior L2 achievement (i.e., Fig. 3) while values inside brackets are for the model that controls for prior L2 achievement
(Fig. 4).

p b 0.10.
⁎ p b 0.05.
⁎⁎⁎ p b 0.001
140 H.-K. Joe et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144

need satisfaction they promote, can either nurture or hinder students' intrinsic motivation may be necessary in order to reap the full benefits
growth-oriented propensities and relate strongly to their motivation of self-determined motivation. Furthermore, while previous research
and learning outcomes (Carreira, 2012). has established that teachers' interpersonal styles can positively contrib-
Turning to our more detailed hypotheses, we did not find support for ute to students' experience of self-determination (Jang et al., 2010), given
the hypothesis that perceived competence would contribute positively the constraints of most L2 instructional settings teachers are unlikely to
to WTC. This result is inconsistent with some previous WTC research be able to create and maintain individualized enjoyable experiences for
(Peng & Woodrow, 2010), but suggests that it may not be competence the majority of their learners as a matter of routine. Thus, the primary
per se that facilitates WTC but satisfaction of basic psychological needs issue facing teachers may be related more to helping learners transition
more generally. In addition, there is evidence that learners often fail to from the more controlled types of regulation to identified or integrated
interact in the L2 despite their ability to do so (MacIntyre & Doucette, (i.e., autonomous) regulation than about fostering intrinsic motivation
2010). It is also possible that individuals' appraisals of their WTC may per se (Wentzel & Brophy, 2014). For these reasons, we would suggest
not adequately reflect the situated and dynamic nature of this volition that shifting attention from an exclusive focus on intrinsic motivation to
to communicate. Because WTC is a volitional process that is inherently include other more productive forms of extrinsic regulation is likely to in-
social, there are real-time approach and avoidance tendencies that de- crease the applicability and implications of these dimensions.
pend much more on the social contexts and on psychological conditions The second implication relates to the causality of contexts. It is clear that
of those settings (Yashima, 2012). For instance, the level of anxiety and in communicative situations that draw on one's WTC, individuals both op-
perceived distance induced by the interactional setting may result in erate on, and are operated on, by the world (Ushioda, 2009). And, because
lower volition to communicate on particular timescales. Thus, in the so- learning contexts afford members critical opportunities for participation in
cial setting of the secondary-level language classroom a focus on norma- valued social practices and outcomes (i.e., WTC and L2 achievement), our
tive L2 assessment criteria may encourage detrimental comparisons of investigation of the network of relationships of WTC in instructed settings
competence and a common orientation of visibly outperforming others, illustrates the interdependence between the classroom environment, the
instead of encouraging development of skills and knowledge through individuals studied within that context, and the phenomena of interest
collaborative interaction in the L2 (Pae & Shin, 2011). (Yashima, MacIntyre, & Ikeda, 2016). Indeed, as Nolen et al. (2015) pro-
Finally, our results did not support the claim that L2 learners with pose, the analytic shift toward learners-in-context results in the realization
higher WTC perform better in formal educational settings, even before that learning processes (e.g., WTC) and outcomes (L2 achievement) come
controlling for prior achievement level. Instead, our model indicated about in a negotiated relationship with the social world. We would suggest
that WTC did not exert an influence on final L2 achievement. This may that this entails an ontological shift requiring a more sophisticated concep-
be because having higher levels of WTC does not automatically lead to ac- tualization of context than one of a monolithic essentialized, external vari-
tual opportunities to communicate in the L2—something which would be able that suggests a simple, linear relationship. Contexts, such as L2
required for any language development to occur through interaction. classroom environments, should be seen as “intrinsic, core, fundamental
Therefore, in addition to consideration of the “probability of initiating parts” of individual motivated thought, action, and of important learning
communication given choice and opportunity” (MacIntyre, 2007, p. outcomes (Mercer, 2016, p. 25). We see parallels in our current results
567) in classroom settings, WTC needs to be accompanied by consider- and the assumptions of a situative perspective—namely that actions, learn-
ation of the amount and nature of actual opportunities to use the lan- ing, and cognition are always situated. The main implication of this notion
guage, particularly as these are the mechanisms thought to spur L2 for WTC is the focus on the co-constitutive nature of WTC and the class-
development. In combination, these results could be interpreted in light room context: Learning environments are shaped adaptively and relation-
of broader moves in psychology and the learning sciences to view thought ally through the actions and responses of individuals embedded in them,
processes and action as a convergence of both the person and the environ- and these reciprocally provide the necessary conditions for WTC to devel-
ment. Our findings that WTC and L2 achievement are determined both in- op. The results of our integrative framework with its various links indicate
dividually (i.e., through basic psychological needs and self-determined that the personal is in fact situational and provide substantiating evidence
motivation) as well as situationally (i.e., through the indirect influence for this reticulated view of the individual and the contextual.
of classroom social climate) are consistent with the critical nature that sit- From a research methodological perspective, perhaps the most in-
uational aspects are now understood to represent in WTC in L2 instruc- triguing aspect of the present results is the effect of controlling prior
tional settings, in some instances even directly predicting this outcome. achievement. Just as most language motivation literature fails to test com-
We turn now to a more thematic discussion of our results, highlighting peting models that might account for the data at least equally well—a
what we see as key implications for L2 practitioners and researchers. form of confirmation bias (Robles, 1996)—language motivation re-
searchers also do not routinely control for prior achievement when
5.2. Implications attempting to predict future achievement. Worse, many studies have
used retrospective reports of prior achievement as the criterion
The first implication is concerned with learners' levels of autonomous measure—a practice that leads to severe interpretational issues. Because
regulation. The results of our study provide some support for the superi- retrospective achievement precedes the motivation measure chronologi-
ority of identified regulation over its intrinsic counterpart in this and sim- cally, it would be illogical to assume that this motivational variable was
ilar L2 contexts. We see this as a key implication for L2 classroom settings helpful and contributed to achievement. Without adequate controls,
characterized by a high-degree of structure and competitive assessments: such as baseline achievement, researchers would be at risk of obtaining
more self-determination may not necessarily lead to more successful out- spurious results. In our case, the initial model suggested that both per-
comes because students in formal school settings (i.e., classrooms where ceived competence and identified regulation predict final achievement.
L2 study is compulsory) generally do not exhibit greater autonomous After controlling for prior achievement, however, perceived competence
regulation, let alone specifically intrinsic motivation. Brophy (2009) has dropped drastically (from β = 0.41 to β = 0.07), while identified regula-
proposed that “SDT would benefit from breaking free of the lingering tion dropped to non-significance (cf. Table 3).Therefore, because re-
constraints of its original focus on intrinsic motivation” (p. 151), and searchers in our field routinely fail to control for prior achievement, we
this has importance for formal instructional settings. Primarily, the would not be surprised if it turns out that many of the observed signifi-
focus on intrinsic regulation is better suited to play or recreational activ- cant effects in the literature are mere statistical artifacts.
ities, rather than work or learning activities, and in certain instances may One possibility for why hardly any motivational variable could predict
not involve a competence dimension at all. In L2 learning contexts, adap- achievement is that motivational variables need more time to have an ef-
tively varying the degree of internalization depending on the task de- fect. However, in our case there was a gap of about 10 months between
mands, or complementing high levels of identified regulation with the two assessments, with the questionnaire administered in the middle
H.-K. Joe et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144 141

of this period. One would think that this is a sufficient duration for moti- and, second, that neither WTC nor intrinsic motivation nor identified
vational variables to exert their impact, especially in formal educational regulation exerted any effect on L2 achievement.
settings where some stakeholders may find this too long to wait for inter- Several limitations exist with regards to our research methodology.
ventions to have tangible effects. We propose calling the delay between Our use of structural equation modeling implies causal relationships
the implementation of an intervention and the emergence of its effects among our constructs. Although this is actually the position expressed
the incubation period (following early psychotherapy tradition, e.g., in much of the existing literature reviewed above, these reports do not
Eysenck, 1968; Golin, 1961). We would encourage future research to typically substantiate their claims through experimental designs. Our
first of all control for prior achievement and test alternative models, but study intended to test whether hypothesized relationships between in-
also to more explicitly investigate this incubation period, as such temporal dividual and situational factors for motivation and L2 achievement are
awareness might shed some light on some conflicting results found in the plausible given our empirical data, and further experimental research
literature (cf. Dörnyei, 2003). is undoubtedly needed. Another potentially valuable avenue for future
research would be to investigate the reciprocal causality between self-
6. Conclusion determined motivation, achievement, and WTC using longitudinal
modeling methods. Furthermore, we have said little about the temporal
The purpose of this study has been to integrate the related theoreti- stability of patterns of dynamic change that these individual and
cal frameworks of the classroom social climate, SDT, and L2 WTC. This contextual factors might show at much smaller scales of granularity.
was achieved by examining whether the classroom social climate Despite these limitations, by consolidating theoretical and empirical
would exert an effect on the satisfaction of learners' basic psychological insights in a structural model of the relationships between key indi-
needs, thereby positively influencing the development of the more au- vidual and situational factors, this study is expected to contribute to
tonomous forms of motivation which, in turn, would predict higher current understanding and open potential avenues for continued ad-
levels of WTC and achievement. Our findings generally supported vances in this domain. We believe that it is only through this type of
these hypotheses. Two noteworthy findings were, first, that only com- integrative study of L2 learners in context that the field can move
petence was a significant, though weak, predictor of L2 achievement, forward.

Appendix A. Questionnaire items

Teacher emotional support

Our English teacher respects our opinions.

Our English teacher really understands how we feel about things.
Our English teacher tries to help us when we are sad or upset.
We can count on our English teacher for help when we need it.

Teacher academic support

Our English teacher cares about how much we learn.

Our English teacher wants us to do our best in school.
Our English teacher likes to help us learn well.

Classroom mutual respect

My English teacher wants us to respect each other's opinions.

My English teacher wants all students to feel respected.
*My English teacher does not allow students to make fun of other students' ideas in class.
*My English teacher makes sure that students do not say anything negative about each other in class.
*My English teacher does not let us make fun of someone who gives the wrong answer.


I am willing to participate in English lessons.

I voluntarily speak during English lessons.
I voluntarily participate in English lessons in my own way.


I consider myself good at English.

I often consider myself bad at English. (reversed)
I fully understand what I have been taught in English lessons.


Everybody in the class enjoys English lessons.

I enjoy studying with teachers and classmates during English lessons.
* I learn cooperatively with classmates during English lessons.
142 H.-K. Joe et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144

Identified regulation

I choose to be the kind of person who can speak more than one language.
I think learning English is good for my personal development.
*Speaking English is necessary for me to be who I want to be.

Intrinsic motivation

I experience pleasure in knowing more about English speakers as a group.

I get a satisfied feeling from finding out new things.
I experience pleasure when I surpass my previous performance in my language studies.
I experience a “high” feeling while speaking in the English language.
I get pleasure from hearing the English language spoken by native speakers.
*I experience enjoyment when I grasp a difficult concept in the second language.

Willingness to communicate with strangers

I would like to present a talk in English to a group of strangers.

I would like to talk in English in a small group of strangers.
I would like to talk in English with a stranger while standing in line.
I would like to talk in English in a large meeting of strangers.

Willingness to communicate with acquaintances

I would like to talk in English with an acquaintance while standing in line.

I would like to talk in English in a large meeting of acquaintances.
I would like to talk in English in a small group of acquaintances.
I would like to present a talk in English to a group of acquaintances.

Willingness to communicate with friends

I would like to talk in English in a large meeting of friends.

I would like to talk in English with a friend while standing in line.

Fig. B1. The full model without controlling for prior L2 achievement. †p b 0.10, *p b 0.05, ***p b 0.001.
H.-K. Joe et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 53 (2017) 133–144 143

Fig. B2. The full model after controlling for prior L2 achievement. *p b 0.05, ***p b 0.001.

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