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Once a upon a time in a land that exists a long long time ago, there live a girl named

Kelly. She has a rose scented smell, with a long black hair, a lips so soft and sweet.
Every man in the kingdom adored her and wished to marry her. However, Kelly is not a
typical type of girl, despite of how gorgeous, girly and softy she looks, her
characteristics didn't reflect that; she is a member of the Kingdom Knights that serves
and protect the kingdom from enemies. She has a hard rock like of a body, she knows
how to handle herself in the face of violence, she possess the characteristics of a boy, a
boyish type of girl. Because of this, Kelly was not attracted to any man or woman in her
entire life. She has no idea how it feels to love someone or something because all she
knows was to protect the kingdom no matter what happened. Until one night, when
Kelly was patrolling the forest, she noticed something unusual that caught her attention.
In an open feild, she saw a mysterious man covered up with wounds and blood. She
was shocked of how did the man get into the forest because no one would dare cross
the border of the kingdom, not even the fiercest soldiers of west have the guts to do
such thing. So without any remarks, she draw her sword and observe the man. After a
while, the man collapses and became unconscious. As she observed the man, kelly
saw a big tatoo in man's back and furtherly intrigued her. She then felt something
strange and different about the man, it was a sudden heart throb in the left side of her
chest. Because of this feeling, Kelly then decided to not bring the man to the kingdom,
to further investigate the man what really happened to him. She then bring him to a
cave where she stays when she is bored, then treated him from all the wounds he got.
The very next day, Kelly go back to the cave with foods, then ask the man of his name
and how he got there, the man then said that his name is Vlad and he doesn't have any
idea of how he got there. However, Kelly does not believe in every words that Vlad
utters. She then threat Vlad, to either tell the truth or die. Vlad then told Kelly truth, he
told her that he is a traveler from the city of Guldan, that seeks happiness and peace
along his journey, but was kidnapped by a bunch of bandits, and was beaten up and
robbed by them. He then further explained that he was left by the bandits in the forest
and was walking unconsciously to seek help. Kelly then questioned Vlad on why he was
lying if that is the case? Vlad then told her that he did not trust Kelly. They then talk and
talk for hours, and when the night came, Kelly would then leave. For days this event
continued, until in a blink of an eye, they fell deeply in love with each other. As the night
drew nearer and became warmer, thier love was getting hotter and hotter. After they
wrestled the night by thier loved, Kelly again was intrigued by the tatoo in his back, so
she questioned him about it. Vlad then told her that it is a birthmark and was told by her
mother that it is the mark of "El Dorado"(means the golden one), he then tells Kelly that
tha tatoo is the reason why he is travelling, to find the truth about it. They then
continued to sieze the night. But one day, as they were making love in the cave, a
knight patrol saw them. Leading to a horrible consequence that lead to captivating Vlad
and Kelly. Kelly was then accused of being a traitor of her own kingdom. The king then
find out that they were inlove, so he punished them of thier unrequited love, as it was a
law in the kingdom that it is forbidden to love a person from another kingdom. Both of
them then was sentenced to death by hanging. But in a turn of an event, as Vlad's
clothes was ripping apart, his birthmark was revealed. The King then notices the big
mark behind Vlad's back, leaving the king's jaw dropped. The king then stopped the
execution and decided that they should be held for questioning. The king then
remembers the terrible past about his long lost son, that was kidnapped by one of the
palace maids. The only thing that the king remembers about his only son was a mark
that looks just like the mark behind Vlad's back. Vlad and Kelly then faced another trial,
Kelly was asked of where and when did she find Vlad. The nervous Kelly then told them
the truth about what happened as she was crying. Kelly became emotional for the first
time in her life. Vlad then comforted Kelly throughout the trial. Vlad was then questioned
by the king about his mark and where did he get it. Vlad then tells the king about the
mark as how he told Kelly. He then ask of who is his mother, Vlad then told the story of
his mother, he told the king the efforts and hardwork that her mother did, just to raise
him to be good lad. As the trial was ending, the king touched the mark in Vlad's back.
He then saw a vision of the past, where Vlad's so called mother stole him in the cold
dark night of April in the palace. He then saw that the maid was supposed to sell Vlad
but was then struck by conscience and making her to treat him as her own child. The
king then snap back to reality and concluded that he is his long lost son, The El Dorado.
The kingdom then rejoiced in return of the gilded one. Vlad and Kelly were then
released and lived happily ever after.

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