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Vini An:Lately, We are surprised by the emergence of Corona virus phenomenon.

In my simple sayings,
many people were in the aftermath of an infection that attacked the respiratory system caused
by the Covid-19 virus. This Virus causes suffering from shortness of breath, acute pneumonia to
death. What your view on about COVID-19 pandemic? Give me your comment, guys!

Hatta: As far I know, Distancing ourselves from others is a very effective way to stop disease
distribution. This is because the disease requires a new host if you want to survive. All learning
activities throughout Indonesia even 181 countries are abolished until the time is not
determined and Teaching activities in colleges are replaced by online learning . It is done to
control the spread of the Corona virus because the schools are very dense with college students
and lecturers who can be infected with the Corona virus.

Gema: The way I see is that I see no excuse to delay doing the virus anticipation. Because 2019-nCoV
can spread between humans, and is not known for sure how much transmission and risk is
further. Anyone can be infected with Corona virus. However, infants and young children, as well
as people with weak immunity are more susceptible to this virus attack. In addition, season
conditions may also be influential. It is indeed potentially a global epidemic, but can be avoided
by doing something like declaring a public health emergency and preparing for additional
funding and attention.

Ihsan: To my mind. This Virus is similar to the flu, but more potent. This Virus has a long enough
Dorman phase (about 14 days). In those 14 days, corona viruses can infect others even if the
infected person previously did not exhibit any symptoms. This Virus causes acute Pnumonia
which usually leads to death for the weakened immune system. Refer to Gema’s opinion, I think
the rapid response in controlling the Corona virus early on, accompanied by Corona tests and
Self-quarantine can help reduce the spread of this virus. It has been done by 181 countries
around the world. Do you have any ideas or opinions about preventive measure of COVID-19
pandemic? What should we do? Share your idea, please!

Vini An:In my view Although many of the parties feel severely harmed due to the routine that is stunted
by the precautionary measures as you have done. Nevertheless following the official guidelines
and development of information related maintain health and take precautions to minimize the
risk of exposure to viruses is a simple way that started from yourself. How about you, Hatta?

Hatta: I think We all must care for it. We should collaborate with each other to help the medical
officers that closest to the victims affected by this virus, at least this is not a problem whether
we have property or clothing to donate, because there are still many things that cannot be
measured with money such as blood donors.
Gema: From my point of view, because there is still no vaccine that can prevent the transmission of
2019-nCOV. However, various health institutions ranging from the WHO to the Ministry of
Health Republic of Indonesia have issued encouragement about a number of ways to prevent
transmission, such as diligently wash your hands using soap and water flowing or hand sanitizer
containing alcohol, especially after sneezing, coughing, or touching objects in public places.
Avoid direct contact with people who are flu and fever. And, do not travel to areas under attack
by Corona virus outbreak. If I am good citizen or government, My action to prevent the virus
spreading Not far from the previous opinion. What do you think so?

Vini An:If I am a good citizen or government, I think, I tighten the airport entrance, port, and toll cross-
country to restrict and anticipate the arrival of foreigners especially from the country affected
by Corona. Furthermore, invites people who feel the symptoms of Covid-19 to not be afraid of
checking into hospitals.

Ihsan: This is almost the same as the initial question, but at different job levels. In my opinion, the
implementation of the meeting can be minimized if needed by utilizing the application in the
gadget. However, if faced face-to-head, such as a highest urgency and should be held at the
Office meeting, note the safe distance between meeting participants.

Hatta: You're absolutely right, guys. Hear you all expressed an opinion that contains the actual
information about Covid-19 pandemic make me lose words to express my opinions. The spread
of China's corona virus outbreak is increasingly worrying. I have one question that will not drain
your imagination, what’s your opinion if one of your family infected by the virus? How do you
feel, I mind How about this? That is dangerous range, just approved staff.

Gema: Secure all facilities and cleanliness of the environment, and immediately clean yourself after
leaving the house

Hatta: Try not to stare and gaze into animals or perspectives with optical instruments

Ihsan: Gloves and masks should be worn when meeting and making contact with them even though it
actually looks pathetic

Hatta: That's for sure.

Vini An:I suppose so. I guess so.

Gema: Exactly. Me either. Much Obliged for these information, guys.

Hatta: Thank you so much too

Vini An: I also Thanks a bunch

Ihsan: Many thanks encourage for you too, hehe.. You all make me laugh now..

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