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Nama : Vivi Kusumadewi

NIM : 2021081055
Kelas : Reguler 1A
Exercise 4
Page 78 – Adjective
Guided Practice

1. What do adjectives do?

Adjectives are words that describe a noun.
Adjectives add description and help us on writing to be more interesting.
Adjectives often come before the words they describe.

2. What are three questions that adjectives can answer?

• What kind?
• Which one?
• How many?

3. When is the article a used?

Article a use before words that begin with consonant and are singular

4. When is the article an used?

Article an use before words that begin with a vowel or silent h

5. When is the article the used?

Article the use before singular or plural words

Circle every noun. Then underline every article and every adjective. Not all nouns have an adjective
that describes it. However, finding the nouns first will help you to find the adjectives.
1. The economic boom of the 1920s had an important effect on the daily lives of many

2. The 1920s are often referred to as the “Roaring Twenties”.

3. The Great Migration of African Americans from southern rural areas to northern urban areas
resulted in the Harlem Renaissance.

4. The Harlem Renaissance was a time when talented writers, artists, and musicians celebrated
the African American contributions to American life.

5. Jazz music became very popular during this time.

Page 80
what kind 1. This is a beautiful day to go to the park.
what kind 2. The fierce dog was barking at the child.
what kind 3. Is that an orange tree?
which one 4. Do you like sweet or fresh ice cream?
how many 5. The baby is just twenty days old.
what kind 6. The mouse scurried in the small hole.
which one 7. Respectful students use good manners.
what kind 8. Her curly hair was hard to brush.
which one 9. His favorite tennis shoes need to be washed.
what kind 10. The dark clouds probably mean it is going to rain.
what kind 11. When she sang, she had a beautiful voice.
how many 12. In several days we will graduate.
how many 13. There are two baby birds in that nest.
what kind 14. How many chocolate cookies do you want?
what kind 15. The cute baby smiles a lot.
Page 81
Underline the nouns in the following sentences.
Then rewrite the sentence adding at least one adjective to describe a noun.
1. The dog jumped.
The tied dog jumped.

2. People celebrate holidays in countries.

The American people celebrate holidays in countries.

3. The teacher spoke to the class.

The English teacher spoke to the class.

4. The paper was thrown into the trash.

The blue paper was thrown into the trash.

5. The crowd cheered and held up banners.

The crowd cheered and help up long an big banners.

6. The girl learned to spell words.

The young girl learned to spell word.

7. Did you see those flowers in the meadow?

Did you see those sun flowers in the meadow?

8. The gymnast won a medal.

The Indonesian gymnast won a medal.

9. She was so excited to go on a vacation.

She was so excited to go on her first vacation on this year.

Page 82
Write a paragraph about your favorite fruit. Describe the fruit and tell why you like it. Underline the
adjectives that you use. Complete your prewriting on another sheet of paper.

One of my favorite fruits is pineapple. Eating pineapple can improve my mood. The sweet and sour
taste of pineapple makes me feel fresh. The type of pineapple that I like the most is the honey
pineapple. I used to buy honey pineapple in the form of fruit pieces that were sold along the road to
my house. However, I should not eat too much pineapple as it can cause stomach ache. I always buy
pineapples cut two or three times a week.

Page 83
Guided Practice
Underline the verb in each sentence.
Then circle the adverb that gives more information about the verb.
Write whether it tells how, when, or where on the line.
When 1. The Stock Market crashed suddenly in 1929.

How 2. After the crash, unemployment rose quickly.

What 3. Homeless people often lived in make-‐shift homes of scrap lumber and empty boxes.

How 4. President Roosevelt wanted to quickly provide help.

What 5. Some New Deal programs helped immediately.

What 6. Some of the New Deal programs, such as Social Security and the FDIC, are still used
What 7. The United States was not a part of World War II immediately.

How 8. However, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, America quickly declared war.

When 9. During World War II, scientists successfully tested the world’s first atomic bomb.

Page 84
Independent Practice

Choose from the list of adverbs and write the adverb on the line to complete each sentence.
briskly firmly inside truthfully
cheerfully continuously beautifully sloppily
everywhere yesterday

1. The man gripped the dog leash firmly in his hands.

2. The dog barked continuously throughout the day.
3. The artist painted beautifully.
4. The candidate spoke truthfully about the topics.
5. The woman walked briskly through the rain.
6. She cheerfully completed her chores.
7. The mosquitoes were everywhere.
8. Did he go yesterday.
9. She drove to New York sloppily.
10. He made his bed inside.

Page 85
Independent Practice
Underline the verb in each sentence. Then circle the adverb that gives more information about the
verb. Write whether it tells how, when, or where on the line.

how 1. The dog jumped playfully at the boy.

where 2. The dog was there.

who 3. The dog barked loudly at the stranger.

when 4. The dog went to the veterinarian yesterday.

how 5. Her dog will play fetch continuously.

how 6. His dog suddenly ran off.

when 7. The dog’s owner took it on a walk today.

where 8. We could hear the dogs barking nearby.

how 9. Her neighbor’s dog jumped the fence effortlessly.

where 9. Fred takes his dog everywhere.

how 10. The dog ran outside to chase the squirrel in the yard.

how 11. The dog was lying on his blanket quietly.

when 12. Sally’s dog eats nightly at 6:00 p.m.

when 13. Many dogs love to chew bones daily.

when 14. Be careful if a dog acts aggressively.

how 15. Dogs should happily obey their owner.

Page 86

Write a paragraph about something you like to do during recess. Describe the activity. Be sure to use
at least two adverbs and underline the adverbs that you use. Circle any adjectives.

I really like reading books. During my recess, I enjoy spending time in the library. Among some
reading materials, I like reading novels the most. I am a person who likes to read fiction novels. I can
read seriously the novel and no one can disturb me. One of the novels that I really enjoy is “Bumi
Manusia” by Pramudya Ananta Toer. For me, the storyline and grammar of the novel Bumi Manusia
are very interesting. I have read this book several times and always enjoy reading it again. Until
finally I have several books by Pramudya Ananta Toer in my personal library. Each book is very
neatly arranged on the bookshelf in my bedroom on a special part for make it easy to take.

Page 88 – Vocabulary (Prefixes & Suffixes)

dis-‐ not
non-‐ not
un-‐ not
re-‐ again
Complete the table below, and then use the information for the next activity.
Disadvantage dis advantage not Not a good
Discontent Dis Content Not Not a good situation
Disorganized Dis Organized Not Not a good plan
Dissatisfied Dis Satisfied Not Not pleased woth something

Nonuse non use not Not in use

Nonsense Non sense Not Not a good behavioral or stupid
Nonacademic Non Academic Not Not a standard of academic
Noncompliant Non Compliant Not Not obey the instruction

Unbeatable un beatable not Not able to defeat

Unjust Un Just Not Not fair
Unreliable Un Reliable Not trusted
Unpleasant Un Pleasant not not able to be trusted

Regroup re read again To put into new

groups again
Rearrange Re Arrange Again To arrange something again
Rethink Re think Again To think again about the plan
Reword Re Word Again To write in different words

Use 15 words from the previous page to create sentences with correct meanings.
1. Disadvantage : Whichever option we choose there'll be disadvantages.
2. Discontent : Discontent among junior ranks was rapidly spreading.
3. Disorganized : The house is a very disorganized at the moment because we're in the middle
of redecorating.
4. Dissatisfied : He felt increasingly dissatisfied with his life as he approached middle
5. Nonuse : There is a nonuse cutting table in my storage room.
6. Nonsense : Her grandfather's in his second childhood and talks nonsense most of
the time.
7. Nonacademic : Non-academic activities still need to be carried out in schools to support
students' soft skills
8. Noncompliant : He told us that the sign was non-compliant with the state laws.
9. Unbeatable : For good pizzas at a reasonable price they're unbeatable
10. Unjust : The government must repeal this unjust law that can reduce the welfare of
11. : Managers had complained that the workers were lazy and unreliable.
12. Unreliable
: There was an unpleasant smell coming from the drains.
13. Regroup : They need time to recover, regroup, and come up with a new strategy.
14. Rearrange : My team need to rearrange the schedule.
15. Rethink : Marketing team need to rethink the marketing plan for next month
16. Reword : Book editor need to reword some sentences to avoid reader

Page 91
Your Turn to Write!
Now you will write sentences to show what you know!
Use two words that you found from each of the prefixes on the previous page to write sentences.
Be sure to use the word correctly!

1. We have to rethink the technical method that we want to use to build the house in the edge
of the cliff to determine cost advantage and disadvantage.
2. If you want try to built a kind of low-cost green car using nonuse tractor diesel in the
warehouse, I think it will be a nonsense idea.
3. According to my experience, to avoid life dissatisfied after the age of thirty, we better to
rearrange our life goals and priority before thirty years old.
4. Reading the survey results, there is an increase in public dissatisfied with the government, so
the government needs to revoke unjust policies that can harm the poor.
5. Students still need to be given examples of non-academic learning in addition to academic
lessons in order to become mentally strong and unbeatable individuals.
6. The editor in chief of infotainment magazine often commands their staff to reword some
reports as an effort to create sensational news and regroup articles to conduct well manage news.
7. Office boy in my uncle’s office is very unreliable in cleaning the office because every
morning there always unpleasant smells come from the corner of room behind the locker.
8. Discontent among factory employee on the management was rapidly spreading because of
non-compliant of management to adjust salary according to the new law.

Page 92
pre-‐ before
mid-‐ middle
bi-‐ two
de-‐ opposite

Complete the table below, and then use the information for the next activity.
Precaution pre wash before Measure taken
Preamble Pre amble before an introduction to a
Predispose Pre Dispose before think in a particular
Prejudice Pre Judice before unreasonable
opinion or feeling

midstream mid stream middle The middle of

the stream
midland Mid Land middle the central part of
midair Mid Air middle a point in the air
midday Mid Day middle twelve o'clock in
the middle of the

Bilingual Bi lingual two Speaking two

Biannual bi Annual two happening twice a
Bilateral Bi Lateral two involving two
groups or countries
Bipartisan Bi Partisan two consisting of two
political parties

Defrost de Frost opposite Remove the frost

Decrease De Crease opposite make something
become less
Decode De Code opposite to discover the
meaning of
information given
in a secret
Decline de Cline opposite to gradually become

Use 15 words from the previous page to create sentences with the correct meanings.
1. Precaution : They failed to take the necessary precautions to avoid infection.
2. Preamble : The agreement between the warring parties to talk may be a preamble to
3. Predispose : Your family history can help a doctor determine if you are predisposed to
developing heart disease.
4. Prejudice : Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.
5. Midstream : They slowly paddled the boat into midstream.
6. Midland : There was snow in midland counties of England.
7. Midair : She amazingly caught the ball in midair.
8. Midday : I just have a sandwich at midday/for my midday meal.
9. Bilingual : I will join with bilingual class.
10. Biannual : The committee has just published its biannual report.
11. Bilateral : France and Germany have signed a bilateral agreement to help prevent drug
12. Bipartisan : There are many bipartisan during this campaign
13. Defrost : Leave the chicken to defrost.
14. Decrease : We have decreased our involvement in children's books.
15. Decode : Grammatical information helps learners to decode sentences.
16. Decline : The party's popularity has declined in the opinion polls

Page 95
Your Turn to Write!
Now you will write sentences to show what you know! Use two words that you found from each of the
prefixes on the previous page to write sentences. Be sure to use the word correctly!

1. Biannual report of music playlist shown that the vote result of Rihanna’s song has declined.
2. Indonesian hacker can be able to decode the secret password of Pentagon into bilingual, those are
Indonesia and Javanese language.
3. My daughter tried to catch the mid-air flying drone in at yesterday midday.
4. Bipartisan of government opposite talked their disagree for the Indonesia’s plan to create a
Bilateral agreement with Timor Leste to accept manufacturer employee from them.
5. Amount of migration birds that can be seen in Midland keep decries in these five years.
6. After the preamble ceremony, the boat sail to midstream of the sea.
7. We have to wait those fruits defrost before cut in to small pieces as a precaution of hand injured.
8. According to the result of my observation, I have prejudice that the predispose of corruption
level in develop country is in middle to high as a manifestation of the authorized desire to enrich

Page 96

anti-‐ against/opposing
co-‐ together
en-‐ put into or on
extra-‐ outside/beyond

Complete the table below, and then use the information for the next activity.
Antiaircraft anti aircraft against Used for defense
against air attack
Antiwar anti War against opposed to a
particular war
Antivirus anti Virus against Used for against
Antibiotic anti Biotic against Used for destroy

Codriver co driver together Share the driving

with another
Coteach co Teach together Share the teaching
with another
Costar co Star together Appearing with
another star
Cofounder co Founder together Together start an

Engulf en Gulf put into or on To plunge in or

Enact en Act put into or on put something into
Endanger en Danger put into or on Put something in
Enroll en Roll put into or on Put someone on
official list

Extracurricular extra curricular outside/beyond Outside of the

Extraterrestrial extra Terrestrial outside/beyond outside of earth
Extracellular extra Cellular outside/beyond in the space
surrounding cells
Extralegal extra Legal outside/beyond Outside of law

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘anti’ to complete the sentences.
You will need to use the meanings of the prefixes and words, along with the
context clues to complete the sentences.

1. To defend their country against air attacks, they developed antiaircraft.

Antidote : remedy given ‘against’ a poison
2. They did not agree with the war and held signs that showed their antiwar opinions.
Antifreeze : a liquid used ‘against’ the freezing of cars’ engines
3. The antibiotic worked against the infection.
Antiperspirant : product used to help fight ‘against’ perspiration
4. Antivirus software works against any virus that might try to enter your
Antisocial : of going ‘against’ being social

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘co’ to complete the sentences.

1. The driver’s ed teachers codriver with their students.

Copilot : second pilot
2. The two businessmen put their money together and are now cofounder of a
Comanager : person that organize activity
3. Sometimes students change classes between two teachers that coteach.
Codesigner : a person who designs something together with one or more other people
4. Bailey wants to costar with Bella in a movie.
Coauthor : one of two or more people who write a book, article, report, etc. together

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘en’ to complete the sentences.

1. The waves began to engulf the swimmer so the lifeguard jumped in and pulled
the swimmer to safety.
Encode : to change something into a system for sending messages secretly
2. The Congressman wanted to enroll a new bill.
Enclose : to surround something
3. Some animals are almost extinct; therefore you cannot endanger these animals.

Enmesh : to catch or involve someone in something unpleasant

4. Did the new student enact in Mrs. Smith’s class?
Enrage : to cause someone to become very angry

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘extra’ to complete the sentences.

1. E.T. was an extraterrestrial that was beyond this world.

Extramarital : not forming part of a marriage
2. Some students have extracurricular activities when school is over.
Extralinguistic : not included within the realm of language
3. The fluid was extracellular because it was located outside of the cells.
Extraordinary : Beyond what is ordinary or usual
4. Something beyond the authority of the law is extralegal.
Extrajudicial : Outside of the authority of a court

At the end of each line add a new word that begins with the prefix. Give the definition of the new word also.

Page 99
Your Turn to Write!

Now you will write sentences to show what you know! Use two words that you found
from each of the prefixes on the previous page to write sentences. Be sure to use the
word correctly!

1. The Indonesian government continues to promote the antiwar movement in response to a

potential war in the Natuna Sea. But even so, the Ministry of Defense still recommends
building an anti-aircraft base.
2. It's the same as antibiotics in the human body, antivirus on a computer sometimes results
in decreased software performance.
3. I got training to be a rally codriver from a coteach during car racing training.
4. He became a costar in the latest Korean film and at the premiere of the film, he also
introduced himself as the cofounder of a telecommunications company.
5. The greenhouse effect can engulf the earth in more severe conditions, so we must enact to
take precautions from now on.
6. Children can enroll primary schools without being rejected because they have no birth
certificate because we must not endanger the future of children only with administrative
7. Currently studying extraterrestrial is one of the things that is in demand and is an
extracurricular choice in high school.
8. Experts need to prevent telecommunication signals from causing extracellular which can
result in extralaw against user privacy regulations.

Page 100

hyper-‐ beyond, more than normal
inter-‐ between
mis-‐ bad, wrong
semi-‐ half

Complete the table below, and then use the information for the next activity.
Hyperactive hyper active beyond, more More active than
than normal normal
Hypersonic hyper Sonic beyond, more thanSpeed that faster
normal than sound
Hyperlink hyper Link beyond, more than Connection of each
normal document
Hyperventilate hyper ventilate beyond, more than Breathe too quick

Mislead mis lead bad, wrong To lead someone

the wrong way
Misjudge mis Judge bad, wrong To guess something
the wrong way
Misbehave mis behave bad, wrong Bad habbit
Mistreat mis Treat bad, wrong Treat something

Interact inter Act between To act between

Interbank inter Bank between between two or
more banks
Internet inter Net between Between more
Interstate inter state between Between more state

Semiannual semi annual half Occurs every

half a year
Semicircle semi Circle half Half a circle
Semifinal semi Final half Process before final
Semisweet semi sweet half Half of sweet

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘hyper’ to complete the sentences. You will need to
use the meanings of the prefixes and words, along with the context clues to complete the sentences.

1. There is a way to connect your document to another document using a hyperlink.

Hypermobility : an extension of the joints beyond normal capacity
2. She was breathing more quickly than normal, and this caused her to hyperventilate.
Hypersecretion : excessive or abnormal secretion
3. If something goes at a speed five times faster than the speed of sound, it is called hypersonic.
Hypermetabolism : Any state in which there is an increase in basal metabolic rate.
4. Some people say if you eat too much sugar you will have too much energy and become hyperactive.
Hypercrically : Excessively critical
Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘mis’ to complete the sentences.
1. If you misbehave by acting in the wrong way, you will have a consequence.
Mistake : Do something wrong
2. It is important to lead people in the right way and not mislead them in the wrong way.

Misread : Read something wrongly.

3. If you mistreat a dog, then it may not act nice.
Misplace : Put something in the wrong place.
4. Sometimes referees will misjudge a play by making a wrong call.
Mislead : to cause someone to believe something that is not true

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘inter’ to complete the sentences.
1. Animals of the same species do not always interact with animals of another species.

Inject: throw ‘in’

2. The interstate allows people to drive from one state to another.
influx: flow ‘in’
3. The internet is a connection between networks across the world.
inscribe: write ‘on’
4. An interbank loan involves two or more banks.
invoke: call ‘on’

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘semi’ to complete the sentences.
1. Half of a circle is a semicircle.
Semigloss : a paint that dries with a finish between glossy and flat
2. Semisweet chocolate is not as sweet as regular chocolate.
Semiliquid : somewhat liquid
3. The will have a semifinal match before the final match.
Semipublic : having some of the features of public institution
4. Every six months they have a semiannual business meeting.
Semipermanent : relatively long time

At the end of each line add a new word that begins with the prefix.
Give the definition of the new word also.

Page 103
Your Turn to Write!

Now you will write sentences to show what you know! Use two words that you found
from each of the prefixes on the previous page to write sentences. Be sure to use the
word correctly!

1. The boy is hyperactive, when he runs, he looks very fast like hypersonic.
2. My friend often hyperventilates when doing accounting computer course exams so he often
cannot click on hyperlinks properly.
3. As leaders we must avoid misleading by creating misjudge against others on our team.
4. If you mistreat the cat you keep, it can interfere with its health. It's even worse if you
misbehave in determining the type of cat breed that you will keep.
5. Government policies that support interstate will help create interact for every citizen of the
6. Interbank loans can be accessed through internet facilities for convenience for anyone who
is interested in accessing them.
7. The semi-annual report shows that all Indonesian badminton teams have made it to the
semifinals in every tournament they have participated in.
8. Semisweet cake made in semicircle has made the little sister interested in buying it.

Page 104
over-‐ excessively, completely
post-‐ after in time or order
trans-‐ across, beyond
under-‐ beneath, below

Complete the table below, and then use the information for the next activity.
Overheat over heat excessively Heat to much or
Overcook over cook excessively to cook food for
longer than
Overgrown over grown excessively Grow in an
uncontrol way
Overconfident over confident excessively showing too much

Postpone post pone After in time Delay; set the

time back
Postnatal post natal After in time after a baby has
been born
Postscript post script After in time Massage after
Posterior post erior After in time positioned at or
towards the back

Transatlantic trans atlantic across, beyond Going across the

Transnational trans national across, beyond involving several
Transcontinental trans continental across, beyond
Transplant trans plant across, beyond

Underarm under arm beneath, below Located under

the top of arm
Underage under age beneath, below crossing a continent
Underground under ground beneath, below Below ground
Underpaid under paid beneath, below Paid under standard

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘over’ to complete the sentences. You
will need to use the meanings of the prefixes and words, along with the context
clues to complete the sentences.

1. Do not overheat the oven because the cake might not cook evenly.
Overweight : having more flesh on the body than average
2. It is important to not overcook your food because it will not taste as good.
Overspend : to spend more money than you should
3. The girl was not careful because she was overconfident that she would not
fall while learning to skateboard.
Overdo : to do something in a way that is too extreme
4. We need to cut back the bushes because they are overgrown.
Overthink : to think about something too much, in a way that is not useful

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘post’ to complete the sentences.
1. Postnatal care is important for a baby to receive.
Postwar : happening or existing in the period after a war
2. The author always adds a postscript after she finishes writing a book.
Postmodern : relating to postmodernism
3. They had to postpone the party to a later date.
Postgraduate : pertaining to “after” graduation
4. The animal had a sore on the posterior side of its body.
Posterity : descendants who come “after” you

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘trans’ to complete the sentences.
1. They booked a Transatlantic cruise because they wanted to sail across the
Atlantic Ocean.
Transportation : act of carrying ‘across’
2. They traveled on a transcontinental flight across North America.
Translucent : of light going ‘across’
3. They had to transplant the tree across the yard to a better location.
Transit : a going ‘across’
4. The transnational company had members from different nations.
Traverse : turn ‘across’

Use the meanings of the words with the prefix ‘under’ to complete the sentences.
1. She had a sore under her arm in her underarm area.
Undercurrent : the flow of water that moves below the surface
2. She was not happy because she was underpaid for her work, which was
below what she should have been paid.
Underestimate : undervalue, to minimize
3. He was below the age limit and they would not let him on the ride because he
was underage.
Undergarment : a garment to be worn under another
4. The underground tunnel was below the ground.
Underlie : to lie or be located under

At the end of each line add a new word that begins with the prefix.
Give the definition of the new word also.

Page 107
Your Turn to Write!

Now you will write sentences to show what you know! Use two words that you
found from each of the prefixes on the previous page to write sentences. Be sure to
use the word correctly!
1. You should not overcook the roasted chicken when using an electric grill
because it is feared that it will overheat.
2. The man is overconfident that the overgrown cat he brought can win the
contest, even though from a health point of view it is an exaggeration.
3. In postnatal situations we have to postpone the celebrations for a moment to
give the mother an opportunity to enjoy time with her baby.
4. An author has made a very detailed postscript about his writing that discusses
tattooing on the posterior body of a body builder.
5. A transatlantic ship is passing through the Atlantic Ocean carrying transnational
6. The transplant process to heal the pilot's heart required a very touching
transcontinental flight.
7. An underground road construction project requires a very risky process but the
workers only get underpaid salaries.
8. My sister has not been able to join the underarm strength training program
because she is still underage.

Page 108

-‐er doer
-‐able able to
-‐ous full of
-‐ness state of being

Complete the table below, and then use the information for the next activity.
Washer wash er doer Able to do the
Treasurer Treasure er doer Responsible of
organization money
Teacher Teac er doer Some one who able
to teach
Employer Employ er doer Employs people

Agreeable Agree able able to Able to agree

Changeable Change able able to Able to change
Excusable Excuse able able to Able to excuse
Perishable Perish able able to Able to perish

Adventurous adventure ous full of Full of adventure

Coniferous Conifer ous full of producing cones,
and having leaves
that do not fall off
in the winter
Continuous Continue ous full of without a pause or
Courageous Courage ous full of Full of courage

Alertness Alert ness state of being Being alert

Boldness Bold ness state of being Being brave and
Cheeriness Cheer ness state of being Being happy
Dullness Dull ness state of being Being not interest

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘er’ to complete the sentences. You
will need to use the meanings of the suffixes and words, along with the context clues
to complete the sentences.

1. Do you want to be the washer or the dryer when we do dishes today?

Subscriber : people who subscribe something
2. Our teacher is able to teach us new things.
Follower : someone who follow the another one
3. The treasurer is able to keep up with the money for our group.
Copywriter : someone who responsible to create a content
4. An employer is someone who can give you a job.
Carrier : someone or something that carry the stuff

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘able’ to complete the sentences.
1. Todd is very agreeable and gets along with everyone.
Bookable : able to be booked
2. The food is perishable and is not able to stay good for a long period of time.
Bootable : able to boot, containing the information necessary to start a
3. I cannot excuse the absence because it is not excusable.
Movable : able to be moved
4. The weather in the area is changeable and they don’t know if they like that
the weather is able to change so quickly.
Predictable : able to be predicted

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘ous’ to complete the sentences.
1. She is full of adventure. You might even call her adventurous.
Hybridous : of or relating to a hybrid
2. She is courageous and is able to do things other people would be afraid to do.
Hazardous : Marked by danger
3. The air conditioner was on a continuous cycle and worked all the time.
Sarcous : Of, relating to, or consisting of flesh or muscle tissue.
4. The coniferous tree was full of cones.
Herbous : resembling herbs

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘ness’ to complete the sentences.
1. The alertness of the baby was amazing as we watched her look across the
Gladness : resembling herbs
2. The dullness of the light made it hard to see.
Dumbness : the fact of being stupid or not intelligent
3. When people are full of cheeriness they make others smile.
Emptiness : empty space
4. Tim isn’t afraid to speak up because of his boldness.
Sacredness : the quality of being considered holy and deserving respect

At the end of each line add a new word that begins with the suffix. Give the
definition of the new word also.

Page 112
-‐ful full of
-‐ly in what manner
-‐ment state of
-‐less without

Complete the table below, and then use the information for the next activity.
Bountiful bounty ful full of Abundant;plenty
Careful Care ful full of Full of care
Colorful Color ful full of Full of color
Harmful harm ful full of Full of harm

Actively active ly in what manner Characterized by

energetic work
Boldly Bold ly in what manner No fear
Clearly Clear ly in what manner Easy to see
Dimly dim ly in what manner in a way that does
not give or have
much light

Agreement agree ment state of Being in

Settlement Settle ment state of Being settled
Amusement Amuse ment state of Being amuse
Excitement excite ment state of Being exited

Endless end less without Without an end

Harmless Harm less without Without harm
Motionless Motion less without Without motion
Priceless price less without Very special

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘ful’ to complete the sentences. You
will need to use the meanings of the suffixes and words, along with the context clues
to complete the sentences.

1. There was a bountiful supply of cotton this year.

Adviceful : skilled at offering advice
2. You do not want to get hurt so be careful to take care of yourself.
Forceful : capable of exerting power
3. The sun’s rays can burn your skin and be harmful to you.
Foodful : supplying abundant food
4. The little girl likes clothes full of color because colorful clothes make her
Gameful : full of game
Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘ly’ to complete the sentences.
1. She participates actively in many sports.
Financially : Of, relating to, or involving finance, finances, or financiers
2. The dimly lit candles did not give very much light.
Disagreeably : Not to one's liking
3. The clean window allowed us to see clearly outside.
Anomaly : Deviation
4. The candidate spoke very boldly on the topics.
Additionally : also or in addition

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘ment’ to complete the sentences.
1. The two boys are in agreement about what they should do together.
Abandonment : the act of giving something up
2. She likes to play dress up for amusement.
Abashment : feeling embarrassed due to modesty
3. The settlers found a place to settle and built a settlement along the river.
Achievement : the action of accomplishing something
4. There was so much excitement in the room that no one could sit still.
Adjustment : the act of making something different

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘less’ to complete the sentences.
1. Fred sat endless while the others tried to catch the bug.
Dauntless : invulnerable to fear or intimidation
2. No amount of money could purchase the type of friendship the two girls had
because their friendship was priceless.
Defenseless : lacking protection or support
3. Bella wished for summer to be motionless because she didn’t want it to end.
Fruitless : unproductive of success
4. Some spiders will not harm you because they are harmless.
Senseless : not marked by the use of reason

At the end of each line add a new word that begins with the suffix. Give the
definition of the new word also.

Page 115
Your Turn to Write!
Now you will write sentences to show what you know! Use two words that you
found from each of the prefixes on the previous page to write sentences. Be sure to
use the word correctly!

1. The flowers in the city park are very bountiful and very colorful.
2. Please bring a stack of glasses careful because it is very harmful.
3. His way of giving clear explanation is clearly with a boldly appearance.
4. The way of using the led light looks clearly rather than the dimly light of the
torch flame.
5. The two companies have signed an agreement related to settlement for the
highway project.
6. You can open your computer in a folder called amusement part where you can
find things like cartoons and video games that can give you an excitement.
7. I can feel the love from my mother endlessly and become something that is very
8. The towels were wet so harmless. Therefore, you are prohibited from being
motionless to maintain body heat.

Page 116
Suffix Meaning
-‐al, -‐ial having characteristics of
-‐en made of
-‐ity, -‐ty state of
-‐y characterized by

Complete the table below, and then use the information for the next activity.
Personal person al Having Characteristics
characteristics of like a person
Editorial Editor al Having Editors opinion
characteristics of
Continental Continent al Having Continent
characteristics of
National Nation al Having Nation
characteristics of

Wooden wood en made of Made of wood

Golden Gold en made of Made of gold
Thicken Thick en made of Mad of thick
Wheaten Wheat en made of Made of wheat

Absurdity absurd ity state of State of being

Captivity Captive ity state of State of being free
in limit
Ability Able ity state of State to being do
Novelty Novel ity state of the quality of being
new and unusual:

Healthy health y characterized by Having to do

with health
Dirty Dirt y characterized by Not clean
Salty Salt y characterized by Too much salt
Rainy Rain y characterized by Often rain situation

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘al’ to complete the sentences. You
will need to use the meanings of the suffixes and words, along with the context clues
to complete the sentences.

1. The Continental Congress worked to help the colonists that came to America.
Agricultural : used for farming or relating to farming
2. There are U.S.national living in other countries around the world.
Occasional : not happening or done often or regularly
3. That person’s opinion is her personal opinion.
Physical : relating to the body
4. She read an editorial in the newspaper that expressed the opinions of the
Professional : relating to work that needs special training or education

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘en’ to complete the sentences.
1. That wooden spoon is made of wood.
Fatten : to give an animal or a thin person a lot of food so that they become
2. The golden ticket is made of shiny yellow paper.
Harden : to become or make hard
3. Bread that is made of wheat is said to be wheaten.
Earthen : made of earth or of baked clay
4. The soup is too thin so we want to find a way to thicken it up a bit.
Darken : to become dark

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘ty’ to complete the sentences.
1. The absurdity of their excuse was unbelievable.
Puberty : develop from child to adult
2. The novelty of her new job had not faded.
Parity : equality
3. The animals in the zoo are held in captivity.
Property : an object or objects that belong to someone
4. Her ability to write well was impressive.
Squarely : directly and firmly

Use the meanings of the words with the suffix ‘y’ to complete the sentences.
1. Those chips are so salty because she put extra salt on them.
Sunny : bright because of light from the sun
2. She eats right and exercises, which helps her to be more healthy.
Funny : humorous; causing laughter:
3. The dirty dishes needed to be cleaned.
Cloudy : with clouds:
4. It is rainy outside so bring an umbrella.
Icy : covered in ice

At the end of each line add a new word that begins with the suffix. Give the
definition of the new word also.

Page 119
Your Turn to Write!

Now you will write sentences to show what you know! Use two words that you found
from each of the prefixes on the previous page to write sentences. Be sure to use the
word correctly!

1. Some writers prefer to choose their editors personally so that they can provide
editorial results that are closer to their expectations.
2. Indonesia is national in the form of a continental country.
3. A wooden plate made of golden mahogany wood.
4. The wheaten tofu must be made with thicken the wheat first
5. Ordinary humans who want to have ability like Captain America for now is an
6. Captivity of phone market needs a novelty concept to increase the level for now.
7. Adventure to the rainforest improves healthy lungs
8. Spilled salt on the dining table makes the fried rice taste salty and of course
makes the dining table dirty.

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