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Planet Nilknarf

July 2011

July Birthdays

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Welcome to Planet Nilknarf

Greetings and Salutations Readers! I hope everyone is having a good summer! Hard to believe it's that time of year already. As I sit here typing this introduction, my best friend Janette has been sitting here next to me helping me choose pictures for this month's issue. We're having a blast here. As promised, here it is (drum roll please....brrrrddrddrdrdrd...!)

Travelling Dolls Fabulous Giveaway Contest

As promised, here is our contest. The first five people who can identify all 12 locations where these pictures were taken will each win a doll of their own! Good luck and may you share your precious photos of their adventures in a future issue!

Don't forget, entries must be received by August 25th so they can be announced in the September issue! Just email your answers to and put Travelling Dolls Contest in your subject line.

Another Glorious Giveaway!!

One thing I do to help me memorize things I have to learn in school is decorate carousel horses. Well, I liked this one I did for marketing so much I decided not to colour it so I could use it in yet another contest. Five winners will each receive one of my hand-made carousel horse Christmas tree ornaments. Email your entries to the same email address as above, also by August 25th and don't forget to put Carousel Horse Colouring Contest on your subject line. Good luck and have fun!

Wooden Shoe Like It

Welcome to Wooden Shoe Like It, our relatively new column where we post pictures of people in wooden shoes:

I'm not sure when this picture on the left was taken but it was taken in Holland of my mom at an ice sculpture festival, trying on wooden shoes made of ice!! The rest here are mostly taken at her memorial service back in May: Left to right: Anne, Danielle, Dianne and Don

Left: Jan Right: Jean

Most people are holding onto the newel post because the floor is kind of slippery!

Travelling Dolls Fashion Extravaganza

As usual, when Janette came to visit this weekend, we had several new outfits for our dolls!

The last two dresses were inspired by the bridesmaids' dresses in the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic. Here's a better view of the rainbow petticoats!

Pictures hardly do them justice. For some strange reason, even with editing, all pictures taken in that room that day had a peculiar orangey cast about them.

Carousel of the Month:

Ferry County Fairgrounds, Republic, WA The Ferry County Carousel was built by the Armitage-Herschell company around 1895-1900. This was the last carousel we visited on last year's tour at the National Carousel Association's annual convention. Information can be found here:

I apologize for the grainy quality of these pictures as they were taken with a disposable camera that had no flash because I ran out of memory on my digital camera.

It was a beautiful carousel and a lot of fun to ride. I wish I had a picture of myself riding on the zebra!! One of the highlights of our day was being entertained by the Stoney River Bluegrass band during our lunch!

Book Review
The Secret

Rhonda Byrne Over the years I'd heard so much about this book, so one day I decided to check it out for myself. I remember them saying at the clubhouse that they decided against studying this book for fear that it might trigger a manic episode. At least there is a disclaimer at the front that says that this book is no substitute for therapy and/or medication. I, therefore, approached what I was about to read with a mixture of both caution and open-mindedness. What exactly is The Secret? Inquiring minds want to know. Apparently, some of the most successful people have already known it for years. The Secret is based on the Law of Attraction. Basically whatever you think about most you attract. People are always broke because they're worried about becoming poor. Instead they should be thinking about wealth and eliminating the words I can't afford it from their vocabulary. Hello? I can just see how someone teetering on the verge of a manic episode could be strongly tempted into embarking on a major shopping spree! If what I think about most is what I attract then where is my carousel? I know it's hard but I SHOULD be thinking that there ARE competent, creative people out there with time on their hands and money to invest to help me make my dream come true, rather than feeling frustrated and depressed about what a cultural wasteland this town is and how the people I've invited are always letting me down and never showing up for my meetings. Correction, there IS one regular faithful person who's always showing up. Unfortunately, he always seems to attract bad luck! The first example the author uses in her book is trying to lose weight, go figure. Oh joy, oh bliss, my favorite subject, NOT!!! It doesn't help that she boasts that she used to be a hefty 146 pounds and went down to 116! HELLO???!! 146 is SKINNY for ME! I'm F***ING DOUBLE THAT!! She says that instead of fretting about trying to lose weight imagine being your perfect weight. I've NEVER been a perfect weight, unless that means 1. I can STILL ride carousels, 2. I can STILL wear store-bought jeans and 3. Nobody's trying to bully me into buying TWO airline seats. Sure I'd be an even MORE perfect weight if I could fit this humongous butt into the seats on other rides but I figure if they can't build them big enough they don't deserve my business!!! And I'd be an even more perfect weight if I didn't have to ask for a seat belt extension on the plane. At least I don't need them on ALL planes. I didn't need one on the LAST plane I took the rest of the way home from Minnesota to Toronto. Why can't ALL planes be like that? It was a pleasant surprise not to have to go Psst and gesture to the flight attendant with upraised index fingers.

But does the law of attraction really work? If it is based on what I'm always thinking about or trying NOT to think about, it's no wonder so many places are noisier than they used to be! And all this business about the Universe. I just don't get it! The universe has no beginning or end. I am just a mere insignificant fly speck in the midst of its eternal vastness, or vast eternalness, whatever the case may be. I prefer believing in God. True, I may have had a love/hate relationship with him in recent years. Actually hate is kind of a strong word. Let's just say there were times I was (not so) secretly pissed off with Him because he seemed to be ignoring my cries for help. We all get ticked off with those whom we love from time to time. Especially our own parents. My mom and I have had our share of arguments many times because she just doesn't get it. (And how many times have I wanted to scream when somebody has asked get WHAT?) Even my best friend and I once had an argument that resulted in us not talking to each other for several months. But in both cases, we eventually made up and I also eventually made up with God. He's always faithful and willing to forgive even if I didn't understand him at the time. Sometimes I wonder if I ever really WILL understand why He allowed me to suffer so much for nearly two years from the day Michael Jackson died until within this last month or two. The important thing is tat He gave me the strength to get through it all and I survived. I'm not going to go through any more detail of what I've been through because I never want to go through it again. Another thing I definitely DON'T agree with is proclaiming to yourself I am God! because I KNOW I'm NOT! Isn't this the original sin, wanting to be equal to God or greater? I may have been created by Him, in His image, but I am NOT Him. Give credit where credit is DUE! I thank Him for the wonderful gifts and abilities He's given me and all the wonderful friends and families he's brought into my life and all the wonderful places I've been, good times I've had and excellent adventures. I thank Him for healing me from all my illnesses. And in doing so, by being thankful in all these things I can believe in more good things to come. I think most of this positive thinking stuff is basically a lot of airy-fairy hogwash and I honestly couldn't do it without believing in God and knowing He's real even if I don't go to church anymore and I've set such a crappy example these past couple years by being such a curmudgeon. Frankly, I'm glad I'm not God because if I were in charge we'd be in one hell of a mess anyway!

Sweet Misfortune

Kevin Alan Milne Sophie hates her birthday. That's because 20 years ago on her 9th birthday, both her parents and her grandmother were killed in a deadly car accident. And to make matters worse, she's been blaming herself ever since. It all started with a fortune cookie and a wish. This cookie had a message about getting the wish of her heart and in this case it was a piece of chocolate from a certain candy store. If only she hadn't wanted that piece of chocolate, she lamented.

Sophie grows up to become a choclatier and have a candy store of her own where her bestselling item is her Misfortune cookies, fortune cookies dipped in bitter, unsweetened baking chocolate and filled with negative, cynical messages for a healthy dose of reality. She comes to invent these after her fiance, Garret, abruptly calls off their wedding at the last minute and disappears with no explanation. On her next birthday, he comes back and begs her to give him a second chance. On one condition: She gets him to put an ad in the paper for her with her post office box. Her ad is as follows; Wanted: Happiness. And by that she means something solid, not fleeting. Therefore, she won't go out with Garret again until she receives 100 adequate responses. And responses to this ad are overwhelming! The story makes it onto the local news and the media hounds her as she makes her way to her P.O box. Fortunately, a homeless man whom she had previously shown kindness to covers for her and ad-libs a fantastic story about what he thinks happiness is. Huge bins full of mail find their way into Sophie's candy store where she and her friends glean for the right responses only to find one delightful synchronicity after another, connecting all the people whose lives were touched one way or another by that fateful accident that had claimed Sophie's family on that horrendous night! This was a most enjoyable and engrossing read from start to finish. All in all I think this story would make an amazing movie! It also got me thinking...just what IS happiness, really?

What IS Happiness?
The question also ties in with something my aunt said when she was giving the eulogy at my mom's memorial service. My Aunt Anne has been a teacher, as well as a school principal, for many years. One fine day, shortly after I started kindergarten, my mom phoned Aunt Anne in a bit of a panic. Anne, is it normal for the school nurse to visit the parents of a student? she asked, and proceeded to explain what had happened. I had been asked to draw something that makes me happy. Of course, when she first started to tell this story I would have thought Merry-go-rounds, of course. But OHHHHHH NOOOOOO!!!! GASP! SHOCK! HORRORS! Much to everyone's shock and embarrassment, had drawn a picture of myself lounging in a rocking chair, with a crooked grin on my face and a wine glass in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other, surrounded by pink bubbles everywhere! I told the teacher it was Crackling Rose (I don't know how to make that accent over the e)! and the bubbles made me happy!! Okay, so I looked like a little boozer! But I had no idea what the hell Crackling Rose was, I just liked the sound of the word!!!! Now that I think of it, having a psycho-bitch kindergarten teacher like Mrs. Sickle would be enough to drive ANY kid to want to drink!! Of course, a year or two later when I had a similar assignment in class and was asked to draw or write about something that makes me happy, the answer was something that it has

been pretty much most of the time ever since; Happiness is Riding on the Merry-Go Round. Most students wrote poems with long lists of things. One guy even wrote one containing the lines Happiness is playing chess, happiness is cleaning up your mess, but of course, riding the merry-go-round was really all I could think of. Sure I've discovered many more things since then, but this is STILL at the very top of my list!!

Top: Left to right: Niagara Falls Skylon in 1996, Dorney Park in 2009 and Boulder River in 2010

Above left to right: Lahaska, PA, 2009, Menlo Park in Perkasie, 2009, Helena Montana, 2010 Below:Sir Franklin in Missoula, Triceratops in Helena and Paint in Missoula,all 2010

Last but not least: Athena and Sneaky tiger at Riverfront carousel in Spokane, WA, in 2010 and the amazing Over-the-Jumps in Little Rock Arkansas in 2008!

Now that you've seen several examples of my Ultimate Ecstasy! here's what else makes me happy! Happiness is the love of a good family.

Even though my dad passed away just a few short days after my husband and I got married, and my mom just passed away a few short months ago, I like to think they are still with me in spirit. I miss them very much and I will always be thankful for the happy memories we have shared in our lives together:

The top picture was taken the last time all three of us were together for Christmas. It was taken by Dave, his first Christmas here. The next one was taken when I was about 10 years old when my parents and I used to have a trailer on my Aunt Jean and Uncle Alex's property. Dad built that plane and we wound the propeller with a rubber band and watched it fly. The one on the right was taken in 1987 when my parents were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. This was shortly before my horrible trip to Calgary. The less said about that journey, the better. Happiness is good times with good friends:

Left: here's me, Janette, Mark and Dave at one of our favorite eateries at Niagara Falls in 2007, Right: Lisa, Della Janette and me as KISS back in 1984! I am so grateful for all the wonderful friends who have been part of my life over the years. Della I've known since I was five years old and she was three. She and her parents moved from England to Canada and her folks, mine and the Liveseys were all mutual friends of Aunt Thurza. Here are a couple pictures of a birthday party all three of us were at at Thurza' place. It was my 6th birthday.

Left: left to right: Me, Della, Valerie and Richard. Right: Valerie, Della and me. Idon't know whatever became of Valerie but I know Richard is living in New Zealand now and Della is married to a wonderful husband, Martin and they have a son, Hayden who will be two years old on July 3rd. Or is he three already? I humbly admit I'm afraid I've lost track. I've known my friend Sharon since third grade. We had a bit of a falling out when we were teenagers but reconciled and reunited in 1990. She'd moved to Calgary around the time my parents and I moved to Bobcaygeon but she happened to be I Toronto when I managed to contact her husband and I ended up going to a wedding with her that following weekend.

We've drifted in and out of touch through the years. Janette and I have known each other since we met in college in 1983. We decided to share a locker. We ended up sharing so much more, including an apartment in Toronto just over a decade later. Since I've been married I have kept my vow to stay in touch with my best friend no matter what. I've seen it happen too many times; when friends get married suddenly they don't have time for me anymore. But we meet on a regular basis, at least two or three times a year, arrange to take trips together when we can and phone each other whenever possible. Janette is my closest and dearest friend and I always think of her as a sister to me. We've been through so much together over the years. Once we went to a party together in similar dresses. A little boy asked us if we were TWINS! Without even thinking about it we both answered with a resounding Yes even though we're not. Another good friend of mine is Jan. I moved in with her and her two cats George and Berelli in the spring of 1986 when she was teaching at Fenelon Falls public school. I answered an ad in the paper, looking for a place to live in Lindsay where I'd just started my job at Victoria Laundry. The first thing I saw when I entered the hose was a wooden wall plaque with the words God is Love. As a new Christian I knew I was in the right place when I saw that. Jan and I have been good friends ever since and I attended both her weddings. Jan is a brave survivor and a determined trouper. Just a few short months after she married Fede, they were leaving the house to go to a Valentine's Day party when she was suddenly hit by the Worst Headache Ever! It turned out to be no ordinary headache but an aneurysm. She lapsed into a coma for several days and for awhile they weren't sure if she made it. But recover she did, however she basically had to learn how to walk and talk and do everything all over again over the next few years. I'm proud of her. She's really come a long way! Her speech and movement are pretty much back to normal now even though this situation has left her with painful auditory sensory issues similar to mine. However lately she's even been thinking of going back on the Mission field. I met Lorraine when she was selling her artwork at Lindsay's Homecoming Weekend festival. Oh my God! I exclaimed It's the Illions American Beauty Rose horse! I recognized the famous steed in her painting from my Franklin Mint miniatures and she told me she had ridden the real one at Circus World in Florida. A common interest in carousels brought us together and we've been friends ever since. The first time I was at her house I met her dog, Oscar and her daughter Emily who was seven years old at the time. While I was there the phone rang and Emily answered it. I don't know who the hell it is. she said to her mom. It turned out to be the minister of their church who'd heard her say that. Fortunately, he had a good sense of humour about the whole ting. How the hell are you? he said. I went to Lorraine's second wedding in 1994, shortly before Janette and I moved to Toronto and now Emily is all grown up, married and living in Nova Scotia. Richard Concepcion I met at my first National Carousel Association convention. There was a slide presentation about Ohio's carousels and they mentioned the year that King's Island had

opened, so I said something about an episode of the Partridge Family being filmed there. It was after this presentation he came up to me and asked me if I had that episode on video. We went with Charles Jacques and a few other people in a car to this lady's house. She had several carousel horses and several band organs including a huge one that played Teddy Bear's Picnic and music from Carmen which we waltzed to. There was also a hand-cranked organ which we took turns playing. I cranked out Under the Double Eagle and Richard got The Muppet Show, which is quite appropriate since he happens to be a puppeteer and a friend of Carol Spinney who plays Big Bird and Oscar. Richard has been doing Manhattans public access cable TV show Rapid T. Rabbit and Friends since 1983 and I became involved by creating stories about my own character, Louella Snugglebunny. I still have my own puppet and costume (although I'm scared it might not fit me anymore) and all my Life With Louella stories can now be found on YouTube, even the ones we couldn't use on the show. Richard and I have had several amazing adventures together over the years including marching as our fursonas in the Easter Parade in 1992 and 93. Richard also introduced me to Kim Snyder who lived in Clifton Springs, New York. Here's a picture of the three of us taken at Chuck E. Cheese the summer of 1993. That's her on the left, me, Richard and Chuck E.!

I last saw her in August of 1994 when I traveled there to visit her for a few days and we went to the New York State Fair in Syracuse. That was the summer Disney's Pocahontas was out at theatres and my latest obsession at the time. I bought the original book and was amazed to learn that Pocahontas was the first Native American to become a Christian, a fact which the Disney movie blatantly ignores. I was shocked and saddened when Richard phoned me in March of 2002 to inform me that Kim had passed away! She had the same kind of pneumonia that had killed Jim Henson. Since the last time I'd seen her was the summer of Pocahontas, the first thing I thought about was the two of them canoeing together in heaven. I'll look forward to joining them there when the time comes. More people and things that make me happy in next month's Planet Nilknarf

Too Interesting NOT to Pass On!!!

I don't normally forward chain letters but this one that I received recently was too good not to share: This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. This year we're going to experience four unusual dates. 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that's not all... Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born - now add the age you will be this year, The results will be 111 for everyone in whole world. This is the year of the Money!!!
It then went on to say I should forward this to eight people and I would receive money within the next couple days. Any money I receive will likely be attributed to coincidence but whether or not anyone decides to forward this message, I thought they just had to see those fun facts that were listed about this year.

With Friends Like THIS Who Needs Enemies

This happened on Thursday, June 9th. I just un-friended someone on Facebook because this person sent me the following message: You are married and you do not want kids then why are you married and who will take care of you at old age let me ask again are you finding it difficult getting pregnant or you have decided not to have kids wao I can not understand because GOD commanded us procreate and fill the world but there you are disobeying please fell me that you do not mean what you said and I will like to know your husband so that he will tell me why he will not procreate or are both of you the same sex please I am very curious to know afterall some one gave birth to you and you do not want to give birth to another This message is SO FULL of Breeder Bingo-isms it makes me feel downright SICK TO MY STOMACH!!! If the proverbial Breeder Bingo card were actually worth something I'd be LAUGHING MY WAY to the bank right now!!! I not only unfriended this person but I have blocked him/her/whatever! It makes my blood boil just thinking about it!!!! Excuse me, I think I have to throw up....! You know the Bible says Don't remove the speck from your neighbour's eye until you remove the plank from your own. Well this person has a WHOLE FREAKIN LUMBERYARD hanging out of his/her ass. At least that's the way I feel. I know I'm a Christian I'm supposed to forgive but I feel like I have every right to bitch about this situation first until I get it out of my system!!! Having kids doesn't make me a better Christian if all their screaming and crying means I'd probably end up killing them anyway!

Besides there's no guarantee that if I did have kids they'd take care of me when I was older. I can take care of myself just fine. My mom sure did. Because we live so far away from each other there's no way I could have been there to look after her, but she already had plenty of friends and good neighbours to do more for her than I ever could. There's a part of me that wishes I told this person off before I unfriended him/her/Satan incarnated (which is what that person thinks I am).. You don't HAVE to have a kid to be a productive member of society. No law says you HAVE to procreate. I don't hate kids, they're just not for me. I like them but I wouldn't want to be around them 24-7. It should be no sin to admit I don't have the patience for parenthood. I'm too lazy, selfish and set in my ways and anyone who has a problem with that can just fuck themselves, okay? Maybe it's a sin to cuss like a drunken sailor the way I do but if anyone doesn't like that either they can go sit on a tack! I admit I'm not perfect and I'm sick of trying to be. I'm NOT going to do something I don't want to do just because someone else thinks I SHOULD. It's none of their damn business. I don't tell anyone else how to run their life and nobody has any business trying to tell me how to run mine. I even emailed my teacher about this. I'm happy to say her reply made me feel much better so I asked her permission to share her response here in my newsletter. ha. i bet it WAS lucky so you can remove this person from your presence now. would you rather have him/her remain your friend, even on fb? i've heard the caretaker argument before. one of my family's favorites. i've also heard it put in a much nicer way, by one of my uncles (who is definitely pro-procreation - they are all die hard catholics) as "when you have children you can never be lonely" i certainly understand the sentiment, and it's sweet, but what about all the parents and children that suffer because they don't get along? I've seen situations where siblings have been estranged from their families for several years (and still sort of are), and it was pure hell for both sides. as for the god angle, i can do without that. as soon as people start using christianity (or any religion) as a defense, i simply disregard. i've been in school for far too long to be swayed by religion before fact. with regards to having children, marriage is a good way to keep the family unit intact so that men aren't fathering children blindly all over the place that inadvertently leads to inbreeding and its societal health consequences. marriage is however, about far more than just children - it's about companionship and partnership and sharing your life with someone who rocks you to your core and makes you want to be a better person than when you are alone. i think people get scared that that ends usually for one partner before their life ends...and that last bit is lonely and difficult, and people want kids because at that point, other than a longtime spouse, who else loves you unconditionally enough to do the things needed to care and end your life with dignity? again though, the problem is that this is an ideal that can only truly exist in a utopia. i do believe that many people benefit from the nuclear family in this regard, but i really don't believe that they are the majority anymore, at least not in this part of the world. i think

that more families than not are really dysfunctional, and that having children is no guarantee that you will be taken care of when you're old. i also think it's kind of selfish to have kids for that reason anyway. if i do have a child someday, i don't want to burden him or her that way. i believe in taking care of myself, and if i can't do that, i won't have a child to do it for me. i'll have one if i have one because i am truly sure i can give him or her a better life than i had... lol. i could debate this subject all day. you'd hate my relatives :) anyway, i gotta go - my cousin is on her way here and my sink is a mess! have a nice evening; i'll see you tomorrow! :) I'm glad I have an entire army of kindred spirits on my side who support my point of view and I thank God for all of you out there. By the way, in case anyone is wondering what Breeder Bingo is, let me start by explaining that essentially it's a bingo card with , instead of numbers, a litany of all the annoying things people say when they're trying to make you feel like crap for choosing not to have kids: Other examples can be found in Childfree's album on Facebook!

Who will YOU wear?

This just in! I heard the most amazing story on CBC radio the other day. There's this artist/entrepreneur who has this wonderful idea and has gone into business creating T-shirts with pictures of assorted random strangers. The idea is to get us thinking about others out there and when you buy a T-shirt, in turn, you may post a picture of yourself for them to put on a T-shirt for another random stranger to buy elsewhere in the world. And not only does each T-shirt have a picture of the person but a few facts on the back about their passions in life! What a wonderful idea! I SO DEFINITELY WANT ONE!! But which one? These shirts are gorgeous and this guy does a great job! Everyone looks wonderful! I haven't decided which one I want yet but when I get mi, no doubt I will print a picture here of myself wearing it! The company is called Joy T-Shirts and you can find out more about them HERE:|0|0|3|10|0|0

Unfortunately, I seem to be having trouble ordering on line. There are at least THREE T-shirts I really, really want and when I receive them I will proudly wear them at this year's NCA convention and not only submit them to Joy's photo gallery but post them in here!!! And, in turn I will submit a photo of myself for them to use. And to make matters worse now their number seems top be disconnected. I tried to phone just a few minutes ago but no matter what I tried I kept getting one kind of message or another telling me my call couldn't be completed as dialed! I called the telephone operator and was directed through one automated menu after another until I just dialed O and they were very stupid and very rude to me. I had a hard time being patient because they didn't know how to spell simple words like Joy. When I said that the number was on the website one of the said Well we don't have every frigging number. I was so mad I just hung up. Will I EVER get one of these shirts? Maybe I'm not meant to have one after all....

Quotes Worth Sharing:

This just in: You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill

Upcoming Events
Craig Ferguson will be performing at Massey Hall on Friday July 29th! (the day after my birthday) We are SO THERE!!!!

Closing Statements
Do you realize that the day I publish this issue of Planet Nilknarf, I will also be FINISHED my marketing course? Since I am running out of room I will post my results and pictures of my project in the August issue. The day this issue comes out is also the second anniversary of the day Michael Jackson died.



On July 4th, 2011, My Quilts will be on display at the Boyd Museum in Bobcaygeon!!! I am so excited! Jean already has the first two and I was hoping I'd have the thrid one finished when she comes tomorrow to pick up other artifacts for display and sale. I still have to finish the edge, sandwich the batting between the top and bottom, quilt the whole thing and stitch up the sides. There's no way I'll have that done by tomorrow so we'll probably have to make arrangements for me to get it to her some other time before July 4th. Meanwhile you can see all the squares in order here: I will post more details as they become available. T-shirts, dolls and carousel horses also for sale. Keep checking the Planet Nilknarf group and fan pages on Facebook!!

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