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\WIIam Stewart Ross

Atheism today is widely perceived to be the opposite or spirituality. This assumption is turned on its
head when we look at the neglected origins of the Victorian 'non-believing' movement, epitomised by
the controversial freethinker, William Stewart Ross, says Alastair Bonnett.

The Agnostic Saladin

illiarn SI<'~\\';:III Ros~.who wroteunder

W the name of'Saladin, remains an

enigma. '111f 'anri- infidel'Jecrurer, [he
ReverendZ.ll. \\"flhl(la"~ <leUlt",1he
was 'the only gentleman of real genius the Secularists
ever had', YC( historians o(Vi(rllria,l I'reethinking. such
i.b Edward Royle, have branded hun 'the !I(·L(-oon~ou)
joke I' in [he pack' nO!;S "'OS a maverick. He \ also a
man of public hatreds who preferred the companyof
the mystic Madame UI:tV.iI.)Ky to lIml of a1h~t~.
To understand Ros') we have to understand how his
distin":l hrilnti nf Jgnn~tici~ln grew both within and
:1~in51 u nc,,,J)' emergent milieu of PU)l+Ulrhti.ul
thought. When we do we find ,hat .a lthcugh many
I·rtc!rhinker.~ eschewed ~pirinlality a.~bunkum, fnr
writers like ~.,hldjn Ih~ r('jl.·(1 ic'lf1 of (~hri"l iallily led
towards an ever dcepc cxploraricn of aU thin~s trans-
cendenml. For n"" the end 01 faith was a preeondi-
cion of authentic $.pirinnlliry. He declared thai both
n1itdou~ dUg,lna (lilt) atheism stood in IhL' \V~) of spiri-
tual exploration.
In IHit')the scientist T.R Huxley had drawn on the
(';retk terrn fnr·unknn\"'n'. aguc).(tns, 10 coin a 11,,'\\'
word, 'agnosticism'. for ~lux.h.")'agnosticism \"'·IIS an
illtcU~tl,.1 method c.lJlt<.xl on 3 rdu.sa1to leap to
unproven and unprnV'ahle conclusion«. K\11in Ross's
IUllld~ '''\'I)fa:Jlioncd
'1~lhJ)ljcbl)' into~omclhin~
much mnre tiery. It I..... a h'ulli,h, evangelical proj.ct
of radicalilwe$ti~nliOil.nd critique. He delishlcd ill
nll,Sing hi:. irreverent V(liniv,\.s in the f~tC<:vi' bulh the
faithful and the f;lithlc".
Ross '''''5 bon, ill Kirkbean, Gallo,,',) in 18H.lle
\V'J) the son of 3 f~'rm )Cf\anl \"hu was aI)U ,I)lrict
Prt$o)1.el'ian. At 21)Ro~~went t() (';Ia..~RO'\' University
to prepare (or Ihe mlnisr r)'. Kij! YOM.of reading
another spiriiunlly h\ln~r)' iconodast.Thoma» Joker in thep.ot? William a_ot; i1 rehirth
o(lale lNlh·centun AnlideriodilOnl,dti~n)
\.arlyle, soon began to tell. He moved to London and Sttwal1 Ross, au Saladin. and .tbcbm. One of the l",kl'~1 pampbk1> of the umc
,ct himself up ",. publisher of educational end rntio- "'ol$l,'rinen by .. ph).ici.ln <JI1c-d Mauhcw Turner. In It
nalisrtitles and became inuncrsed in the capit ••l', li,cI)' . he expressed the hope th.u 'the future I't'lIlCH11H:mJ
community of sceptics, Ihat in London in ~Ic killgdum of Ln~land. In the )w.r
The rcl.itt,ivu.s doubt that attracted Ross \v"3.~not an ()f our Lord 00<' ~,uu>aJ1d><"", hundred and <ighl\'-
cmirdy novel phenomenon in Britain. If can be S"~I;,'IJ ODC, a man has publickly declared him,,-f{ an Jth<l>t:

www,hlstot'ytoday,t-om Ftbtu,If\ 2UIJ I HDlonJ-"'" 47

W1lllam Stewart Ross

Thb Prr<"" to be the 6!>Itune oudl." o¢:!ioo bod

PROSECUTED FOR BLASPHEMY. been ><t Ju,.lJ ,n mOl in £nPi>h.
11""",-..- til< \'"-~oriul~ .. ore nnt
m\.'1\.~ J'ldll:;<.inp;onabaton 1hq"lmTDtOO:a!h."" in{d-

THE FREETHINKER. lel."t\U.Icommuni" rhat carne to be- <:alf~

'I reethought. Th~ F""'Ihinkt" were rewarl:ahlt horh
tor therboroughness with which tht)~ challenged
ChriMJ.iWl, 41)(1for metr ::.U~~,~)In hulldtng their
I\it.a~lr.tD a popuLu- mM'tfnmt. •\ ~iiG1nr nm 'k--p
Vol. n~-s
•.<41 .....IJkn. f""~'T2ISbc.{O'" ~ ..... born,.. uh Ih.
puhIi.... bon UI I R41 ot til< TIl< Oru<k oj Rtwon, th.:
__,..,...~J_.'.._ ""."lIJ""'~
-.-okt_ n ""
_... ...-;; ~ , Woo .. , lh- ~ "'-'1
r,r<t ~nodJaI dc.oled """'>ath to ~n:dhooghLTn,
Oru.,k lJI(PW-ed ild~" ,'clcrnlilUoon to lJlenn
~ ! r.-,(¥ T~ -""rr'- '•• 1...... ftd, n4
......._ r ,_ ... ~v( "" _..r-'.Iood:. the cc,'ntr.,]n_,le ofC.hristianll)' in HrtlJ('h lire and law,
• w•• .,;1 ( , ~I'_ •• I "•....JII M _.,.
,£" .....,. fo', .... !,lt III 1t•• , ..., ... PII';.!jd !.
1'1''11 .. 101 II<<4ltOJ> "1"'atedly fk>ut<4 !h< bl.,phemy laws ond
"" >tbor ~ , n .. , ) ~, 'II\'''~.All u. '" ..-re prepared to go to pri""''' (C\rdoing so, (..1t3('~
.... _ cr~"',
'IW.., ft:>_ ..., ....._ • ... ...t I:drt
" .. ,._~ -.\.~_ !hon $oull".,-II , ll!l.u.lll ..... "."t,·",...1 to .. ..,.,. in i.1l1(or
I'Irlotft't ""
~ " ...Jt ,
iIoo ""' ~,_
_,.. _
.. ruhlistung m 3lIli-<.l1n(f13n md anlOOt,ilic arn.....y
_... _,,_-.fIl_~_~
............ _t:- .- .. ~~
It •• ...,--r..- ,;dk.I'lhe ..... IlooJ,.: "hili: GMrl" HoIlOi&'IM-

w_._ 1_ l"'I "" month< rorpubJi..J, .,..-taringdm,tlh~

.... ._ ... '__rc:W
,.l' th.. "._.-. .._ at _ u......l. eI
n"I' _, ort _ ...... i..-j
«J<I<4. God "., doing a po"r]<'" .mJ ;h<>uldbe put
..... _ u... IlIha ""._ ., o{--.l ......
It· ...,~.. .._
I'W_ II"; ............~ 1M,..",.,..,_ .. pcbaiosta-t.
""Iwl( pa\'
.... ""~-l ."'-' '.. u•• C 'jIl1" Q4"'" Ii_" 0" dw llu\Iot\'er h)' me (irnl: Ro)" "rri"ed In London
l d ~....,.1..."." I.."••. 1,11'",11 nllf ..," ~.b
Frtcthuutdtl dominated b)' one: man. He "'3:>,
_,'_""._lIa .. ,.I ,....,.....
_ , 1r•.J orJl_ rl1 _ .,... t1tht-~ .......,.
"" ,I.tU ......t•• 4 !'!e_ rc.·f".,U~C.rorgc ik'fnjrd ~h:l\\f.a' hero.a ttiJnl \\"hn
....... __ ...._ 4 ..6o.r..,.
.,....._ _~Il
...... __ )

_ ..
_ _" ..m._....._ ..
..........1 _

, -_,
._ iI _

...... ..,
...-.II ~ ~.~
na .... ,....
1' -01
-... -""'"

111# __
.h ........
lot ..........

.. -.:.

U oho.r(''' ..... '''TltingarounJhim: o;h..... s portrau of
(twin n....n.ugh lis.!.! 91),th,'infodd <hotmoJ...T'
"ho ....., elected '(our limt< .. \11' tor ~ortham""m.
retl"" b."h th.~ ..ical ,t~".J' of Hrodlaugh.ncI til<
<l7... t hI> (oIlOl>in~ H<tum<..J "hot hod hn" an
Though. non~b.n.v.r, S.ladln 'ound the .ort of .ntl-Chri,5tlln cartoon produced by vt''tCure. minority c,urrtnf intn·thing
.thtlsts 'or TIt, 'r"thinker of October 19th, 1882 too CO'rH. oprnMlhinR a In.." mO"'JlI"nl. Kradlough', JI'peal
l.l\f In thl: eJ.arit)' nfhi(m\._~)4gl.",J Ie ¥ol( a mJlC'riali~t
I'u", .nd <1mpk~ In an I";;" <4l1.. rL1I (ortht «<u
I.t.ri,t olAc;vint Tht Im'Ol.,4f.ot ht (.uttd:-\\\- bdj("\'t
all til< r<i,IP"'" of .... "",rid u< (u""dbi nn <TTor. til
Iht j:;nnrnncco{ niitur~ QUIt'J;anJm.IIC'ria1Mndl·
uun)', lit' (tptiltcd thi) pt ..." N'n thmughoul hi,
.:~r('e.:r.L)~'l'41ins~"Tbm \\-llh lhe H:t\-erend JJln~
~h,<.:..tnnO\'(T t\\\) (h:~':Jdt<I:.ttr.ln lUI. the 3udi
tnee lnl'Vo \\hal to nptet.:·I.m dll.\thtl<t, ht
.1....1.,<4 .• nd nol .,""111'" 01 III'· A!hnsm
Ur.,II,uRh·, ,"~um<>: ""11',j ,~n,urt:lut the
'\>t~>rW:..,uJ.r :-.o.:,m-, .. 'Iudl ""J..un..ha1 in 1_,
"01<""'lOtI,' ~'''lO.lh,-d "·llh ,thc!\m (lur )t~"J't'
ul \'11., turill" Rrltoun mlghl )U~t."'" lh.u (ucn 3. )()C\'l\
\\'nuld ~ " lUl~.p""()ur.hnund 3ttur. wrroundn' h.\f a
",OJ t"llrtliJtIC'lwcon, i~tlun, In f.l~' rht \"lCtOnan C,'rJ
h'b" J.'l'riod of trtmtndULl\I'\:ll~IUU)doubt and
c".n~<, nOllc.<qomonlt!h< onlu ...", ..,,,kinlt p<"I'k
I>1o<tdr", .... lU nraJU"t<h\ rn... ~ \\hat ,,< might
JlU><un<l",e.' Ib IRh,',\1III. oIT·,,"n,"1' ("Uplll~ o(
\C<'\llJn"m ",uh oax:htl-W a..-n.wh' k'\.m .. In h.n't
Sj',lrrbith<~M' th of IIradbu~h~,"''' '<JUrt\.II"
J ~85Ith.hl 1(12"=dI, ... "v»th. n:. PublIC
rnr HradI_;J.u~ ten"". In
.lI)JlI~".th)· 1' n":)pun-.e In
h" 'truw" 10 ht "lIm.·,-d lo .. t '" the Hnw< ui
(..olnnlun..,{)n lune2~rd.1K~ th.: n~"\\l~ tI«tcd
Rroldl.ugh ... > <;",1<4 !mm the Hu ........hi> t<qUffi to
'"tlirm' r.athtt than t.. l..t-Ille' ,~lh ~n the BWk h..."""
bt.'\'T1 IUfl,ni ~-n. B~lJtth n.1U""..J &u \'
.nJ .......J..'U1D<.,jb.Il~~r~.nt >t Mm ... nJ
<u"n,ltd tn the ("~k TO",T (or Ih,~1 ,,;hI. Onh·m
18Jo16was he 3UO\~'\-dto tAt.C hrs elected seat, The The UkraWan-bom
'Bradlaugh (,1",' led hi the Oaths Act (18S81, which tMosoph.Jt HeIen.a
P.trovM at..v.uky In
Jl'.'flllitS the attirmauon o( anyoue \'0110has ohjectiorb 117S.
A I()f ()f religious people respected Bradlaugh. Ro~)
did (1",1, J It \\'J~'.1 petted babr six fc.!C-1high' \\TlO
'wields thl.' P\'Uof d (iffJl rate journalist. 110;,' ,.,.as·ahint
and an inriln)yupon Ireethought. Alongwith others
alarmed by HrJd!au~h's domuunce Ko~,sought to
create It nval nU)'f,,',nt"nt to oppose him, The Xril kh
~ x l 'nion, rounded ul18'1. was the result, It "'3:>
dtdicah,..J h) Ihe ann-Bradlaughitc cause ..but Rn{~\\':1.'
tlnharktd on a bl~~:r proia.:t than sniping al hi>
rol)lIlAr rh'3l He wanted 10 .).h.'tr I rfi':mnught 3\\il'
rrom ~lh"'bnl and towards agD(.blkbi'n. He believed
that the ,, (or tr.uv"..:t"ndentalkno\\l~-d~,,'" ..~'"
"Iifli(ulr hut n«,,~r~ qu,,~.ln 1)o.~lhe [OOkO\"T
tduClnhlp uf the "I«ulJJ Union's iournal, IhL' &\"ULTr
RI~'i(ll', and b..'¥'lU to realign it with his 0"'"" lorn ic-
nons.In It'4.HKit , v'Ol.~relaunched ,IS Ill.! Ag,,;urit
JOI",,,,I. The ).,.... ""'(II"
Ross had dOllbhi the COWl'
price from Id tu 1c.1. II ".,~ it ~nlall hut indicative
",0",11011 or the fuet liltil, (or Ko«. part ot [he appeal
of 'l~nu~ti" bnl \\f.l~that it was not ,I 11\;.140$ movement
hut fht pUr'iUIIuf').l"hnl,lr":and gentlemen'.

"u: name ~.-lolc1ln became \\dl knn\Y'n

T Fl't,thlnLJ.n~
title ,ut'h
tor irrcvcrcm
Hell \\'h("rt, u I,r aud The 800k oJ

\ 'irg,,'). h.kt.l\' It would be ~'\'m(oo111drdv {nr an \'·am: -0...,'\1, .tn' h,"1t' :.uttihuttd 10 r"'1t~,.tiut \luuk)
..nn\wn" r,fer tn Ci.t\i~tbcrnsckcs d) ·!>dI~Hn'. Iherumtol .. " m.m ....lIh .. dl-mtrntd
UUI \,-:r()rlJn, \\("n: k")!)"I.lrlUtd bv Res..·~P)oI,.'U· infum'. \1",,~'oJt nrllerr~ cum:D1> u( II>.-
dun\tn 11t.lnour nervous )4.'Jblbiliti!o"'-mi~ht (U~f'lt r<rin<L Fm..huutth'I"''' .1«1 ... "" ......,," WI!.:' lOr
"'t Cn&,\Jt!,')', cte r\'~,lrdtJ hy manv 3) an "~llnplt ,I>.-tle.'3rtd tunal ,.t!u..., ~"'I .. etc ""h. rmmlllcrn
of medieval i~nur.'n\.·,,'uml \';''''tlltriclt)" ~hence th,,'tr ran u(\ '1.:luri.lrlm.ddte 1,.1J..'"
inc..l",)ivn in (:h_lrlt~~focLly') l')s..t~c."'OIl«fj()n jnsioh \\"''<I~uoJ '''.In,,1 h••"nll Rr3dbugh
.\/"1""'" (1/ /.\Ifddrdjillll)· l'opl4l11rl>('Iu.'UIfI'" 1M41), C\pllin h®"Thc ,h,hJU" vt lil,' CO", I.J~llkt:1 ~l~k
f.t()~( d«la.n.'d Ih.11::r..II,ltiln '\Y':1~the nnl' gh.>Tluu> (.'U~' .....n>~.,~IIhi~'of')', and J~h...\poL.: of 111<h<'rmr<
0,111""~onntct\.'d with Ih,' <':ru~\dt~', F()r hi!i l'c3(h.'r:. ot Chri)ll.lnH~, tIot\·.t11(",lr( rolltd dO"'n hI> f;w::
lh~' 0\\111"~.,III,llnl)I'Ollli~",d (l bold ~il)d~I:l~hinp. (t)1t. J In\.;t\'tr, R()!\s\,"Jo) .,lnlOltll'qu ••II, 1\C'I~t,lttn ;uht'l(m.
It \"Q, Ro,.s'~ dl'llll'II~~ u. (~ndt.hotalarn1l'd .lnd J 1<.'h.likd tht' ri(,t nf ~Stnn"th:i...m 1n the IS8(l) ol!\ J ...isn
,'.1(4 ilt'd Ihtln, not hi:. pl'n ndlllC, nt rht \\'Jll1ng vI"Jlhl·)I~III. (,llh('l( (('Ulrurrtd In 3
~.II.din·.(;", Iii, lI"lk (I~~i)" .. lI.iltd hI' "Ulnnldf\ ()r Iht d~lintnt ath~hm.unong U1tl'Ik"\~
UIU.',\Itlefk.ul r.ltlonaJi\t journal.l) 'Ull' hca\ il-..t If.()fl~ that R.o» ',c.,tll..l h,,\,· ,·.-;O\"i tht (~hn(n3n
..d."", b"""l.i<l,·,h.11 h., 1""'1' ortd ... hI' .n, mogmn' the FI.x~11",,'<111.. ,:
omdtrn Fr,,1hIl1M" 11.1", d.!.q~.}'td an ~ Ru.,
,hM«I "llh Rr.dJ.ugll. J Ik,l'Ji>hku( (.;hri<liaDIIY·' ."'mung.1k "" .at.'",,' ,,\l('f .,-I;t'" ,atht <mJ ,,,1$
,·th".t!I\.I".IIW. K"" "' .. r.tmc;ul.,h app.UJ.'<Iln Ii,,·
lIihli,.1 ",,, .. g•• h.uII I'vrk ..,' no' "II,d"nlln
flc1fli11r, .W.1{,SJ" IS If,,"' t"'~
I\'S'~ ".tctl"(uw.I.n.,,,it
Ilc'1'tT haJ r;...,."'mJ..A:,n,: too K'l'lJ "nd 1('1." ""'~_. , ;>-cJ
(,;Qll\' I- .lllh"" "'111ht tortw\'d for f.1lTllit\ 111lldl, IllY CUU$ht tn ,'''' ""..J.,"., ".~lrl)/"tSI"
nl.h....,~·,·tI'4,,1(.tltl 11(being (nlJ1l mlnd,,:d a.nd n.l)l~.
1 Int kita dut 3~"".,'t1'l'm \0,3. .. N,lh Jl1('f\.' wr1lbll.
~ Moth.,I"g 'nd1.
lIt' )'(')U1 (lrtll'r'tll' It) ~l/fl 11,,-/1iAYQtlS( I I,ln't- be"'Urf[lf'l~
1·11 n..T~." ".ltl,I"lId IIl<,rt (nnttnlf"'fl1.n th.1n .tlh"·)l)l]1 \\,,~ ""'en
"(JIIJly /t""l'!(t IV )'t'It, (uttl W,IIIJL' rtbc.·/IiOfl.siy}rUtlNI H.~", B"VltlIC.Y ,uppurt,,'c..Iu) )Uru..' Jthtl"'(~ In C'''C'J'tJlnh" r",:t"1\."f1f.l.'
"saill, 111';11,(II )'cllflv )'lIlir t/iVtlt4'!I.'':IJr ,lin, 1 H/fllllot Annl. a..,nt, Mltg.tt1 for tht- 1t(.( c.:nnlp!n nlnrt'dt.:rinlt( th...", of Jlh..'1.)lll.
1",IIIIIIcIril),S" ~rlidlll) P/c,l'C )"". Iff"r tlJi$ >"11 .,·m' COUlln,4nd uth("n 'M.'IlltO
Indl4 tit IhI.tI.:ncJo( the 19th
N.u)..tlanctl-lynt1nl:ln. the \\'llt..' 01 on,,' 01 thl' \OUtll')'\
HU' It) Ill'll, 1 CdlJ ulI/,. $U)"JIlII, ~)f IIJis,1silould not $l'IUI u;IIlul)'to ~~'C'h10'God PNIUU1"lll \ l"r\j<'ICi.,H. \1 Hvndlnan. (\~I it \'d)
}'dl/ 10l1ell,;\r( }'(:lJt "U',iJlf'r uud 'IllIfe If'ttd;(tH'~ tll4Hll and linlvtf~1b,ot~l'hood In tn"uf\h to nnle ,impl) thJI It" "JI J man 01 the
(un, (.'tllvlIg" )'(11' art'" ~j)tl (Hut I (lltt ~t,.,Iyd IUllllr ~hf:Hindu tradition lhty 1110 )Ulil') rJlh,,'f th.". ,h..'IIUI,,'ll\·,,· III \\/.,·/ dill II',
endtod up Il.Ippottlfog
wo~n, tl9ht, "911"""
.~"l)snc(c. I~'" !tu\tlt.ll..,rtl...
Thl' \ ·klori,4111:1'\'\.'lllInktr(\\'er~ nlomlists and th,"\ wrtl"'f"pc,w,,try l1Indu prac· 10m. Il>Io(kwhilc'mrl th.1 ,~",IM.kIhcD It was
con}id"'r\,'tIlhl'lhbk'!v lx' .ttl inltllor.d bonk. In tht Ul.(.'io,., ~t( kvtt txpI~"'s d.:ri'JU\< 1k WOo.M'<I .. tL,...Gct'tW'on< 01 fr",,-
,,'Ord~ ot th.: tl"'t \.'llItor of l1w !xllll.,r Rcl'l~""_John _.N,~~~ lIunkm ..' the' cOIpId
Ath""". !'<1Nh>b. n.'<I-cap
~rru (rom .. <plrllwJtvopen rdi.pou5 'cclccPciqn:
1u:."cnvgu<>.1 :~.I'·ill' !'C<.t.....,,,
reare proroundly
religiou.' th:n "..:;u't' ~~4J)tic."

oss 'o\b~rd"1110 1.('Illd(ln'~p;rm~ngcotcricof

Rn~" c 'Wh..'ric )CXi\'li~.'\ nat he termed
"111<:-'i~lI ( ue ~I Ih< Soul' - in which he placed
'Mesmcn-m, h~'rMti(nl.ldin.~nlnambulmn. dait-
''O)'lIlC<, ~,-urt..pool"llY'- d<q'l)'lnt.r<Sted him. Ro;,
was fur fmm J:Ulhhlt about !he ~"'Dumeness of <uch

opennes s a n.J_.....
'ps)'clric '>ror'Ii<"'" lIul h< i\>und m them IhdJoo of
cu( ~ lhol he hankered 10..
11k-same <e1t'iI>dln'drO\~ bun I""mh I:I<lddhlq and
Hindu lJlub.."",knt.llivn Tbe Throsophr.JI ~'.
~'<I m L"o.J.m in 1~7'. seemed 1Dom:r ~
Ih" \;ind tlf <mihesblng.oo"'IJ.,"1",,n, .,,=ric and
,.,gu.."il Lasiern OUtioolo: that he ..... att,'[. IIc " ... IlOI
alnne. One of DraJIa"Jl·. n>O<limr.....;.. .. colleagues,
Annie ~nI,cn"'-mtd IOIho.'U><lph, m 1889.
amxnng the )4_C)tn ~( nl.lnyot her rormer comrades,
Ro« opened the I"lg,'>lIf I ~ .~g""'llCp>(I",,,1 to
"'ttl tb ·)pmtu.u n~n.:heN·. c;uchas me'
President "f Ih' 1(lndon Occuft Society, t.:nforluna,oIv
,h.then.<>phowl <VlllribuliI>n< ,uff er ed in comparison
wah Ihe dear, '''' nnn><1bC, .,)k 1IL11 remained rvpical
ot'mu.1 I ",111011#>1 II ch....acruuc thro>ophkal
1'\-...I''h ","

In~Mlim., ..'hon.. N.- L \1.:

I" ~ 'm~llrr"rrd u'~t
inhemllln rltt ""I11"""1u ~.,.-./"telOOt Partthruhm
[the ·O~ RWln" or'.-\bwIul<'jlh" ... ,,';' 11 ....... ufX1'I
1M! IIJ ~IL\J)()II ..rrd rhd7'-"'H:-"IFESTW
.'i('PRF..\(ETR!.\,\·(;U 1"","", Iht- TlU~\'Gl.EIS
SP'1(.1•\.\ I) TlIfF

~1:u",' rt3dcfi J.nJ -,;uolrlbuh''''"( h' the .t~0Itir Jou:muJ

"ere Mllmpr««d In!h< 1),u,·of.\1',,111th, 11191.
'Agnu)l,v'rolllhtl~ condemned throsophy a) d'junlh1e
of m••";nlll,,, I",rtl' "fh.lf·J·tlo/..,n ~)1IJblts,01
misread ><kll\t ~nd ndlCulou, I'hlk'''''phy' Ross
hinl<eh remam c'\I lK:'-Pll\.tt bu. rd""il1dlcd. Hi..31t.r3C
lion 10Ihen<nrh)' ,«on, In h., c been "'1&'<11 I
n'jurmt.:f1h dud IU.lcJ~hr'.\Ined
tnthw:i~'b of )() ),""'U,) rc>p<ln>c10 the f"'T><.JIIJIII"Rneli,n,nfthe m", ..
.K'" In'>ll (r"Ollbe .k"h,,1 ~(\hlt.1ir< and Tom 1'>.111<' St StfpMft\It"""'
TomMerrr't ".tlr.'"
on n"nt', guru. ~I.u."", Ul.t,dl.l., 10d rathtr Stlf·
In 0 dl'I''''l'nl!h< lund U!>Iwh ,,~f'''l'lf,1 11", An...... nt Mcoml",a
01>,.,......1 "",I ... ry Ihe t.:krunWl <ttlll'l" Ro..
m....rM...1ruu .." M'hi< 1Kifput. he wcm on lu dc."'I...."'· tl"''' "1UI<~I >11<. "J) 'one of Ih< verv ftw """''-'Or
3~no,UO"'nll) ·th~Jurni~J1f lhou~hl..currtnt C"f mb und<r<tnndme' He ol>O d......nbl.~h..T••'1"" m<><1
<r,,'"'''' 'Ih< tnru., up 1<1
da'!.: uf!he <uO"'I'(:<,,1 "''1ttaf)niin.1tv\\nm~n of nur Ctnt\lJ"\. "" un c:mlun •
!hoUIl)U01' Ih,' ",.rld·, Ih,"~r". Ro»'),.hon 10 the lnfn' ftt"IU< of~'
,\(any .1JjnC)'1tk') ",,'1\' ttQubltd h)' \\i1.u thn' \3,'0\'.1..' rttum\ u_, ~I J ct.;nlr.a.lobi'" u(}u, ..~tic1Sm.
the 'f.lIth ..mll.,hln~· uf Bntdl.1utlob.II\\.1<an unt.t~ o,uf\ch hl( ~nn\'k:tK)ntlut onh' a sm.aU dit( it Clftolbk'
'h,'1 ft"J 1ulu Ihe:UllJ.~t of \\'OOIJinC'~th.1t 'Jm,·I.~krIv uf ",.u.pltll....J elj,lowoon. Kn"', d~, of
,io~l1gI1U)ti'J)H). I"lht \\·... rd~oftht nlilltant ath,'I)t Mdln""'. uncUuc."..J (.hrbllJn. on: """- IhmuSh
(Jtol'~eF,."e (whu ,,,,,,d 12lIIuulh, fN bl,l<l'hen,l' "ilh r~ 1I1'lOnHe h,d , l'.rtI.:ul,r IN!hlng I<>r!he
in 1883); '1,15 nOllal' tTt,n, C\,ITCCIIO »tV ,1",,11,< Salval;on .\r!n"
om' of "ho>< .lsStmbhts ~I'rea"In
AHIlO~lk 15u lit'llid ~\th"'i~t aCIdthe: AJJ'~I~1i~ a (oura· he the Wl'gd uf III<fOUOWUl~ .«oII.clIlIn:
Aeou~ Agno'(tic: Y,,'t(unidit)' \\''''~nOI one nf ~o~~'<
faull1:, He plunStduno thl.' ·nl(,.~h"~·l.Ir ,1~IIV'lui..,n
\\,jthoul (e,lr or fJ\'('IUI',\\"71)' I a,,, an Asnostll. \\ h..Il'h
71" .n,,, III~IIII "",OJ (1'" Iff II., ""rligl,I,lJld ItdIdd
"MUI M' IUllldrrd lInk IIOll'S'" )tlllIl$ dmnml thtm·
he c()-.luthul\.,\! \\ ilh ...." t·t;..t1nitilnan nllni(ttr. Jo..cph ."ciw"i It{ld~~ nUT tlar. rn NU'fH,ca,tritU't)·fobk rltut ('ncr.
Toylnr, d<hShu In atU<kin@bulio...·wl.r ,111.1 ...."~inll' I ~1I1)'~.GW)"'1) ".i" .~"''''1'...(." Ilk'e".oJ ,'{ H"" ....
"I,,'sufnl)'inn<.Hn« 3n1')() 3.SIW>tirum 'I) tit..· """ 1..ttIo1I~amet 1.'< 1'''01« SI.m" h,./O·dcorncuo ....•
\'Cry n,,\\"f)\' or otlhc,,'I)Jn: J )ifftrt:ntiOltinJ:t rtli~)()uc, I 1hu.k... nl'll;lh"pu'"·""'''"'fI''''('hr1'ItM~

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