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1. Arlisa Wulandari (03)

2. Nafisa (17)


1. Arlisa : good morning nafisa, why today you come very early to campus?
Nafisa : good morning too lis, I come early because I was going to make an
electronics project with my group
2. Arlisa : By the way what electronic device will your group make naf?
Nafisa : my group made a touchless doorbell with mikrocontroler AT 89S52
3. Arlisa : wow very cool
Nafisa : then what electronics project does your group make lis?
4. Arlisa : my group made a automatic parking barrier with mikrocontroler AT
Nafisa : wow very cool too
5. Arlisa : by the way what's in the bag that you put on the table naf?
Nafisa : this is a resistor, one of the electronic components
6. Arlisa : resistor function is used to reduce current flow, adjust signal level,
and divide voltage
Nafisa : Yes you are right lis. look at this resistor, it has many colors right.
every color has a resistance value.
7. Arlisa : I don't know the value of the color. what is the value of the resistor
Nafisa : This one is worth a thousand ohms. obtained from the color on the
resistor Bracelet.
8. Arlisa : Wow, do you know all the resistor colors?
Nafisa : Obviously not, there is an application to calculate the value of the
resistor lis
9. Arlisa : I guess you memorized all the colors. do you know the types of
resistors naf?
Nafisa : There are several types of resistors, including Fixed Resistors,
Variable Resistors, Thermistors, and LDR
10. Arlisa : LDR is a type of resistor whose resistance value depends on the
intensity of the light it receives.
Nafisa : LDR function to conduct electric current when receiving a certain
amount of light intensity
11. Arlisa : yes you right naf, The more light that hits the LDR, the resistance
value will decrease
Nafisa : LDR is also for disconnecting and connecting electricity based on
12. Arlisa : but the shape of the ldr is very different from the shape of the
resistor, if you look at the resistor it is more interesting
Nafisa : Thats right and I think the price of one LDR component is also not
too expensive
13. Arlisa : By the way have you done Mr. Aji's assignment naf?
Nafisa : Not yet, if you?
14. Arlisa : I also haven't finished naf, how about we do it together?
Nafisa : good idea, while waiting for the others to come, let's do it now
15. Arlisa : let's do it now
Nafisa : for number one how to solve it lis?
16. Arlisa : I think using the inverting formula in the book
Nafisa : then how to determine the value of Rf and Ri lis?
17. Arlisa : I think it means one of the resistors as Rf and one of them as Ri naf
Nafisa : I found the answer for number one 1500 ohm, is it the same with you?
18. Arlisa : I also found 1500 ohm too naf,
Nafisa : by the way, It's time for Mr Adi's class to start.
19. Arlisa : yes naf, we'll continue later
Nafisa : This laboratory has a lot of tools, doesn't it?
20. Arlisa :there are lots of laboratory tools here such as power supply,
multimeter,osiloscope and the others
Nafisa : that’s right lis
21. Arlisa : and each tool in here has its own function naf
Nafisa : The power supply functions to convert high-voltage AC current to
low- voltage DC current
22. Arlisa : and multimeter used to measure electric current
Nafisa : right lis, how to measure dc voltage with multimeter lis?
23. Arlisa : Set the Selector Switch Position to DC,choose the scale according to
the estimated voltage to be measured
Nafisa : and then connect the probe to the terminal of the voltage to be
24. Arlisa : yes, and the read the measurement results on the Multimeter Display
Nafisa : it turns out how to use a multimeter is easy, I think it's difficult
25. Arlisa : yes it is very easy, but we need to be careful to use it naf
Nafisa : btw There are 2 types of multimeters, there are analog multimeters
and digital multimeters
26. Arlisa : right naf, and both multimeters have the same function
Nafisa : and I think the price of one multimeter is quite expensive, lis
27. Arlisa : yes, it's comparable to its various functions
Nafisa : by the way, It's time to rest soon, I'm so hungry
28. Arlisa : how about before we buy food in the canteen while continuing the
task earlier
Nafisa : good idea, i agree
29. Arlisa : but finish this practice first
Nafisa : okay lis, Let's finish quickly, I already want to eat chicken rice at the
30. Arlisa : let's get excited it'll be over soon
Nafisa : oke , Keep the spirit

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