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1. Rexa: Hi, good morning. May I ask who you are?

2. Faza: Of course, I'm Faza. Aren't we in the same class?

3. Rexa: I'm Rexa. Yes, we are. Nice to meet you, Krisna!
4. Faza: Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?
5. Rexa: I'm originally from Semarang. And you?
6. Faza: Me too, I’m originally from Semarang
7. Rexa: Which school do you come from?
8. Faza: I’m from SMK Negeri 4 Semarang
9. Rexa: What a coincidence. We we’re in same school back then
10. Faza: By the way, after this, we have a class in room SAII/9.
11. Rexa: Really? Where is that? Have you been there before?
12. Faza: Yes, it's a classroom in Building A.
13. Rexa: Which building is that? And where exactly is it located?
14. Faza: It's the building across from the Polines gate with 22 rooms inside.
15. Rexa: What does the building look like?
16. Faza: Building A has two floors and it's gray in color. Our classroom is on the second floor.
Let's head there!
17. Rexa: Yeah, let's go!
18. Faza: Come on, our class will start soon.

In Classroom

19. Faza: Wow, so this is our class. It's bigger than I expected.
20. Rexa: That's true, especially with the light green paint color. It really brightens up the room.
21. Faza: That's right. But without curtains on the window, the sunlight can be quite dazzling.
22. Rexa: And it's pretty hot in here without an air conditioner.
23. Faza: Yeah, it feels stifling, especially with just one fan.
24. Rexa: Even though the classroom is spacious, it's about 6 x 6 meters.
25. Faza: All I can see is there's only one power outlet.
26. Rexa: The desks here are nice, and the chairs are quite comfortable too.
27. Faza: This classroom is conveniently close to the mosque, so we don't have to go far for
28. Rexa: That's true. Even though the prayer room is small, it's at least close to our class.
29. Faza: Let's find seats. Where would you like to sit?
30. Rexa: I prefer sitting in the back. How about you?
31. Faza: I prefer sitting in the front. I tend to get sleepy if I sit in the back, you know.
32. Rexa: Then let's find our seats quickly. The lecturer will be here soon.
33. Faza: Let's do that!

After course

34. Rexa: What do you think about this course?

35. Faza: It’s not difficult
36. Rexa: Yup I think so. The lecturer explain it so well
37. Faza: You’re right. Maybe this course will be my one of my favourite course
38. Rexa: By the way, what is our next course?
39. Faza: It’s Computer Network, it will be held in Computer Laboratorium.
40. Rexa: Do you mind if we go there earlier? I wanna take a look first
41. Faza: Sure let’s go

In Computer Laboratorium

42. Faza: Have you been to this computer lab before?

43. Rexa: No, this is my first time. It looks quite modern, though.
44. Faza: Yeah, and look at all these computers. They seem to be brand new.
45. Rexa: It's impressive how spacious it is. And the layout is so organized.
46. Faza: Definitely. Plus, each workstation has dual monitors, which is great for multitasking.
47. Rexa: I'm glad they have ergonomic chairs too. Comfort is important, especially during long
hours of work.
48. Faza: Agreed. Oh, and check out the high-speed internet connection. It's perfect for online
research and projects.
49. Rexa: That's a big plus. And I see they have specialized software installed on each computer
for different purposes.
50. Faza: It shows they've really thought about the needs of students in various fields.
51. Rexa: Absolutely. And look, there's even a separate area for group projects with a large
display screen.
52. Faza: Wow, that's fantastic! It'll make collaborating with classmates so much easier.
53. Rexa: I'm already feeling inspired to start working on our assignments here.
54. Faza: Me too. I think this computer lab will become our go-to spot for productive study
55. Rexa: Definitely. I'm grateful we have access to such a well-equipped facility.
56. Faza: Same here, Rexa. Let's make the most out of it and excel in our studies.
57. Rexa: Find a seat then, before our class started
58. Faza: Okey, I’ll pick the first one

After Computer Network Class

59. Rexa: Do you understand what lecturer said about this course?
60. Faza: No, this course is so difficult. My brain just can’t accept it
61. Rexa: Haha right? Maybe cause you’re hungry so your brain can’t think clearly
62. Faza: I’m not hungry, I’m starving. I haven’t eat since this morning
63. Rexa: Should we go to cafetaria now?
64. Faza: Absolutely. I need something to eat

In Cafetaria

65. Rexa: Wow, Faza, this is the cafeteria? It's bigger than I expected.
66. Faza: Yeah, Rexa, it's quite spacious. And look at all the food options they have!
67. Rexa: I'm impressed. I didn't realize they'd offer such a variety.
68. Faza: Me neither. I'm not sure what to choose.
69. Rexa: Let's take a look around first before deciding. I'm sure we'll find something we like.
70. Faza: Good idea. Oh, they have a salad bar over there. That's perfect for a healthier option.
71. Rexa: And check out the hot food section. It looks like they have different cuisines available.
72. Faza: I see Ayam Geprek, Chicken Noodle, and many back there. It's like a mini international
73. Rexa: This is going to make deciding even harder! But it's a good problem to have.
74. Faza: Definitely. And look, they even have a dessert counter. I can't resist some sweets.
75. Rexa: Neither can I. Let's grab a little bit of everything and have a feast!
76. Faza: Sounds like a plan, Rexa. Let's dive in and enjoy our first cafeteria experience together.

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