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To the editorial team,

It was a great pleasure to read your astounding article regarding child prodgies and the importance that
they entail with them in modern day society, and I would greatly appreciate the writer’s take on the
topic itself and I, being an unbiased member of the City School’s writing committee, would like to voice
my opinions on the article itself and the issues raised by writer.

To start off, I believe the writer structured the article’s issues remarkably well, providing not only an in-
depth explanation on the routines of the child prodgies, but also an inside look on the problems they
face personally. Upon analysis, one of the most noticeable issues being raised by the parties is the hassle
of time management, with the writer repetitively noting how every child discussed in the article has had
to make concessions between focusing on their education and their prodigious fields. Factually, even
when it comes to adults, time management is always a monster of a task to tackle, but, personally, I
agree with Dr. Jung’s statements on valuing more time for prodigious activities, if the child is willing and
interested, of course.

Moving on the second most noticeable issue, the parents’ great responsibilities. Though,
understandably, the writer chose to focus more on the latter issue, I believe, as it was addressed,
parents are the underrated heroes in the case of child prodgies, being the reason why the children can
achieve what they do, providing resources and being burdened with the special needs a child prodigy
has. Truly, a remarkable feat is accomplished by the parents of successful child prodigies.

Overall, a great article with, understandably, limited but profound issues being raised, bringing
awareness to such an important topic.



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