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Looking up to the sun, she winced at the intensity. The humidity in Rhean never ceased to amaze her.
But of course it didn't bother her as much it probably bothered those proper ladies who wore big itchy
gowns. Thenaia may have been female but she never acted like one. She was always found doing things
that the 'proper ladies' considered as unladylike but it was of no consequence to her. She was the best
pickpocket in all of Rhean, known as 'The Strange'. Of course most outsiders were curious about why
she was being considered as strange. Well, eighteen rotation cycles ago in the year of King Leandgruf's
reign when the land flourished. Thenaia was born in a small shack in the winter division of Rhean with a
special case of heterochromia, but that was not what made her strange. No it was the color of her eyes
that made people call her strange.Moving through the crowds at the square with ease, Thenaia
collected as much as could fill her pockets but not too much so that if the time came to run she would
not be caught. She was notorious in the summer division of Rhean for stealing and if anyone caught her,
the person would be set for life, which was why she always wore a hood so she could move easily.It was
very easy to identify her even though none of them had never seen her full face but it what made it easy
was her ' special eyes'. Most believed that she was a witch who had come to curse them. Slipping
through people she picked whatever would be of value to sell. Things had been difficult in the land ever
since king Drankof took over the throne but it didn't bother Thenaia because she knew the right people
to target when she went out on days like this where many people would had gathered to watch the fight
that took place in the pits. She never watched the fight because she considered it trivial to stand around
watching magical beings kill themselves for money they could have by killing the evil king. Lost in
thought, Thenaia did not notice the shadow following her in a dark hooded cloak. She continued to
move with grace in the crowd until she finally caught sight of her stalker while passing a window shop.
With a neutral face she began to navigate her way through the crowds and through alleys to lose her
stalker but the shadow was persistent and seemed to be familiar with the act of stalking someone even
in a crowd. Seeing that the stalker would not budge. Thenaia had no choice but to make a run for it
though she wasn't done for the day. But before she could begin her retreat her stalker caught up to her
and dragged her into an empty alleyway. She began to put her fighting skills to use but it seemed that
the mysterious stalker was well versed martial arts and fighting techniques. Luckily for her she had a
fighting technique that no one in the kingdom knew of. From when she was little she her body moved
like it was meant to fight and she taught herself as many fighting tricks she could find until one day she
discovered a technique that seemed to be ingrained in her and was very useful for situations like this

Using this technique,she puts her stalker on the ground and makes a run for it . She uses all the secret
routes she know that would be bound to leave him lost and confused. Thenaia runs for quite some time
until she is sure that she has lost her stalker completely and begins her long walk home. Her home was a
small hut that she had built for herself when she was eight cycles. Of course by then she did not house
seventeen orphaned children in it so it was enough for her. ' I should really consider building a bigger
hut now', but her train of thought was caught short by the silence as she approached the hut. The
silence in the house had her on edge.' How could the house be so silent when she had seventeen little
ones in it'. Panic begins to set as she steps into the house.

"Surprise!". She recovers from the shock and panic. She had totally forgotten about her birthday today
but her little ones reminded her in a special way. With a heart full of joy she joined in the party even if it
wasn't much and cleaned up after the children when they went to bed. She falls asleep with thoughts of
the mysterious stalker at the square, wondering who it might be and how the person knew who she


At the palace there was utter chaos.'Where is the prince now'. " Find the prince". " I'm right here
father". Prince Wilhelm replied as he walked into the dinning hall. " I apologize for my tardiness, there
were pressing matters that I needed to sort out myself before coming. Please accept my sincere
apologies". Drankof nods his head at prince Wilhelm and the dinner commences. "So...", Wilhelm began,
" how is your wife search coming along. Shouldn't you be having dinner with one of your potential
brides?". Dahina who had not spoken a word since dinner began looked at his brother and smiled. " Of
course I've found a bride and we happen to already know her". King Drankof and Wilhelm look at him in
surprise that he had found a bride so fast and that they already know her was a great shock to them.
"Don't look so shocked I am an attractive man and a crown prince, it doesn't take that long to find a
bride. Wilhelm shook his head at his brother's response while the Drankof simply smiled at Dahina's
sense of humor." So who is the lucky girl and when do we get to meet her or are we not worthy enough
dear crown prince. Or is your attractiveness keeping her in a war against other women fighting for your
attention". Dahina shook his head seeing that he could never win against Wilhelm's sarcasm.

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