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The Pathways To Higher Studies

Social Science



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CLASS 10 ;
Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World - II

Section 1: Events and Processes: •L

1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe:

• The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation
■ i

• The Making of Nationalism in Europe

• The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848
' • The Making of Germany and Italy
• Visualizing the Nation
• Nationalism and Imperialism
2. Nationalism in India: ■

• The First World War, Khilafat and Non - Cooperation

• Differing Strands within the Movement
• Towards Civil Disobedience
• The Sense of Collective Belonging
Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies: I

Any one theme of the following. The theme selected should be assessed in the Periodic Tests only a nd .
will not be evaluated in Board Examination.
3. The Making of a Global World:
• The Pre-modem world i

• The Nineteenth Century global economy, colonialism)

• The Inter war Economy (Great Depression)
• Rebuilding the World Economy
4. The Age of Industrialization:
• Before the Industrial Revolution
• Hand Labour and Steam Power
• Industrialization in the colonies
• Factories Come Up l

• The Peculiarities of Industrial Growth

• Market for Goods
Unit 2: Contemporary India - II (34 Periods)

1. Resources and Development:
• Types of Resources
• Development of Resources
• Resource Planning in India
• Land Resources
• Land Utilization
• Land Use Pattern in India
! !
• Land Degradation and Conservation Measures
• Soil as a Resource
• Classification of Soils
• Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation
3. Water Resources:
Note: The theoretical aspect of this chapter will not be assessed in Periodic Tests and Board
Examination. Only Map Items as given in the Map List from this chapter will be evaluated in
Board Examination.
4. Agriculture:
• Types of farming
• Cropping Pattern
• Major Crops
• Technological and Institutional Reforms
• Impact of Globalization on Agriculture
5. Minerals:
Note: The theoretical aspect of this chapter will not be assessed in Periodic Tests and Board
Examination. Only Map items as given in map list from this chapter will be evaluated in Board
6. Manufacturing Industries:
• Importance of manufacturing
• Contribution of Industry to National Economy
• Industrial Location
• Classification of Industries
• Spatial distribution
• Industrial pollution and environmental degradation
• Control of Environmental Degradation
7. Life Lines of National Economy:
• Transport - Roadways, Railways, Pipelines, Waterways, Airways
• Communication
• International Trade
• Tourism as a Trade
Unit 3: Democratic Politics - II

1. Power Sharing:
• Case Studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka
• Why power sharing is desirable?
• Forms of Power Sharing
2. Federalism
• What is Federalism?
• What make India a Federal Country?
• How is Federalism practiced?
• Decentralization in India
3. Democracy and Diversity:
• Case Studies of Mexico
• Differences, similarities and divisions
• Politics of social divisions
4. Gender, Religion and Caste:
• Gender and Politics
• Religion, Communalism and Politics
• Caste and Politics
5. Popular Struggles and Movements:
• Popular Struggles in Nepal and Bolivia
• Mobilization and Organization
• Pressure Groups and Movements
6. Political Parties:
• Why do we need Political Parties?
• How many Parties should we have?
• National Political Parties
• State Parties
• Challenges to Political Parties
• How can Parties be reformed?
7. Outcomes of Democracy:
• How do we assess democracy’s outcomes?
• Accountable, responsive and legitimate government
4 Economic growth and development
• Reduction of inequality and poverty
• Accommodation of social diversity
• Dignity and freedom of the citizens
Unit 4: Understanding Economic Development

1. Development:
• What Development Promises - Different people different goals
• • Income and other goals
• National Development
• How to compare different countries or states?
• Income and other criteria
• Public Facilities
• Sustainability of development
2. Sectors of the Indian Economy:
• Sectors of Economic Activities
• Comparing the three sectors
• Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India
• Division of sectors as organized and unorganized
• Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors
3. Money and Credit:
• Money as a medium of exchange
• Modem forms of money
• Loan activities of Banks
• Two different credit situations
• Terms of credit
• Formal sector credit in India
• Self Help Groups for the Poor
4. Globalisation and the Indian Economy:
• Production across countries
• Interlinking production across countries
• Foreign Trade and integration of markets
• What is globalization?
• Factors that have enabled Globalisation
• World Trade Organisation
• Impact of Globalization on India
• The Struggle for a fair Globalisation

,.£ i
• cV^ Content
Unit 1: India and the ContemporaiV World - II
1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 7
2. Nationalism in India 19
3. Making of a Global World 30
4. Age of Industrialisation 42
5. Print Culture & Modern World 52

Unit 2: Contemporary India - II

1. Resources and Development 62
2. Forest and Wildlife Resources 71
3. Water Resources 78
4. Agriculture sk
5. Minerals and Energy Resources
6. Manufacturing Industries 10o
, .»
7. Lifelines Economy no

Unit 3: Democratic Politics - II

1. Power Sharing 121
2. Federalism 128
3. Democracy and Diversity 134.
4. Gender Religion and Caste 139
5. Popular Struggle and Movement 14k
6. Political Parties 149
7. Outcomes of Democracy 15l
8. Challenges to Democracy 16 i
Unit 4: Understanding Economic Development
1. Development 164
2. Sectors of Indian Economy 172
3. Money and Credit 170
4. Globalisation and The Indian Economy 184
5. Consumer Rights 189
(HWife Sb ilndi^t m$\ ithft intern por^r^ WMor.ldl o II CLASS-10
Social Science



Content • ' Notes

• The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation
• The Making of Nationalism in Europe
• The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848
• The Making of Germany and Italy
• Visualizing the Nation
• Nationalism and Imperialism

Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to identify and comprehend the forms in which nationalism j
developed along with the formation of nation states in Europe in the post-1830 j
period. '
• Establish the relationship and bring out the difference between European
nationalism and anticolonial nationalisms.
• Understand the way the idea of nationalism emerged and led to the
formation of nation states in Europe and elsewhere

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Nationalism: It is a belief system which instils a sense of common identity among
the members of a nation. National flag, national symbol, national anthem, etc.
play an important role in developing and strengthening the idea of nationalism.
Rise of Nationalism in Europe: Before the middle of the nineteenth century,
the countries in Europe were not in the form as we know them today. Different
regions in Europe were ruled by various multi-national dynastic empires. These
were monarchies which enjoyed absolute power over their subjects. Various
technological and the ensuing social changes helped in developing the ideas of
nationalism. The process of creation of nation states began in 1789; with the French
Revolution. It took about hundred years for the idea to gain concrete shape which
resulted in the formation of France as a democratic nation state. The trend was
followed in other parts of the Europe and led to the establishment of the modem
democratic systems in most parts of the world; at the beginning of 20th century.
Social Science-10
CLASS-10 French Revolution
Social Science
First Expression of Nationalism: French Revolution led to a change in politics •
and constitution of France. In 1789 the power was transferred from monarchy to
a body of citizens. It was proclaimed that henceforth the French people woi Id
shape the destiny of their country.

Creating a sense of Nationhood:

Various steps were taken by the revolutionaries to create a sense of comm >n
identity among people. Some of these steps are given below:
• The idea of the fatherland and citizen was created to emphasize a community
which enjoyed equal rights under the constitution.
• The royal standard was replaced with a new French flag; the tricolor.
• The Estates General was elected by the body of active citizens and it wfa.s
renamed as the National Assembly.
• In the name of nation; new hymns were composed and oaths were taken .
• Martyrs were commemorated.
• A centralized administrative system was created which formulated unifonm
laws for all citizens.
• Internal custom duties were abolished.
• A uniform system of weights and measures was adopted.
• Regional dialects were discouraged and French language was promot sd
as the common language of the nation.
• The revolutionaries also declared that it was the mission and destiny of
French people to liberate the people of Europe from despotism and help
other regions of Europe in becoming nations.
Effect on other parts of Europe:
In different cities of Europe, people became motivated from the events in France.
As a result, students and other people from the educated middle classes started
setting up Jacobin clubs. Their activities made a ground for further encroachment
by the French armies. The French army moved into Holland, Belgium, Switzerla id
and a large part of Italy in the 1790s. Thus, the French armies started carryi ig
the idea of nationalism to foreign lands.
Napoleon was the Emperor of France from 1804 to 1815. Although Napole m
destroyed democracy in France by reintroducing monarchy in France; but he made
revolutionary changes in the field of administration. The idea was to make t ne
system more rational and efficient. The Civil Code of 1804; which is commor
known as the Napoleonic Code abolished all privileges based on birth. It also

G5 Social Science-{XO

established equality before the law and secured the right to property. Even in CLASS-10
those territories which came under Ms control; Napoleon began to introduce many Social Science
reforms as he did in France. He simplified the administrative divisions in the
Dutch Republic, Switzerland, Italy and Germany. He abolished the feudal system
and peasants could be freed from serfdom and manorial dues. Guild restrictions
were removed in towns. Transport and communication systems were improved.

Reaction of People: Notes

Peasants, artisans, workers and new businessmen enjoyed this new found freedom.
They could realize that uniform laws and standard system of weights and measures
and a common cupency would be more helpful in movement and exchange of
goods and capital across various regions.
But in areas which were conquered by France, people’s reactions towards French
rule were mixed. Initially, the French armies were seen as the torchbearers of
liberty. But very soon people could realize that the new administrative system was
not going to guarantee political freedom. Increase in taxes, censorship and forced
conscription into the French armies were seen as outweighing the advantages of
administrative changes which Napoleon brought. Thus, the initial enthusiasm of
people began to turn into hostility.

Situation Before Revolution

In the mid-eighteenth-century Europe there were no ‘nation-states’ as we know them
today. Modem day Germany, Italy and Switzerland were divided into kingdoms,
duchies and cantons. Their rulers had their own autonomous territories. Diverse
people lived under autocratic monarchies of Eastern and Central Europe. The
people did not share a collective identity. The region was full of people from
different ethnic groups who spoke different languages. The only binding factor
among the people was their allegiance to a common emperor.

Causes and Process of Emergence of Nation States

Socially and politically, a landed aristocracy was the dominant class on the
continent. The members of this class were united by a common way of life that
cut across regional divisions. They owned estates in the countryside and also town-
houses. They spoke French for purposes of diplomacy and in high society. Their
families were often connected by ties of marriage. This powerful aristocracy was,
however, numerically a small group. The majority of the population was made
up of the peasantry. To the west, the bulk of the land was farmed by tenants and
small owners, while in Eastern and Central Europe the pattern of landholding was
characterised by vast estates which were cultivated by serfs.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 New Middle Class
Social Science In Western and parts of Central Europe industrial production and trade grew. This
led to the growth of towns where new commercial classes emerged. The existenc^
of this new class was based on production for the market. New social groups
came into existence. A working class population and a middle class (which wall
composed of industrialists, businessmen and professionals) made the new social
groups. It was. this class which shaped the ideas of national unity.
Idea of Liberal Nationalism
Ideas of national unity in early-nineteenth-century'Europe were closely allied to
the ideology of liberalism. For the new middle classes; freedom for the individua L
and equality of all before the law were the bases of idea of liberalism. From the
political perspective, the idea of liberalism emphasized the concept of government by
consent. Liberalism also meant an end of autocracy and clerical privileges. Further^
it meant the need of a constitution and a representative government. Inviolability
of private property was also emphasized by the nineteenth century liberals.

Universal suffrage was yet to become a reality in France. During the earlie •
period of revolution, only property-owning men had the right to vote. For
brief period during the Jacobins, all adult males got the voting right. Howeverj,
Napoleonic Code reverted to the earlier system of limited suffrage. During the rule
of Napoleon, women were accorded the status of minor; subject to authority o: f
father and husband. The struggle for voting rights for women and non-propertiec.
men continued throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth century.

Liberalisation in Economic Sphere:

Economic liberalization was another hallmark of the Napoleonic Code. Thf
emerging middle class was also in favour of economic liberalization. Let us tak<:
example of German-speaking regions in the first half of nineteenth century. There
were 39 states in this region which were further divided into many principalities
Each principality had its own currency and its own units of measurement. If i
merchant travelled from Hamburg to Nuremberg; he had to pass through 11 customs
barriers and pay a custom duty of about 5% at each barrier. Custom duty had tc
be paid according to weight and measure. Wide difference in units of weight anc
measurement created further confusion. The conditions were not at all business
friendly and served as obstacles to economic activities. The new commercial class
was demanding a unified economic territory so that there could be unhinderec
movement of goods, people and capital.
In 1834, a customs union or zollverein was formed; at the initiative of Prussia
and was joined by most of the German states. Tariff barriers were abolished ani
the number of currencies was reduced from thirty to two. Development of al
railways network further enhanced mobility. This created some sort of economic

© Social Science-1C

nationalism which helped in strengthening the national sentiments which were CLASS-10
growing at that time. Social Science

A New Conservatism After 1815

Napoleon was defeated in 1815 by the combined power of Britain, Russia, &
Prussia and Austria. After the defeat of Napoleon, European governments wanted
to follow conservatism. The conservatives believed that established, traditional
institutions of state and society should be preserved. They believed in preserving Notes
the monarchy, the Church, social hierarchies, property and the family. But most of
them also wanted to retain the modernization which Napoleon carried out in the
spheres of administration. The conservatives believed that modernization would
strengthen traditional institutions. It was believed that a modem army, an efficient
bureaucracy, a dynamic economy, the abolition of feudalism and serfdom could
strengthen the monarchies of Europe.

The Treaty of Vienna:

The representatives of the European powers (Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria)
met at Vienna in 1815 to draw up a settlement of Europe. The Austrian Chancellor
Duke Mettemich was the host of the Congress. The Treaty of Vienna of 1815
was drawn up at this meeting. Its objective was to undo most of the changes
which had come in Europe during the Napoleonic wars. Some of the steps taken
according the Treaty of Vienna are follows:
• The Bourbon dynasty, which had been deposed during the French
Revolution, was restored to power.
• A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent
French expansion in future. For example; the kingdom of the Netherlands
was set up in the north. Similarly, Genoa was added to Piedmont in the
south. Prussia got some important territories on its western frontiers and
Austria got control of northern Italy.
• German confederation of 39 states which had been set up by Napoleon
was left untouched.
• In the east, Russia was given part of Poland, while Pmssia was given a
portion of Saxony.
The conservative regimes which were set up in 1815 were autocratic. They were
intolerant of criticism and dissent. Most of them imposed censorship laws to
control the contents in newspaper, books, plays and songs

The Revolutionaries
After the events of 1815, many liberal nationalists went underground for the fear
of repression.
Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary. He was bom in 1807. He became
a member of the secret society of the Carbonari. When he was 24 years old, he

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 was sent into exile in 1831 for attempting a revolution in Liguria. After that, he
Social Science founded two more underground societies; first Young Italy in Marseilles and then
Young Europe in Berne. Mazzini believed that God had intended nations to be the
natural units of mankind. So Italy had to be forged into a single unified republio
instead of being a patchwork of small state kingdoms. Following in the footstepsj
of Mazzini, many secret societies were set up Germany, France, Switzerland and
Poland. The Conservatives feared Mazzini.
Notes While the conservative regimes were trying to consolidate their power, the liberalsj
and nationalists continued to spread the idea of revolution. These people belonged
to the educated middle-class elite; like professors, school teachers, clerks and
members of the commercial middle classes.
The first upheaval took place in France in July 1830. The Bourbon kings were
overthrown by liberal revolutionaries. A constitutional monarchy was installed
with Louis Philippe at its head. The July Revolution sparked an uprising in
Brussels which resulted in Belgium breaking away from the United Kingdom of
the Netherlands.

Independence of Greece:
The Greek war of independence mobilized the nationalist feelings among the[
educated elite across Europe. The struggle for independence among the Greeks
began in 1821. The nationalists in Greece got support from many Greeks who
were living in exile. Moreover, they also got support from many West Europeans
who sympathized with the ancient Greek culture. Poets and artists mobilized
public opinion to support this struggle against the Muslim empire. It is important
to note that Greece had been, a part of the Ottoman Empire. Finally, the Treaty
of Constantinople of 1832 recognized Greece as an independent nation.

The Romantic Imagination and National Feeling

Romanticism was a cultural movement which sought to develop a particular form
of nationalist sentiment. Romantic artists usually criticized the glorification of
reason and science. They focused on emotions, intuition and mystical feelings.
They tried to create a sense of collective heritage, a common cultural past, as the
basis of a nation.
Other Romantics; like the German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder (1744
- 1803); claimed that the true German culture could be discovered among the
common people; das volk. These Romantics used folk songs, folk poetry and
folk dances to popularize the true spirit of the nation (volksgeist). The emphasis
on vernacular language was also important to take the nationalist message to a
large number of people who were mostly illiterate. Karol Kurpinski celebrated the
national struggle through his operas and music in Poland. He turned folk dances;
like polonaise and mazurka into nationalist symbols.

Social Science-10
Language also played an important role in developing nationalist sentiments. After CLASS-10
Russian occupation, the Polish language was forced out of schools and the Russian Social Science
language was imposed everywhere. An armed rebellion took place against Russian
rule in 1831 but this was ultimately crushed. But after this, many members of
the clergy in Poland began to use language as a weapon of national resistance.
In all Church gatherings and in all religious instructions, Polish was used. The
Russian authorities put a large number of priests and bishops in jail or sent them
to Siberia as punishment for their refusal to preach in Russian. The use of Polish Notes
thus became a symbol of the struggle against Russian dominance.

Hunger, Hardship and Popular Revolt

The 1830s were years of great economic hardship in Europe. There was huge
growth in population in the first half of the nineteenth century. Number of
unemployed had increased manifold. There was large scale migration from rural
areas to urban areas. Such migrants lived in overcrowded slums in the cities. At
that time, the industrialization in England was more advanced than in other parts
of Europe. Hence, cheap machine-made goods from England gave stiff competition
to small producers in the towns of the other European countries. In some regions
of Europe, aristocracy was still powerful and the peasants were under the burden
of feudal dues and obligations. A year of bad harvest; coupled with price rise in
food led to pauperism in town and country.
The year 1848 was one such bad year. Because of shortage of food and high level
of unemployment, the people of Paris came out on the roads. The protest was at
such a large scale that Louis Philippe had to flee. A National Assembly proclaimed
a republic. It granted suffrage to all adult males above 21. It guaranteed the right
to work. National workshops were set up to provide employment.

The Revolution of the Liberals

When the revolts of the poor took place in 1848, another revolution was being
led by the educated middle classes. In some other parts of Europe, independent
nation-states did not yet exist, e.g. Germany, Italy, Poland and the Austro-Hungarian
Empire. Men and women of the liberal middle classes from these parts raised
demands for national unification and a constitution. They demanded the creation
of a nation-state on parliamentary principles. They wanted a constitution, freedom
of press and freedom of association.
Frankfurt Parliament: In German regions, there were a large number of political
associations whose members were middle class professionals, businessmen and
prosperous artisans. They came together in the city of Frankfurt and decided
to vote for an all-German National Assembly. Onl8 May 1848, 831 elected
representatives took out a festive procession to take part in the Frankfurt parliament
which was convened in the Church of St. Paul. They drafted a constitution for
a German nation. This German nation was to be headed by a monarchy subject
to a parliament. Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia was offered the crown on
Social Science-10
CLASS-10 these terms. But he rejected the offer and joined other monarchs to oppose the
elected assembly. |
Social Science
The opposition of the aristocracy and military to the parliament grew stronger
Meanwhile, the social base of the parliament eroded because it was dominated b^
the middle classes. The middle class resisted the demands of workers and artisan^
and thus lost their support. Finally, troops were called in and the assembly was
forced to disband.
Notes Women also participated in large numbers in the liberal movement. In spite of
that, they were denied the voting rights during the election of the Assembly. Wheri
the Frankfurt parliament convened in the Church of St Paul, women were allowed
only as observers to stand in the visitors’ gallery.
Although the liberal movements were suppressed by the conservative forces bu:
the old order could not be restored. In the years after 1848, the monarchs begat
to realize that granting concessions to the liberal-nationalist revolutionaries was th<;
only way to end the cycle of revolution and repression. Hence, the monarchies o]'
Central and Eastern Europe began to introduce changes which had already taker
place in Western Europe before 1815.
Serfdom and bonded labour were abolished both in the Habsburg dominions anc
in Russia. The Habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarians in 1867
Germany: Can the Army be the Architect of a Nation?
After 1848, nationalism in Europe moved away from its association with democrac)
and revolution. The conservatives now fanned nationalist sentiments to promote
state power and to achieve political dominance over Europe.
The liberal movement of the middle-classes in Germany had earlier been repressed
by the combined forces of the monarchy and the military. This repression was also
supported by the large landowners (called junkers) of Prussia. After that, Prussia
took on the leadership of the movement for national unification.
Otto von Bismarck: Otto von Bismarck; the chief minister of Prussia, was the
architect of this process. He took the help of the Prussian army and bureaucracy
in his endeavour. Three wars were fought over seven years; with Austria, Denmark
and France. The wars ended in Prussian victory and completed the process of
unification. The Prussian king, William I was proclaimed the German Emperor
in a ceremony held at Versailles in January 1871.
The new state placed a strong emphasis on modernizing the currency, banking,
legal and judicial systems in Germany. Prussian measures and practices often
became a model for the rest of Germany.
Unification of Italy
Italy also had a long history of political fragmentation. There were many dynastic
. states and the multi-national Habsburg Empire in Italy. During the middle of the

(w) Social Science-10

=c!2:;3#-«*5 <V-

nineteenth century, Italy was divided into seven states. Out of them,: only Sardinia- CLASS-10
Piedmont was ruled by an Italian princely house. The north was,;under Austrian Social Science
Habsburgs, the centre was under the Pope and the southern regions were under
the domination of the Bourbon kings of Spain. The Italian language had yet to
acquire a common form and it still had many regional and local variations.
During the 1830s, Giuseppe Mazzini planned to put together a programme for
a unitary Italian Republic. The failure of revolutionary uprisings ,both in 1831
and 1848 meant that the mantle now fell on Sardinia-Piedmont under its ruler Notes
King Victor Emmanuel II. The ruling elites of this region saw the’possibility of
economic development and political dominance through a unified Italy.
Chief Minister Cavour led the movement to unify the regions of Italy. He was
neither a revolutionary nor a democrat. He was like many other wealthy and
educated members of the Italian elite. He too was more fluent in French than
in Italian. He made a tactful diplomatic alliance with France and thus succeeded
in defeating the Austrian forces in 1859. Apart from regular troops, many armed
volunteers under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi joined the fray, in 1860, they
marched into South Italy and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. They succeeded in
winning the support of the local peasants and drove out the Spanish rulers. Victor
Emmanuel II was proclaimed king of united Italy in 1861. But a large number of
the Italian population remained blissfully unaware of liberal-nationalist ideology;
probably because of very high level of illiteracy.

The Strange Case of Britain

The formation of nation state in Britain did not happen because of a sudden
upheaval or revolution. It was the result of a long-drawn-out process. Before the
eighteenth century, there was no British nation. The British Isles were divided
into different ethnicities; like English, Welsh, Scot or Irish. Each ethnic group
had its own cultural and political traditions.
The English nation steadily grew in wealth, importance and power. Thus it was
able to extend its influence on the other nations of the islands. The English
parliament seized power from the monarchy in 1688 after a prolonged conflict.
The English parliament was instrumental in forging the nation-state of Britain. The
Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland resulted in the formation of ’
the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’. In this Union, England was the dominant
partner and thus the British parliament was dominated by its English members.
The British identity grew at the peril of Scottish culture and political institutions.
The Scottish Highlands were inhabited by the Catholic clans. They felt terrible
repression whenever they attempted to assert their independence. They were
forbidden to speak their Gaelic language or wear their traditional dress. Many of
them were forcibly driven out of their homeland.
Ireland suffered a similar fate. It was a country deeply divided between Catholics
and Protestants. The Protestants of Ireland established their dominance over the
Social Science-10
CLASS-10 majority Catholics through the English help. There was a failed revolt led by Wolfe
Social Science Tone and his United Irishmen in 1798. After that, Ireland was forcibly incoiporate
into the United Kingdom in 1801. The English culture was propagated forcefiill
to forge a new ‘British Nation’. The older nations survived only as subordinate
partners in this union.
Visualizing the Nation

Notes Artists used female figures to personify a nation. During French Revolution,
artists used the female allegory to portray the ideas such as Liberty, Justice ana
the Republic. [
In France, the nation was christened as Marianne, which is a popular Christian
name for a woman. Her characteristics were drawn from those of Liberty and
Republic; the red cap, the tricolor, the cockade. Her statues were erected in publifc
squares and her images were marked on coins and stamps; to persuade the people
to identify with it.
Germania became the allegory of the German nation. Germania wears a crown
of oak leaves. The German oak stands for heroism.
Nationalism and Imperialism
By the last quarter of the nineteenth century, nationalism could not retain its
idealistic liberal-democratic sentiment. It became a narrow creed with limited
ends. The major European powers manipulated the nationalist aspirations of the
subject peoples to further their own imperialist aims.
Conflict in the Balkans: Balkans was a region of geographical and ethnic variation
comprising modern-day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro. The inhabitants of this
region were broadly known as the Slavs.
A large part of the Balkans was under the control of the Ottoman Empire. This was
the period of disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and the spread of the ideas o^
romantic nationalism in the Balkans. These developments made this region ver^
explosive. All through the nineteenth century, the Ottoman Empire tried to strengthea
itself through,modemization and internal reforms. But it could not achieve mucli
success. Its European subject nationalities broke away from its control one b^
one and declared independence. The Balkans used history and national identity
to claim their right of independence. While the Slavic nationalities struggled tA
define their identity and independence, the Balkan area became an area of intensi
conflict. In the process, the Balkans also became the scene of big power rivalry.
During this period, there was intense rivalry among the European powers over trade
and colonies as well as naval and military might. Each power; Russia, Germany,
England, Austro-Hungary; was keen on countering the hold of other powers ove -
the Balkans, and extending its own control over the area. This led to a series o '
wars in the region and finally culminated in the First World War.
(*) Social Science-1(
Meanwhile, many countries in the world which had been colonized by the European CLASS-10
powers in the nineteenth century began to oppose imperial domination. People Social Science
of different colonies developed their own variation of nationalism. The idea of
‘nation-states’ thus became a universal phenomenon


Before the middle of the nineteenth century, the countries in Europe were not in the
form as we know them today. Different regions in Europe were ruled by various Notes
multi-national dynastic empires. These were monarchies which enjoyed absolute
power over their subjects. Various technological and the ensuing social changes
helped in developing the ideas of nationalism. The process of creation of nation
states began in 1789; with the French Revolution. It took about hundred years
for the idea to gain concrete shape which resulted in the formation of France as
a democratic nation state. The trend was followed in other parts of the Europe
and led to the establishment of the modem democratic systems in most parts of
the world; at the beginning of 20th century.
Napoleon was the Emperor of France from 1804 to 1815. Although Napoleon
destroyed democracy in France by reintroducing monarchy in France; but he made
revolutionary changes in the field of administration
In France, the nation was christened as Marianne, which is a popular Christian
name for a woman. Her characteristics were drawn from those of Liberty and
Republic; the red cap, the tricolor, the cockade. Her statues were erected in public
squares and her images were marked on coins and stamps; to persuade the people
to identify with it.
Find out more about nationalist symbols in countries outside Europe. For one or
two countries, collect examples of pictures, posters or music that are symbols
of nationalism. How are these different from European examples?

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Elle, the measuring unit in Germany was used to measure:
(a) cloth (b) thread
(c) land (d) height
2. Zollevrein started in 1834 in Prussia refers to a:
(a) Trade Union (b) Customs Union
(c) Labour Union (d) Farmer's Union
3. What do the saints, angels and Christ symbolise in the Utopian vision?
(a) Equality among people (b) Fraternity among nations
(c) Freedom of nations (d) Resentment against nations

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 4. Who were the 'Junkers'?
(a) Soldiers (b) Large landowners
Social Science
(c) Aristocracy (d) Weavers
5. Which treaty recognised Greece as an independent nation?
«• /
(a) Treaty of Constantinople, 1832 (b) Treaty of Vienna, 1815
(c) Treaty of Versailles, 1871 (d) None of these
6. By which of the following treaties was the United Kingdom of Great Britain forme d ?
(a) Treaty of Versailles (b) Act of Union
(c) Treaty of Paris (d) Treaty of Vienna
7. Which of the following group of powers collectively defeated Napoleon?
(a) England, France, Italy, Russia (b) England, Austria, Spain, Russia
(c) Austria, Prussia, Russia, Britain (d) Britain, Prussia, Russia, Italy
8. Romanticism refers to a:
(a) cultural movement (b) religious movement
(c) political movement (d) literary movement
9. Which one of the following types of government was functioning in France before
the revolution of 1789?
. (a) Dictatorship (b) Military
(c) Body of French Citizen (d) Monarchy
10. Which of the following countries is considered as the 'cradle of Europejjan
(a) England (b) France
(c) Greece (d) Russia

Answer Key
1. (a) 2.(b) 3.(b) Mb) 5. (a)
6. (b) 7.(c) 8. (a) 9.(d) 10. (c)

Review Questions
1. Who was Frederic Sorrieu ? Describe main features of the first print prepared by
him in 1848?
2. Analyse the measures and practices introduced by the French Revolution to cre« te
a sense of collective identity amongst the French people.
Describe any five steps taken by the French Revolutionaries to create a sense of
collective identity among the French people.
3. Describe how the events in France affected the different cities in Europe.
4. "Napoleon has destroyed democracy in France but in the administrative field he
had incorporated revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system me re
rational and efficient." Analyse the statement with arguments.
5. What were the reactions of the local populations to the French rule in theconquer sd
6. Describe the political condition of Europe in the mid-eighteenth century.

(a) Social Science- lO

2s ]iTdjaEM®tnelGomempGfaf®^ldHTl! Social Science

2 JL
T *

Content Notes
The First World War, Khilafat and Non - Cooperation
• Differing Strands within the Movement
• Towards Civil Disobedience
• The Sense of Collective Belonging

Learning Objectives

Enable the learners to

• Recognize the characteristics of Indian nationalism through a case study
of Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movement.
• Analyze, the nature of the'diverse social movements of the time.
• Familiarize with the writings and ideals of different political groups
and individuals.

The First World War, Khilafat And Non-Cooperation
Effects of First World War: The War led to a huge increase in defence expenditure.
This was financed by war loans and by increasing taxes. Customs duties were
raised and income tax was introduced to raise extra revenue. Prices of items
increased during the war years. The prices doubled between 1913 and 1918. The
common people were the worst sufferers because of price rise. Forced recruitment
of rural people in the army was another cause of widespread anger among people.
Crop failure in many parts of India resulted in acute shortage of food.. Influenza
epidemic further aggravated the problem. According to 1921 census, about 12 to
13 million people died because of famines and epidemic.
The Idea of Satyagraha
Mahatma Gandhi advocated a novel method of mass agitation; called satyagraha.
This method was based on the idea that if someone is fighting for a true cause,
there is no need to take recourse to physical force to fight the oppressor. Gandhiji
believed that a satyagrahi could win a battle through non-violence, i.e. without
being aggressive or revengeful.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Some early satyagraha movements, organized by Gandhi:
Social Science 1. Peasants’ movement in-,Champaran in 1916.
2. Peasants’ movement in Kheda in 1917.
3. Mill workers’ movement in Ahmadabad in 1918.

The Rowlatt Act (1919):

The Rowlatt Act was passed by the Imperial Legislative Council in 1919. The
Notes Indian members did not support the Act, but it was passed; nevertheless. The j ^ct
gave enormous powers to the government to repress political activities. It allowed
detention of political prisoners without trial for two years.
On 6th April, 1919; Gandhiji launched a nationwide satyagraha against the proposed
Rowlatt Act. The call of strike on 6th April got huge response. People came
out in support in various cities, shops were shut down and workers in railway
workshops went on strike. The British administration decided to clamp down on
the nationalists. Several local leaders were arrested. Mahatma Gandhi was ban ed
from entering Delhi.

Jallianwalla Bagh
On 10th April 1919; in Amritsar; the police fired upon a peaceful procession.
This provoked widespread attacks on government establishments. Martial law v^as
imposed in Amritsar and the command of the area was given to General Dyer.
The infamous Jallianwalla Bagh massacre took place on 13th April; the day Jon
which Baisakhi is celebrated in Punjab. A crowd of villagers came to participate
in a fair in Jallianwalla Bagh. This was enclosed from all sides with narrow
entry points. General Dyer blocked the exit points and opened fire on the crowd.
Hundreds of people were killed in the incident. Public reaction to the incident
took a violent turn in many north Indian towns. The government was quite brultal
in its response. Things took highly violent turn. Mahatma Gandhi called off me
movement as did not want violence to continue.
Need of Wider Spread of Movement: The Rowlatt satyagraha was limited mail ly
to the cities and towns. Mahatma Gandhi felt the need of a more broad-based
movement in India. He was convinced that it could be only possible by bringi ng
the Hindus and Muslims on a common platform.
Khilafat Movement
The Khilafat issue gave him the opportunity to bring the Hindus and Muslims
on a common platform. The Ottoman Turkey was badly defeated in the First
World War. There were rumours about a harsh peace treating likely to be impos sd
on the Ottoman emperor; who was the spiritual head of the Islamic world (t ae
Khalifa). A Khilafat committed was formed in Bombay in March 1919 to defe ad
the Khalifa. This committee had leaders like the brothers Muhammad AH a ad
Shaukat Ali. They also wanted Mahatma Gandhi to take up the cause to builc a

(e) Social Science - XO

united mass action. At the Calcutta session ofthe Congress in September 1920, CLASS-10
the resolution was passed to launch a non-cooperation movement in support of Social Science
Khilafat and also for swaraj. ! f

Non-Cooperation Movement
In his famous book Hind Swaraj (1909) Mahatma Gandhi declared that British
rule was established in India with the cooperation of Indians, and had survived
only because of this cooperation. If Indians refused to cooperate, British rule in Notes
India would collapse within a year, and swaraj, would come. Gandhiji believed
that if Indians begin to refuse to cooperate, the British rulers will have no other
way than to leave India.

Some of the proposals of non-cooperation movement:

• Surrender the titles which' were awarded by the British government.
• Boycott civil services, army, police, courts, legislative councils and schools.
• Boycott foreign goods.
• Launch full civil disobedience campaign, if the government persisted with
repressive measures.
Differing Strands within the Movement: The Non-Cooperation-Khilafat Movement
began in January 1921. Various social groups participated in this movement, each
with its own specific aspiration. All of them responded to the call of Swaraj, but
the term meant different things to different people.

The Movement in the Towns:

• The movement started with good participation from the middle-class in
the cities.
• Thousands of students left government-controlled schools and colleges,
headmasters and teachers resigned, and lawyers gave up their legal
• The council elections were boycotted in most provinces except Madras.
In Madras, the Justice Party, the party of the non-Brahmans, felt that
entering the council was one way of gaining some power - something
that usually only Brahmans had access to.
• Foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops picketed, and foreign cloth
burnt in huge bonfires. The import of foreign cloth halved between 1921
and 1922, its value dropping from Rs 102 crore to Rs 57 crore. The
boycott of foreign cloths helped in increasing the demand of cloths made
in India.

Reasons for Slowdown of Movement:

• Khadi was more expensive than mill-made cloth. The poor people could
not afford to buy khadi.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 • Boycott of British institutions posed a problem of lack of alternative
Social Science Indian institutions. Such .institutions were slow to come up. Students t jad
teachers began coming back schools. Similarly, lawyers resumed tl eir
work in the courts. .. ,.
Rebellion in the Countryside: From the cities, the Non-Cooperation Movement
spread to the countryside. It drew, into its fold the struggles of peasants and tribals
which were developing in different parts of India in the years after the war.
The peasants’ movement in Awadh was led by Baba Ramchandra. He waj a.
sanyasi who had earlier worked in Fiji as an indentured labourer. The peasa its
were against the high rents and may other cess which were demanded by talukdars
and landlords. The peasants demanded reduction of revenue, abolition of begar,
and social boycott of oppressive landlords.
Jawaharlal Nehru began touring the villages in June 1920. He tried to understand,
the problems of the peasants. Oudh Kisan Sabha was set up by October. It \^as
headed by Jawaharlal Nehru, Baba Ramchandra and a few others. By associating
itself with the peasants’ movement. Congress was able to integrate the movement
in Awadh with a wider non-cooperation movement. At many places, people stopp ed
paying rents by invoking the name of the Mahatma.
Tribal Peasants
Tribal peasants gave their own interpretation of Mahatma Gandhi and the idea of*
swaraj. The tribals were prevented from entering the forests to graze cattle, or to
collect fruits and firewood. The new forest laws were a threat to their livelihoc d.
The government forced them to do begar on road construction.
Many rebels from the tribal areas became non-violent and often carried gueri la
warfare against the British officials.
Swaraj in the Plantations
The plantation workers were not permitted to leave the tea gardens witho at
permission; as per the Indian Emigration Act of 1859. When the news of No n-
Cooperation Movement spread to the plantations, many workers began to defy the
authorities. They left plantations and headed towards their homes. But they g!ot
stranded on the way because of a railway and steamer strike. They were caught
by the police and brutally beaten up.
Many analysts are of the opinion that the vision of the movement was not proper .y
defined by the Congress. Different people interpreted the term ‘swaraj’ in their
own ways. For them, swaraj meant an end to all their problems. However, peop le
from various strata of society began to chant the name of Gandhi and the slogs .n
of Swatantra Bharat. In some way or the other, they were trying to relate to tl ie
wider movement which was beyond their comprehension

© Social Science-iO

Civil Disobedience Movement CLASS-10
«. «11 •,

By the end of 1921, the movement was tumiri^ violent at many places. Gandhiji Social Science
decided to withdraw the non-cooperation movement in February 1922. Even many
Congress leaders were fatigued by mass struggles and wanted to participate in
the elections to the provincial councils. The provincial councils were set up by
the Government of India Act of 1919. Many leaders were of the opinion that it
was important to oppose the British policies by becoming a part of the system.
The older leaders; like Motilal Nehru and Motilal Nehru formed the Swaraj Party
(within the Congress) and began to argue for a return to council politics.
The younger leaders; like Subhas Chandra Bose and Jawaharlal Nehru; were in
favour of more radical mass agitation and pressed for full independence.
This was a period of internal debate and dissension within the Congress. This
was also the period when the effect of the Great Depression was being felt on
India. Agricultural prices began to fall from 1926. The prices collapsed in 1930.
The whole country was in turmoil because of the effects of Great Depression.

Simon Commission
The British government constituted a Statutory Commission under Sir John Simon.
The commission was made to look into the functioning of the constitutional system
in India and suggest changes. But since all the members in the commission were
British, the Indian leaders opposed the commission.
The Simon Commission arrived in India in 1928. It was greeted with the slogan
‘Go back Simon’. All parties joined the protest. In October 1929, Lord Irwin
announced a vague offer of ‘dominion status’ for India but its timing was not specified.
He also offered to hold a Round Table Conference to discuss the future constitution.
The radical leaders within the Congress became more assertive. They were not
satisfied with the British proposal. The liberals and moderates were in favour of
the dominion status, but they were losing their influence in Congress.
In December 1929, the Lahore Congress was presided over by Jawaharlal Nehru. It
passed the resolution of ‘Puma Swaraj’ or full independence for India. It declared
26th January 1930 as the Independence Day and gave a call to the people to take
a pledge to struggle for complete independence. But the celebrations attracted
little public support.
It was then left to Mahatma Gandhi to correlate the abstract idea of freedom to
more concrete issues of everyday life.

Salt March
Mahatma Gandhi believed that salt could be a powerful symbol to unite the whole
nation. Most of the people; including the British scoffed at the idea. Abolition of
the salt tax was among many demands which were raised by Gandhiji through a
letter to Viceroy Irwin.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 The Salt March or Dandi March was started by Gandhiji on 12th March 1930. tie
Social Science was accompanied by 78 volunteers. They walked for 24 days to cover a distar ce
of 240 miles from Sabaramati to-Dandi. Many more joined them in the way. On
6th April 1930, Gandhiji ceremonially violated the law by taking a fistfiil of salt.
The Salt March marked the beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement.
Thousands of people broke the salt law in different parts of country. People
demonstrated in front of government salt factories. Foreign cloth was boycotted.
Notes Peasants refused to pay revenue. Village officials resigned. Tribal people violated
forest laws.

Response of British Rulers

The colonial government began to arrest the Congress leaders. This led to violent
clashes in many places. Mahatma Gandhi was arrested about a month later. People
began to attack the symbols of British rule; such as police posts, municipal buildin gs,
law courts and railway stations. The government’s repression was quite brutal.
Even women and children were beaten up. About 100,000 people were arrested.
Round Table Conference
When things began to take a violent turn, Mahatma Gandhi called off the
movement. He signed a pact with Irwin on 5th March 1931. This was called the
Gandhi-lrwin Pact. As per the Pact, Gandhiji agreed to participate in the Roirnd
Table Conference in London. In lieu of that, the government agreed to releise
the political prisoners.
Gandhiji went to London in December 1931. The negotiations broke down and
Gandhiji had to return with disappointment.
When Gandhiji came back to India, he found that most of the leaders were put
in jail. Congress had been declared illegal. Many measures were taken to prevent
meetings, demonstrations and boycotts. Mahatma Gandhi relaunched the Civil
Disobedience Movement. By 1934, the movement had lost its momentum.

People's Perception of The Movement

Farmers: For the farmers, the fight for swaraj was a struggle against high
revenues. When the movement was called off in 1931; without the revenue ra:es
being revised; the farmers were highly disappointed. Many of them refused to
participate when the movement was re-launched in 1932. The small tenants j ast
wanted the unpaid rent to the landlord to be remitted. They often joined the radical
movements which were led by Socialists and Communists. Congress did not want
to alienate the rich landlords and hence, the relationship between the poor peasa its
and Congress was uncertain.
Businessmen: The Indian merchants and industrialists could grow their business
during the First World War. They were against those colonial policies which
restricted their business activities. They wanted protection against imports am l a
rupee-sterling foreign exchange ratio which would discourage imports. The Ind an
(m) Social Science- lO
Industrial and Commercial Congress was formed in 1920 and the Federation of CLASS-10
the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FICCI) was formed in 1927. Social Science
These were the results of attempts to bring the common business interests on
a common platform. For the businessmen, swaraj meant an end to oppressive
colonial policies. They wanted an environment which could allow the business to
flourish. They were apprehensive of militant activities and of growing influence
of socialism among the younger members of the Congress.
Industrial Workers: The industrial workers showed lukewarm response to the Civil Notes
Disobedience Movement. Since industrialists were closer to the Congress, workers
kept a distance from the movement. But some workers selectively participated
in the Movement. Congress did not want to alienate the industrialists and hence
preferred to keep the workers’ demands at bay.

Women's Participation
Women also participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement in large numbers.
However, most of the women were from high-caste families in the urban areas and
from rich peasant households in the rural areas. But for a long time, the Congress
was reluctant to give any position of authority to women within the organization.
The Congress was just keen on the symbolic presence of women.

The Limits of Civil Disobedience

Participation of Dalits
Initially Congress used to ignore the dalits; because it did not want to alienate the
conservative high-caste Hindus. But Mahatma Gandhi was of the view to bring
social reforms to improve the plight of the dalits. Mahatma Gandhi declared that
without removing the practice of untouchability, swaraj could not be achieved.
Many dalit leaders wanted a different political solution to the problems of the dalit
community. They demanded reserved seats in educational institutions and separate
electorate for dalits. Dalit participation in the Civil Disobedience Movement was
Dr. B R Ambedkar organized the dalits into the Depressed Classes Association
in 1930. He clashed with Mahatma Gandhi; during the second Round Table
Conference; on the issue of separate electorate for dalits.
When the British government conceded Ambedkar’s demand, Gandhji began a fast
unto death. Finally, Ambedkar had to accept Gandhiji’s position. This resulted in
signing of the Poona Pact of September 1932. It made the provision for reserved
seats for the Depressed Classes in provincial and central legislative councils. But
the voting was to be done by the general electorate.

Participation of Muslims
After the decline of the Non-Cooperation-Khilafat Movement, a large section of

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Muslims became alienated from the Congress. From the mid-1920s, the Congress
Social Science was more visibly associated with'the Hindu religious nationalist groups.
The Congress and the Muslim League tried to renegotiate and alliance. Muhammaa

m-. Ali Jinnah was an important leader 6f the Muslim League. He was willing to givk
up the demand for separate electorate. But he wanted reserved seats for Muslims in
the Central Assembly. He also wanted representation in proportion to population ik
the Muslim-dominated provinces '(Punjab and Bengal). At the All-Parties Conference
Notes in 1928, M R Jayakar of the Hindu Mahasabha strongly opposed the efforts a^t
compromise. This further alienated the Muslims from the Congress.

The Sense of Collective Belonging

Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of thfe
same nation, when they discover some unity that binds them together. The uniteel
struggles for independence helped in building the sense of collective belonging!.
Additionally, a variety of cultural processes also captured the spirit of nationalism.
Nation Depicted in Images: The identity of the nation is most often symbolised
in a figure or image; with which people can identify the nation. The image o :
Bharat Mata was the pictorial representation of the mother land. ‘Vande Mataram"
the national song was written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay in 1870s. This
was sung during the Swadeshi movement in Bengal. Different artists projectet
their own version of Bharat Mata.
Folklores: Many nationalist leaders took help of folk tales to spread the ide£
of nationalism. It was believed that the folk tales revealed the true picture of
traditional culture. j

National Flag: The national flag which we see today has evolved through various
stages. A tricolor (red, green and yellow) was used during the Swadeshi movement.
There were eight lotuses on it which depicted the eight provinces of British India.
There was a crescent moon on the flag which represented Hindus and Muslims.
Gandhji had designed the Swaraj flag by 1921. It was also a tricolour (red, greeJ
and white) and there was a spinning wheel in the centre.
Reinterpretation of History: Many Indians felt that the British had given a
different interpretation of the Indian history. They felt that it was important to
interpret the history from an Indian perspective. They wanted to glorify the rich
past of India so that the Indians could feel proud of their history.


When the First World War broke out in 1919 in Europe it had far-reaching consequences
in the entire world. It was actually could have said to ignite the fight for India’s
independence! It ignited the spirit of nationalism in India due to the emergence of
Satyagraha and

Social Science-10

The Idea of Satyagraha • \' CLASS-10
Nationalism was evolving in new areas in 1919 and, new social groups and new Social Science
modes of struggle were developing. Mohandas Kafamchand Gandhi (Mahatma
Gandhi) came to India and along with him the'.idea of satyagraha focused on the
power of truth and the urgency of searching the truth.
The idea imposed the power of truth and encouraged people to find the truth. He
believed that physical force was not the required step to fight the colonialists.
In 1916, He travelled to Champaran, Bihar to encourage the peasants to struggle Notes
against the oppressive plantation system. , :
The Rowlatt Act
After the enactment of The Rowlatt Act, 1919 Gandhiji lost his patience and wanted
to enforce non-violent civil disobedience against such unjust law.
6th April 1919 was confirmed as Satyagraha Day when people all over the country
observed fast. On 10* April, the police in Amritsar fired upon a peaceful procession,
provoking widespread attacks on banks and this incident is famously known as
Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre.
Khilafat movement
After the widespread of Satyagraha movement, it was still limited to cities and
towns. Mahatma Gandhi then launched the Khilafat movement. The only way
possible for this was coming together of Hindus and Muslims.
A Khalifa Committee was formed under the leadership of Maulana Azad, Ajmal
Khan, and Hasrat Mohani. The idea was to bring about unity and develop feelings
of nationalism among the masses.
The Feeling of Nationalism
Nationalist movement spreads when people from different religions and communities
begin to develop a sense of collective belongingness. Through this, an identity
of a nation is characterized. This image of Bharat Mata was first created by
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay in 1870 when he wrote ‘Vande Mataram ‘ for
our motherland.
During the Swadeshi Movement, a tri-color (red, green and yellow) flag was
designed in Bengal. It had eight lotuses representing eight provinces and a crescent
moon representing Hindus and Muslims.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Gandhiji organise Satyagraha in 1917 in Kheda district of Gujarat?
(a) To support the plantation workers
(b) To protest against high revenue demand
(c) To support the mil! workers to fulfil their demand
(d) To demand loans for the farmers

Social Science-10
♦ y \ . v

CLASS-10 2. Why was Satyagraha organised in'Champaran in 1916?

Social Science (a) To oppose the British laws
(b) To oppose the plantation system
(c) To oppose high land revenue"
(d) To protest against the oppression of the mill workers
3. Why was the Simon Commission sent to India? «
(a) To look into the Indian constitutional matter and suggest reform
Notes (b) To choose members of Indian Council
(c) To settle disputes between the government and the Congress leaders
(d) To set up a government organisation
4. Why was Alluri Sitarama Raju well known?
(a) He fed the militant movement of tribal peasants in Andhra Pradesh.
(b) He led a peasant movement in Avadh.
(c) He led a satyagraha movement in Bardoli.
(d) He set up an organisation for the uplifment of the dalits.
5. Why did General Dyer open fire on peaceful crowd in Jallianwalla Bagh? Mark th<
most important factor.
(a) To punish the Indians
(b) To take revenge for breaking martial laws
(c) To create a feeling of terror and awe in the mind of Indians
(d) To disperse the crowd
6. What kind of movement was launched by the tribal peasants of Gudem Hills ir
Andhra Pradesh?
(a) Satyagraha Movement
(b) Militant Guerrilla Movement
(c) Non-Violent Movement
(d) None of the above
7. Who among the following two leaders led the Khilafat Movement?
(a) ShaukatAli and Muhammad All
(b) Gandhiji and Sardar Patel »
(c) Muhammad Ali iinnah and Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Abul Kalam Azad and Jawaharlal Nehru
8. Why did Gandhiji withdraw the Non-Cooperation Movement? (Delhi 2011]
(a) Gandhiji realised that people were losing interest in the movement.
(b) Gandhiji felt that the movement was turning violent in many places.
(c) Some Congress leaders wanted to participate in elections to Provincial Councils.
(d) Some Congress leaders wanted more radical mass agitations.
9. Who were the 'Sanatanis'?
(a) Saints
(b) Dalits
(c) Labours
(d) High-caste Hindus

(h) Social Science-10

10. The main problem with the Simon Commission was that: CLASS-10
(a) It was an all-British commission. Social Science
(b) It was formed in Britain.
(c) It was set up in response to the nationalist movement.
•i'/'l ■<

(d) It supported the Muslim League.

Answer Key
l. (b) 2.(b) 3. (a) - ‘- 4. (a) 5. (c)
6. (b) 7. (a) Mb) -•L 9: (d) 10. (a)
r .*

Review Questions ,Vv

1. Why did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed
i ■

Rowlatt Act 1919?

Who passed the Rowlett Act and when? Explain two major provisions of the
Rowlatt Act.
2. Explain the reasons and effects of Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
Narrate the events leading to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre on 13 April, 1919.
What were its effects?
3. Why did Mahatma Gandhi feel the need to launch a more broad-based movement
in India? How did he achieve this object?
4. How had non-cooperation spread in cities? Explain. Why did it gradually slow
5. Describe the causes, events and results of peasant's movement of Awadh during
the Non-Cooperation Movement.
6. Write a short note on the participation of tribal peasants in the Gudem Hills of
Andhra Pradesh in the Non-Cooperation Movement.
7. "The plantation workers in Assam had their own understanding of Mahatma
Gandhi and the nation of Swaraj" Support the statement with arguments.
Describe why did the plantation workers of Assam join the Non-Cooperation
Movement. What were its results? What was the importance of movement of
plantation workers and other such movements?

Space for Work

Social Science >10

Ill "

Social Science


Notes Content
The Pre-modem world
' The Nineteenth Century ((1815-1914)
• The Inter war Economy •
• Rebuilding a World Economy: The Post-War Era
Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to
Show that globalization has a long history and point to the shifts within the
4 Analyse the implication of globalization for local economies.
• Discuss how globalization is experienced differently by different social

The various countries of the world are interconnected through trade and through
exchange of thoughts and cultures. The interconnectedness has increased dramatically’
in recent times but the world was also interconnected even during the days oIf
Indus Valley Civilisation.
Silk Route
The trade route which linked China to the western world and to other countries i;
called Silk Route. There were many Silk Routes. The Silk Routes existed befor4
the Christian Era, and persisted till the fifteenth century. r
Chinese potteries travelled from China to other countries through the Silk Routed
Similarly, gold and silver travelled from Europe to Asia through this route.
Religions; like Christianity, Islam and Buddhism travelled to different parts of th
world through the Silk Route. Ni

Food Travels:
Noodles travelled from China to different parts of the world. The sevian; whic
are used in India are localized form of noodle. Similarly, spaghetti of Italy is th
European version of noodles.

'ii ■

Social Science-lO
Many common foods of today; like potato, chillies, tomato, maize, soya, groundnut
and sweet potatoes were introduced in'Etifope'after Christopher Columbus, Social Science
accidentally discovered the, American continents.
Potato brought dramatic changes for the lif§ .of people of Europe. Because of
introduction of potato, the people in Europe could eat better and could live longer.
The peasants of Ireland became so dependent on potato that when disease destroyed
the potato crop in the mid-1840s, hundreds of thousands died due to starvation.
This famine is known as Irish Famine. Notes

Conquest, Disease and Trade

The European sailors discovered the sea route to Asia and Americas in the sixteenth
century. The discovery of new sea route not only helped in expanding the trade
but also in European conquest over other parts ’df the world.
America had vast reserves of minerals and there was abundant crop in this
continent. The food and minerals from America transformed the lives of people
in other parts of the world.
By the mid-sixteenth century, the Portuguese and Spanish colonization of America
began in a decisive way. But the conquest could not be facilitated because of
arms and ammunition but because of a disease. Europeans had been exposed to
small pox and hence they had developed immunity against this disease. But the
Americans had been isolated from the world and they had no immunity against
small pox. When the Europeans reached there, they carried the germs of small
pox alongwith them. The disease wiped off the whole communities in certain parts
of America. And thus, the Europeans could easily get control of the Americas.
Till the nineteenth century, Europe was suffering from many problems; like poverty,
diseases and religious conflicts. Many religious dissenters fled to America for the
fear of prosecution. Those people utilised the opportunities in America and could
dramatTill the eighteenth century, India and China were the richest countries of the
world. But from the fifteenth century onwards, China began to restrict overseas
contacts and went into isolation. Because of China’s reduced role and America’s
rising importance; the centre of the world trade shifted to Europe.

The Nineteenth Century (1815 -1914)

The world had changed dramatically during the nineteenth century. There were
changes in social, political, economic and technological factors in much complex
way during this period. The changes altered the external relations beyond
Economists identify three types of flows within international economic exchanges.
These are as follows:
• Flow of trade
• Flow of labor
• Flow of capital
Social Science-10
CLASS-10 A World Economy Takes Shape
Social Science Changing pattern of food production'*and consumption in Europe: Traditionally,
countries liked to be self-sufficient in food. But self-sufficiency in food meant a
low quality of life for the people of Britain.
There was immense growth of population of Britain during eighteenth centuryr.
Due to this, the demand for food had increased exponentially. Under pressure
from the landed groups, the government restricted the imports of com. This further
Notes aggravated the food prices in Britain. The industrialists and urban dwellers force i
the government to abolish the Com Laws.

Effects of abolition of Corn Laws:

Abolition of Com Laws meant that food could be imported at much cheaper rat s
than at what it could be produced in Britain. British farm produce was unable t d
compete with cheaper imports.
Vast areas of land were left uncultivated and a large number of people becam 3
unemployed. People migrated to cities; in large numbers; in search of work. Many
people also migrated overseas. Many people also migrated overseas.
Falling food prices resulted in increased demand for food in Britain. Moreove %
industrialization also helped in increasing the income of the people. This necessitate d
more import of food items into Britain. To fulfill the demand, large tracts of lan d
were cleared in Eastern Europe, America, Russia and Australia.
The food grains also needed to be supplied to the ports. For this, railway lines
were to be laid so that the agricultural hubs could be connected to the port:;.
Moreover, new habitations also had to come up in agricultural hubs. For all thess
activities, capital flowed from financial centres; such as London; to these place:;.
There was shortage of labour in Americas and Australia. The demand for workforc 3
resulted in large scale migration of people to these places. Nearly 50 million peopl e
migrated from Europe to America and Australia during the nineteenth century. A 1
over the world, about 150 million people migrated to different place By 1890s, a
global agricultural economy had taken shape. This was accompanied by complek.
changes in labour movement, capital flow and technological changes.

Role of Technology
Technology definitely played an important role in globalizing the world economy
during this period. Some of the major technological innovations were the railways,
steamship and telegraph. Railways helped in connecting the hinterland to the port:;.
Steamships helped in transporting goods in bulk across the Atlantic. Telegrap a
helped in speeding up the communication and thus facilitated better economic
Trade in Meat: Trade in meat shows a very good example of benefit of technology
on the life of common people. Till 1870s, live animals were shipped from Americ a

d) Social Science-ID
to Europe. Shipping live animals had its own problems. They took more space CLASS-10
and many animals either died or became sick during the transit. Due to this, Social Science
meat remained a luxury item for most of the Europeans, ury item for most of
the Europeans.
Arrival of refrigeration technology changed the picture. Now, animals could be
slaughtered in America and processed meat could be shipped to Europe. This helped
in better utilization of space in the ships. This also helped in better availability
of meat for the Europeans and thus prices fell. Now, even the common people Notes
could afford to eat meat on a regular basis.
Better availability of food promoted social peace within the countries. People of
Britain were now more receptive to imperial ambitions of the country

Late Nineteenth Century and Colonialism

While the expansion of trade improved the quality of life of many Europeans; it
had negative implications for people of the colonized countries.
When you will carefully observe the modem map of Africa, it would appear that
most of the boundaries are straight lines. It appears as if someone had deliberately
made those straight lines. In 1885, the big European powers met in Berlin and
demarcated the African continent for respective powers. That is how boundaries
of most of the African countries appear as straight lines.

Rinderpest or Cattle Plague

Rinderpest is a disease which affects cattle. The example of rinderpest in Africa
shows that even a cattle disease can widely alter the power equations in a
geographical area.
Africa was the land of vast resources of land and minerals. Europeans had come
to Africa to make fortune out of mining and plantations. But they faced a huge
scarcity of labour. There was another problem and that was'that the local people
were not willing to work in spite of being offered wages. In fact, Africa was a
sparsely populated continent and people’s needs could be easily met with the
available resources. There simply was no need to work for wages.
The Europeans applied various ways to force the people to work. Some of them
are as follows:
a. Heavy taxes were imposed which could only be paid by working on
plantations and in mines.
b. Inheritance laws were changed and only one member of the family was
allowed to inherit land. This forced others into the labour market.
c. Mineworkers were confined to the campus and were not allowed to move
Arrival of Rinderpest: Rinderpest arrived in Africa in the late 1880s. It-came
with the horses which were imported from British Asia. Those horses came as

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 reinforcements for Italian soldiers who were invading Eritrea in East Africs -
Social Science
Rinderpest spread in the African continent like the forest fire. It reached to weste;
coast of Africa by 1892 and within five years' after that, it reached to southemmo..
tip of the continent. Rinderpest wiped off .'90% of the cattle population of Africk
during this period.
* i
Loss of cattle meant loss of livelihood' for the Africans. They had no choice but
to work as labourers in plantations and mines. Thus, a cattle disease enabled the
Notes Europeans to colonise Africa.

Indentured Labour Migration from India

Indentured labour is a bonded labour who is hired on contract for a specific employe •
for a specific period of time. Many poor Indians from modem day Bihar, Utta *
Pradesh, central India and dry districts of Tamil Nadu became indentured labours
These people were mainly sent to the Caribbean Islands, Mauritius and Fiji. Man)’
of them were also sent to Ceylon and Malaya. In India, many indentured labour!
went to work in tea plantations of Assam.
The agents often gave false promises and the workers were not even told abou;
the place they were heading for. The condition in the alien land was quite
horrible for the workers. They did not have any legal rights and had to work
under tortuous conditions.
Form the 1900s, the Indian nationalists began to oppose the system of indenturec
labour. The practice was finally abolished in 1921.

Indian Entrepreneurs Abroad

Shikaripuri shroffs and Nattukottai Chettiars were among the groups of bankers
and traders from India. They financed export agriculture in Southern and Central!
Asia. They had their own sophisticated system of money transfer to different parts
of the world and even in India.
Indian traders and moneylenders also ventured into Africa alongwith the European
colonizers. The Hyderabadi Sindhi traders ventured even beyond European colonies.
By 1860s, they established flourishing emporia at busy ports around the world.

Indian Trade, Colonialism and the Global System

Historically, fine cotton from India was exported to Europe. After industrialization,
the local manufacturers forced the British government to impose a ban on Indian
imports. This resulted in British manufactured cotton textiles flooding the Indian
market. The share of cotton textiles in Indian export was 30% in 1800. It declined
to 15% by 1815 and to 3% by 1870s. But from 1812 to 1871, the export of raw
cotton increased from 5% to 35%. During this period, Indigo emerged as a major
export item from India. Opium was the largest exported item from India and it
was mainly exported to China.

(2) Social Science-10

Although export of raw materials* and food grains from India to Britain grew CLASS-10
manifold but import of finished goods' from Britain also increased. This resulted Social Science
in a situation in which Britain was,having the trade surplus: In other words, the
Balance of Payment was in Britain’S'fatfour. Income from the Indian market was
utilised by Britain to serve its other colonies and also to pay ‘home charges’ for
its officials who were posted in India. TJie home charges also included payment
of India’s external debt and pension for retired British officials in India

The Inter-war Economy Notes

The First World War wreaked large scale havoc around the world in many senses.
About 9 million people died and 20 million people were injured in the wake of
the war. * ') '

Most of the people who were killed or' maimed were people from working age.
This resulted in a significant reduction in the number of able-bodied workforces
in Europe. Due to fewer earning members in the families, the household incomes
drastically reduced in Europe.
Most of the men were forced to engage in war and thus women had to replace
them in factory jobs. Women were now working in those jobs which were earlier
considered as male bastions. ; ■
The war also led to snapping of ties between some major economic powers of the
world. Britain had to borrow from the US to finance the war. The war transformed
the US from an international debtor to an international creditor. Now, US and its
citizens owned more overseas assets than foreign governments or citizens owned
in the US.
Post-war Recovery
While Britain was preoccupied with war, industries developed in India and Japan.
After the war, Britain found it difficult to regain its earlier dominant position in
India. Similarly, it was unable to compete with Japan at the international level.
At the end of the war, Britain was under huge debts from the US.
During the war, there was increased demand for goods which resulted in economic
boom in Britain. After the war ended, the demand drastically fell to come in tune
with the peace-time economy. About 20% of the British workers lost their job
after the war.
Before the war, Eastern Europe was a major supplier of wheat. But during the war,
Canada, America and Australia emerged’as the leading suppliers of wheat because
Eastern Europe was involved in war. Once the war was over, the Eastern Europe
resumed the supply of wheat. This resulted in a glut of wheat in the market and
prices fell. This created havoc in the rural economy.

Rise of Mass Production and Consumption

The US economy was quick to recover from the aftershocks of the war. During
the 1920s, the unique feature of the US economy was mass production. Henry
Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Ford, the founder of the Ford Motors was. the pioneer of mass production in.
Social Science factories. Mass production helped in increasing productivity and reducing prices.
Workers began to earn better in the US,and-hence had better disposable income.
This created huge demand for various products.
The car production rose from 2 million,Jn. 1919 to 5 million 1929 in the US.
Similarly, the production of white goods; Jike refrigerators, washing machines,
radio, gramophone, etc. increased manifold in the US. There was a housing booiri
Notes as well in the US market. The demand -could be further maintained because Jf
the beginning of the hire purchase culture.
All of this made for a prosperous US economy. In 1923, US resumed exporting
capital to the rest of the world and emerged as the largest overseas lender. This also
helped in European recovery and boosted the world trade for the next six years;.
The Great Depression
Agricultural Overproduction: Agricultural overproduction was a major problem
during the 1920s. More supply of. farm produce resulted in lower price. Farmers
tried to compensate by producing even more. This created a glut of farm product
in the market; leading to further fall in prices. Farm produce rotted because ex'
lack of buyers. I
Withdrawal of US Loans: Many European countries heavily depended on US
loans. But the US lender panicked at the first sign of trouble. In the first half df
1928, the US loan amounted to $ 1 billion. But within a year, it was just a quarter
billion dollar. Withdrawal of US loan affected many countries in various ways.
This led to the collapse of many banks and currencies in Europe. The Britis
Pound Sterling also crashed during this period. The Agricultural market slumpe
in Latin America.
The US tried to protect its economy by doubling its import duties. It also ha
deleterious effect on the world economy.
The US was most severely affected by depression. Prices were falling and economy
was in bad shape. The US banks slashed domestic lending and called back loans.
Household incomes fell in many people were not in a position to repay the loan
which they had taken to buy homes and white goods. Unemployment level increasen
and banks were unable to collect loans. [
Thousands of banks in the US went bankrupt. By 1933, over 4000 banks had
closed. Between 1929 and 1932, about 110,000 companies collapsed in the US.
In most of the economies, a modest recovery began by 1935.
India and the Great Depression
The Depression affected the Indian economy as*well. Between 1928 and 1934, the
imports and exports of India became nearly half. During this period, the wheat
prices in India fell by 50%.

(E) Social Science-10

. * <• XSCsaJ. • v

In spite of falling prices of farm produce, the government continued to demand CLASS-10
the same revenue from the farmers. Thus; farmers were the worst sufferers in this Social Science
situation. Many farmers were forced to^utilize their savings, sell their lands and
jewelry. Thus, India became a net exporter of precious metal during this period.
The depression proved less grim for’the urban dwellers in India. With falling
prices, many urban landowners and salaried people found the life much easier.
Under pressure from the nationalist leaders, the industrial protection grew which
led to more investment in the industries.1''' Notes

The Post-war Settlements

The Second World War was different than earlier wars. There were more civilian
casualties in this war and many important cities were devastated beyond recognition.
The recovery after the Second World War was influenced by two important factors:
1. The emergence of the US as the .dominant economic, political and military
‘ power in the west.
2. Transformation of the Soviet Union from an agrarian economy into a
world power.
The world leaders met and discussed to work for post war recovery. They focused
on two main objectives; which can be summarized as follows:
• Preservation of economic stability and full employment in the industrial
• Controlling the influence of the outer world on flow of capital, goods
and labour.

Bretton Woods Institutions

United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference was held in July 1944 at
Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, USA. The Bretton Woods Conference established
the International Monetary Fund. This organization was established to deal with
external surpluses and deficits of its members.
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was set up to finance
post-war reconstruction. This is popularly known as the World Bank. The IMF
and World Bank are often referred to as Bretton Woods Institutions. The post-war
economic system is also referred to as the Bretton Woods System.
The IMF and World Bank began their operations in 1947. Western industrial powers
controlled the decision-making in these institutions. The US had an effective veto
right over key decisions made by these institutions.
The Bretton Woods System was based on fixed exchange rate for currencies. The
dollar was anchored to gold at a fixed price of $35 per ounce of gold. Other
currencies were linked to dollar at fixed rates.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 The Early Post-war Years
Social Science The Bretton Woods System started an era'o? unprecedented economic growth in
the Western industrial nations and in Japan.,'Between 1950 and 1970, the work.
trade grew annually at 8% and incomes grew at nearly 5%. The unemployment rat<;
averaged less than 5% in most of the industrialized countries during this period,
which speaks about the stable nature of economic growth during this period.

Notes Decolonization and Independence . .

Within the two decades after the Second World War, many colonies became
independent and emerged as new nations. These countries were in deep economii
trouble because of their long history of exploitation. During the initial phase, the
Bretton Woods Institutions were not in a position to cope with the demands of*
these new nations. Meanwhile, Europe and Japan quickly rebuilt their economic^
and thus grew independent from the IMF and World Bank. From the late 1950s[
the Bretton Woods Institutions began to shift their focus on developing economic!
of the world.
These institutions were under the control of former colonial powers. Hence, most o '
the developed countries still ran the risk of being exploited by the former colonia
powers; in the name of development. These countries organized themselves ink'
G-77 (Group of 77) to demand new international economic order. They wantec
real control over their natural resources, fairer price for raw materials and bette: ■
access to the markets in the developed world.
End of Bretton Woods and Beginning of Globalisation
From the 1960s onwards, US finances and competitive strength was,weakening
because of its rising cost of overseas involvement. The dollar could not maintair
its value in relation to gold. Thus the system of fixed exchange rate collapse*
and the new system of floating exchange rate began.
From the mid-1970s, the international financial system changed in many ways
Earlier, developing countries could turn to international institutions for financia
assistance. Now they were forced to borrow from Western commercial banks
and private lending institutions. This led to periodic debt crises, lower incomes
and unemployment in the developing world. Many African and Latin Americar
countries suffered from such crises.
China had been cut off from the world economy since its revolution in 1949. China
began to follow new economic policies and came back into the fold of worlc/
economy. Collapse of the Soviet Union and that of Soviet style communism id
many Eastern European countries brought many countries into the fold of work
Wages were quite low in countries; like China, India, Brazil, Philippines, Malaysia,
etc. These countries became preferred sourcing destinations for many MNCs. India!

QD Social Science-1(

has also emerged as the most preferred hub for Business Process Outsourcing. In CLASS-10
the last two decades, many third world ^countries have grown at a rapid pace and Social Science
India, China and Brazil are their leading examples.

The world had changed dramatically .during the nineteenth century. There were
changes in social, political, economic and technological factors in much complex
way during this period. The changes altered the external relations beyond
Economists identify three types of flows within international economic exchanges.
These are as follows:
• Flow of trade
• Flow of labor
• Flow of capital
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was set up to finance
post-war reconstruction. This is popularly known as the World Bank. The IMF
and World Bank are often referred to as Bretton Woods Institutions. The post-war
economic system is also referred to as the Bretton Woods System.
Within the two decades after the Second World War, many colonies became
independent and emerged as new nations. These countries were in deep economic
trouble because of their long history of exploitation. During the initial phase, the
Bretton Woods Institutions were not in a position to cope with the demands of
these new nations. Meanwhile, Europe and Japan quickly rebuilt their economies
and thus grew independent from the IMF and World Bank. From the late 1950s,
the Bretton Woods Institutions began to shift their focus on developing economies
of the world.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. People livelihood and local economy of which one of the following was badly
affected by the disease named Rinderpest.
(a) Asia (b) Europe
(c) Africa (d) South America
2. Which of the following places important destination for indentured
(a) Florida (b) Melbourne
(c) Carribbean island (d) Mexico
3. The group of powers collectively known as the Axis power during the Second World
War were:
(a) Germany, Italy, Japan (b) Austria, Germany, Italy
(c) France, Japan, Italy (d) Japan, Germany, Turkey

Social Science-10 (IT)

CLASS-10 4. Who among the following is a Nobel Prize winner?
Social Science (a) V.S. Naipaul , -
(b) J.M. Keynes
(c) Shivnarine Chanderpaul
(d) Ramnaresh Sarwan
»'« -
5. Which of the following statements correctly identifies the com laws?
(a) Restricted the import of corn to ; England
(b) Allowed the import of com to England
(c) Imposed tax on com ».
(d) Abolished the sale of com
6. Which of the following is the direct effect of Great Depression on Indian Trade?
(a) Peasants and farmers suffered.
(b) Indian exports and imports nearlyhalved between 1928-1934.
(c) Peasants' indebtedness increased.
(d) Led to widespread unrest in rural India.
7. Which of the following enabled the Europeans to conquer and control the Africans?
(a) Victory in war
(b) Control over the scarce resource of cattle
(c) Death of Africans due to rinderpest ■
(d) Lack of weapons in Africa to fight against the Europeans
8. Who discovered the vast continent, later known as America?
(a) Vasco da Gama
(b) Christopher Columbus
(c) V.S. Naipaul
(d) None of these
9. Until 18th century which two countries were considered the richest in the world?
(a) India and China
(b) China and Japan
(c) England and France
(d) England and Italy
10. Why were the Europeans attracted to Africa?
(a) By its natural beauty
(b) By the opportunities for investment
(c) For its vast land resources and mineral wealth
(d) For recruitment of labour
Answer Key
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (a)
6. (b) 7. (b) 8.(b) 9. (a) 10. (c)

(5 Social Science-10

Review Questions CLASS-10
1. Describe how human societies have become steadily more interlinked in the Social Science
ancient times.
Mention any three sources of interlinkage between nations in ancient times.
2. "Food offers many examples of long-distance cultural exchange." Support your
,> >
answer with three examples.
3. Explain with example, how the new crops could make the difference between life Notes
and death for people. Explain with an example from Ireland.
Show the importance of new crops for the poor.
4. Describe the main features of the pre-modern world before the sixteenth century.
How did it change with the discovery of new sea routes to America? Give any three
examples to explain the statement.
5. "The Spanish conquest and colonisation of America was decisively underway by
the mid-sixteenth century." Explain with examples.
How did the smallpox prove as the most powerful weapon of the Spanish f.
conquerors in the early modern phase? Explain.
6. Describe the centers of world trade before and after the eighteenth century.

Space for Work


Social Science-10 ^T)

Social Science
1<. •

} f

Notes Content
• Hi °

Before the Industrial Revolution •. < •

• Hand Labour and Steam Power
• Industrialization in the colonies
• Factories Come Up
• The Peculiarities of Industrial1 Growth
• Market for Goods
Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to
Familiarize with the Pro- to Industrial phase and Early - factory system.
• Familiarize with the process of industrialization and its impact on labo ir :
class. ]

• Enable them to understand industrialization in the colonies with reference

to Textile industries


Proto Industrialisation
The period of industrialization before the first factories came up in Europe is
termed as proto-industrialization. This period was marked by merchants from
towns getting products made in villages.
Reasons for focus of merchants on villages: There were powerful trade and craft
guilds in urban areas. These associations-controlled competition and prices and
prevented entry of a new player in the market. Because of them, it was diffic nit
for new merchants to set business in towns.
Features of proto-industrialization in Britain:
• The merchants supplied money to the peasants in the countryside. Tl ey i
motivated them to produce products for an international market.
• Land was becoming scarce in villages. Small plots of land were not
enough to meet the need of a growing population. Peasants were looking
for some additional sources of income.

Social Science- ao

The proto-industrial system was a network of commercial exchanges. It was CLASS-10
controlled by merchants. Goods were produced by peasants who worked within Social Science
their family farms and not in factories. The finished product passed through
several stages and reached the markets of London. From London, the products
were supplied to the international markets*
The Coming Up Of Factory
The earliest factories in England came up in the 1730s. By late 18th century,
there were numerous factories dotting the landscape of England. In 1760 Britain Notes
was importing 2.5 million pounds of raw cotton. This quantity increased to 22
million pounds by 1787.
Benefits of factories: The factories increased efficiency of workers. Because of new
machines a worker could produce better products in much bigger quantities. Cotton
textiles were the main area in which industrialization happened. Managing and
supervising the labour was much easier in factories than it was in the countryside.

The pace of Industrial Change

Cotton and metals were the most dynamic industries in Britain. During the first
phase of industrialization (upto 1840s), cotton was the leading sector. The iron
and steel industries grew rapidly with the expansion of railways. The railways
expanded in England from the 1840s and in the colonies from 1860s. By 1873,
the export of iron and steel from Britain was valued at about 77 million pounds.
This was double the value of Cotton export.
At the end of the nineteenth century, less than 20% of total workforce was
employed in technologically advanced industrial sectors. This shows that the
traditional industry could not be displaced by the new industries.
The cotton or metal industries could not set the change of pace in the traditional
industries. But the traditional industries experienced many changes which were
brought by small and apparently ordinary innovations. Food processing, building,-
pottery, glasswork, tanning, furniture making and production of implements were
such industries.
The new technology took a long time to spread across the industrial landscape. High
cost of machines and costly repair scared the merchants and industrialists. The new
machines were not as effective as claimed by their inventors and manufacturers.
Historians acknowledge the fact that the
typical worker in the mid-nineteenth century
was not a machine operator but the traditional
craftsperson and labourer.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Hand Labour and Steam Power: Duribg this period, there was no shortage of
Social Science human labour. Because of good supply of Workers, there was no problem of lab( ixr
shortage or high wages. As a result, the-merchants and industrialists preferred to
manage with human labour rather than investing in costly machines.
Machine-made goods were standardized' and could not match the high quality-
finish of hand-made goods. The people from the upper classes preferred thir gs
produced by hand. > >

Notes The situation was different in nineteenth century America. There was shortage of*
labour in America and hence mechanization was the only way out in that part of*
the world.

Life of Workers *
There was large scale migration from countryside to cities in search of jo us.
Finding a job depended on existing-network of friendship and kin relations.
People without existing social connections in the cities found it difficult to find a
job. Many people had to wait for long periods before they could get a job. sJch
people often had to spend nights on bridges or in night shelters. Some private
individuals set up Night Refuges. The Poor Law authorities maintained Casial
Wards for such people.
Many jobs were seasonal in nature. Once a busy season was over, the poor were
once again on the streets. While some people returned to the countryside, many-
stayed back to look for some odd jobs.
There was some increase in the wages in the early nineteenth century. It is
difficult to arrive at figures from various trades and fluctuations which happened
from year to year. The period of employment was also critical in determining title
quality of life of a worker. During the best of the times till the mid-nineteerltfci
century, about 10% of urban population was extremely poor. During the periojds
of economic slump, the unemployment increased anything between 35 and 75 Vo.
Workers often turned hostile to new technology because of fear of unemployme nt.
For example; when Spinning Jenny was introduced, women began to attack ttie
new machines because they survived on hand spinning.
After the 1840s, construction activity increased in the cities. This opened grea ;er
employment opportunities. The number of workers in the transport industries
doubled in the 1840s, and doubled again in the subsequent 30 years.

The Age of Indian Textiles

The East India Company had consolidated its business by the mid-eighteei tti
century. The earlier centres of trade; like Surat and Hooghly; declined during this
period. The new centres; like Calcutta and Bombay emerged.
Once the East India Company established political power, it began to assert its
monopoly right to trade.

G) Social Science - lO

N. -/
The Company tried to eliminate the.'.existing traders and brokers who were CLASS-10
connected with the cloth trade. It tried to, establish a more direct control on the Social Science
weavers. A paid servant; called gomastha.was appointed to supervise weavers,
collect supplies, and examine the quality of cloth.
The Company prevented weavers from dealing with other buyers. This was done
through the system of advances. Under, this system, the weavers were given loans
to purchase raw materials. Once a weaver took the advance, he could not sell his
produce to any other trader. Notes
The new system of advances created many,problems for the weavers. Earlier, they
used to grow some crops on their land which took care of their family needs.
Now, they had not time for cultivation and they had to lease out their land.
Unlike the traditional merchants, the gomastha was an outsider who had no social
links with the villages. He used to visit with sepoys and peons and punished
weavers who could not meet the deadline. .The gomastha behaved arrogantly.
There were reports of clashes between weavers and gomasthas in many villages.
The system of advances resulted in many weavers falling in debt trap. In many
places in Carnatic and Bengal, weavers deserted villages and migrated to other
villages to set up looms. Many weavers began to refuse loans, closed down their
workshops and took to farming.

Manchester comes to India

By the beginning of the nineteenth century; a long decline of textiles exports from
India initiated. In 1811 - 12 piece-goods accounted for 33% of India’s exports
but it declined to less than 3% by 1850-51.
Because of pressure from the British manufacturers, the government-imposed import
duties so that the goods manufactured in Britain could sell in England. They also
pressurized the East India Company to sell British manufactured goods in Indian
markets. At the end of the eighteenth century, there had been negligible import
of cotton piece-goods in India. But by 1850 cotton piece-goods constituted over
31% of the value of Indian imports. By 1870s, the value increased to over 70%.
The machine-made cotton was cheaper than hand-made cotton piece-goods in India.
The weavers thus lost a huge market share to imports from Britain. By 1850s,
most of the cotton producing centres in India faced a steep decline.
The Civil War broke out in the US in 1860s. Due to that, the cotton supply from
the US to Britain was cut off. Britain turned began to source cotton from India.
This led to a huge shortage of raw cotton for weavers in India.
By the end of the nineteenth century, cotton factories began to come up in India
as well. This was the final blow for traditional cotton textiles industry in India.

Factories Come Up
The first cotton mill in Bombay came up in 1854 and it went into production
two years later. By 1862 four mills were in operation. Jute mills also came up in

Social Science-10 («)

CLASS-10 Bengal around the same time. The Elgin Mill was started in Kanpur in the 186 Ds.
Social Science In Ahmadabad, the first cotton mill wai set up in the same period. By 1874, he
first cotton mill of Madras began pfbduttion.
The Early Entrepreneurs
The history of many business groups goes back to trade with China. From the late
eighteenth century, the British in India began to export opium to China and import
tea from there. Many Indians took a'ctive participation in this trade by providing
finance, procuring supplies and shipping- consignments. Once these businessn ten
earned enough, they dreamt of developing industrial enterprises in India.
Dwarknanath Tagore was among the'pioneers to begin industries in the 1830s i nd
1840s. Tagore’s enterprise sank during the business crises of the 1840s. But in
the later nineteenth century, many businessmen became successful industrialists.
In Bombay, Parsis like Dinshaw Petit,'and Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Tata went on
to build huge industrial empires. Seth Hukumchand; a Marwari businessman; set
up the first Indian jute mill in Calcutta in 1917. The Birla Group was similarly
started by successful traders from China.

Capital was also accumulated through other trade networks; like Burma, the Middle
East and Africa.
There was a virtual stranglehold of the British players on business in India which
leaved little scope for growth of Indian merchants. Till the First World Vrar,
European Managing Agencies controlled a large sector of Indian industries.
Where Did the Workers Come from?
In most of the industrial region’s workers came from the surrounding districts.
Most of the workers were migrants from neighbouring villages. They maintain.ed ,
contact with their rural homeland; by returning to their villages during harvests
and festivals.
After some passage of time, workers began to migrate greater distances in sea rch
of work. For example; people from, the United Provinces began to migrate to
Bombay and Calcutta.
Getting a job was not easy. Industrialists usually employed a jobber to hire new
people. The jobber was usually an old and trusted worker. The jobber usually

G) Social Science-*- lO
preferred people from his own village. ;He helped them settle in the city and CLASS-10
provided financial help during crisis. The jobber thus became an influential person. Social Science
He began to demand money and gifts* for his favour and began to control the
lives of workers.

The Peculiarities of Industrial Growth e

European Managing Agencies were interested in certain kinds of products. They

focused on tea and coffee plantations, mining, indigo and jute. These products Notes
were mainly required for export and were not meant for sale in India.
The Indian businessmen avoided competing with Manchester goods in the Indian
market. For example; they, produced coarse cotton yam which was used by
handloom weavers or exported to China. .
By the first decade of the twentieth centufy'various changes affected the pattern
of industrialization. This was the time, the‘swadeshi movement was gathering
momentum. Industrial groups organized themselves for collective bargaining with
the government. They pressurized the government to increase tariff protection and
grant other concessions. This was the period when the export of Indian yam to
China declined. This was because the produce; from Chinese and Japanese mills
flooded the Chinese market. The Indian manufacturers began to shift from yam
to cloth production. Between 1900 and 1912, the cotton piece-goods production
doubled in India.
Industrial growth was slow till the First World War. The War changed the situation.
The British mills became busy in meeting the needs of the army. This resulted in
decline of imports to India. There was a vast home market to be catered by the
Indian mills. The Indian mills were also asked to supply goods for the British
army. This created a boom in industrial activities.
After the war, Manchester could never recapture its lost position in the Indian
market. The British industry was no longer in a position to compete with the US,
Germany and Japan.

Small Scale Industries Predominate

In spite of industrial growth, large industries formed only a small segment of the
economy. About 67% of the large industries were located in Bengal and Bombay.
Small-scale production continued to prevail in the rest of the country. Only a small
portion of the industrial workforce worked in registered factories. This share was
just 5% in 1911 and 10% in 1931.
The handicrafts expanded in the twentieth century. The handicrafts people adopted
new technology. For example; weavers started the use of fly shuttle in their looms.
By 1941, more than 35% of handlooms in India were fitted with fly shuttles.
The percentage was 70 to 80 in major textile hubs; like Travancore, Madras,
Mysore, Cochin and Bengal. Many other small innovations helped in improving
productivity in the handloom sector. •.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Market for Goods
Social Science The manufacturers practiced various ways to lure new customers. Advertisem snt
is one of the various ways to attract new customers.
The producers from Manchester labjeled their products to show the place of
manufacture. The label ‘Made in Manchester’ was considered to be the sign of
good quality. The labels also carried beautiful illustrations. The illustrations often
carried the images of Indian gods and goddesses. This was a good attempt to
Notes develop a local connect with the people.
By the late nineteenth century, manufacturers began distributing calendars| to
popularize their products. A calendar has a longer shelf life than newspaper or
magazines. It works as a constant brand reminder throughout a year.
The Indian manufacturers often highlighted nationalist messages along with tljieir
advertisement; in an attempt to develop a better connect with the potential customers


‘Proto- Industrialisation’ was the phase before Industrial Revolution occurrec m

Europe. There was large scale production happening even then, but not in factor ies!
Can you imagine how? There was a system where the rural masses produced ‘aw
material and sold it to the merchant class.
Then, the merchants would sell that raw material to a craftsman and make Jus pro­
cess into the final product. Merchants would then buy the goods and sell it ini the
market. This mercantile system could no longer survive as the urban guilds were
very strong and they monopolized production and selling of goods.
The Coming of Factories
More colonies for the ‘imperialists meant more raw material at cheap prices, plus a.
market to dump goods into. -Factories started coming about rapidly with inventions of
machinery, like the mill invented by Richard Arkwright. The most widely prodi ced
Item was cotton. The raw material came for cheap from the colonies of India and
America. Places like Lancashire and Manchester became hubs of factory production.
However, food processing, glassware, pottery, tanning, etc., were produced tradition illy.
Human Labour and Inventions

Factories with .machinery depended on manual labour to operate. Many of the labour
came from villages where they had lost their livelihood as artisans and producers.
They lived in harsh condition, sleeping on pavements on roadsides and even the
demand for them was only seasonal. However, hand-made .goods were in great de­
mand, as they symbolized class and elegance.
With the coming of more inventions like the ‘Spinning Jenny’ by Hargreaves, the
labourers started getting lower wages and unemployed too. They came to hate the

Gl) Social Science — lO

machines and even started to attack and destroy them. However, this conflict didn’t CLASS-10
last long as the machines led to the building of roads and railways where people Social Science
were further employed!

India and Industrialisation

India was a rich country with an external and'internal trade. However, with the com­
ing of imperialism and colonialism, the economy of the country began to dwindle.
This happened due to the Britisher’s trade measures like exploiting raw materials, Notes
‘free trade’ and high customs duties for their Indian goods. They took raw materials
from India to trade to Europe for a very cheap price (example, cotton), processed
it into finer goods (example, cloth) in Britain and then sold it back at very high
prices in India.
Earlier, weavers would auction their goods to the best buyer, but after the British
controlled the economy, they became the buyers. The new buyers treated the weav­
ers badly, demanded very high amounts of goods and even beat them up. Slowly,
factory-made goods which were cheaper to make (from places like Manchester and
Lancashire) eroded the weavers and industries in India.
Indian industries and weavers slowly died and port cities like Bombay and Cal­
cutta came up due to overseas trade. Yet, there were few men like Dwarkanath
Tagore, J. Nusserwanji, etc. who carried out businesses across Central and South
Asian networks.

Multiple Choice Questions
1. The person who got people from village, ensured them jobs, helped them settle in
cities and provided them money in times of need was known as:
(a) Stapler
(b) Fuller
(c) Gomastha
(d) Jobber
2. Why did Manchester export to India decline after the First World War?
(a) People were busy fighting the war.
(b) Factories closed down due to security problem.
(c) Factories and mills were busy producing goods to fulfill the need of army.
(d) Export trade was restricted by the government.
3. Why were workers in England hostile to machines and new technology?
(a) They did not know how to use these.
(b) They feared that they would lose their jobs and livelihood.
(c) The workers were too poor to buy new machines.
(d) They were scared of machines.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 4. Why were there frequent clashes between the gomastha and the weavers?
Social Science (a) The weavers hated foreigners,'
(b) The gomastha forced the weavers to sell goods at a dictated price.
(c) Gomasthas were outsiders Without long term social link with the village.
(d) None of the above.
5. From which of the following trade did the early entrepreneurs make a fortune *
(a) Textile trade . -V,'
Notes (b) China trade
(c) Trade in tea
(d) Industries
6. Which of the following was a European managing agency?
(a) Tata Iron and Steel Company
(b) Andrew Yule
(c) Elgin Mill
(d) Birla industries
7. Why did the weavers suffer from a problem of raw cotton?
(a) The cotton crop perished
(b) Raw cotton exports increased
(c) Local markets shrank .
(d) Export market collapsed
8. In Victorian Britain the upper classes- aristocratic class and bourgeoisie prefer 'ed
handmade goods because:
(a) they were made from imported material.
(b) the handmade goods came to symbolize refinement and class.
(c) they were better finished.
(d) only upper class could afford the expensive items.
9. By late 19th century why did the British manufacturers print calendars for
(a) Indian people were fond of using calendars in their houses.
(b) Unlike newspapers and magazines, calendars were used even by people vrtio
■ did not know how to read or write.
(c) It was cheaper to advertise goods through calendars.
(d) It used to add beauty to the room.
10. Which of the following innovations helped the weavers in increasing productivity
and compete with mill sector?
(a) Spining jenny
(b) Fly shuttle
(c) Cotton Gin
(d) Roller
Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (c) * 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b)
6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (b)

(so) Social Science- lO

Review Questions CLASS-10
1. What does publisher E.T. Pauli want to cohtey by the picture 'Dawn of the Century' Social Science
on the cover page of his music book?
2. Whatwasproto-industrialisationTExplaip.theimportanceofproto-industrialisation.
3. Why did the merchants from the towns in Europe move to countryside during the
17th and 18th centuries? Why were the merchants not able to expand production
within the towns of England?
4. What were guilds? How did they make it difficult for new merchants to set business
in towns of England? Explain.
5. In the seventeenth century Europe, the peasants and artisans in the countryside
readily agreed to work for merchants. Explain.
6. How did the cotton factories become an intimate part of English landscape in the
early 19th century?
What were the causes for increase in the import of raw cotton in the late eighteenth
century in Britain? What were its results?
7. Describe the main features of the pace of industrial change in Britain in the
nineteenth century. . r>'t >.
Space for Work ,/..V


Social Science-10 Qy
CLASS-10 (irfit; M iMiai .ajfjai ffet MMiMl g> 00
Social Science



Notes Content

The First Printed Books

• Print Comes to Europe . r. ■ i.

• The Print Revolution and its Impact

• The Reading Mania v .
• The Nineteenth Century
• India and the World of Print
• Religious Reform and Public Debates
• New Forms of Publication
• Print and Censorship
riearning Objectives
Enable the learners to
' Identify the link between print culture and the circulation of ideas.
• Familiarize with pictures, cartoons, extracts from propaganda literati ire
i and newspaper debates on important events and issues in the past.
• Understand that forms of writing have a specific history, and that they
reflect historical changes within society and shape the forces of channge.


The First Printed Books

The earliest print technology was developed in China, Japan and Korea. Fi om
594 AD onwards, books were printed in China by rubbing paper against the inked
surface of woodblocks. The traditional Chinese ‘Accordion Book’ was folded and.
stitched at the side because both sides of the thin, porous sheet could not be prin ed.
For a very long time, the imperial state of China was the major producer of*
printed material. The Chinese bureaucratic system recruited its personnel through
civil services examinations. The imperial state sponsored the large scale printing
of textbooks for this examination. The number of candidates for the examinati >ns
increased from the sixteenth century, and this increased the volume of print.

Social Science f lO
By the seventeenth century, the use of print diversified in China because of a CLASS-10
blooming urban culture. Print was no longerlfmited to scholar-officials. Merchants Social Science
used print in day-to-day life because they collected trade related information.
Fictional narratives, poetry, autobiographies^anthologies of literary masterpieces
and romantic play became the staple for the reading public. Reading acquired
the status of a preferred leisure activity. Rich women began to read and many of
them began publishing their poetry and plays.
Print in iapan
The Buddhist missionaries from China introduced hand-printing technology into
Japan around 768 - 770 AD. The Buddhist Diamond Sutra which was printed in
868 AD was the oldest Japanese book. Libraries and bookstores were packed with
hand-printed materials of various types. These included books on women, musical
instruments, calculations, tea ceremony, flower arrangements, proper etiquette,
cooking and famous places.

Print Conies to Europe

Marco Polo was a great explorer from Italy. He returned from China in 1295
and brought the knowledge of woodblock printing along with him. Thus, printing
began in Italy and travelled to other parts of Europe. Vellum was still the preferred
material for printing the luxury editions because printed books were considered
as cheap vulgarities. Vellum is a parchment made from the skin of animals.
By the early fifteenth century, woodblocks were widely used in Europe to print
various materials. It almost replaced the books made by calligraphy.

Gutenberg and the Printing Press

Gutenberg was the son of a merchant. Since his childhood he had seen wine and
olive presses. He also learnt the art of polishing stones, and became a master
goldsmith and also became an expert in creating lead moulds. Such moulds were
used for making trinkets.
Gutenberg used his knowledge to bring innovation to the print technology. He
used the olive press as the model for the printing press and used the moulds for
casting the metal types for the letters. Gutenberg perfected the system by 1448.
The first book printed by him was the Bible.
Initially, the printed books resembled the written manuscripts in appearance and
layout. In the hundred years between 1450 and 1550, printing presses were set
up in most parts of Europe. The growth of the print industry was so good that
about 20 million books appeared in the European markets in the second half of
the fifteenth century. In the sixteenth century, this number went up to about 200
million copies.
Social Science-10
CLASS-10 The Print Revolution and Its Irtopact
Social Science A New Reading Public;
With the print technology, a new reading public emerged. Books became che* per
because of printing. Numerous copies could now be produced with much e ise.
This helped in catering to an evergrowing readership.
Access to books increased for the public. This helped in creating a new culture of*
Notes reading. Literacy level was very low till the twentieth century in Europe. Printers
kept in mind the wider reach of the*printed work. Popular ballads and folk tiles
were published which could be'listened by even the illiterates. Literate people
read out stories and ballads to those1 who could not read.

Religious Debates and Fear of Print

Print created an opportunity of a new debate and discussion. People began
questioning some established notions of religion. For the orthodox people, it A^as
like a challenge as they feared the disturbance in old order. In fact, the Protestant
Revolution in Christianity began because of print culture. The Roman Church felt
troubled by new ideas which raised questions about the existing norms of. fiitli.
It even started to maintain an Index of Prohibited Books from 1558.
The Reading Mania
The literacy levels improved through the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
in Europe. By the end of the eighteenth century, literacy rates were as high as
60 to 80 percent in some parts of Europe. The growth in literacy level created a
reading mania among people. Booksellers employed pedlars who roamed aro ixid
villages to sell books. Periodicals, novels, almanac, etc. formed the staple for the
reading mania.
Ideas of scientists and philosophers became more accessible to the common peo :>le.
New ideas could be debated and shared with a wider target audience.
Print Culture and the French Revolution
Many historians are of the view that print culture created the conditions wl ich
led to French Revolution. Some of such conditions are as follows:
• Print popularized the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers. These thinkers g ave
critical commentary on tradition, superstition and despotism. Voltaire and
Rousseau were among the prominent Enlightenment thinkers.
• Print created a new culture of dialogue and debate. General public began
to discuss the values, norms and institutions and tried to re-evaluate the
established notions.
• By the 1780s, there was a surge in literature which mocked the royalty
and criticized their morality. Print helped in creating an image of the

© Social Science^ iO
royalty that they indulged in their, own pleasure at the expense of the CLASS-10
common public. Social Science

The Nineteenth Century

There was vast leap in mass literacy in Europe in the nineteenth century. This
brought a large number of new readers among children, women and workers.
Many books were written and printed keeping? in mind the sense and sensibilities
of children. Many folk tales were rephrased,, to suit the children. Many women Notes
became important as readers as well as writers. The lending libraries which had
been in existence from the seventeenth century became the hub of activity for
white-collar workers, artisans and lower middlerdass people.

Further Innovations
Richard M. Hoe of New York perfected the power-driven cylindrical press by the
mid-nineteenth century. This could print 8,000 .sheets per hour. Offset press was
developed in the late nineteenth century. This could print up to six colours at a
time. Electrically operated presses came in use from the turn of the twentieth
century. This helped in accelerating the printing process. Many other innovations
took place during this period. All the innovations had a cumulative effect which
improved the appearance of printed texts.

New Strategies to sell books:

• Many periodicals serialized important novels in the nineteenth century.
• In the 1920s in England, popular works were sold in cheap series, called
the Shilling Series.
• The dust cover or book jacket is a twentieth century innovation.
• Cheap paperback editions were brought to counter the effect of the Great
Depression in the 1930s

India and the World of Print

The Portuguese missionaries were the first to bring printing press to Goa in
the mid-sixteenth century. The first books were printed in Kpnkani language.
By 1674, about 50 books had been printed in Konkani and Kanara Languages.
Catholic priests printed the first Tamil book in 1579 at Cochin. They printed the
first Malayalam book in 1713.
From 1780, James Augustus Hickey began to edit the Bengal Gazette. It was a
weekly magazine. Hickey also published a lot of gossip about the senior officials
of the Company. Governor General Warren Hastings persecuted Hickey. Warren
Hastings encouraged the publication of officially sanctioned newspapers to protect
the image of the colonial government.

. Social Science ~ 10
CLASS-10 The first Indian newspaper was the weekly Bengal Gazette which was brought
Social Science out by Gangadhar Bhattacharya.
Print culture helped in initiating new debate on religious, social and political
issues in India. Many existing religious practices were criticized. Rammoli-un
Roy published Sambad Kaumudi from 1821 to criticize the orthodox views in :tic
Hinduism. The Hindu orthodoxy commissioned the Samachar Chandrika to cour ter
his opinions. In 1822, publication of two Persian newspapers began, viz. Jam —
i- Jahan Nama and Shamsul Akhbar. Bombay Samachar; a Gujarati newspaper
appeared in the same year.
In north India, the ulama began to publish cheap lithographic prints which contair ed
Persian and Urdu translations of holy scriptures. They also published religidus
newspapers and tracts. The Deoband Seminary was founded in 1867. It published
thousands upon thousands fatwas about proper conduct in the life of Muslims!

Ramcharitmanas of Tulsidas was printed from Calcutta in 1810. From the 188Qs,
the Naval Kishore Press at Lucknow and the Shri Venkateshwar Press in Bomb! ■y
published many religious texts in vernaculars.
Print helped in bringing the religious texts within reach of the common masses.
It also helped in shaping the new political debate. It also helped in connectikg
the people from various parts of India; by carrying news of one part to another.

New forms of Publication

Initially, people got to read the novels which were written by European writers. But
people could not relate to those novels because .they were written in the European
context. Many writers emerged who began to write in the Indian context. People
could correlate with the theme and characters of such novels in a better way.
Many other new forms of writing also came into origin; like lyrics, short stories,
essays about social and political matters, etc.
A new visual culture was taking shape by the end of the nineteenth century. Mar y
printing presses started to produce visual images in large numbers. Works of
painters; like Raja Ravi Varma were produced for mass circulation through printing.
By the 1870s, caricatures and cartoons were being published in journals and
newspapers. They commented on various social and political issues.

Women and Print

Many writers wrote about the lives and feelings of women. Due to this, readershi p
among middle-class women increased substantially. There were many libers .1
husbands and fathers who stressed on.women’s education. While some women g( <t
education at home, some others went to schools as well. This was the time, whe a
many women writers also began to express their views through their writings.

© Social Science-*lb

Conservative Hindus and Muslims were -siiW against women’s education. They CLASS-10
thought that a girl’s mind would be polluted by education. People wanted their Social Science
daughters to read religious texts but did not want them to read anything else.
While Urdu, Tamil, Bengali and Marathi print culture had developed early, Hindi
printing began seriously only from the I-870s.
Print and the Poor People r *

Very cheap small books were brought to .markets in nineteenth century Madras Notes
towns. These books were sold at crossroads so that poor people could buy them.
Public libraries were set up from the early twentieth century which helped in

increasing the access to books. Many rich people set up library in order to assert
their prestige in their area. . \

Print and Censorship

Before 1798, the colonial rulers were not too concerned with censorship. Initially,
the control measures were directed against Englishmen in India who were critical
of Company misrule.
After the revolt of 1857, the attitude to freedom of the press changed. The
Vernacular Press Act was passed in 1878. The Act provided the government with
extensive rights to censor reports and editorials in the vernacular press. In case
of a seditious report, the newspaper was warned. If the warning was ignored, the
press was liable to be seized and the printing machinery confiscated.


_ - -j

Introduction of print technology was seen in China, Japan, and Korea. By the 17*
Century, as modem culture emerged in China, the uses of print diversified. Shanghai,
in fact, became the hub of the new print culture.
This was about China, similarly, the same culture was adopted by the people of Japan.
Through China, Japan got enlightened with this technology. Buddhist missionaries
from China introduced hand-printing technology into Japan.
In the 11* century, Chinese paper reached Europe via silk route. In 1295, Marco
Polo, a great explorer returned to Italy with complete knowledge of printing. Italians
started printing books with woodblocks and soon technology reached to every part
of Europe.
With this exports of books started and Europe begun to send books to many different
countries. But due to fragile nature of manuscripts, it got very messy and awkward
to handle. So in the 1430s, Johann Gutenberg invented new printing technology,
creating the first known printing press at Strasbourg, Germany. The first book which
Gutenberg printed was Bible in 1448.
Social Science-* 10
CLASS-10 The Print Revolution and its Impact
Social Science With time, a new culture emerged and access to books made people adopt the
reading culture. But with this several debates were put forward related to the fear
of the spread of rebellious and irreligious thoughts. In 1517, the religious reformer
Martin Luther wrote ‘Ninety-Five Theses’ which criticized various practices of the
Roman Catholic Church. This lead to Protestant Reformation.

Notes Because of the reading culture, the literacy rate of the countries increased to 60-
80%. Newspapers and Journals got fame, and information were carried about wars
and trade as well as news of developments in other places. This included French
revolution too.
. v.r
India and the World of Print
In the mid-lb* century, the first printing press came in Goa through Portuguese
missionaries. By 1674, more than 50 books were printed in Konkani and Karana
languages. Next came the first Tamil book in 1579.
A literary firm developed in Europe , and soon acquired Indian forms and styles.
Other forms like lyrics, short stories, and essays about social and political matters
also entered in the world of reading.
Educated and liberal men started educating their wives and daughters at home.
But still, some conservative Hindus thought that a literate girl would be widowed.
Similarly, Muslims were frightened 'with the thought that women would be corrupted
by reading Urdu romances.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who was Marcopolo?
(a) German scientist (b) English philosopher
(c) Spanish explorer (d) Italian traveller/explorer
2. Who wrote about the injustices of the caste system in 'Gulamgiri?
(a) Raja Rammohan Roy
(b) Jyotiba Phule
(c) BalgangadharTilak
(d) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
3. Which of the following refers to print revolution?
(a) Invention of printing press
(b) Shift from hand printing to mechanical printing
(c) Revolt of people against printed matters
(d) Handwritten manuscripts for printed books

(E5 Social Science-10

4. Aim of Protestant Reformation was to: CLASS-10
(a) reform religion Social Science
(b) reform the Catholic church
(c) reform Jewish religion
(d) to protest against all reform
5. Why was James Augustus Hickey persecuted by Governor General Warren
J . !

Hastings? ^_*
(a) For poor editing of Bengal Gazette Notes
(b) For publishing a lot of gossip about company's Senior Official
(c) For publishing substandard material'^
(d) None of these
6. By whom was' Sambad Kaumudi' published in 1821?
(a) Iswer Chandra Vidyasagar
(b) CR.Das
(c) Raja Rammohun Roy
(d) Swami Vivekanand
7. In ancient India which of the following material was used for writing manuscripts?
(a) Parchments
(b) Vellum
(c) Palm leaves
(d) Paper
8. Which one of the following is the oldest Japanese book? [CBSE 2014]
(a) Sutta Pitaka
(b) Diamond Sutra
(c) Mahavamsa
(d) Dipavamsa
9. The reformation movement was launched against the corrupt practices of which of
the following group?
(a) Feudal Lords
(b) Protestant Church
(c) Catholic Church
(d) Absolute rulers
10. Whoamongthefollowing was not a women novelist?
(a) Jane Austen
(b) Bronte Sisters
(c) George Eliot
(d) Maxim Gorky

Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (b)
6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (d)

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Review Questions
Social Science 1. "City of Calcutta fascinated the Gods as described in the novel written by
Durgacharan Ray." Explain.
2. According to Durgacharan Ray, in what three ways did the city life of Calcutta
present contrasting images of opportunities?
3. Which historical processes have shaped the modern cities in decisive ways?
4. Enumerate the major characteristics of an ancient town.
Notes 5. Explain, how is industrialisation responsible for the rise of the modern cities in
6. 'During the 19th century, the city of Condon was a powerful magnet for migrant
population/ Support the statement with examples.

© Social Science-1(
■ -V


Social Science
• (• '


• Types of Resources
• Development of Resources
• Resource Planning in India
• Land Resources
• Land Utilization
• Land Use Pattern in India
• Land Degradation and Conservation Measures
• Soil as a Resource • ••>

• Classification of Soils
• Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation

Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to
• Understand the value of resources and the need for their judicious
L utilization and conservation.

Resource: Anything which can be used for satisfying the human needs is called
a resource.
Types of Resources

i"" i i 11 ""ir" 'i
I *n*“'*'* I I i I I fnsifiutioni. I I I

IcontlnuBusor | i 1 I | 1 V ! 1
I I I 6lolo(l<ri I I Rtcydiblt' I iHon-rccytltte I
| | \ ;_j S ">1
■ Forts)
| I I
Wildlife ; I

(h) Social Science-10

Biotic Resources: All living organisms^in our environment are called biotic CLASS-10
resources. For example, trees, animals, insects, etc. Social Science
Abiotic Resources: All non-living things present in our environment are termed
• as abiotic resources. Example: earth, air,- yater, metals, rocks, etc.
<. , •
Renewable Resources: Resources that can be replenished within foreseeable
future are called renewable Resources. Example: agricultural crops, water, forest,
wildlife, etc.
Non-renewable Resources: Resources which caanot be replenished within
foreseeable future are called non-renewable resources. Example: fossil fuel.

Types of Resources on Some Other Criteria,


r 1

Community *4- Nation*, t.g. IntamalonA

house, car, farm, etc. park, pin<h»ir* nltoaw hi|hw*yj, tnl Inttmaional
bhMn, «ic. mines, its. ocean, space, etc

• *!
Resources on Basis of Status
of Development

Tetfrotecy Is availaUe, but Developed Stock
resource Is not bdnf used to Cinentiy being use4 eg Techndlcifvisrx*
reesoneblesate, e( solar coal, petroleum, etc srailabre. eg Irydrogaifuel

Development of Resources
• Resources are vital for human beings. Biit,indiscriminate use of resources
is creating many problems.
• Accumulation of resources in only few'hands leaves others unsatisfied.
• Indiscriminate use of resources is creating many problems around the
world, such as global warming, ecological crisis, disturbance in ozone
layer, etc.
Thus, equal distribution of resources becomes necessary for sustainable
development. Planning of resources is necessary to ensure equitable distribution
and sustainable development.

Social Science-10 ^T)

CLASS-10 Sustainable Development: Development which takes place without damaging
Social Science the environment and compromising with needs of future is called sustainable

Resource Planning:
The process of resource planning involves following:
• Identification and Inventory of Resources: Survey, mapping, quantitative
estimate and measurement.
• Building a Planning Structure: Proper technology, skill and institutional
• Matching Resource Development Plant with National Development Plan

Land Resources: Waste Land, 6%

Land is one of the most important natural

resources. Land supports our life system.
Thus, careful planning of use of land resource ''V ‘ •

is necessary. India comprises of many types Netsown

of land. These are mountains, plateau, plains Ye>.44%

and islands.

Mountains: About 30% of land area in India is in the form of mountain. Mountain
supports the perennial flow of rivers, which carry fertile soils, facilitate irrigation
and provide drinking water. Mountains are good avenues for tourism and adventure
sports and can help in revenue generation.
Plains: About 43% of land area in India is in the form of plains. Plains provide
facilities for agriculture, building of industries and houses, etc.
Plateau: About 27% of land in India is in the form of plateau which provides
many types of minerals, fossil fuels and forest.
Land Utilization:
Culturable Fallow
.fallow, 7%
waste land, 4.00% --
land. 5.00%___

Wise, 1%
Pasture, 3.00% i

use. 7.00%

Waste Land, 6%

(m) Social Science-10

Patterns of use of Land Resources CLASS-10
Social Science
1. Forests
2. Land not available for cultivation: There are two types of land which are
not used for agriculture purpose. These are:
a. Barren and waste land v*
b. Lands used for buildings, roads, factories, etc. i.e for non-agriculture
purpose. Notes

3. Other uncultivated land (excluding fallow land)

a. Permanent pastures and grazing land,
b. Land under miscellaneous tree crops groves (not included in net
sown area),
c. Culturable waste land (left uncultivated for more than 5 agricultural
4. Fallow lands
a. Current fallow-(left without cultivation for one or less than one
agricultural year),
b. Other than current fallow-(left uncultivated for the past 1 to 5
agricultural years).
5. Net sown area: Area which is sown at least once in a year is called net
sown area.
6. Gross cropped area: Area sown more than once in an agricultural year
plus net sown area is known as gross cropped area.

Land Use Pattern in India:

• Pattern of land use depends on both physical and human factors. Physical
factors include climate, topography, type of soil, etc. Human factors include
population, technology, skill, population density, tradition, capability, etc.
• Let us have a closer look at the pie chart. This shows that net sown area
is about 44% of the total land available. If we include fallow (4%) and
current fallow (7%) to this, then about 54% of the land is under farming
or related activities. Quality of wasteland is too poor to be converted into
cultivable land. Moreover, the pattern of net sown area varies from one
state to another. It is very high in Punjab but very low in hilly states.
• The area under forest is about 23% which is way below the 33% mark as
specified by the National Forest Policy (1952). There are various reasons
for this, e.g. illegal deforestation, construction of roads and buildings,
pressure of human population, etc.

Social Science -10

CLASS-10 Land Degradation
Social Science Wind -
Erosion, 10%
Land, 6%


This pie chart shows the area of degraded land (130 million hectare). Out of thisj*
56% is degraded by water and 28% if forest degraded area. Some of the major
causes of land degradation are: overgrazing, mining, deforestation, division of lanil
in small plots because of family feuds, etc.
Measures to Conserve the Land Resources:
Degradation of land can be prevented by taking following measures:
• Afforestation
• Proper management of grazing.
• Stabilisation of sand dunes by plantation of thorny bushes.
• Proper management of waste lands.
• By proper irrigation.
• By proper harvesting.
• Control over mining activities.
• Proper management of land after completion of mining work.
• Discharge of industrial waste and effluents only after proper treatment.
• Plantation of trees along the road sides.
• By preventing deforestation
Soil is one of the most important natural resources. Soil supports the growth,
of plants. Soil is the natural home of many living organism, such as ants, rati,
snakes, and many insects.
Formation of Soil: It takes thousands of years to form even 1 cm of soil. So 1
is formed by the weathering process of the rocks. Various natural forces, such as
temperature, running water, wind, etc. along with many physical and chemical
changes are equally important in the formation of soil formation.

Social Science-10
Types of Soil: CLASS-10
Following types of soil are found in India. Social Science

Alluvial Soil a
Availability: Alluvial soil is found near theVriyer or plains formed by rivers.
Alluvial soil is found in the plains of major fiydrs such as Ganga, Yamuna and
Brahmaputra. It is also found in the eastern coastaTfplains near the rivers Mahanadi,
Krishna Godavari and Cauveri. ',swr' Notes
Nature: Alluvial soil is young in age, i.e. of reoent origin. Alluvial soil is very
fertile. Alluvial soil is the mixture of various proportions of silt, sand and clay.
The older alluvial soil is called Hangar and newer one is called Khadar. Bangar
has plenty of fine particles while Khadar has more amount of coarse grains.
Alluvial soil is rich in potash, phosphoric acid and lime. Because of presence of
these chemicals alluvial soil is good for the growth of sugarcane, paddy, wheat,
maize, and pulses.

Social Science -10

CLASS-10 Black Soil
Social Science Availability; Black soil is found in the plateau of Maharashtra, Surashtra, Malv/a,
Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.
Nature: Black soil has high concentration of fine particles. Due to this, it c in
hold moisture for long time. It contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and lin e.
Black soil is suitable for the growth of cotton.
Red and Yellow Soil: The soil looks red due to presence of iron in crystalline z>r
metamorphic rocks. But it looks yellow when it occurs in dehydrated form. R 5<i
soil is present in the eastern and southern parts of the Deccan Plateau. Red s^il
is also found in Orissa, Chhattisgarh, on the southern part of the Gangetic plains
and along the piedomont zone of the Western Ghats.
Laterite Soil: Laterite soil is formed in regions which get high rainfall with high
temperature. High rainfall along with high temperature results in leaching of trie
soil. Microorganisms are killed during the process of leaching. So, humus is eithjer
absent or in negligible amount in laterite soil. This soil is mainly found in Kerala,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and in hilly areas of Orissa and Assarn.
Heavy dose of manure can help in making this soil cultivable.
Arid Soil: Arid soil is found in those areas which receive scanty rainfall. The s< >il
has a high content of salt. Arid soil can be made cultivable with proper treatment.
Arid soil is present in Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Forest Soli:
The forest soil is found in hilly areas. The soil in upper parts is highly acic ic
because of denudation. The soil in the lower part is highly fertile.
Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation
Removal of top soil is called soil erosion. Intense farming, grazing, construction
activities and other human activities; along with deforestation have led to soil
erosion. Soil erosion can even lead to desertification.
Soil conservation is important to prevent soil erosion. Soil conservation can De
done by many methods, e.g., afforestation, terrace farming, shelter belt planting, etc.


Resource: Anything which can be used for satisfying the human needs is called
a resource.
Land is one of the most important natural resources. Land supports our life systefn.
Thus, careful planning of use of land resource is necessary. India comprises of
many types of land. These are mountains, plateau, plains and islands. • I
Soil is one of the most important natural resources. Soil supports the growth
of plants. Soil is the natural home of many living organism, such as ants, ra :s,
snakes, and many insects.

ST Social Science - lO
Black soil is found in the plateau,of Maharashtra, Surashtra, Malwa, Madhya CLASS-10
Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. t:i 1 a Social Science
The forest soil is found in hilly areas. The soil in upper parts is highly acidic
because of denudation. The soil in the lower-part Is highly fertile.

Multiple Choice Questions r '■. Notes
1. Which one of the following soils is ideal for growing cotton?
(a) Regular soil
(b) Lateritesoil
(c) Desert soil
5 ‘
(d) Mountainous soil
2. Soil is formed by the process of
(a) Denudation
(b) Gradation
(c) Weathering
(d) Erosion
3. Land left without cultivation for one or less than one agricultural year is called
(a) Culturable waste land
(b) Current fallow land
(c) Waste land
(d) None of the above
4. "There is enough for everybody's need but not for anybody's greed". Who said
(a) Jawahar Lai Nehru
(b) Atal Bihari Vajpai
(c) M.K. Gandhi
(d) Sunder Lai Bahuguna
5. Resources which are surveyed and their quantity and quality have been determined
for utilisation are known as [CBSE 2011]
(a) Potential resources
(b) Stock
(c) Developed resources
(d) Reserves
6. Which one of the following statements is correct as regard to international
(a) Resources which are regulated by international institutions.
(b) Resources which lie beyond the territorial waters.
(c) Resources which are found along the international frontier.
(d) Resources which are not yet developed.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 7. The first International EarthWmmit was held in
Social Science (a) Geneva
(b) New York
(c) Japan m
(d) Rio de Janeiro
8. The most widespread relief feature of India is
(a) Mountains
(b) Forests
(c) Plains
(d) Plateaus
9. Resources which are found in a region, but have not been utilised
(a) Renewable
(b) Developed
(c) National
(d) Potential
10. Which one of the following statements is true about the term resources?
(a) Resources are free gifts of nature.
(b) They are the functions of human activities.
(c) All those things which are found in nature.
(d) Things which cannot be used to fulfill our needs.

Answer Key
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (C) 5. (c)
6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (b)

Review Questions
1. What is meant by resource? Mention the four bases to classify the resources.
2. Are resources free gifts of nature?
3. What are biotic and abiotic resources? Give two examples for each.
4. Explain the types of resources on the basis of exhaustibility by giving examples.
5. Provide a suitable classification for resources on the basis of ownership. Mentk >r»
main features of any three types of such resources.
6. How are the resources divided on the basis of the status of development? Give
example of each type.
Differentiate between stock resources and reserves.
7. Highlight any three problems associated with the indiscriminate use of resources
by the human beings.
8. Why is the issue of sustainability important for development? Explain.

Space for Work

Qo) Social Science-: O

®3CiSMe!aj0C5lli^ CLASS-10
Social Science


Content -- " Notes
Biodiversity or Biological Diversity
Flora and Fauna in India
Vanishing Forests
Asiatic Cheetah: Where did they go?
The Himalayan Yew in trouble
Conservation of forest and wildlife in India

Project Tiger
Types and distribution of forests and wildlife resources
Community and Conservation

Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to
• Understand the importance of forests and wild life in one environment
as well as develop concept towards depletion of resources.

Biodiversity: The variety of flora and fauna in a given geographical area is called
biodiversity of that area.

Some places are rich in biodiversity, while some others are poor in biodiversity.
For example; the Amazon rainforest is rich in biodiversity but that is not the case
with the Sahara Desert.

Biodiversity in India
India is one of the world’s richest countries in terms of its vast array of biological
diversity, and has nearly 8 per cent of the total number of species in the world
(estimated to be 1.6 million).

India is a Megadlverse Country, a name given to 17 countries which have very

high biological diversity.

Social Science-10
Social Science
Biodiversity in India
Megadiverse Country
8% of total species of the world
is found in'lndia

* *
47,000 Species of Flora

India is home to 80,000 species of fauna, i.e. animals and 47,000 flora, i.e. plants.
There are 34 biodiversity hotspots in India. A biodiversity hotspot is a region
which has rich biodiversity threatened by human activities. This is evident from,
the fact that 10% of flora and 20% fauna in India come under threatened categor/.

List of Critically Endangered Species:

Cheetah, pink-headed Duck, Mountain Quail, Forest Spotted Owl, Madhuca insigni sr
(wild mahua), Hubbardia heptaneuron (a grass species)
Number of Endangered Species; 79 species of mammals, 44 of birds, 15 of
reptiles, and 3 of amphibians, 1,500 plant species are considered endangered.

Classification Based on IUCN

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
a. Normal Species: If the population level of species is within normal range
for their survival, it is called normal species, e.g. cattle, pine, sal, rodents-
b. Rare Species: A species can slip from the category of normal speci
to that of rare species. If the population of a species so small that it caki
become vulnerable or endangered, it is called rare species, e.g. Himalaya n
brown bear, wild Asiatic buffalo, desert, fox, hombill, etc.
c. Vulnerable Species: If the population of a species has declined to such a
level that it is likely to become endangered; it is called vulnerable species,
e.g. blue sheep, Asiatic elephant, Gangetic dolphin, etc. I
d. Endangered Species: Species which are in danger of extinction are called
endangered species, e.g. black buck, crocodile, Indian wild ass, Indian
rhino, lion tailed macaque, sangai (brow anter deer in Manipur), etc.

0 Social Science -10

e. Extinct Species: A species which no longer exists is called an extinct CLASS-10
species. A species may be extinct ^from a local area, region, country, Social Science
continent or the entire earth. Exampfes^Asiatic cheetah, pink head duck,
etc. . ' ' *.l

Note: A normal species can become rare species which can fiirther slip to the
categories of vulnerable species and endangered species in that order. (Normal
Species —► Rare Species —* &Vulnerable Species ► Endangered Species)
Endemic Species: A species which is found only in a particular geographical Notes
area is called an endemic species, e.g. Andaman teal, Nicobar pigeon, Andaman
wild pig, mithun in Arunachal Pradesh, etc. Kangaroo is endemic to Australia.
Vanishing Forests
Forest cover 637,293 sq km (19.39% of total geographic area)
Dense forest 11.48%
Open forest 7.76%
Mangrove 0.15%

Causes of Depletion of Flora and Fauna:

Agricultural Expansion: According to the Forest Survey of India, over 262,000
sq km of forest area was converted into agricultural land in India between 1951
and 1980. Moreover, a substantial part of the tribal belts has been deforested or
degraded <by shifting cultivation. Destruction of forest results in loss of habitat
for many species.
Enrichment Plantation: Enrichment plantation was done to promote a few
favoured species in many parts of India. This practice involves plantation of a
single commercially valuable species. This is also called monoculture plantation.
This leads to elimination of other species and also results in loss of biodiversity.
Development Projects: Large scale development projects have also contributed
significantly to the loss of forests. Over 5,000 sq km of forest was cleared for
river valley projects since 1951. 40,000 hectare of forest would be inundated by
the Narmada Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh. You may have read in science
lessons that hydroelectric project results in inundation of a very large area of
forest. This always proves detrimental to the biodiversity of the affected area.
Mining: Mining has also caused large scale depletion of flora and fauna in many
areas. Open cast mining results in long lasting scars on the surface of the earth.
Are affected area is robber of all the forest cover. This results in loss of habitat for
many species. For example; the ongoing dolomite mining is seriously threatening
the Buxa Tiger Reserve in West Bengal.
Unequal Access to Resources: Social inequality is another major factor of depletion
of flora and fauna. The rich people consume much more than the poor and thus
cause a higher degree of environmental damage.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Social Effect of Resource Deptetlbm
Social Science • The social effect of resource depletion is long lasting. It indirectly affe sts
all of us but directly affects some select people; like forest dwellers s nd
women. Forest dwellers live in or around forest. They depend on forsst
for their basic needs. So, they face the risk of loss of livelihood wl en
forests are destroyed.
• In many societies, it isHhe women who are responsible for collection of ■
Notes fuel, fodder, water arid'other basic subsistence needs. Depletion of these
resources means women need to work harder to collect those resourcjes.
At some places, women may have to walk more than 10 km to collect
firewood. This causes serious health problems for women. |
• Deforestation induced flood and draught result in economic misery for
the poor.
• Deforestation also leads to loss of cultural diversity. The marginalized
people who had been traditionally dependent on forest for sustenance are
now forced to look for other sources of livelihood. In order to do so, tt ey
are uprooted from their traditional habitat and culture

Forest and Wildlife Resources

The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972: The demands for some rules to protect
the wildlife were raised by the conservationists during the 1960s and 1970s. 1 he
government then enacted the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972. Some salient
provisions of this act are as follows:
• An all India list of protected species was published.
• Hunting was banned to protect the remaining population of some endanger ed
• Trade in wildlife was restricted.
• Habitats of wildlife were given legal protection.
• National parks and wildlife sanctuaries were established.
• Many projects were started to protect specific animals, e.g. Project Tiger.

Benefits of Conservation:
• Conservation helps in preserving ecological diversity and our life support
systems; water, air and soil.
• It preserves the genetic diversity of plants and animals.

Government's Categorization of Forests:

a. Reserved Forests: More than half of the total forest land has be sn
declared reserved forests. These are considered as the most valuable from
conservation perspective.
b. Protected Forests: Almost one-third of the total forest area is protect sd
forest. The protected forests are protected from any further depletion.

© Social Science- LO

i (
c. Un-classed Forests: Forests which do, not come under either of the above CLASS-10
two categories are called un-classed, forests. Social Science

New Trends in Conservation Policy

Increase Biodiversity: Previously, the focus o'faonservation was on a few bigger
animals, like tiger and lion. Now, the focus is oh biodiversity rather than on a
few species. So, even insects are getting proper^attention as part of conservation
effort. According to new notifications under; Wildlife Act of 1980 and 1986, Notes
several hundred butterflies, moths, beetles and ^one dragonfly have been added to
the list of protected species. Six species of plants were added to the list in 1991.

Community and Conservation

• You have read that many local communities depend on forest for sustenance.
These people were often sidelined and,annoyed because of conservation
efforts. Then a new realization took place that involving the community
in conservation efforts bears good results.*
•* * •
• Many local communities have also recognized that conservation can
secure their long-term livelihood. At many places, such communities are
coordinating with government officials in conservation efforts.
• At Sariska Tiger Reserve (Rajasthan), villagers have fought against
mining by citing the Wildlife Protection Act.
• In many villages, people are protecting habitats and are explicitly rejecting
government involvement. For example; the inhabitants of five villages in
Alwar district, of Rajastahn have declared 1,200 hectares of forest as the
Bhairodev Dakav ‘Soncuri’. They have declared their own set of rules
and regulation to protect the wildlife.
• Nature worship is an age old custom in the Hindu religion and in many
tribes. Sacred groves in forests are the result of this tradition. Such spots
in forests are untouched by human intervention
• The Mundas and the Santhals of Chhota Nagpur region worship mahua
(Bassia latifolia) and kadamba (Anthocaphahis cadamba) trees. Similarly,
the tribals of Orissa and Bihar worship the tamarind {Tamarindus indica)
and mango (Mangifera indica), as part of wedding rituals.
• Monkeys are considered the representatives of the Hindu god Hanuman.
At most of the places people do not harm monkeys or langurs because of
this belief. In and around Bishnoi villages in Rajasthan, chinkara, nilgai
and peacocks are protected by the community and nobody harms them.
» The Chipko Movement is a good example of community participation in
conservation programme.
• Farmers and citizen’s groups like the Beej Bachao Andolan in Tehri and
Navdanya have shown that adequate levels of diversified crop production
without the use of synthetic chemicals are possible and economically viable.

Social Science-10
V I:
.o:.: i i

CLASS-10 • The Joint Forest Management (JFM) programme is another example of

Social Science involvement of local communities in forest management. This programme
has been in practice in Orissa since 1988. Under this programme, the local
villagers form some institutions and manage the conservation activities. In
lieu of that, they get the right to take and utilize some forest resources
r- --—

Notes # i •

Our planet earth is a home to millions of living beings. From micro-organisms

and bacteria, lichens to banyan trees, elephants, and blue whales, there is a vaA:
multitude of living organisms found on the earth. Sadly, the human beings today
have transformed the nature and wildlife into a resource.
They obtain different products directly and indirectly from the forests and wildlife
such as wood, barks, leaves, rubber, medicines, dyes, food, fuel, fodder, manure,
etc. which depleted our forests and wildlife.
As said by Gandhiji, ‘The world has enough for everyone’s need but not enough
for everyone’s greed.’ Despite knowing and understanding this truth, we do not pu:
it into practice. As a result of this, our natural resources are at a constant risk o f
depletion. So, here we’ll study about forest and wildlife in particular. Let’s find ou :
more about Forest and Wildlife Resources.
Multiple Choice Questions.
1. Which one of the following is not considered a sacred tree in India (CBSE 2011)
(a) Peepal (b) Neem
(c) Banyan (d) Mango
2. Which one of the following is an example of endemic species? [CBSE 2011]
(a) Nicobar Pigeon (b) Asiatic Buffalo
(c) Horn Bill (d) Black buck
3. Perlyar Tiger reserve is located in
(a) Rajasthan (b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Kerala
4. The Buxa Tiger Reserve in West Bengal has been threatened about the loss of
habitat of many species due to
(a) Industrial development (b) Agricultural expansion
(c) Port activities (d) Mining
5. Which one of the following statements is not true with regard to depletion of flora
and fauna?
(a) Land required for housing
(b) Agricultural expansion
(c) Mining activities
(d) Shifting agriculture

© Social Science-10

6. What was the aim of Chipko movement? [CBSE 2011] CLASS-10
(a) Human rights (b)^'Political rights Social Science
(c) Agricultural expansion W Forest conservation
7. Most of the forests in the North eastern states belong to the category of
(a) Wastelands (bV 'Protected forests
(c) Unclassed forests (dj1 Mangroves
8. The Mundas and Santhals of Chhota Nagpur region worship which one of the
following trees?
(a) Mahua (b) Mango
. i ■■

(c) Peepal (d) Tamarind

9. Which of these statements is not a valid, reason for the depletion of flora and
fauna? (Textbook)
(a) Agricultural expansion
(b) Large-scale development projects
(c) Grazing and fuel wood collection
(d) Rapid industrialisation and urbanisation;.,;
10. Which of the following conservation strategies do not directly involve community
participation? (Textbook)
, ;
(a) Joint forest management
(b) Beej Bachao Andolan
(c) Chipko Movement
(d) Demarcation of Wildlife Sanctuaries

Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (a)
6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (d)

Review Questions
1. What has caused the destruction and extinction of many species of animals.and
plant life?
2. How are animal and plant life categorized?
3. What are the dangers we face due to depletion of forests?
4. What is "enrichment plantation'?
5. Write a short note on the Himalayan Yew.
6. What are benefits of conserving forests?

Space for Work

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 ".V,
( (Bt@ ^ €onte m po rai^ ^ IT |
Social Science


• » *.4 r

• Water Scarcity and The Need for Water Conservation and Management
• Multi-Purpose River Projects and Integrated Water Resources Managemen:
• Rainwater Harvesting
; Learning Objectives \r

Enable the learners to

• Comprehend the importance of water as a resource as well as develop
awareness towards its judicious use and conservation.

Some Facts and Figures:

Out of total water on the
Earth, 97.5% is saline watery
and 2.5% is freshwater

l Saline wage* Groundwater

^Out of total freshwater on ** -'
earth, 70% i^ffozen^ic^
and less Frozen
available a: 7099



• Out of total volume of water ph earth; 97.5% exists in oceans and seas
• About 2.5% of total water is available as freshwater.

(2) Social Science-1C

• 70% of total freshwater is present as frozen ice in icebergs and glaciers. CLASS-10
• A little less than 30% of total freshwater is stored as groundwater. Social Science
• India receives about 4% of global precipitation.^
• India ranks 133rd in the world in term^ of-water availability per person
per annum.
• The total renewable water resources in-India are estimated at 1,897 sq
km per annum.
• It is predicted that large parts of India will join regions with absolute
water scarcity; by 2025. v/
Water Scarcity:
• Overexploitation of water, excessive use and unequal access to water
among different social groups are the main causes of water scarcity.
• More Demand: A large population needs ever more water for various
purposes. Large scale farming also needs lot of water for irrigation.
While demand has been increasing, the 'process of natural recharge of
groundwater has suffered because of several reasons.
• Reduced Recharge of Groundwater: Large scale deforestation has
disturbed the natural recharge of groundwater at many places. Construction
of concrete buildings, factories and roads has also made the ground less
impervious to rainwater. This has almost totally stopped the percolation
of rainwater to recharge groundwater.
• Contamination: Excess use of chemical fertilisers and insecticides has
contaminated groundwater at many places. The contamination is at such
a high level that water has become unfit for human consumption.
• Sewage and effluents are being discharged into rivers and ponds; without
being treated. This has turned most of the rivers into filthy drains.

Water Resource Management

India has had a long tradition of building various structures to manage water
resources, Irrigation systems were built as early as during the Mauryan Empire.
Benefits of Dams: At present, many multipurpose dam projects have been built
in India. These dams serve many purposes. They prevent flood by- checking the
flow of water. The water from the dams is used through a system of canals to
irrigate far flung areas. Dams are also used for electricity generation. Moreover,
drinking water is also supplied from the dams.
Harms of Dams: But dams have caused large scale displacement of people.
Additionally, a vast tract of land gets submerged in the catchment area of dam.
This results in large scale environmental consequences. Due to these reasons,
many movement groups have begun protesting against building of large dams.
Narmada Bachao Andolan is an example of such movements.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Rainwater Harvesting
Social Science
It means capturing rain where it'falls or capturing the run off in your own village
or town. And taking measures td;keep that water clean by not allowing polluting
activities to take place in the catchment.
Therefore, water harvesting can' be undertaken through a variety of ways
• Capturing runoff frortr rooftops
Notes • Capturing runoff from local catchments
• Capturing seasonal floodwaters from local streams
• Conserving water through watershed management
These techniques can serve the following the following purposes:
• Provide drinking water
• Provide irrigation water
• Increase groundwater' recharge
• Reduce stormwater discharges, urban floods and overloading of sewage
treatment plants
• Reduce seawater ingress in coastal areas.
In general, water harvesting is the activity of direct collection of rainwater. T he
rainwater collected can be stored for direct use or can be recharged into the
groundwater. Rain is the first form of water that we know in the hydrological
cycle, hence is a primary source of water for us. Rivers, lakes and groundwater
are all secondary sources of water. In present times, we depend entirely on sujch
secondary sources of water. In the process, it is forgotten that rain is the ultimate
source that feeds all these secondary sources and remain ignorant of its valike.
Water harvesting means to understand the value of rain, and to make optimilm
use of the rainwater at the place where it falls.

How much water can be harvested?

Urban scenario
The total amount of water that is received in the form of rainfall over an area is
called the rainwater endowment of the area. Out of this, the amount that can t>e
effectively harvested is called the water harvesting potential.
Water harvesting potential = Rainfall (mm) x Collection efficiency
The collection efficiency accounts for the fact that all the rainwater falling over an
area cannot be effectively harvested, because of evaporation, spillage etc. Fact< -rs
like runoff coefficient and the first-flush wastage are taken into account when
estimated the collection efficiency.
The following is an illustrative theoretical calculation that highlights the enormous
potential for water harvesting. The same procedure can be applied to get t ne
potential for any plot of land or rooftop area, using rainfall data for that area.

(5 Social Science- lO
Consider your own building with a flat terrace .area of 100 sq m. Assume the CLASS-10
average annual rainfall in your area is approximately 600 mm (24 inches). In Social Science
simple terms, this means that if the terrace floor'is assumed to be impermeable,
and all the rain that falls on it is retained without evaporation, then, in one year,
there will be rainwater on the terrace floor to a "height of 600 mm.
1. Area of plot = 100 sq. m. (120 square yards) ♦
2. Height of the rainfall = 0.6 m (600 mm or 24 inches)
3. Volume of rainfall over the plot = Area of plot x height of rainfall Notes
4. Assuming that only 60 per cent of the total rainfall is effectively harvested
5. Volume of water harvested = 36,000 litres (60,000 litres x 0.6)
This volume is about twice the annual drinking water requirement of a 5-member
family. The average daily drinking water requirement per person is 10 litres.

Rural scenario
Community based rainwater harvesting in rural areas of India - the paradigm of
the past - has in it as much strength today as it ever did before. It is, in fact,
only with this rudimentary technology that people are able to survive in water
scarce areas. Recognising this fact, our ancestors had learnt to harvest water in
number of ways:
• They harvested the rain drop directly. From rooftops, they collected water
and stored it in tanks built in their courtyards. From open community
lands, they collected the rain and stored it in artificial wells.
• They harvested monsoon runoff by capturing water from swollen streams
during the monsoon season and stored it various forms of water bodies.
• They harvested water from flooded rivers
Assuming that the average Indian population of an Indian village in November
2000 is approximately 1200. India’s average rainfall is about 1170 mm. If even
only half this water can be captured, though with technology this can be greatly
increased, ah average Indian village needs 1.12 hectares of land to capture 6.57
million litres of water it will use in a year for cooking and drinking. If there is
a drought and rainfall levels dip to half the normal, the land required would rise
to a mere 2.24 hectares. The amount of land needed to meet the drinking water
needs of an average village will vary from 0.10 hectares in Arunachal Pradesh
(average population 236) where villages are small and rainfall high to 8.46
hectares in Delhi where villages are big (average population 4769) and rainfall is
low. In Rajasthan, the land required will vary from 1.68-3.64 hectares in different
riieterological regions and, in Gujarat, it will vary from 1.72-3.30 hectares. And
of course any more water the villagers catch can go for irrigation.
Does this sound like an impossible task? Is there any village that does not have
this land availability? India’s total land area is over 300 million hectares. Let
us assume that India’s 587,000 villages can harvest the runoff from 200 million
hectares of land, excluding inaccessible forest areas, high mountains and other

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 uninhabited terrains, that still gives every village on average access to 340 hectares
Social Science or a rainfall endowment of 3:75’billion litres of water. These calculations show-
the potential of rainwater harvesting is enormous and undeniable.


According to a research by Falken Mark, a Swedish expert on water, ‘water stress’
x happens when the water availability falls below 1000 cubic meters per person per day.
We can conserve water resources using different methods:
• Dams: These are hydraulic structures that can either control, redirect < >r
obstruct the flow of water from a water body. Dams are made from wood,
stone or concrete.
• Rainwater Harvesting: Rainwater is collected from rooftops or grouna
and stored in large tanks for later use. Rainwater harvesting is popular
in Rajasthan, West Bengal, Meghalaya and Tamil Nadu.
• Drip Irrigation: This method is most practised in North Eastern states,
for irrigation of farms as well as save the local water resources. Bambo d
pipes flow water over a long distance and end up in drips when the/
reach the plants.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which one of the following is not the cause of water scarcity? [CBSE 2011]
(a) Rapid growth of population
(b) Uneven distribution of water resources
(c) Construction of dams and reserves
(d) Increase in demand
2. Which state has made roof top rainwater harvesting structure compulsory to a I
the houses across the state?
(a) Kerala (b) Karnataka
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) Andhra Pradesh
3. Which one of the following is not the example of Hydraulic structures in Ancient
(a) Bhopal Lake (b) Lake Hauz Kauz
(c) Construction of dams, Lakes (d) Damodar Valley Project
4. Oceans contain___________ volume of water.
(a) 90 per cent (b) 75 per cent
(c) 96.5 per cent (d) 98 per cent
5. Water is a renewable resource because
(a) it is being recycled by human beings.
(b) it is renewed and recharged through hydrological cycle.
(c) it is being renewed through reduction. •
(d) it can be reused again.

Social Science-10
6. Water scarcity occurs due to -■ /'
(i) low rainfall in a region (ii) large population Social Science
(iii) over-exploitation (iv) unequal access
(a) (i)and(ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i)and(iv) (d) All of the above
7. In semi-arid regions of Rajasthan the traditional system of storing drinking water in
underground tanks are called
(a) Dugwells (b) Johads
(c) Tankas (d) None of the above
8. Nagaijuna Sagar Dam is located in the state of
(a) Orissa (b) Karnataka
(c) Kerala (d) Andhra Pradesh
9. On which river is the Bhakra Nangal Dam located?
(a) Jhelum (b) Chambal
(c) Satluj (d) Chenab
10. The diversion channels of the Western Himalayas are called
(a) Canals (b) Inundation channels-
(c) Kuls (d) Khadins

Answer Key
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (b)
6. (d) - 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (c)

Review Questions
1. Give some facts and figures about water in the world.
2. In Israel average annual rainfall is 25 cm but there is no shortage of water but in
India, average rainfall is 114 cm but here we find drought in one region or the
other every year. Why?
3. Explain three causes of water scarcity.
4. Is it possible that an area or region may have ample water resources but is still
facing water scarcity? Explain with the help of three relevant examples
5. Why is it important to conserve and manage our water resources? Give any three
. 6. How was the water conserved in ancient India? Give some examples in support of
your answer
7. Name any two multipurpose projects of India. State four objectives of multipurpose

Space for Work

Social Science-10
Social Science I

Notes Content

Types of farming
• Cropping Pattern
• Major Crops
• Technological and Institutional Reforms
• Impact of Globalization on Agriculture
Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to
• Explain the importance of agriculture in national economy.
• Identify various types of farming and discuss the various farming methods;
describe the spatial distribution of major crops as well as understand
the relationship between rainfall regimes and cropping pattern.
• Explain various government policies for institutional as well as
technological reforms since independence.

Types of Farming in India
Primitive Subsistence Farming: This type of farming is practiced on sm ill
patches of land. Primitive tools and family/community labour are used in this ty :>©
of farming. The farming mainly depends on monsoon and natural fertility of soil.
Crops are grown as per the suitability of the environmental condition.
This is also called/ 'slash and burn ’ agriculture. A patch of land is cleared >y
slashing the vegetation and then the slashed plants are burnt. The ash; thus obtained
is mixed with the soil and crops are grown.
This type of farming produces just enough crops to sustain the family. After a.
couple of seasons, the patch is left fallow and a new patch of land is prepar sd
for farming. This allows the earlier patch of land to replenish its fertility throu 5I1
the natural process.

Different Names of Slash and Burn Farming:

Slash and Burn Farming in India
Name Regions
Jhumming Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland

Social Science- IO
Pamlou Manipur CLASS-10
Dipa Bastar (Chhattisgarh) and Andaman & Nicobar Islands Social Science
Bewar or Dahiya Madhya Pradesh
Podu or Penda Andhra Pradesh **
Pama Dabi or ♦ >..n

Koman or Bringa
Kumara Western Ghats
Valre or Waltre South eastern Rajasthan
Khi Himalayan belt
Kuruwa Jharkhand
Although there are different names for slash and bum farming in different regions
of India, the name ‘Jhum Cultivation’ or Jhuming is commonly used in this
context. The following table shows various names for slash and bum farming in
different countries.
Slash and Burn Farming in World
Name Countries
Milpa Mexico and Central America
Conuco Venezuela
Roca Brazil
Masole Central Africa
Lading Indonesia
Ray Vietnam

Intensive Subsistence Farming:

This type of farming is practiced in densely populated areas. This involves high
degree of use of biochemical inputs and irrigation. There is huge pressure of
population on this type of farming.
Problems of Intensive Farming:
Division of land through successive generation leads to plot size getting smaller and
smaller. This makes it impossible to properly manage the farm inputs. Moreover,
large-scale farming is not possible in that case.
Commercial Farming:
This type of farming is done with the sole purpose of selling the farm produce.
Various modem inputs are used in this type of farming, e.g. HYV (High Yielding
Variety) seeds, chemical fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides. Punjab, Haryana,
Western UP and some parts of Maharashtra are the areas where commercial farming
is done on large scale. However, this type of farming is also done in many other
states; like Bihar, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, etc.

Social Science-10 ©
Plantation: > <
Social Science In this type of farming, a single crop is grown on a large area. Plantation requires
intensive capital and a large'number of workers. Most of the produce from a.
plantation is used in various industries, tea, coffee, rubber, sugarcane, banana, e ;c.
are important plantation crops. Tea is mainly produced in the tea gardens of Assaxn
and North Bengal, coffee is produced in Tamil Nadu, and banana is produced [in
Bihar and Maharashtra. Plantation requires a well-developed network of transport
Notes and communication, processing industries and a good market. I

India has three cropping seasons — rabi, kharif and zaid. I
1. Rabi: Rabi crops are also known as winter crops. They are sown from
October to December and harvested from April to June. Wheat, barley,
pea, gram and mustard are the important rabi crops. Punjab, Haryana,
Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhan and Uttar Pradesh are
the important producers of rabi crops.
2. Kharif: Kharif crops are also known as summer crops. They are sown at
the beginning of monosoon and harvested in September-October. Pad( y,
maize, jowar, bajra, tur, moong, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut and soyabe in
are important kharif crops. Assam, West Bengal, coastal regions of Oris: a,
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Binar
are important rice growing states. In Assam, West Bengal and Orissa; thrke
crops of paddy are grown in a year. These are called Aus, Aman and Boro.
3. Zaid: The zaid season falls in between the rabi and kharif seasoi .s.
Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops are sor ae
of the crops grown in this season. Sugarcane is planted in this season bxit
takes almost a year to grow

Agriculture: Major Crops

Rice: India is the second largest producer of rice; after China. It requires hij gh
temperature (above 25°C), high humidity and annual rainfall above 100 c|n.
However, it can be grown with the help of suitable irrigation in areas of less
rainfall. Rice is grown in the northern plains, northeast India, coastal areas and
deltaic regions. Now-a-days, rice is also grown in Punjab, Haryana, western Uttax
Pradesh and in parts of Rajasthan. This has been possible because of development
of a dense network of canals.
Wheat: Wheat is the main food crop in north and north-western parts of India.
Wheat needs 50 to 75 cm of annual rainfall which should be evenly distributed
over the growing season. The Ganga-Sutlej plains in the northwest and black soil
region of Deccan are the two important wheat-growing zones in India. Punjab,
Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan and parts of Madhya Pradesh are t ae
important wheat producing regions.

© Social Science- XO

Millets: Jowar, bajra and ragi are the important millets grown in India. Millets CLASS-10
are known as coarse grains, but they have very high nutritional value. Social Science
a. Jowar: Maharashtra is the largest producer ofjowar; followed by Karnataka,
Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Jowar grows in moist areas and
hardly needs irrigation.
b. Bajra: Bajra grows well on sandy soil and. shallow black soil. Rajasthan
is the largest producer of bajra; followed by Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Gujarat and Haryana. >*- Notes
c. Ragi: Ragi grows in dry regions on red, black, sandy loamy and shallow
black soils. Karnataka is the largest producer of ragi; follower by Tamil
Maize: Maize is used both as food and fodder. It grows well in old alluvial soil
and requires a temperature range of 210“27°C. Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh are the major maize-producing states.
Pulses: India is the largest producer of pulses in the'world. It is also the largest
consumer of pulses. Pulses are usually produced in rotation with other crops. UP,
MP, Rajasthan and Karnataka are the major pulse-producing states.
Sugarcane: Sugarcane needs hot and humid climate. It requires temperature
range of 210-27°C and rainfall of 75 cm to 100 cm. India is the second largest
producer of sugarcane, while Brazil is the number one. Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,
• t Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana are major
sugar producing states.
Oilseeds: India is the largest producer of oilseeds. Groundnut, mustard, coconut,
sesame, soyabean, castor, cotton seeds, linseed and sunflower are the main oilseeds
grown in India.
Groundnut: Groundnut accounts for about half of the major oilseeds produced
in the country. Andhra Pradesh is the largest producer of groundnut; followed by
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Groundnut is a kharif crop.
Linseed and mustard are rabi crops. Sesame is a kharif crop in north and rabi
crop in south. Castor is grown both as rabi and kharif crops.
Tea: Tea plants grow well in tropical and sub-tropical climates; in deep and fertile
well drained soil. The soil should be rich in humus and organic matter. Tea is a
labour intensive industry. Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala are major
tea-producing states. The hills of Darjeeling are famous for the unique quality of
tea produced there. India is the leading producer of tea in the world.
Coffee: Coffee is also grown in plantations. Initially, the Arabica variety was
brought from Yemen and produced in India. The cultivation of coffee was initially
introduced on the Baba Budan Hills.
Others: India is a producer of tropical as well as temperate^ fruits. Mangoes of
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, oranges of Nagpur

Social Science-10 Qt)

CLASS-10 and Cherrapunjee (Meghalaya); bananas of Kerala, Mizoram, Maharashtra ar d
Social Science Tamil Nadu, lichi and guava ofrUttar Pradesh and Bihar, pineapples of Meghalaya,
grapes of Andhra Pradesh and'Maharashtra, apples, pears, apricots and walnuts bf
Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh are in great demand the world ove|r.

Horticulture Crops: India is the largest producer of fruits and vegetables n

the world. India produces about' 13 per cent of the world’s vegetables. It is an
important producer of pea, cauliflower, onion, cabbage, tomato, brinjal and potato.
Non-Food Crops
Rubber: Rubber is a crop of equatorial region but it is also grown tropical ar d
subtropical regions. It needs moist and humid climate with rainfall more than 200
cm. A temperature range above 25°C is required for rubber plantation. In Indi a,
rubber is mainly grown in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andaman & Nicobar
Islands and also in the Garo hills of Meghalaya. India is the fifth largest rubber
producer in the world.
Cotton: India is the third-largest producer of cotton. Cotton grows in dry pats of*
black cotton soil of the Deccan plateau. High temperature, light rainfall or irrigatioii,
210 frost-free days and bright sunshine are required for the growth of cotton. Tile
crop requires 6 to 8 months to mature. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh.,
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh are
the main cotton producing states.
Jute: Jute needs well-drained fertile soils of the flood plains. West Bengal, Bihat,
Assam, Orissa and Meghalaya are the major jute producing states.

Agriculture: Bhoodan
Bhoodan - Gramdan & Land Reforms
Land reform was the main focus of the First Five Year Plan. Vinoba Bhave started
the Bhoodan Andolan to encourage big landlords to donate a part of their land
to the landless farmers. Many people came out in support of Vinoba Bhave an|d
donated land.
Small plot size hampers proper farm management. To improve the condition, tl e
government brought certain measures for land reform. In some states, land w* .s
redistributed so that all of the land owned by a farmer could come on a sing e
plot. The reform was successful in some states (like Punjab and UP) but could
not be implemented throughout the country, because of poor response by farmers.
Green Revolution: Green Revolution was started in the 1960s and 1970s tp
improve farm output. Use of new technology and HYV seeds was encourageA.
Green revolution produced very good results; especially in Punjab and Haryant .
White Revolution: White Revolution (Operation Flood) was initiated to improve
milk production in the country.

& Social Science-lO

A comprehensive land development programme was launched in the 1980s and CLASS-10
1990s. These programmes included both institutional and technical reforms. Social Science
Provision for crop insurance was made against .drought, flood, cyclone, fire and
disease. Gramin banks and cooperative societies ..were opened in rural areas so
that farmers could get access to loan facilities. ( .
Kissan Credit Card (KCC), Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (PAIS) and many
other schemes were introduced for the benefit of farmers.
The government owned radio and TV channels broadcast special weather bulletins Notes
and agricultural programmes. Government also announced MSP (Minimum Support
Price) so that farmers can be saved from exploitation by middlemen.
Current Scenario: The growth in agricultural sector is going down. Reduction
in import duties on agricultural products means that farmers are facing tough
competition from international markets. Investment is not coming into agriculture
and hence employment opportunities are also showing de-growth in this sector.
The share of agriculture in GDP has being declining from 1951 onwards. Yet
it continues to be the largest employer. About 63% of the total workforce was
employed in agriculture in 2001. A decline agriculture can be an alarming situation
because it has wider implications for the whole economy.
Government is making continuous efforts to modernize agriculture. ICAR (Indian
Council of Agricultural Research), agricultural universities, veterinary services,
animal breeding centres, horticulture development, R& D in the field of meteorology,
etc. are given top priority with an aim to improve Indian agriculture. Government
is also taking measures to improve rural infrastructure.

Food Security
In order to ensure food security to all sections of society, the government has
carefully designed a national food security system. It has two components:
Buffer Stock: Once the government procures food grains through FCI (Food
Corporation of India), buffer stock is maintained at various locations. This stock
is utilised in case of food shortage at any place. This stock is also utilised in case
of natural disasters; like flood and drought.
Public Distribution System: PDS is a programme which provides food grains
and other essential commodities at subsidised prices to poor people in rural and
urban areas. A person needs to get a ratio card made to avail the benefits of PDS.
Separate cards are made for BPL (Below Poverty Line) and APL (Above Poverty
Line) families. The PDS is also fed by the FCI.

Shifting Agricultural Pattern:

More and more farmers are now shifting towards cultivation of fruits, vegetables,
oilseeds and industrial crops. While this is good from a farmer’s income perspective,
it is dangerous for food security in the country.

Social Science-10
\ i
CLASS-10 Impact of Globalisation on Agriculture:
Social Science Impact of globalisation are being felt since historic times. When European traders
first came in India, black pep^fe? 'and spices were the main items of export. Durir g
British rule, India became a hfcf Exporter of raw materials; especially cotton. Due
to high demand of indigo in British textiles industry, the farmers in India we -e
forced to grow indigo. This.-interferred with cereal production in India
In the modem context, Indian -farmers are unable to compete with western farme *s
Notes because of very high level of-subsidies for farmers in the west. Due to this, demar d
for Indian farm produce is very low in international market. Moreover, excessn e
use of synthetic fertilisers, irrigation, etc. has created its own problems; which a: -e
evident by falling level of farm production. Too many people are dependent on far ti
land in India and hence per capita farm production is forecasted to decrease fiirthe r.
Experts suggest that organic farming is the way out of the problem.


Agriculture, with its allied sectors, is unquestionably the largest livelihood provider
in India, more so in the vast rural areas. It also contributes a significant figuf-e
to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Sustainable agriculture, in terms of fotld
security, rural employment, and environmentally sustainable technologies such
as soil conservation, sustainable natural resource management and biodiversity
protection, are essential for holistic rural development. Indian agriculture and
allied activities have witnessed a green revolution, a white revolution, a. yellow
revolution and a blue revolution.
This section provides the information on agriculture produces; machineries, research
etc. Detailed information on the government policies, schemes, agriculture loans,
market prices, animal husbandry, fisheries, horticulture, loans & credit, sericultu: *e
etc. is also available.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following crops are grown with the onset of monsoons and a ‘e
harvested in the months of September-October? [CBSE 2011]
(a) Rabi (b) Kharif
(c) Zadi (d) None of the above
2. 'Slash and bum' agriculture is a [CBSE 2011]
(a) Shifting agriculture (b) Intensive agriculture
(c) Commercial agriculture (d) None of these
3. Grapes are mainly produced in the state of
(a) Meghalaya (b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Mizoram (d) Andhra Pradesh

Social Science^ O

4. Bhoodan - Gramdan movement was initiatedby. CLASS-10
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Jawaharlal Nehru Social Science
(c) Vinoba Bhave (d) fBal Gangadhar Tilak
5. Grouping of small land holdings into a bigger one is. called
(a) ceiling on land holdings. (b) collectivisation.
(c) cooperative farming. (d) consolidation of land holdings.
6. Oranges are mainly produced in the state of .______ .
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Maharashtra
(c) Kerala (d) Tamil Nadu
7. Intensive subsistence farming is practised in area of______ . [CBSE 2012]
(a) high population (b) low population
(c) deserts (d) thick forests
8. Which one of the following statements is incorrect as regards to commercial
(a) Use of heavy doses of modem inputs.
(b) Crops are grown for sale.
(c) Family members are involved in growing crops.
(d) Practised on large land holdings.
9. Which one of the following is a rabi crop? [CBSE 2011]
(a) Rice (b) Wheat
(c) Bajra (d) Jowar
10. The largest tea producing state of India is
(a) Karnataka (b) Assam
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Arunachal Pradesh

Answer Key
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (c)
6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (b)

Review Questions
1. How is 'slash and bum' agriculture practiced? What are its main features? How is
it known in different parts of the country?
2. Distinguish between primitive subsistence farming and intensive subsistence
3. What is the 'right of inheritance'? What are its consequences?
4. What is commercial farming? Describe its main features.
5. Why is subsistence agriculture still practiced in certain parts of the country? Give
6. Describe the features of plantation agriculture.
7. What are rabi crops? In which period of the year are they sown,and harvested in

Social Science* 10
CLASS-10 (iBrvE ^ ^oHte'royora ry ^ 1M
Social Science


5 J
What is a mineral?
• Mode of occurrence of Minerals
• Perron’s and Non-Perron’s Minerals
• Non-Metallic Minerals
• Rock Minerals
• Conservation of Minerals
• Energy Resources o Conventional and Nonconventional o Conservation •
of Energy Resources
Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to identify different types of minerals and energy resource: i
and places of their availability
. • Feel the need for their judicious utilization


Mineral Resources
Mineral: A homogenous, naturally occurring substance with definable internal
structure is called mineral.
Types of Minerals

: >
\ Metallic Norwnetallk 4 Energy Minerah

ft* r
Ferrous, e.g. iron, Non-ferrous, e.g.
Precious, e.g. gold,
manganese, nickel, S copper.lead, tin.
silver, platinum
cobaft, etc. f bauxite, etc.

G) Social Science-]Q

1. Metallic CLASS-10
a. Ferrous (containing iron) Social Science
b. Non-ferrous
c. Precious &.J/
2. Non-metallic
3. Energy Minerals

Occurrence of minerals: Notes


Igneous and
Metamorphic Rocks Residue of Weathering
Sedimentary / In Oceans
k Rocks Alluvial / \
\ Deposits / \

1. In igneous and metamorphic rocks: The smaller occurrences are called

veins and the larger occurrences are called lodes. They are usually formed
when minerals in liquid/molten and gaseous forms are forced upwards
through cavities towards the earth’s surface. Examples: tin, copper, zinc,
lead, etc.
2. In sedimentary rocks: In these rocks, minerals occur in beds or layers.
Coal, iron ore, gypsum, potash salt and sodium salt are the minerals found
in sedimentary rocks.
3. By decomposition of surface rocks: Decomposition of surface rocks
and removal of soluble constituents leaves a residual mass of weathered
material which contains ores. Bauxite is formed in this way.
4. As alluvial deposits: These minerals are found in sands of valley floors and
the base of hills. These deposits are called placer deposits. They generally
contain those minerals which are not corroded by water. Examples; gold,
silver, tin, platinum, etc.
5. In ocean water: Most of the minerals in ocean water are too widely
diffused to be of economic importance. But common salt, magnesium
and bromine are mainly derived from ocean waters.

Iron Ore
India is rich in good quality iron ores. Magnetite is the finest iron ore with a very
high content of iron upto 70%. This iron ore is valuable for the electrical industry

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 because of its excellent magnetic properties. Hematite ore is the most important
Social Science . industrial iron ore; in terms of.usage. The iron content of hematite is 50-60%.
Jtarakhend, . .. *



Major Iron Ore Belts in India

a. Orissa Jharkhand Belt: Badampahar mines in the Mayurbhanj ar d
Kendujhar districts of Orissa have high grade hematite ore. Additionally,
hematite iron ore is mined in Gua and Noamundi in Singhbhum distri
of Jharkhand.
b. Durg Bastar Chandrapur Belt: This belt lies in Chhattisgarh ar d
Maharashtra. The Bailadila range of hills in the Bastar district of
Chhattisgarh have very high grade hematite ore. This hilly range has
14 deposits of super high grade hematite ore. Iron from these mines is
exported to Japan and South Korea via Vishakapatnam port.
c. Bellary Chitradurga Chikmaglur Tumkur Belt: This belt lies n
Karnataka. The Kudremukh mines located in the Western Ghats are a.
100 percent export unit. The ore from these mines is transported as slurry
through a pipeline to a port near Mangalore. I
d. Maharashtra Goa Belt: This belt inculdes the state of Goa and Ratnagi ri
district of Maharashtra. The ores in these mines are not of very high
quality. They are exported through Marmagao port.
Manganese is mainly used in the manufacturing of steel and ferro-manganese alloy.
It is also used in making bleaching powder, insecticides and paints.
Pradesh, 10% Others, 2N


© Social Science-: O

Copper VVV v CLASS-10

Copper is mainly used in electrical cables, electronic^ and chemical industries. The Social Science
Balaghat mines in Madhya Pradesh produce 52% ofJndia’s copper. Rajasthan is
the next leading producer with about 48% share^Cppper is also produced in. the
Singhbhum district of Jharkhand. 'is'V''

Aluminium «:
Maharashtra, 8
Others,2% Notes
Chattfsgarh, 8%


Aluminium is lightweight yet strong and hence is used in a variety of applications.

Amarkantak plateau, Maikal hills and the plateau region of Bilaspur-Katni are the
main areas of bauxite deposits. Orissa is the leading producer of bauxite in India
with 45% share. Panchpatmali in Koraput district is the most important centre of
bauxite deposit in Orissa.

Mica is a mineral which is made up of a series of plates or leaves. The mica
sheets can be so thin that a thousand of them can be layered into a few centimetre-
thick mica sheet. Mica has excellent di-electric strength, low power loss factor,
insulating properties and resistance to high voltage. Mica is widely used in electric
and electronic industries.
Mica deposits are found in the northern edge of the Chota Nagpur plateau. Koderma-
Gaya-Hazaribagh belt of Jharkhand is the leading producer of mica. Ajmer in
Rajasthan and Nellore in Andhra Pradesh are the other important producers of mica.

Hazards of Mining
Mining is a hazardous industry; both for the workers and for the residents. The
Miners have to work under tough conditions where no natural light is available.
There is always a risk of collapse of mine roof, inundation with water and fire.
The areas around mines face the problem of too much dust from the mines. Slurry
from mines damages the roads and the farmland. Houses and clothes become
dirty more often than in other areas. Miners are at great risk of getting afflicted
with pulmonary disorders. Cases of respiratory tract diseases are very high in
mining areas.

Social Science-10 qT)

CLASS-10 Conservation of Minerals
^ e •
Social Science It takes millions of years for the^ formation of minerals. Compared to the present
rate of consumption, the replenishment rate of minerals is very slow. Hence,
mineral resources are finite and non-renewable. Due to this, it is important th at
we conserve the mineral resources.
Energy Resources
Notes Conventional Energy Resources: Firewood, cattle dung cake, coal, petroleuin,
natural gas and electricity (both hydel and thermal) I
Non-conventiona) Energy Resources: Solar, wind, tidal,'geothermal, biogas and
atomic energy.
Firewood and cattle dung cake: As per estimates, more than 70% of energy nefed
in rural households is met by firewood and cattle dung cake. A decreasing forest
area is making it difficult to use firewood. Dung cake can be put to better use in
the form of manure and hence its use should also be discouraged.
India is highly dependent on coal for meeting its commercial energy fequiremen :s.
Depending on the degree of compression during its formation, there are varieties
of coal.
a. Lignite: It is a low-grade brown coal. It is soft aiid has high moistire
content. Neyveli in Tamil Nadu has the main reserves of lignite coal. T1 is
type of coal is used for electricity generation.
b. Bituminous coal: Coal which was formed because of increased temperature
and was buried very deep is called bituminous coal. This is the most
popular coal for commercial use. High grade bituminous coal is ideal i or
use in metallurgy.
c. Anthracite coal: This is the highest quality hard coal.
In India, coal occurs in rock series of two main geological ages. The (jofidwa aa
coal was formed over 200 million years ago. The tertiary deposits are about 5 5
million years old. The major sources of Gondwana coal are located in the Damdc ar
valley (West Behgal-Jharkhan). In this belt; Jharia, Ranigarij and Bokaro are
important coalfields. Coal deposits are also present in the Godavari, Mahanadi,
Son and Wardha valleys.
Tertiary coal is found in the north-eastern states of Meghalaya, Assam, Afuhacl' al
Pradesh and Nagaland.
After coal, the next major energy resource in India is petroleum. Petroleum is a
major source of fuel for various uses. Petroleum also provides raw materials for
various manufacturing industries; like plastic, textiles, pharmaceuticals, etc.

0 Social Science- lO
Most of the petroleum in India occurs in anticlines and fault traps in the rock CLASS-10
formations of the tertiary age. The oil-bearing layer is a porous limestone or Social Science
sandstone through which oil may flow. The intervening non-porous layers prevent
the oil from rising or sinking. Petroleum is also found in fault traps between
porous and non-porous rocks. Gas usually occurs above the oil because it is
lighter than oil.
Mumbai High produces about 63% of India’s petroleum, Gujarat produces 18%
and Assam 13%. Ankeleshwar is the most important oil field in Gujarat. Assam is Notes
the oldest oil producing state of India. Important oil fields of Assam are Digboi,
Naharkatiya and Moran-Hugrijan. *
Natural Gas
Natural gas is found alongwith or without petroleum. It is used as fuel and also as
industrial raw material. Large reserves of natural gas have been discovered in the
Krishna-Godavari Basin. Gulf of Cambay, Mumbai High and Andaman Nicobar
islands are also important areas with large reserves of natural gas.
The 1700 km long Hazira-Vijaipur-Jagdishpur pipeline links Mumbai High and
Bassein with the fertiliser, power and industrial complexes in western and northern
India. Natural gas is mainly used by the fertiliser and power industries. Now-a-days,
use of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) is increasing as vehicle fuel in the country.
Electricity is generated mainly by two methods; by'running water which drives
hydro turbines and by burning other fuels like coal, petroleum and natural gas to
drive turbines. Bhakra Nangal, Damodar Valley Corporation, Kopili Hydel Project,
etc. are major hydroelectric producers in the country. At present, there are over
300 thermal power stations in India.
Non-conventional Sources of Energy
Nuclear Energy: Nuclear energy is obtained by altering the structure of atom.
When the structure of an atom is altered, too much energy is released in the form
of heat. This heat is utilised to generate electric power. Uranium and Thorium
are used for generating atomic power. These minerals are available ih Jharkhand
and the Aravalli ranges of Rajasthan. The Monazite sand of Kerala is also rich
in Thorium.
Solar Energy: Photovoltaic technology is used to convert solar energy into
electricity. The largest solar plant of India is located at Madhapur near Bhuj.
Solar energy holds great promises for the future. It can help in minimizing the
dependence on firewood and animal dung cakes in rural areas. This will also help
in Conservation of fossil fuels.
Wind Power: India now ranks as a “Wind Super Power” in the world. The wind
farm cluster in Tamil Nadu (from Nagarcoil to Madurai) is the largest cluster in
India. Andhra Pradesh^ Karnataka, Gujarat, Kerala, Maharashtra and Lakshadweep
are also important centres of wind power production.

Social Science-10 Qt)

CLASS-10 Biogas: Biogas can be produced from shrubs, farm waste, and animal and human
Social Science waste. Biogas is more efficient than kerosene, dung cake and charcoal. Biogis
plants can be set up at municipal, cooperative and individual levels. The gob ir
gas plants provide energy and also , manure.
Tidal Energy: Floodgate dams are built across inlets. The water flows into the inlet
during high tide and gets trapped when the gate is closed. Once the tide recedes,
the gates are opened so that water can flow back to the sea. The flow of water
Notes is used to run the turbine to generate electricity. A 900 mw tidal energy power
plant is set up by the National Hydropower Corporation in the Gulf of Kuchchp.
Geo Thermal Energy: We know that the inside of the earth is very hot. At son le
places, this heat is released on the surface through fissures. Groundwater in such
areas becomes hot and rises up in the form of steam. This steam is used to drii^e
turbines. Two experimental projects have been set up in India to harness geothermal
enei^y. They are; the Parvati valley near Manikam in Himachal Pradesh and tlae
Puga Valley in Ladakh.


What is a Mineral?
Mineral is defined as a “homogenous, naturally occurring substance with a definable
internal structure.” Minerals are found in varied forms in nature, ranging fro xi
the hardest diamond to the softest talc. Rocks are combinations of homogeneoas
substances called minerals.
Mode of Occurrence of Minerals
Minerals are usually found in “ores”. The term ore is used to describe mi
accumulation of any mineral mixed with other elements. Minerals generally occur
in the following forms:
• In igneous and metamorphic rocks, minerals may occur in the cracks,
crevices, faults or joints.
• In sedimentary rocks, a number of minerals occur in beds or layers.
• The decomposition of surface rocks and the removal of soluble constituents
also forms the minerals.
• Minerals also occur as alluvial deposits in sands of valley floors and tl :e
base of hills.
• The ocean waters contain vast quantities of minerals.

Classification of Minerals
Metallic Non*Metattic Energy Mineral*

Ferrous (containing
Non-Ferrous Precious
e.g. mica. salt.
potash, sulphur,

Inm) e.g. iron ore. c.g. copper, lead, e.g. gold, silver, granite, limestone, Natural gas
Manganese, nickel tin, bauxite, etc. platinum, etc. marble, sandstone, etc.
cobalt, etc.

(m) Social Science-iO

Multiple Choice Questions CLASS-10
1. Uranium and thorium used for generating hCiclear power are found in Social Science
(a) Godavari Basin ' (b) ' Gulf of Cambay
(c) Manikarn in Himachal Pradesh (d)' Aravalli ranges of Rajasthan
2. Which of the following is an offshore oil fiejd?
(a) Ankaleshwar (b) Digboi
(c) Kalol (d) . Mumbai High
3. Which one of the following minerals is formed by decomposition of rocks, leaving
a residual mass of weathered material? (Textbook)
(a) Coal (b) Bauxite
(c) Gold (d) Zinc
4. Koderma, in Jharkhand, is the leading producer of which one of the following
minerals? (Textbook)
(a) Bauxite (b)' Mica
(c) Iron ore (d)” Copper
5. Minerals are deposited and accumulated in the stratas of which of the following
rocks? '%
(a) Sedimentary rocks (b) Igneous rocks
(c) Metamorphic rocks (d) None of the above
< i :
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b)/ 5. (??)

Review Questions
1. Give three examples of metallic and three examples of non-metallic minerals.
2. Name four important iron ore-producing states of India.
3. Name four manganese ore-producing states of India.
4. Name four bauxite-producing states.
5. Name three states which are known for the production of mica.
6. What are commercial sources of energy? 1 1
7. What are conventional sources of energy?

Space for Work

, >.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 f Unit 2| Contemporary India =. II
Social Science


Notes Content
Importance of manufacturing
• Contribution of Industry to National Economy
• Industrial Location
• Classification of Industries
• Spatial distribution
• Industrial pollution and environmental degradation
• Control of Environmental Degradation
Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to
Bring out the importance of industries in the national economy as well as
understand the regional disparities which resulted due to concentration of
industries in some areas.
• Discuss the need for a planned industrial development and debate ove r
the role of government towards sustainable development.

Manufacturing: Production of goods in large quantities after processing the ra ;v
materials into more valuable products is called manufacturing.

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Qoo) Social Science-lO

Importance of Manufacturing CLASS-10
• Manufacturing industries help in modernizing agriculture; which forms Social Science
the backbone of our economy. Apart from this, manufacturing industries
also reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income. This
becomes possible because of creation of new jobs in secondary and tertiary
• Industrial development helps in eradication of unemployment and poverty.
• Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce and brings
in much needed foreign exchange.
• A country with high level of manufacturing activities becomes prosperous.

Contribution of Industry to National Economy

The share of manufacturing sector in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has been
stagnant at 17% over the last two decades. The total contribution of industry to the
GDP is 27% out of which 10% comes from mining, quarrying, electricity and gas.
The growth of the manufacturing sector had been 7% in the last decade. Since
2003, the growth rate has been 9 to 10% per annum. The desired growth rate
over the next decade is 12%.
The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) has been set with
the objectives of improving productivity through proper policy interventions by
the government and renewed efforts by the industry.

Industrial Location
Some of the factors which affect the industrial location are as follows:
• Availability of raw materials
• Availability of labour
• Availability of capital
• Availability of power ' i r

• Availability of market
• Infrastructure
Sometimes, industries are located in or near cities. Cities provide markets and
also provide services like banking, insurance, transport, labour, consultants, etc.
Many industries tend to come together to make use of the advantages of an urban
centre. Such centre is then called as agglomeration economy.
In the pre-independence period, most of the" manufacturing units were located in
places which were near the ports, e.g. Mumbai; Kolkata, Chennai, etc. As a result,
these belts developed as industrial urban centres surrounded by huge agricultural
rural hinterland. * >

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Classification Of Industries:
Social Science
Classification of Industry
Ji l rt F.w'.'. ’•/. -di a ^ Main Ro!e
• Agro Based Industry c P • -•

• Mineral Based Industry

• Small Scale
9 • Large Scale

y'Afmi i
Bulk and Weight

On the basis of raw materials:
a. Agro Based Industries: Cotton, woolen, jute, silk textile, rubber, sugtx,
tea, coffee, etc.
b. Mineral Based Industries: Iron and steel, cement, aluminium,
petrochemicals, etc.

According to their main role:

a. Basic or Key Industries: These industries supply their products or raw
materials to manufacture other goods, e.g. iron and steel, copper smelting,
aluminium smelting.
b. Consumer Industries: These industries produce goods which are direct ly
used by consumers, e.g. sugar, paper, electronics, soap, etc.

On the basis of capital investment:

a. Small Scale Industry: If the invested capital is up to Rs. one crore, th< in
the industry is called a small-scale industry.
b. Large Scale Industry: If the invested capital is more than Rs. one croi e,
then the industry is called a large-scale industry.

On the basis of ownership:

a. Public Sector: These industries are owned and operated by govemme nt
agencies, e.g., SAIL, BHEL; ONGC, etc.
b. Private Sector: These industries are owned and operated by individuals
or a group of individuals, ‘e.g., TISCO, Reliance, Mahindra, etc.
c. Joint Sector: These industries are jointly owned by the government at id
individuals or a group of individuals, e.g., Oil India Limited.
Social Science- lo

d. Cooperative Sector: These industries are owned and operated by the CLASS-10
producers or suppliers of raw materials.-workers or both.-The resources are Social Science
pooled by each stakeholder and profits or losses are shared proportionately.
AMUL which is milk cooperative is a good example. The sugar industry
in Maharashtra is another example.

Based on the bulk and weight of raw materials and finished goods:
a. Heavy Industries: Iron and steel.
b. Light Industries: Electronics . l •

Textile Industry


The textile industry contributes 14% to industrial production in India. In terms

of employment generation, this industry is the second largest after agriculture.
35 million persons are directly employed in the textiles industry in India. The
contribution of textiles industry to GDP is 4%. This is the only industry in the
country which is self-reliant and complete in the value chain.
Cotton Textiles: Cotton textiles were traditionally produced with hand spinning
and handloom weaving techniques. Power-looms came into use after the 18th
century. During the colonial period, the competition of mill-made cloth from
England destroyed the Indian textiles industry.

Social Science-10

CLASS-10 At present, there are 1600 cotton and* synthetic textile mills in India. Almost SOyo
Social Science of them are in the private sector. The rest are in the public sector and cooperath e
sector. Additionally, there are several .thousand small factories with four to ten
looms. ‘ * t

Location of Cotton Textile Industry: This industry was earlier concentrated tn

the cotton belt of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Availability of raw materials, po
facilities, transport, labour, moist climate, etc. were in favour of these location^
The industry provides a source of livelihood to farmers, cotton boll pluckers and
workers engaged in ginning, spinning, weaving, dyeing, designing, packaging,
tailoring and sewing. This industry supports many other industries; like chemickl
and dyes, mill stores, packaging materials and engineering works.
Spinning still continues to be centralized in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nad x.
However, weaving is highly decentralized and there are many weaving centres
in the country.
Production of fabric in India by various sectors 1
Sector Share of production Loomage m
Mills 6% 1.33 lakh
Powerloom 54.17% 14 lakh
Handloom 23% NA
India exports cotton yam to Japan. 'Cotton goods are also exported to USA,
Russia, France, East European countries, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Africa in
At around 34 million, India has the 'second largest installed capacity of spindlps
in the world; after China. India accounts for one fourth of the world trade in
cotton yam. However, India’s share in garment trade in the world is only 4%. Our
spinning mills are globally competitive and can use all the fibres we produce. B at
the weaving, knitting and processing units cannot use much of the high quali :y
yam produced in the country.
Problems in cotton textile industry: Erratic power supply and obsolete machine ~y
are the major problems. Low output of labour and stiff competition; with the
synthetic fibre are the other problems.

Jute Textiles
India is the largest producer of raw jute and jute goods in the world. It is tlj*e
second largest exporter ofjute; after Bangladesh. Most of the 70 jute mills in India,
are located in West Bengal; mainly along the bank of Hooghly. The jute indust -y
is in a narrow belt which is 98 km long and 3 km wide.
Location advantages of Hooghly basin: Proximity of the jute producing areas,
inexpensive water transport, good rail and road network, abundant water for
processing raw jute and cheap labour from West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Uttar
Social Science-lO
The jute industry directly supports 2.61 lakh, workers. It also supports 40 lakh CLASS-10
small and marginal farmers who are engaged rin cultivation of jute and niesta. Social Science
Jute industry is facing challenge from synthetic' fibre and also from other competitors
like Bangladesh, Brazil, Philippines, Egypt and Thailand. But the internal demand
has been rising because of government policy of mandatory use of jute packaging.
The National Jute Policy was formulated in 2005 with an objective to increase
productivity, improve quality and ensure good prices for the jute farmers. Due
to growing global concern for environment friendly and biodegradable material; Notes
the. future of jute looks bright. USA, Canada,. Russia, UAE, UK and Australia
are the main markets.

Sugar Industry
■ V,'. /
India is the second largest producer of sugar in the world. It is the largest producer
of gur and khandsari. There are over 460 sugar mills in the country. They are
spread over Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh. Sixty percent mills
are in UP and Bihar. This industry is seasonal and hence is more suited to the
cooperative sector.
In recent years, there has been a growing tendency to shift and concentrate in
the southern and. western states; especially in Maharashtra. The cane produced in
this region has higher sucrose content. The cooler climate of this region ensures
a longer crushing season.
Challenges for Sugar industry: Seasonal nature of industry, old and inefficient
methods of production, transport delay and. the need to maximize the use of
baggase are the major challenges for this industry.

Mineral Based Industries

Iron and Steel Industry < Vi

Steel Plants

Jamshedpur lr j

1, BoRaf6(Jharkhand)l [J.

Bhii Jihattisgarh) Durgapur,

Burnpur {\
Vijaynagar -ry1 Rourkela (Odissa)
Bhadravati ;% j
(Karnataka) \% L .-''i Vizag (AP)
X;;' / Salem (IN) V

Social Science-10

CLASS-10 Iron is required for making machineries for all other industries hence it is the
Social Science basic industry. Due to this, production and consumption of steel is often regarded
as the index of a country’s development.
India is 9th among the world crude steel producers and produces 32.8 million tons
of steel. India is the largest producer of sponge iron. But per capita consumption
of steel is only 32 kg per annum.* -

Notes Total finished steel production in India

Year Production (million tonnes)
1950 - 51 1.04
1960 - 61 2.39
1970 - 71 4.64
1980 - 81 6.82
1990 - 91 13.53
1997 - 98 23.40
2004 - 05 32.60
At present, there are 10 primary integrated steel plants in India. Additionally, there
are many mini steel plants in the country. SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited)
is the major public sector company in this sector, while TISCO (Tata Iron an!d
Steel Company) is the major private sector company in this industry.
Most of the. iron and steel industries are in the Chhotanagpur plateau region. Thfs
region has plenty of low-cost iron ore, high grade raw materials, cheap labor r
and good connectivity through railways and roadways.
Reasons for underperformance of Iron and steel Industry in India:
a. High cost and limited availability of coking coal
b. Low productivity of labour
c. Erratic energy supply
» c
d. Poor infrastructure

Aluminium Smelting
Aluminium smelting is the second most important metallurgical industry in India.
Aluminium is often turned into alloy and then used for making various products!.

There are 8 aluminium smelting plants in India, located in Orissa (NALCO

and BALCO), West Bengal, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra
and Tamil Nadu. India produced over 600 million tons of aluminium in 2004.

Chemical Industries r U »

The chemical industry contributes about 3% to the GDP. The chemical industry
of India is the third largest in Asia'-and is at twelfth position in the world.

Social Science-1(

< i

Inorganic Chemicals: Sulphuric acid, nitric acid, alkalies, soda ash and caustic CLASS-10
soda are the inorganic chemicals. Sulphuric acid is used to manufacture fertilisers, Social Science
synthetic fibres, plastics, adhesives, paints, dye. stuffs. Soda ash is used to make
glass, soaps and detergents, paper, etc.
Organic Chemicals: These include petrochemicals. Petrochemicals are used for
manufacturing synthetic fibres,. synthetic rubber, plastics, dye-stuffs, drugs and
pharmaceuticals. Organic plants are located near oil refineries or petrochemical plants.
The chemical industry is usually its own largest consumer. Notes

Fertiliser Industry
Fertiliser industry is centred around the production of nitrogenous fertilisers,
phosphatic fertilisers and ammonium phosphate and complex fertilisers. Complex
fertilisers have a combination of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and potash (K). Potash
is entirely imported because India does not have any reserves of commercially
viable potash or potassium compounds.
India is the third largest producer of nitrogenous fertilisers. There are 57 fertiliser
units which manufacture nitrogenous and complex nitrogenous fertilisers. Out of
them, 29 units manufacture urea and 9 manufacture ammonium sulphate as by­
product. There 68 small units which produce single superphosphate.

Cement Industry
Cement industry requires bulky raw materials like limestone, silica, alumina and
gypsum. There are many cement plants in Gujarat because of proximity to ports.
There are 128 large and 323 mini cement plants in India.
Improvement in quality has found the Indian cement a readily available market
in East Asia, Middle East, Africa and South Asia. This industry is doing well in
terms of production as well as export.

Automobile Industry
Almost all types of vehicles are manufactured in India. After liberalization in
1991, many automobile manufacturers set up their base in India. With the launch
of contemporary models, India became an attractive market for automobiles.
At present, there are 15 manufacturers of cars and multi-utility vehicles, 9 of
commercial vehicles, 14 of two and three-wheelers. Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai,
Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Indore, Hyderabad, Jamshedpur, Bangalore,
Sanand, Pantnagar, etc. are the major centres of automobile industry.

Information Technology and Electronics Industry

Bangalore is often termed as the electronic capital of India. Mumbai, Pune, Delhi,
Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow and Coimbatore are the other important
centres. There are 18 software technology parks in the country and they provide
single window service and high data communication to software experts.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 This industry had generated a large‘number of employments. Upto 31 March
Social Science 2005, over one million persons were employed in the IT industry. Because of
fast growth of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing); this sector has been a majbr
earner of foreign exchange.

Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation

Air Pollution: High proportion of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon
Notes monoxide create air pollution. Suspended particulate matters also create problems.
Smoke is emitted from chimneys of various factories. Some industry also posLs
the risk of leak of hazardous chemicals; the way it happened during the BhopSal
Gas Tragedy. Air pollution has adverse effect on human health, animals, plants,
buildings, and the atmosphere as a whole.
Water Pollution: Organic and inorganic industrial wastes and effluents cause water
pollution. Paper, pulp, chemical, textile, dyeing, petroleum refineries, tanneries,
etc. are the main culprits of water .pollution.
Thermal Pollution of water: It occurs when hot water from factories or thermal
plants is drained into rivers and ponds before cooling. This plays havoc with tl ie
aquatic life.
Radioactive Waste: Waste from nuclear power plants contains highly radioactn re
materials and it needs to be properly stored. Any leakage of radioactive material can
cause short term and long-term damages to humans as well as to other life formls.
Noise Pollution: Noise pollution can result in constant irritation, hypertensk n
and hearing impairment. Factory equipment’s, generators, electric drills, etc. a *e
the major sources of noise pollution.
Preventing Environmental Degradation by Industry:
• Water should be reused and recycled in the industry. This will help in
minimizing the use of freshwater.
• Rainwater harvesting should be promoted.
• Hot water and effluents should be treated before being released in rivers
and ponds.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which one of the following cities has emerged as the 'electronic capital' of India?
(a) Delhi (b) Kolkata
(c) Bengaluru (d) Hyderabad
2. Which one of the following factors plays the most important role in the location of
an industry in a particular region?
(a) Raw material (b) Market
(c) Least production cost (d) Transport

(e) Social Science-: O

3. Which of the following industries is not a heavy industry. CLASS-10
(a) Cotton textile j * Social Science
(b) Cement
(c) Iron and Steel
(d) Shipbuilding
4. Which one of the following industries manufactures telephones, computer, etc.?
(a) Cement
(b) Iron and Steel
(c) Electronic
(d) Chemical
5. Which one of the following public sector plahts is located in Chhattisgarh?
*, s
(a) Bokaro Steel Plant
(b) Bhilai Steel Plant
(c) Durgapur Steel Plant i >

(d) Rourkela Steel Plant

6. Which one of the following agencies, markets steel for the public sector plants?
(a) HAIL i >

(b) SAIL
(c) TATA Steel
(d) MNCC
7. Which one of the following is not a centre of Automobile industry?
(a) Chennai
(b) Bengaluru
(c) Jamshedpur
(d) Coimbatore
8. Leading centre of woollen textile industry in Punjab
(a) Kanpur
(b) Ludhiana
(c) Murshidabad - .•
(d) Panipat
9. TISCOis
(a) Joint Sector Industry
(b) Private Sector Industry
(c) Co-operative Sector Industry
(d) Public Sector Industry
10. Iron and Steel industry requires Iron ore, coking coal and limestone in which of the
following proportions?
(a) 2:3:1 ^ ■
(b) 4:2:1
(c) 1:2:3
(d) 2:3:4 - ‘
Answer Key ',V\

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (b)

6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (b)

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 , ^5^ernporary(i^^ [
Social Science

1 f

Notes Content i •
t *

• Transport - Roadways,'
• Railways,
• Pipelines,
• Waterways,
• Airways
• Communication 1 '

• International Trade 4 •

• Tourism as a Trade
r Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to
i Explain the importance of transport and communication in the ever-shrinkin 5
! world.
• Understand the role of trade and tourism in the economic development
of a country.__ _
Transport, communication and trade are channels which facilitate movement of
goods, people and information. By doing so, they facilitate smooth functioning
of the economy. Economic activities would come to a virtual halt if any of the >e
stops working. Due to this, transport, communication and trade are called the
lifelines of economy.
Supplying raw materials to a factory and finished products to consumers becom ss
possible because of transport. So, an efficient transport system can do wonders
for the development of economy.


| land [ Water

^RoadwayT* ^^alTway^* | Pipeline" Domestic | Internationa?

pnlan^* jowerseas |

(£°) Social Science- LO

Roadways CLASS-10
Social Science
Roads in lndia# Types of Road ’V

% • • E-xpr^s'sways, •
• > 5.8 mn KM \ N'■ • National HighW^
• 63.24% Paved Road \
• 65% Freight Traffic ^ \ • State Highways' Notes
• 85% Passenger Traffic \
• 1.43km per sq Km Road Deft*ity District Roads
^ '’Rural. Roads

raer Roads

India has 2nd largest road network in the world (after the USA). The importance
of roadways can be gauged from the fact that 65% of freight traffic and 85% of
passenger traffic is carried through roads. We can claim that the road network in
India is a developed one if we look at the road density which is 142.68 km per
100 square km in the country, and this figure makes India the number one country
in the world. But India lags behind many leading nations in terms of length of
road per 1000 population. This figure is 4.8 km per 1000 population.

Road Density
The length of road per 100 sq. km of area is known as density of roads. Distribution
of road is not uniform in the country. Density of all roads varies from only 12
km in Jammu & Kashmir to 518 km in Kerala with the national average of 142
km (2016-17).

Roadways Vs Railways
Roads are better than rails because of many reasons. Some of them are as follows:
• Cost of construction of roads is mucH'lower than that of railway lines.
• Roads can be built even on uneven topography. Laying railway lines
becomes almost impossible at some places.
• Road transport is flexible enough to carry smaller number of people and
smaller loads, which is not possible with the railways.
• Door to door service can only be provided through road network.
• Road transport plays the role of feeder to other modes of transport. We
should not forget that we need a truck to carry goods and people up to
railway stations, airports and ports? -

Types of Roads ; ...

In India, roads are classified in the following six classes according to their capacity
Golden Quadrilateral: This project is aimed at linking the four metro cities

Social Science-10 ©
CLASS-10 by six-lane Super Highways or Expressways. The North-South corridors linking
Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) and Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu), and East-W^st
Social Science
Corridor connecting Silcher (Assam) and Porbander (Gujarat) are part of this project.
Now, expressways are being built in other corridors as well. Construction a:iLa
maintenance of expressways is the responsibility of NHAI (National Highwky
Authority of India). Expressways are access controlled and one needs to pay toll
to drive through these roads. Expressways have indeed helped in reducing t le
Notes travel time in the country.
National Highways: National Highways link extreme parts of the country.
Construction and maintenance of national highways is the responsibility of CPWD
(Central Public Works Department).
State Highways: Roads linking a state capital with different district headquarters
are known as State Highways. These roads are constructed and maintained by trie
State Public Works Department (PWD) in State and Union Territories.
District Roads: These roads connect the district headquarters with other places
of the district. These roads are maintained by the Zila Parishad.
Other Roads: Rural roads come under this category. Pradhah Mantri Grameen
Sadak Yojana gave a new life to rural roads. This scheme is aiming at connecting
every village with all-weather motorable road.
Border Roads: The roads in border areas come uhder this category. Border Road
Organisation was established in 1960 to ensure development of roads in strategic
areas, especially on the northern and north-eastern borders

Rail transport is ideal for carrying a large number of passengers arid large numb er
of items to long distances. India has a well-developed rail network.
The Indian Railways have a network of 7, 133 stations spread over a route length,
of 64, 460 km. The Indian Railways use three types of gauge, details of which
are given iri the following table.
Rail Gauge and Length of Routes in India
Gauge (in m) Route (km) Running track (km) Total trad t
Broad Gauge 1.676 55,188 77,347 102,680
Meter Gauge 1 6,809 7,219 8,561
Narrow Gauge 0.762 & 0.610 2,463 2,474 2,753

Development of Railways:
• the Indian Railways is the largest public sector undertaking iri the counti y,
in terms of number of employees. The first train ran from Mumbai :o
Thane in 1853, covering a distance of 34 km.
• The Indian Railway is now reorganised into 16 zones.

© Social Science-:.0
• Geographic, economic and administrative factors have influenced the CLASS-10
development of railways in India. Social Science
• The rail network is highly dense in the: northern plains. This could be
possible because of even topography;-high population density and rich
agricultural resources present in this region'. The development of rail has
been to a lesser degree in other parts of the country because of presence
of plateau, desert and mountains. Development of Konkan Railway along
the west coast has immensely helped in economic development in this Notes
Problems Faced: Rail transport is facing many problems. There is overload of
train traffic on major routes. There is a need for upgradation on these routes.
Ticketless travel and unnecessary chain-pulling are the nagging problems faced
by the railways.
Traditionally, pipelines have been used to supply drinking water. But later on,
pipelines began to be used for supplying crude oil, petroleum products and natural
gas as well. So, the much-needed fuel and some raw materials can be directly
supplied from source to factories through pipelines. From some mines even iron
ore is supplied to ports in the form of slurry.
Initial cost of laying pipelines is high but subsequent operational costs are minimal.
Pipelines also help in preventing loss and delays during shipment.

1. Digboi
1. Salaya 2. Noonmati
2. Mathura 3. Barauni
3. Jaipur 4. Kanpur
4.Jalandhar 5. Haldia
• *

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 There are three important networks!of pipeline transportation in the country.
Social Science a. Digboi To'Kanpur: This pipeline runs from the oilfields in Assam to
Kanpur (UP), via Guwahati, Barauni and Allahabad. One branch from this
pipeline goes from Guwahati to Siliguri and another branch goes froxra
Barauni to Haldia, via,Rajbandh. A third branch from Rajbandh goes to

b. Salaya to Jalandhar: This pipeline runs from Salaya (Gujarat) to Jalandhar

Notes (Punjab), via Viramgam, Mathura, Delhi and Sonipat. Branches from tl is
pipeline go to Koyali, Chakshu and other places.
c. HVJ Pipeline: This pipeline has been built for transporting gas. It ru as
from Hazira (Gujarat) to Jagdishpur (UP), via Vijaipur (or Bijapur) in Ivfcp.
It has branches to Kota in Rajasthan, Shahajahanpur, Babrala and other
* places in Uttar Pradesh.
Waterways are the cheapest means of transport. They are most suitable for carryi ig
heavy and bulky goods. It is a fuel-efficient and environment friendly mode of*
transport. India has inland navigation waterways of 14,500 km in length. Out of*
these only 3,700 km are navigable by mechanised boats.





(m) Social Science - lO

The following waterways have been declared'asr-the'’National Waterways by the CLASS-10
Government: Social Science
1. NW 1: The Ganga river between Allahabad and Haldia (1620 km)
2. NW 2: The Brahmaputra river between-Sadiya and Dhubri (891 km)
3. NW 3: The West-Coast Canal in Ker'ala (Kottapurma-Komman,
Udyogamandal and Champakkara canals-205 km)
The other viable inland waterways include the Godavari, Krishna, Barak,
Sunderbans, Buckingham Canal, Brahmani, East-west Canal and Damodar Valley
Corporation Canal.

Major Sea Ports

With a long coastline of 7,516.6 km, India is dotted with 13 major and 187
medium and minor ports, which make up for the total 200 ports. These major
ports handle 74% of cargo and 95% of India’s foreign trade.
Kandla Port: It was the first port developed just after independence to ease the
load on Mumbai port. The load on Mumbai port had increased because Karachi
port went to Pakistan after partition. Kandla is a tidal port. This port caters to the
highly productive granary and industrial belt stretching from north to west India.
Mumbai Port: It is the biggest port with a spacious natural and well-sheltered
harbour.-The Jawaharlal Nehru port was planned with a view to decongest the
Mumbai port and serve as a hub port for this region.
Marmagao port (Goa) is the premier iron ore exporting port of the country. This
port accounts for about fifty per cent of India’s iron ore export.
New Mangalore port, located in Karnataka caters to the export of iron Ore
concentrates from Kudremukh mines. Kochi is the extreme south-western port,
located at the entrance of a lagoon with a natural harbour.
On the east coast, is the port of Tuticorin, in Tamil Nadu. This port has a natural
harbour and rich hinterland. Thus, it has a flourishing trade handling of a large
variety of cargoes to even our neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka, Maldives,
etc. and the coastal regions of India.
Chennai is one of the oldest artificial ports of the country. It is ranked next to
Mumbai in terms of the volume of trade and cargo.
Vishakhapatnam is the deepest landlocked and well-protected port. This port was,
originally, conceived as an outlet for iron ore exports.
Paradip port located in Orissa, specialises in the export of iron ore.
Kolkata is an inland riverine port. This port serves a very large and rich hinterland
of Ganga- Brahmaputra basin. Being a tidal port, it requires constant dredging
of Hoogly. Haldia port was developed as a subsidiary port, in order to relieve
growing pressure on the Kolkata port.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Airways: * i

Social Science Air transport is faster than any other means of transport. It is highly convenient
for long distance travel. India is the 3rd largest civil aviation market in the world
(2017). The air transport in India carried 131 million passengers in 2016. j^ir
India, IndiGo, SpiceJet and GoAir are some major airlines in the country. Tjlie
regulatory authority for air transport is named DGCA (Directorate General of Ci il
Aviation). Indira Gandhi International Airport (New Delhi) is the busiest airp Drt
Notes in the country.
The government has recently announced the UDAN-RCS initiative. UDAN star ds
for Ude Desh Ke Aam Naagrik, while RCS stands for Regional Connectivity
Scheme. This scheme has been launched to connect smaller towns with air transp Drt
network. Moreover, this plan also aims at providing affordable air tickets to lie
common people.
Personal communication and mass communication including television, radio, press,
films, etc. are the major means of communication in the country.
Indian Post: The Indian postal network is the largest in the world. It handles
parcels as well as personal written communications.
Cards and envelopes are considered first-class mail and are airlifted between
stations covering both land and air.
The second-class mail includes book packets, registered newspapers and periodic! Is.
They are carried by surface mail, covering land and water transport.
To facilitate quick delivery of mails in large towns and cities, six mail chann sis
have been introduced recently. They are called Rajdhani Channel, Metro Cham el.
Green Channel, Business Channel, Bulk Mail Channel and Periodical Channe .

r; A
' • K\

rv i
2nd Largest maj&eun world __bh’subscribers'2019)
• 2?wf LargerUser fnn)
• T^bn^n^bile. e y-
• 148*n^fV homes
India has one of the largest telephone networks in the world. India is the 2racl
largest telephone market in the world in terms of number of subscribers. In 2019,
there were 1.1724 billion telephone subscribers in India. India has the 2nd largest

(“!) Social Science- ±o

internet user base and the figure is 661.94 million. There are 121 crore mobile CLASS-10
phones being used in India. ■/ (

Social Science
Before mobile phone became part of our everyday life, people used to rely on
landline telephones. In those days, it was difficult to get connected through
telephone. So, the government introduced STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) facility.
This helped in connecting the remotest part of the-pountry with telephone. Now,
STD booths have become a thing of history.
Mobile phones have changed the way people communicate. Penetration of mobile
phone has helped every section of society in business transaction. The arrival of
smartphones further opened the unlimited opportunities for facilitating business

Mass Communication
Radio, television, newspapers, magazines, books and films are the modes of
mass communication. All India Radio (Akashwafti) and Doordarshan (Television
Network) are owned by the government and they have reach to every nook and
comer of the country. DTH (Direct To Home) facility has helped in proliferation
of private television channels to most of the parts of the country.
Newspapers: India publishes a large number of newspapers and periodicals
annually. They are of different types depending upon their periodicity. Newspapers
are published in about 100 languages and dialects. Hindi newspapers are being
published in the largest numbers, followed by English and Urdu newspapers.
Films: India is the largest producer of feature films in the world. It produces
short films; video feature films and video short films. The Central Board of Film
Certification is the authority to certify both Indian and foreign films.

International Trade
Trade between two countries is called international trade. It may take place
through sea, air or land routes. Advancement of international trade of a country
is an index to its economic prosperity. It is, therefore, considered the economic
barometer for a country.
Export: When the goods are sent to other country for sale it is called as export.
Import: When the goods come from other country to be sold in India it is called
Balance of Payment: This is the difference between export and import of a
country. When export is higher than import then this is a situation of favourable
balance of payment. On the other hand when the import is higher than export
then this is a situation of unfavorable balance of payment.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Export (2010-11 vq

Social Science {Commodities Share in Exports

I Agriculture and allied products 9.9%
{Ores and minerals 4%
Gems and jewelry 14.7%
{Petroleum products 16.8%
Major Imports to India (2010-11
Commodities Share in Imports
Petroleum and petroleum products 28.6%
Pearls and precious stones 9.4%
Inorganic chemicals 5.2%
Coke, coal, briquettes 2.7%-
Machinery 6.4%

Bulk imports as a group registered a growth accounting for 28.2 per cent of total
h |

imports. This group includes fertilizers (3.4 per cent), cereals (14.3 per cent),
edible oils (17.4 per cent) and newsprint (40.3 per cent).
There had been dramatic changes in international trade in the last two decades.
Commodities and goods are being replaced by information and knowledge; as
items of exchange.
Tourism as a Trade

Tourism in 2011
{Foreign tourists’ arrival +23.5%
Foreign Exchange 64889 crore rupees
'No. of foreign tourists 5.78 million
No. of people directly employed in tourism 15 million
Tourism helps in promoting national integration. It supports local handicrafts
and culture. Tourism helps in understanding culture and heritage. This helps in
developing a sense of cross-cultural sensibilities.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the name given to the International Airport at Kolkata?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Meenambakkam
(c) Rajiv Gandhi (d) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
2. Which one of the following means of transport is used for carrying solids in a slurry
form? [Foreign 2012]
(a) Trucks (b) Railways
(c) Pipelines (d) Ships

(us) Social Science-lO

3. Which one of the following is an inland riverine port? [Delhi 2012] CLASS-10
(a) Kandla Social Science
(b) Kolkata
(c) Mumbai
(d) Tuticorin
4. Which one of the following is not the means of mass communication?
(a) Cards and envelopes
(b) Radio
(c) Newspaper
(d) Films \
5. The longest pipeline connects
(a) Hazira to Kanpur
(b) Salaya to Jalandhar
(c) Flazira toJagdishpur
(d) KoyalitoHaldia
6. Difference between the total value of exports and imports is called.
(a) Balance of Payment
(b) Balance of Trade
(c) Surplus Budget
(d) Deficit Balance
7. Which one of the following countries has the largest telecom network in Asia?
(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) Pakistan
(d) India
8. STD refers to
(a) Suburban Telephone Dialing , -
(b) Subscriber Trunk Dialing
'(c) Social Telephone Distributor
(d) Speed Telephone Dialing
9. The first train was steamed off from
(a) MumbaitoKalyan
(b) Mumbai to Delhi
(c) Mumbai to Thane
(d) Mumbai to Satara
10. Which one of the following is a subsidiary port of Kolkata?
(a) Tuticorin
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Haldia
(d) Vishakhapatnam

Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c)
6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (c)

Social Science-10

/vXl vS



Social Science


Content Notes
Case Studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka
Why power sharing is desirable?
• Forms of Power Sharing
' Learning Objectives
: Enable the learners to
Familiarize with the centrality of power sharing in a democracy.
• Understand the working of spatial and social power sharing mechanisms.

Case Studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka
Belgium is a small country in Europe, smaller in area than the state of Haryana. It
has borders with Netherlands, France and'Germany. It has a population of a little
over one crore, about half the population of Haryana. The ETHNIC composition
of this small country is very complex. Of the country’s total population,- 59 per
cent lives in the Flemish region and speaks Dutch language. Another 40 per cent
people live in the Wallonia region and speak French.
Remaining 1 per cent of the Belgians speak German. In the capital city Brussels, 80
per cent people speak French while 20 per cent are Dutch-speaking. The minority
French-speaking community was relatively rich and powerful. This was resented
by the Dutch-speaking community who got the benefit of economic development
and education much later. This led to tensions between the Dutch-speaking and
French-speaking communities during the 1950s and 1960s. The tension between
the two communities was more acute in Brussels. Brussels presented a special
problem: the Dutch-speaking people constituted a majority in the country, but a
minority in the capital.
Let us compare this to the situation in another country. Sri Lanka is an island
nation, just a few kilometres off the southern coast of Tamil Nadu. It has about
2 crore people, about the same as in Haryana. Like other nations in the South
Asia region, Sri Lanka has a diverse population. The major social groups are
the Sinhala-speakers (74 per cent) and the Tamil-speakers (18 per cent). Among
Tamils there are two subgroups. Tamil natives of the country are called ‘Sri

Social Science-10 (m)

* ♦
CLASS-10 Lankan Tamils’ (13 per cent). The rest, whose forefathers came from India as
Social Science plantation workers during colonial period, are called ‘Indian Tamils’. As you can
see from the map, Sri Lankan Tamils are concentrated in the north and east of
the country. Most of the Sinhala-speaking people are Buddhist, while most of the
Tamils are Hindus or Muslims.. There are about 7 per cent Christians, who are
both Tamil and Sinhala. Just imagine what could happen in situations like this.
In Belgium, the Dutch community could take advantage of its numeric majority
Notes and force its will on the French and German-speaking population. This wou(<i
push the conflict among communities further. This could lead to a very messy
partition of the country; both the sides would claim control over Brussels. In
Sri Lanka, the Sinhala community enjoyed an even bigger majority and could
impose its will on the entire country. Now, let us look at what happened i n
both these countries
Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country in 1948. The leaders of the Sinha La
community sought to secure dominance over government by virtue of thejir
majority. As a result, the democratically elected government adopted a series of
MAJORITARJAN measures to establish Sinhala supremacy. In 1956, an Act w;is
passed to recognise Sinhala as the only official language, thus disregarding Tam:I.
The governments followed preferential policies that favoured Sinhala applicants
for university positions and government jobs. A new constitution stipulated that
the state shall protect and foster Buddhism.
All these government measures, coming one after the other, gradually increased
the feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan Tamils. They felt that none of
the major political parties led by the Buddhist Sinhala leaders were sensitive :o
their language and culture. They felt that the constitution and government policies
denied them equal political rights, discriminated against them in getting jobs and
other opportunities and ignored their interests. As a result, the relations between
the Sinhala and Tamil communities strained over time. The Sri Lankan Tamils
launched parties and struggles for the recognition of Tamil as an official language,
for regional autonomy and equality of opportunity in securing education and jofcjs.
But their demand for more autonomy to provinces populated by the Tamils was
repeatedly denied. By 1980s several political organisations were formed demanding
an independent Tamil Eelam (state) in northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka
The distrust between the two communities turned into widespread conflict. It soon
turned into a CIVIL WAR. As a result thousands of people of both the communities
have been killed. Many families were forced to leave the country as refugees aikd
many more lost their livelihoods. You have read (Chapter 1 of Economics textbook.
Class X) about Sri Lanka’s excellent record of economic development, education
and health. But the civil war has caused a terrible setback to the social, cultural
and economic life of the country
Social Science- LO

Accommodation in Belgium CLASS-10
The Belgian leaders took a different path.' they’recognised the existence of Social Science
regional differences and cultural diversities. BetweeiiT970 and 1993, they amended
their constitution four times so as to work out ah'arrangement that would enable
everyone to live together within the same country.’The arrangement they worked
out is different from any other country and is veiy innovative. Here are some of
the elements of the Belgian model: z Constitution'prescribes that the number of
Dutch and French-speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government. Notes
Some special laws require the support of majority of members from each linguistic
Thus, no single community can make decisions unilaterally, z Many powers of the
central government have been given to state governments of the two regions of
the country. The state governments are not subordinate to the Central Government,
z Brussels has a separate government in which both the communities have equal
representation. The French speaking people accepted equal representation in Brussels
because the Dutch-speaking community has accepted equal representation in the
Central Government. Apart from the Central and the State Government, there is
a third kind of government. This ‘community government’ is elected by people
belonging to one language community - Dutch, French and German-speaking -
no matter where they live.
This government has the power regarding cultural, educational and language-
related issues. You might find the Belgian model very complicated. It indeed
is very complicated, even for people living in Belgium. But these arrangements
have worked well so far. They helped to avoid civic strife between the two major
communities and a possible division of the country on linguistic lines. When
many countries of Europe came together to form the European Union, Brussels
was chosen as its headquarters.
What do we leam from these two stories of Belgium and Sri Lanka? Both are
democracies. Yet, they dealt with the question of power sharing differently. In
Belgium, the leaders have realised that the unity of the country is possible only
by respecting the feelings and interests of different communities and regions. Such
a realisation resulted in mutually acceptable arrangements for sharing power. Sri
Lanka shows us a contrasting example. It shows us that if a majority community
wants to force its dominance over others and refuses to share power, it can
undermine the unity of the country.

Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy. A democratic rule involves sharing
power with those affected by its exercise, and who have to live with its effects.
All communities, social groups get their say in the governance. People have a
right to be consulted on how they are to be governed. A legitimate government
is one where citizens acquire a stake in the system; through participation.

Social Science-10 (£*)

CLASS-10 Power Sharing in India: .• v. •>
Social Science India is a democratic country.-.People of India elect their representative through,
direct franchise. After that, people’s representatives elect the government to make c r
amend rules & regulations and to cany out day to day functioning of governance.
One basic principle of democracy is that people are the source of all political powe *.
In a democracy, people rule themselves through institutions of self-govemance. 11
a good democratic government, due respect is given to diverse groups and view s
that exist in a society. Everyone has a voice in the shaping of public policies.
Therefore, it follows that in a democracy political forms of power sharing shoul i
be distributed among as many citizens as possible.
Need of Power Sharing
• Power sharing helps in reducing the conflict between various social groups.
Hence, power sharing is necessary for maintaining social harmony ana
• Power sharing helps in avoiding the tyranny of majority. The tyranny of*
majority not only destroys the minority social groups but also the majority
social group.
• People’s voice forms the basis of a democratic government. Hence, power
sharing is essential to respect the spirit of democracy.
• Avoiding conflict in society and preventing majority tyranny are considered
as prudential reasons for power sharing. Maintaining the spirit of democracy
is considered as the moral reason for power sharing.
Forms of Power Sharing:

Power Sharing in Different Organs of Government:

Power is shared among different organs of government, such as the legislature,
executive and judiciary. This type of distribution can be called the horizontal
distribution of power. This type of power sharing allows different organs of*
government placed at the same level to exercise different powers.
Such a separation ensures that unlimited power is not vested in any organ of
the government. This ensures a balance of power among various institution^.
The executive enjoys official power but is answerable to the legislature. Tile
legislature has the right to make or amend laws but it is answerable to the peoplk.
The judiciary is independent and ensures that the law of.the land is obeyed ty
legislature and executive.
Power Sharing at Different Levels;
Power can be shared among governments at different levels. Usually, a central
government is responsible for the entire nation and state governments are

© Social Science-: O

i 1
responsible for different units of the federation. There is clear cut demarcation CLASS-10
on subjects which come under the union government and those which come Social Science
under the state government. However, there'care some subjects which come
under the concurrent list, i.e. both state an’d^'central governments exercise
power on such subjects. ■ (‘t i

Power Sharing Among Social Groups:

Power may also be shared among different social groups. In a diverse country; Notes
like India; there are various social, linguistic and caste groups and power is shared
among each group. For example; people from the minority communities, OBCs,
and SC & ST are given reservation so that there could be adequate representation
for them in the government machinery.
Power Sharing Among Various Pressure Groups:
Power sharing among various political parties is more apparent for most of the
people. Usually, the largest political party or the largest political coalition becomes
the ruling party. The other parties form the opposition. While opposition is not in
power, it is responsible for seeing to it that the ruling party functions as per the
wishes of the people. Heads of various committees comes from various political
parties; which is another way of sharing power among different political parties.
Pressure groups also get their share in power. For example; the trade unions,
ASSOCHAM, students’ union, etc. get some power by certain mechanisms.
Representatives of these associations become part of many decision-making bodies
and thus enjoy their share of power.

In a modem democracy, power-sharing arrangements can take many forms.

• Horizontal distribution of power: In this, the power is shared among
different organs of government such as the legislature, executive, and
judiciary. This type of power sharing is prevalent in India.
• Federal government (vertical distribution of power): In this, the power
can be shared among governments at different levels. This type of power
sharing is prevalent in the USA.
• Power, sharing among different social groups: Power can be shared
among social groups such as linguistic and religious groups. For instance,
Community government’ in Belgium.
• Other types of power-sharing: Power sharing is also seen in political
parties, pressure groups and movements control or influence those in

Social Science-10 (IS)

Social Science
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following features are common to Indian and Belgian form of power-
sharing arrangements? * *:;
A. Power is shared among governments at different levels.
B. Power is shared among different organs of government.
Notes C. Power is shared among different social groups.
D. Power is shared among different parties and takes the form of competition.
(a) A,B(C,D
<b) B, C and D
(c) AandC
(d) Af C and D
2. In dealing with power sharing, which one of the following statements is NOT correct
about democracy?
(a) People are the source of all political power.!
(b) In a democracy, people rule themselves j through institutions of self-
(c) In a democracy, due respect is given to diverse groups and views that exist in a
(d) In a democracy, if the power to decide is dispersed, it is not possible to tal :e
quick decisions and enforce them.
3. A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever
way it wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority is:
(a) Power Sharing
(b) Central Government
(c) Majoritarianism
(d) Community Government
4. A system of 'checks and balances' is another name for which one of the following
power-sharing arrangements:
(a) Power sharing among different social groups.
(b) Vertical division of power or power shared among different levels :>f
(c) Horizontal division of power or power shared among different organs of trie
(d) Power sharing in the form of political parties, pressure groups and governmen :s.
5. Which one of the following statements about power-sharing arrangements is
(a) Power sharing is necessary only in societies which have religious, linguistic Dr
ethnic divisions.
(b) Power sharing is suitable only for big countries that have regional divisions.
(c) Every society needs some form of power sharing even if it is small or does n Dt
have social divisions.
(d) Power-sharing is not necessary at all.

© Social Science- LO
6. Consider the following statements about the'ethnic composition of Sri Lanka: CLASS-10
A. Major social groups are the Sinhala- speaking (74%) and Tamil-speaking (18%)? Social Science
B. Among the Tamils, there are two sub-groups, Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian
C. There are about 7% Christians, who are both.Tamil and Sinhala.
D. Most of the Sinhala-speaking are Hindus or Muslims and most of the Tamil­
speaking are Buddhists.
Which of the above statements are correct?,
(a) A, B, C (b) A„B, P Notes
(c) B, C, D (d) A, B, C, D

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (a)

Review Questions
1. Which language was recognized as the only official language of Sri Lanka in 1956?
2. Apart from the Central and the State governments, which is the third type of
government practised in Belgium?
3. Define majoritarianism
4. What measure was adopted by the democratically elected government of Sri Lanka
to establish Sinhala Supremacy?

Space for Work

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 ( Unit &: Demrtfatic iPdfitic7=iii
Social Science

• What is Federalism?
• What make India a Federal Country?
• How is Federalism practiced?
• Decentralization in India
Learning Objectives
; Enable the learners to
Analyse federal provisions and institutions.
• Explain decentralization in rural and urban areas.

Federalism is a system of government in which the power is divided between a
central authority and various constituent units of the country. Usually, a federation
has two levels of government. One is the government for the entire country tftat
is usually responsible for a few subjects of common national interest. The others
are governments at the level of provinces or states that look after much of the
day-to-day administering of their state. Both these levels of governments enjoy
their power independent of the other.
The Indian Federation:
The word ‘federation’ has not been used in the constitution of India, but the Indian
Union was formed on the basis of federalism. I
The Constitution originally provided for a two-tier system of government Taae
Union Government or Central Government represents the Union of India and the
State governments represent the provinces. Later, a third tier was added in the
federation; with the formation of Panchayats and Municipalities. [
Key Features of Federalism:
a. There are two or more levels (or tiers) of government. I
b. Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier
has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation a nd

© Social Science- lO
c. The jurisdictions of the respective .levels or tiers of government are CLASS-10
specified in the constitution. So the existence and authority of each tier Social Science
of government is constitutionally guaranteed.
d. The fundamental provisions of the constitution cannot be unilaterally
changed by one level of government. Such changes require the consent
of both the levels of government.
e. Courts have the power to interpret the constitution and the powers of
different levels of government. The highest court acts as an umpire if Notes
disputes arise between different levels of government in the exercise of
their respective powers.
f. Sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly specified to
ensure its financial autonomy.
g. The federal system thus has dual objectives: to safeguard and promote unity
of the country, while at the same time accommodate regional diversity.
Therefore, two aspects are crucial for the institutions and practice of federalism.
Governments at different levels should agree to some rules of power sharing.
They should also trust that each would abide by its part of the agreement.
An ideal federal system has both aspects: mutual trust and agreement to live

Balance of Power:
The exact balance of power between the central and the state government varies
from one federation to another. This balance depends mainly on the historical
context in which the federation was formed.
There are two kinds of routes through which federations have been formed; which
. are as follows:
a. Coming together federations: This type of federation exists in the USA,
Switzerland and Australia. Independent states came together on their own
to form a bigger unit so that they could increase their security; while
maintaining their sovereignty. In this type of federation, the constituent
states have equal power and are stronger vis-a-vis the central government.
b. Holding together federation: This type of federation exists in India,
Spain* Belgium, etc. In this case, power is shared among various social
groups to accommodate a huge diversity. In this type of federation, the
central government is more powerful than the state government. Different
constituents of the federation may have unequal powers. Some units are
granted special powers, e.g., the case of Jammu & Kashmir in India

List of Jurisdiction:
Union List: Union List includes subjects of national importance; such as defence
of the country, foreign affairs, banking, communications and currency. They are
included in this list because we need a uniform policy on these matters throughout

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 the country. The Union Government' alone can make laws relating to the subjects
Social Science mentioned in the Union List. ';
State List: State List contains 'subjects of State and local importance such i -s
police, trade, commerce, agriculture‘and irrigation. The State Governments alor e
can make laws relating to the subjects mentioned in the State List.
Concurrent List: Concurrent List includes subjects of common interest to both the
Union Government as well as the State Governments, such as education, forest,
Notes trade unions, marriage, adoption and succession. Both the Union as well as the
State Governments can make laws on the subjects mentioned in this list. If their
laws conflict with each other, the law made by the Union Government will prevail.
Residuary”List: Anything out of purview of above-mentioned list is taken is
residu^fy^ubjedfl^tJnion Government has the power to legislate on these subjects.
Special Status: Jammu and Kashmir have its own Constitution. Many provisions
of the Indian Constitution are not applicable to this State without the approval of*
the State Assembly. Indians who are not permanent residents of this State cannit
buy land or house here. Similar special provisions exist for some other States if
India as well: '
Union Territories: There are some units of the Indian Union which enjoy very-
little power. These are areas which are too small to become an independent Stare
but which could not be merged with any of the existing States. These areas, lilie
Chandigarh, or Lakshadweep or the capital city of Delhi, are called Union Territoriek.
These territories do not have the powers of a State. The Central Government h« s
special powers in running these areas.
This sharing of power between the Union Government and the State governments
is basic to the structure of the Constitution. It is not easy to make changes to
this power sharing arrangement. The Parliament cannot on its own change th s
arrangement. Any change to it has to be first passed by both the Houses of
Parliament with at least two-thirds majority. Then it has to be ratified by the
legislatures of at least half of the total States.

Federalism in India

Reasons for Success of Federalism in India

Linguistic States: The creation of Linguistic States was the first and a major test
for democratic politics in our country. This was done to ensure that people wh o
spoke the same language lived in the same State. Some States were created not o n
the basis of language but to recognise the differences based on culture, ethnicit y
or geography, e.g. Nagaland, Uttarakhand and Jharkhand.
Language policy: A second test for Indian federation is the language policy. Oi j-
Constitution did not give the status of national language to any one language.
Hindi was identified as the official language. But Hindi is the mother tongue

© Social Science-1 o
of only about 40 per cent of Indians. Therefore; there were many safeguards to CLASS-10
protect other languages. Besides Hindi, there are 21 other languages recognised as Social Science
Scheduled Languages by the Constitution. Hindi was hot imposed on non-Hindi
areas for most of the period after the independence.
Centre-State relations: Restructuring the Centre-State relations is one more way
in which federalism has been strengthened in practice.

Situation during Congress Monopoly: Notes

' t ■

For a major period; after independence; same party was in power in both centre
and states in most parts of the country. Those were the days of Congress monopoly
in India. In those days, the central government often undermined the^-jjghts of
the state governments. Many states were brought.under President’s rule,at slight
pretext of assertiveness from the state government. -r ?-• - »

Situation in the Era of Coalition Government:

After 1989, the pattern has shifted to multi-party coalition govermpent at the
centre. As a result a new culture of power sharing and respect for the autonomy
of State Governments has developed. It can be said that now the federalism is
more developed in India.

Linguistic diversity of India

As per the latest Census Report, 1991 of India held in 1991 there are 1500 distinct
languages. These languages were grouped together under some major languages.
For example languages like Bhojpuri, Magadhi, Bundelkhandi, Chhattisgarhi,
Rajasthani, Bhili and many others were grouped together under ‘Hindi’. Even after
this grouping, the Census found 114 major languages. Of these 22 languages are
now included in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution and are therefore
called ‘Scheduled Languages’. Others are called ‘non- Scheduled Languages’. In
terms of languages, India is perhaps the most diverse country in the world.

Decentralisation in India:
A vast country like India cannot be run only through two-tiers of government as
discussed above. Some of the Indian states are bigger than independent countries
of Europe. The population of Uttar Pradesh is more than that of Russia. These
states are internally very diverse in terms of variety of dialects, eating habits and
Hence, a need for creating a third tier of government was always being felt. There
are many local issues which can only be solved by a local governing body. It is
also possible to ensure direct participation of people in such a governing body.
A major step towards decentralisation was taken in 1992. The Constitution was
amended to make the third-tier of democracy more powerful and effective. The
local governing bodies were given constitutional status.
Social Science-10
CLASS-10 a. Now it is constitutionally- mandatory to hold regular elections to loc al
Social Science government bodies.
b. Seats are reserved in the elected bodies and the executive heads of these
institutions for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backwa xi
c. At least one-third of all positions are reserved for women.
d. An independent institution called the State Election Commission has be< n
created in each State to, conduct panchayat and municipal elections.
e. The State governments, are required to share some powers and revenue
with local government bodies. The nature of sharing varies from State :o
State. Rural local government is popularly known by the name panchayt ti
,3Wrf- ' '
f. Eacli Village, or a group of villages in some States, has a gram panchayj .t.
This is a council consisting of several ward members, often called pane
The president of the panchayat is called sarpanch.
g. Members of a panchayat are directly elected by the all the adults wl o
are living in the panchayat.
h. The local government structure goes right up to the district level. A few
gram panchayats are grouped together to form what is usually called a
panchayat samiti or block or mandal. The members of this representative
body are elected by all the panchyat members in that area. All the panchayat
samitis or mandals in a district together constitute the zilla (district)
parishad. Most members of the zilla parishad are elected. Members of tljie
Lok Sabha and MLAs of that district and some other officials of other
district level bodies are also its members. Zilla parishad chairperson fts
the political head of the zilla parishad.
Similarly, local government bodies exist for urban areas as well. Municipalities
are set up in towns. Big cities are constituted into municipal corporations. Bo ±1
municipalities and municipal corporations are controlled by elected bodies consisting
of people’s representatives. Municipal chairperson is the political head of the
municipality. In a municipal corporation such an officer is called the mayor.


Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central
authority and various constituent units of the country.
A federation has two levels of government. Both these levels of governments
enjoy their power independent of the other.
1. One is the government for the entire country that is usually responsible
for a- few subjects of common national interest.
2. Governments at the level of provinces or states that look after much
the day-to-day administering of their state.
© Social Science-: .O
3. Difference Between Unitary System*and .Federal System CLASS-10
Unitary System Federal System Social Science

There is only one level of government There are two or more levels (or
or the sub-units are subordinate to the tiers) of government.
Central Government,
The Central Government can pass The -Central Government cannot
on orders to the provincial or local order the state government to do
government. something.
The central government is supreme, and State Government has powers of its
the administrative divisions exercise only own for which it is not a^werable
powers that the central government has to the central government. ^
delegated to them. Their powers may be
broadened and narrowed by the central
•vl j

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The number of seats reserved for women in the panchayats and municipalities is
(a) one-fourth (b) one-third
(c) half (d). one-fifth
2. 'Holding together federations are not found in
(a) India (b) Spain
(c) Belgium (d) Australia
3. Subjects like computer software comes in the
(a) Union List (b) State List
(c) Concurrent List (d) Residuary List
4. Which of the following states has been given a special status?
(a) Jammu and Kashmir (b) Tripura
(c) Bihar (d) Haryana
5. The number of Scheduled Languages in India is
(a) 21 (b) 22
(c) 23 '(d) 25

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b)

Review Questions
1. Explain the vertical division of power by giving examples from India.
2. Why is decentralisation favoured in democracy? Identify any two reasons.
3. India comes under which type of federation and why?

Social Science-10
Social Science
' ^M •


Notes Content

Differences, similarities and divisions

• Politics of social divisions
i3gn vIjj,
Enable,the.leaders to
• Analyse the relationship between social cleavages and political competitioi i
with reference to Indian situation.

A Story from Mexico Olympics
During the Medal Ceremony of the 200 metres race which was held in 19f 8
Olympics at Mexico City, two African-American athletes Tommie Smith and Jol- n
Carlos raised a black-gloved fist during the playing of the US national anther i.
They had won the gold and bronze medals respectively. With this gesture, the y
tried to draw international attention to racial discrimination in the United States.
The black-gloved and raised clenched fists were meant to symbolise Black Powe r.
The pictures shown below depicts an important landmark in the history of tl e
Civil Rights Movement in the United States.

Differences, Similarities, Divisions

The story from the Mexico Olympics shows an example of social divisions ar <1
social inequalities. But in society, there are other forms of social divisions th it
exist. As you have learned in‘the previous 2 chapters, regional, linguistic ard
religious differences have created social divisions.

<2) Social Science-:.O

Diversity in Society: CLASS-10
The presence of different socio-economic groups, different religious groups, Social Science
different linguistic groups, different cultural groups and different caste groups can
be termed as diversity in society. f*. *

India is a perfect example of diverse nation. In India, people of almost all major
religion of this world can be found. There are thousands of languages, variety of
food habits, all hues of costumes and myriad variety of cultures and subcultures
in India.
Diversity as perfect stimulus to politics: As per Darwims theory of evolution
it is the survival of fittest. Human beings need to prosper economically; in
their endeavour to survive. The economic prosperity ultimately social
upgradation. History is full of examples when some economically stronger social
group tried to dominate the comparatively weaker sections. TKis^waS* done to
ensure uninterrupted control over resources and power.
Political manifestation of social diversity depends on three factors, which are as
a. How people perceive their identities. If people see their identity in singular
or exclusive term, it becomes difficult to accommodate social diversity.
b. How political leaders raise the demands of any community.
c. How the government reacts to the demands of a community. If the
government accommodates the demand of a particular community in a
justified way, it does wonders for the politics.
As per the caste system of ancient Hindu scriptures, society was divided into four
classes based on area of work. Nobody is sure what was the situation originally
but over a period of time this developed into a caste and class system which was
strictly based on one’s birth in a particular caste.
The so-called upper caste people controlled every economical resource and lower
caste people were oppressed to prevent them from developing in the socio­
economic order.
Partly because of British influence and partly because of liberal policies followed
by successive governments in India more and more people started getting access to
modem methods of education. Apart from this, the fourth estate, media increased
political awareness among vast sections of the society.
These things must have done wonders for political awakening of the downtrodden
masses. This awakening is bearing fruit, which is evident from rise of strong
regional leaders who don’t belong to the upper caste.
As you know, democracy is about giving every stakeholder a say in the
governance. So now it can be said that India is finally evolving as a true
democracy, because now almost all sections of society are having a representation
in the Government.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Government's Steps to Include Fringe groups into Mainstream:
Social Science After independence, the constitution' makers made two radical provisions, which
t t

were to frame India’s destiny in the right direction.

a. The first provision was to*give the right to vote to every adult citizen
of this country. Many experts in those days laughed at the idea. The
reason given was a highly illiterate population was not fit to use the rig! it
Notes b. The second provision was ,to give reservation to the Scheduled Castes <Sc
Scheduled Tribes to include them in the mainstream of the life of the natiom.
These two provisions helped to grow the level of political awareness amongst the
people of hinterland. In fact it took hundreds of years for developed countries lik e
the US and the UK to provide voting rights to women. And the disheartening fact
is till date no woman could become the President of USA. Till a few years ago
no president of the US was black.
It can be said that India has seen many examples of people from the oppressed
classes rising up to the high posts in country. The President’s post had been grace d
by people from the minority communities; like Muslim and Sikh. Some Dalits had
also become the President of India. India has seen a woman Prime Minister an d
a Woman President. India has also seen a Sikh as the Prime Minister.

Politics of social divisions

How do these social divisions affect politics? What does politics do to these sock 1
divisions? At first sight, it would appear that the combination of politics and sock .1
divisions is very dangerous and explosive. Democracy involves competition amon g
various political parties. Their competition tends to divide any society. If they stai *t
competing in terms of some existing social divisions, it can make social divisions
into political divisions and lead to conflict, violence or even disintegration of a
country. This has happened in many countries.

Range of outcomes
Take the case of Northern Ireland that we referred to above. This region of the
United Kingdom has been for many years the site of a violent and bitter ethnc -
political conflict. Its population is divided into two major sects of Christianity: 53
per cent are Protestants, while 44 per cent are Roman Catholics. The Catholics
were represented by Nationalist parties who demanded that Northern Ireland
be unified with the Republic of Ireland, a predominantly Catholic country. Ths
Protestants were represented by Unionists who wanted to remain with the UK.,
which is predominantly protestant. Hundreds of civilians, militants and security
forces were killed in the fight between Unionists and Nationalists and between
the security forces of the UK and the Nationalists. It was only in 1998, that ths
UK government and the Nationalists reached a peace treaty after which the latter
suspended their armed struggle.

(He) Social Science-ID

In Yugoslavia, the story did not have a happy' end. Political competition along CLASS-10
religious and ethnic lines led to the disintegration of Yugoslavia into six independent Social Science
countries. Such examples lead some people to concluSe^Safp^litics and social
divisions must not be allowed to mix. They think that it would be best if there
are no social divisions in any country. If social divisions do exist in a country,
they must never be expressed in politics. At the same time every expression of
social divisions in politics does not lead to such' disasters. We have already seen
that social divisions of one kind or another exist in most countries of the world. Notes
Wherever they exist, these divisions are reflected in politics.
In a democracy it is only natural that political parties would talk about these
divisions, make different promises to different communities, look after due
representation of various communities and make policies to redress the grievances
of the disadvantaged communities. Social divisions affect voting in most countries.
People from one community tend to prefer some party more than others. In many
countries there are parties that focus only on one community. Yet all this does
not lead to disintegration of the country

Three determinants
Three factors are crucial in deciding the outcome of politics of social divisions.
First of all, the outcome depends on how people perceive their identities. If people
see their identities in singular and exclusive terms, it becomes very difficult to
accommodate. As long as people in Northern Ireland saw themselves as only
Catholic or Protestant, their differences were difficult to reconcile. It is much easier
if the people see that their identities are multiple and are complementary with the
national identity. A majority of Belgians now feel that they are as much Belgian
as they are Dutch or German-speaking. This helps them to stay together. This is
how most people in our country see their identity: they think of themselves as
Indian as well as belonging to a state or a language group or a social or religious
Second, it depends on how political leaders raise the demands of any community.
It is easier to accommodate demands that are within the constitutional framework
and are not at the cost of another community the demand for ‘only Sinhala’ was
at the cost of the interest and identity of the Tamil community in Sri Lanka. In
Yugoslavia, the leaders of different ethnic communities presented their demands
in such a way that these could not be accommodated within a single country
Third, it depends on the how the government reacts to demands of different
groups. As we saw in the examples of Belgium and Sri Lanka, if the rulers are
willing to share power and accommodate the reasonable demands of minority
community, social divisions become less threatening for the country. But if they .
try to suppress such a demand in the name of national unity, the end result is
often quite the opposite. Such attempts at forced integration often sow the seeds
of disintegration.

Social Science-10 •
CLASS-10 Thus, the assertion of social diyereities in a country need not be seen as a source
Social Science of danger. In a democracy, political expression of social divisions is very norn al
and can be healthy. This allows various disadvantaged and marginal social groups
to express their grievances and getf<the government to attend to these. Expression
of various kinds of social divisions in politics often results in their cancellitig
one another out and thus reducing their intensity. This leads to strengthening
of a democracy. But a positive attitude towards diversity and a willingness to
Notes accommodate it do not come about easily. People who feel marginalised, depriv 2d
and discriminated have to fight against the injustices. Such a fight often takes t le
democratic path, voicing their demands in a peaceful and constitutional manr er
and seeking a fair position through elections. Sometimes social differences c an
take the form of unacceptable level of social inequality and injustice. The struggle
against such inequalities sometimes takes the path of violence and defiance of
state power. However, history shows that democracy is the best way to fight for
recognition and also to accommodate diversity.


Review Questions
1. Discuss three factors that determine the outcomes of politics of social divisions.
2. When does a social difference become a social division?
3. How do social divisions affect politics? Give two examples.
4. social differences create possibilities of deep social divisions
and tensions, _____________ social differences do not usually lead to
5. Read the following passage from a famous speech by Martin Luther King lr.
in 1963. Which social division is he talking about? What are his aspirations and
anxieties? Do you see a relationship between this speech and the incident in
Mexico Olympics mentioned in this chapter? "I have a dream that my four little
children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the coloju r

of their skin but by the content of their character. Let freedom ring. And when tb i s
happens, and when we allow freedom ring—when we let it ring from every village
and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up
that day when all of God's children—black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles,
Protestants and Catholics—will be able to join hands and sing in the words of t^ie

old Negro spiritual: 'Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free
at last!' I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true
meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are
created equal'."

• Social Science-LO
Social Science


L I. .

■ hi It
Content Notes

Gender and Politics ,,.. •

-». i

• Religion, Communalism and Politics. ,

• Caste and Politics t

] Learning Objectives
! Enable the learners to
Identity and analyse the challenges posed by communalism to Indian democracy.
| • Recognise the enabling and disabling effects of caste and ethnicity in
| politics.
! • Develop a gender perspective on politics


Sexual Division of Labour:

A system in which all work inside the home is either done by the women of the
family, or organised by them through the domestic helpers.
Feminist Movements: Various movements which are aimed at ensuring equal
rights for women are called feminist movement.
Political expression of gender question helped a lot to improve women’s role in
public life. Although the Indian society is still a patriarchal society, yet women
are now working in many fields.
Women face disadvantage, discrimination and oppression in various ways:
a. The literacy rate among women is only 54 per cent compared with 76
per cent among men.
b. The percentage of women in highly paid jobs is still very small. At many
workplaces, women are paid less than men for the same job. An Indian
woman usually works more hour than an average,man on a daily basis.
c. Many Indian parents prefer to have a male, child. A girl child is killed
before her birth in many cases. This has led to an eschewed sex ratio in
d. There are many reports of harassment against women; both on the domestic
front and outside the home.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Women's political representation:
Social Science The political representation of women had been very poor in the Indian legislatures .
Even in the cabinet, the number of women ministers is very low.
One-third of seats in local government bodies have been reserved for women
candidates. This has helped in increasing women’s representation in panchay* ts
and municipalities.
Notes A bill for providing one-third reservation -in the Lok Sabha and State Assembli es
has been pending in the Parliament for more than a decade. Political parties axe
yet to arrive at consensus on this'issue.

Women in national parliaments in different regions of the world

Religion & Politics:

Religion also plays an important role in politics. In some countries, politiciaxis
promote the cause of the majority religious group at the cost of the minorities.
This produces a dangerous trend of majority tyranny.
Communalism: When one religion is pitted against another; by the political class,
this is called communalism or communal politics.
Communalism can take various forms in politics:
• Many people think of their religion as superior to all other religions. Sucli
people often try to dominate the people from other communities. This ctan
result in people from the minority community to form a separate political
• Sometimes, sacred symbols, religious leaders, emotional appeal, etc. * xe
used to instill a sense of fear among people of a particular communiTy.
This is done with an attempt to polarize people on communal lines. |
• Communalism can also take the ugly form of communal violence, riots
and massacre.

© Social Science- lO
Others, 1.9 CLASS-10
Christian, 2
.30% _ Sikh, 1190% -Pfto - Social Science
Muslim, 13

Hindu, 80.5
o% Notes

Percentage of Different Religions in Indian Population {REF: census India)

Secular state
a. The Constitution of India declares that India is a secular state. Unlike'
some of the neighbouring countries, there is no official religion for the
Indian state.
b. The constitution gives the people the freedom to practice a religion of
their choice. The Constitution prohibits discrimination on grounds of
c. The Indian constitution, however, allows the state to intervene in the
matters of religion whenever there is a need to ensure equality within
religious communities.

Caste and politics

Social division on the lines of caste is unique to India. The caste system of the
present has evolved from the vama system which was based on occupations and on
the principle that an occupation passed from one generation to another. Members
of a particular caste usually have a sense of belonging to their own community.
Some castes are accorded a higher status compared to many other castes.

Current Status of Caste Related Prejudice:

a. Due to various socio-economic changes, social division on the basis of
caste has been blurring in recent times. Economic development, large scale
urbanization, literacy, occupational mobility and weakening of the position
of landlords in villages have helped in blurring the caste-based divisions.
b. Caste is still an important parameter when it comes to finalizing marriages.
But in most of the other spheres of life, caste effect is apparently waning
in India..
c. Traditionally, people from the upper caste had better access to the education
and hence they have done well in economic development. People from the
oppressed castes are still lagging behind in socio-economic development.

Social Science-10
Caste in Politics /7V»‘ .
rf ** *' '
Social Science a. Most of the political parties keep the caste calculation in mind wh le
fielding a candidate from a particular constituency,
b. Each caste group is trying to get a bigger pie of the political power t>y
asserting its identity in'various ways.
c. Since there are so many cases, hence various caste groups have also
evolved their own coalition to get leverage in political bargaining.
d. The caste groups can be(broadly divided into ‘backward’ and ‘forward*.
e. Exclusive attention to caste can produce negative results. Caste divisio ns
often lead to social conflict and even violence.
Caste inequality today
a. Economic inequalities exist on the basis of caste. The upper caste people
are usually well off, the backward classes come in between and the dalits
and adivasis are at the bottom.
b. The percentage of people below poverty line is much higher among tihe
lowest castes.
Percentage of Population Living Below Poverty Line
Caste Rural Urban
Scheduled tribes 45.8% 35.6%
Shceduled castes 35.9% 38.3%
Other backward castes 27% 29.3%
Muslim upper castes 26.8% 34.2%
Hindu upper castes 11.7% 9.9%
Christian upper castes 9.6% 5.4%
Sikh upper castes 0% 4.9%
Other upper castes 16% 2.7%
All 27% 23.4%
REF: NSSO 55th round 1999 - 2000


The women in India are discriminated or disadvantaged in the following ways:

a. Literacy - The literacy rate for women is 65.46 per cent, against 82.14
per cent for men. This shows that since independence, the gap between
the ratio of men and women with respect to literacy still cannot be filled.
b. Higher education - When you compare the percentage of boys and girls
opting for higher studies after school, it is lower for girls as they tend to
drop out after schools. This is because parents do not wish to spend their
resources on a girl’s education, which is quite expected in boys’ cases.

© Social Science- lO
c. High-Paid jobs - The percentage of women working in high-paying jobs CLASS-10
is still smaller than men. On an average, an Indian woman works one
Social Science
hour more than an average man every day , Yet much of her work is not
paid and therefore often not valued.
>. M » •

According to the National Sample Survey Office, (NSSO), the following evidence
reflects the present caste inequalities in India:. M ''
a. The average economic status (measured by criteria like monthly
consumption expenditure) of caste groups still follows the old hierarchy Notes
- the ‘upper’ castes are best off, the Dalits and Adivasis are worse off,
and the backward classes are in between.
b. Although every caste has some poor members, the proportion living in
extreme poverty (below the official ‘poverty line’) is much higher for the
lowest castes and much lower for the upper castes, with the backward
classes once again in between.
c. Although every caste has some members who are rich, the upper castes .
are heavily over-represented among the rich while the lower castes are
severely under-represented.


Multiple Choice Questions

1. Among the following, which countries have high participation of women in public
(a) Sweden and India (b) Norway and Sri Lanka
(c) Nepal and Finland (d) Sweden and Africa
2. The distinguishing feature of communalism is:
(a) Followers of a particular religion must belong to one community.
(b) Communalism leads to the belief that people belonging to different religions
can live as equal citizens within one nation.
(c) A communal mind does not lead to quest for political dominance of one's own
religious community.
(d) A secular constitution is sufficient combat communalism.
3. Identify the statements which suggest that it is not politics that gets caste-ridden,
it is the caste that gets politicised.
A. When governments are formed, political parties take care that representatives
of different castes find a place in it.
B. Each caste group incorporates neighbouring castes which were, earlier
C. Various caste groups enter into a coalition with other castes.
D. Political parties and candidates in elections make appeals to caste sentiments,
(a) A, B and D • (b) B, C and D
(c) B and C (d) AandD

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 4. Identify two reasons that state that caste alone cannot determine elections in
India. . .,,
Social Science
A. No party wins the votes.of all the voters of a aste or community.
B. Some political parties are known to favour some castes and are seen as th 3 i r
C. No parliamentary constituency in the country has a clear majority of one singl e
caste. I
D. Mobilising and securing political support has brought new consciousness
Notes among the lower castes.
(a) AandC
(b) A and D
(c) BandC
(d) BandD
5. When we speak of gender divisions, we usually refer to:
(a) Biological difference between men and women
(b) Unequal roles assigned by the society to men and women
(c) Unequal child sex ratio
(d) Absence of voting rights for women in democracies.

1. (d) 2. .(a) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b)

Review Questions
1. Explain the term 'feminist movements.
2. What .is a patriarchal society?
3. Why do Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have the prefix 'Scheduled' in tf eir
4. What is communal politics?
5. Mention any two constitutional provisions that make India a Secular State.
.6. Explain the status of women's representation in India's legislative bodies.

Space for Work

(£2) Social Science- - IO

Social Science

Mobilization and Organization
• Pressure Groups and Movements
Learning Objectives

Enable the learners to 1

• Understand the vital role of people’s struggle in the expansion of|
democracy. j


Mobilisation and Organisations:

Political Parties: Some organizations directly participate in the democratic process.
These organizations are called political parties. They contest elections and aim
to form government.
Pressure Groups: Some organizations indirectly participate in the democratic
process. These organizations are called interest groups or pressure groups.
Pressure groups do not aim to form or run the government. When people of
common occupation, interests, aspirations or opinions come together; in order to
achieve a common objective; they form pressure groups. These pressure groups
carry on popular movements in order to meet their objectives. It is not necessary
that all the pressure groups go on creating popular movements rather many of
them work in closely knit groups.
Some examples of popular movements in India are: Narmada Bachao Andolan,
Movement for Right to Information, Anti-liquor Movement, Women’s Movement,
Environmental Movement.
Types of Pressure Groups
a. Sectional Interest Groups: Usually interest groups seek to promote the
interests of a particular section or group of society. Trade unions, business
associations and professional (lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc.) bodies are
some examples of this type. They are sectional because they represent
a section of society: workers, employees, businesspersons, industrialists,
followers of a religion, caste group, etc. Their principal concern is the
betterment and well being of their members, not society in general.
Social Science-10 (ms)
CLASS-10 b. Public Interest Groups: These.second type of groups are called promotional
Social Science groups or public interest .groups. They promote collective rather than
selective good. They aim to help groups other than their own members.
Trade Unions, Students’ UnionvEx-Armymen Association, etc. are examp es
of public interest groups. v>.
Pressure Groups’ and Movemerits* Influence on Politics:
Public Sympathy: They try to gain public support and sympathy for their goals
Notes and their activity. For this, they carry information campaigns, organise meetings, tile
petitions, etc. Many of them also'try'to influence the media to get more attention.
<• 1 i
Protest Activity: They often organise protest activity. Protest activities include like
strikes or disrupting government, programmes. Strikes and disruptions are utilized
to pressurize the government to take note of their demand. j
Lobbying: Business groups often employ professional lobbyists or sponsor expensive
advertisements. Some persons from pressure groups or movement groups may
participate in official bodies and committees that offer advice to the government.
Some professional bodies; like ASSOCHAM and NASSCOM are examples of
such groups.
Influence on Political Parties: The interest groups and movement try to influence
political parties. They usually have a particular political ideology and politi sal
position on major issues. A pressure group can be directly or indirectly linked to
a political party.
i. Most of the trade unions and students’ unions in India are directly affiliated
to some or the other major political party. The activists of such press ire
groups are usually the activists or leaders of the party.
ii. Sometimes, political parties grow out of movements. Asom Gana Parisnad
is a good example. It originated from students’ movement in Assam whi cli
was against the ‘outsiders’ working in Assam. The two main political pardies
of Tamil Nadu; DMfC and AIADMK; originated because of a long drawn
social reform movement during the 1930s and 1940s. The latest entrant;
the AAP is another example; which originated from the RTI movement.
in. But in most of the cases, the relationship between political parties *.nd
interest or movement groups is not so direct. They usually take positions
which are opposed to each other. However, they maintain dialogue <ind
negotiation. Many issues raised by movement groups are often taken up
by political parties. Many new leaders in the political parties come from
interest or movement groups.
Critical Analysis of Influence of Pressure Groups:
a. Many arguments are forwarded against pressure groups. Many thinkers
say that since a pressure group champions the cause of a small section
of society; so it should be viewed with caution. Democracy is not ab DUt
narrow interests of a particular section but a larger interest of the ove “all
society. Unlike political parties, a pressure group is not answerable to
the people and hence they may not have a broader perspective in mind.
© Social Science- - XO
There can be many examples of pressure -groups which are sponsored CLASS-10
by powerful business lobbyists or'by^some international agencies. They Social Science
should be treated with caution. • 1
b. Many people argue in favour of pressure groups. They say that putting
pressure on the government is always positive for the deepening of
democracy. The political parties often etend to forget the real concerns of
people; in their pursuit of power. The role of pressure group is to awaken
them from their slumber.
c. It can be said that pressure groups play the balancing role among various
political ideologies and usually highlight the real concerns of people.


Pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics:
1. Information campaigns, organizing meetings, file petitions: Pressure
groups carry out information campaigns, organize meetings, and file
petitions to attract public attention and gain support for their activities.
2. Media: They take help from the media in order to reach to a large number
of people through news channels and in 'order to gain maximum support.
3. Strikes: Pressure groups exert influence by strikes and hunger strikes. This
is a nonviolent way which was a great effect on politics. The government
is, thus, pressurized to take note of their demand.
4. Advertisements and hoardings: Pressure groups and movements put
up advertisements and boards everywhere in the city so that people may
know about their activities.
5. Lobbying and participation in official meetings: Business groups often
employ professional lobbyists. Some persons from the group or movement
participate in the official meetings and offer advice to the government.
6. Take a political stance on major issues: Interest groups and movements
do not directly take part in party politics but try to exert influence on
political parties by taking a political stand on different issues. They have
their own political ideology and political position on major issues.

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding 'sectional interest
(a) They promote collective rather than selective good.
(b) Their principal concern is betterment and well-being of their members, not
society in general.
(c) They aim to help groups other than their own members.
(d)' They do not seek to promote the interest of a particular section or group of

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 2. What was the main reason of Bolivia's Water War? Choose the most appropriate
answer from the following: f*'
Social Science
(a) Privatisation of water supply
(b) Irregular water supply
«r % « (

(c) Supply of poor-quality watef^ .

(d) An increase in water price by four times.
3. Which one of the following political parties came to power in Bolivia in 2006?
{a) The Communist Party
Notes (b) The Republican Party
(c) The Socialist Party
(d) The Conservative Party
4. Which one of the following was the main aim to start movement on April 2006 in
(a) To control over government
(b) To snatch power from the king
(c) To restore democracy
(d) To dethrone the king
5. Which of the following is not a movement?
(a) Narmada BachaoAndolan
(b) Women's Movement
(c) Struggle in Nepal
(d) All India Trade Union Congress

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (d)

Review Questions
1. Give an example of a Public Interest group.
2. What was the main aim of the movement in Nepal in 2006?
3. What are sectional interest groups? Give an example.
4. Name the 'Third World' country that has won democracy in 1990.
5. Give a special feature that distinguishes a pressure group from a political party

Space for Work

(™) Social Science- lO

ffiififtS fMfffeR. =■ 00 CLASS-10
Social Science


Content Notes
• Why do we need Political Parties?
• How many Parties should we have?
• National Political Parties
• State Parties
• Challenges to Political Parties
• How can Parties be reformed?
^Learning Objectives

Enable the learners to

Analyse party systems in democracies.
• Introduction to major political parties, challenges faced by them and
reforms in the country. ____
A political party is a group of people who come together to contest elections and
hold power in the government. They agree on some policies and programmes for
the society with a view to promote the collective good.
A political party tries to convince people that its policies are better than others’
policies. They try to win elections so that they can implement their policies.
Thus, parties reflect fundamental political divisions in a society. Parties are about
a part of the society and thus involve PARTISANSHIP. Thus a party is known by
which part it stands for, which policies it supports and whose interests it upholds.
A political party has three components:
• The Leaders
• The Active Members and
• The Followers
Functions of Political Party:
The main function of a political party is to occupy political offices and exercise •
political power. For achieving this, a political party performs following functions:
Contesting Elections: Political parties contest elections. A political party nominates
its candidate for the electoral contest in various constituencies.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Policies: Political parties put forward different policies and programmes so that the
Social Science voters can choose from them. A political party brings a large number of similar
opinions under one umbrella. These opinions are channelized to form policies an<l
programmes. The policies and prgrammes of the RULING PARTY are expected
to be followed by the government.
Making Law: Political parties play a decisive role in making laws for the country.
You may be aware that it is the legislature which passes a law after proper debase.
Notes As most of the members belong to political parties, so a political party has direct
say in law making for the country.
Formation of Government: Political parties form and run governments. The
executive body is formed by people from the ruling party. Various political leaders
are assigned different ministries to carry out the task of governance. j
Playing Opposition: A party which does not get majority or come under the
majority coalition, needs to play the role of opposition.
Shaping Public Opinion: Political parties shape public opinion. They do so by
raising and highlighting issues in the legislature and in the media. The activi its
of a political party are spread all over the country. These activists raise public
awareness for their party’s perspective.
Providing Access to Government Machinery: Political parties provide people
access to government machinery and welfare schemes implemented by govemmer ts.
Parties need to be responsive to people’s needs and demands. This helps them in
winning the election.
Necessity of Political Party:
If there were no political party, then each and every candidate would be independent.
Current strength of the Lok Sabha is 543. Imagine a situation when none of the
543 members can be brought to think alike on a particular issue. This would lead
to a total chaos. An independent candidate would always be more interested in
the specific needs of his constituency and would seldom think about the larger
interest of the nation. A political party is necessary to bring diverse people or i a
common platform, so that bigger issues can be taken care of.
The democracy which is being practiced all over the world is called representative
democracy. In this system, governance is done through people’s representative
because it is impossible for each citizen to directly participate in governance. 1 he
need for representative democracy has given rise to political parties.
Multi-party System Vs Two-party System
In some countries only one party is allowed to control and run the government, e.g
China. These are called one-party systems. This cannot be a good option becat ise
this is not a democratic option. Any democratic system must allow at least tvvo
parties to compete in elections and provide a fair chance for the competing parties
to come to power.
Social Science- iO

In some countries, power usually changes between two main parties. Such a party CLASS-10
system is called two-party system. The United' States of America and the United Social Science
Kingdom are examples of two-party system *
If several parties compete for power, and more than two parties have a reasonable
chance of coming to power either on their own'stfength or in alliance with others,
we call it a multi-party system. Thus in India, wediave a multi-party system. During
the heydays of the Congress in India, it be single party government at
the centre. But after the 1996 general elections,- no single party has been able to Notes
secure even a simple majority. Subsequent central governments have thus been
formed by coalition of like-minded political parties.
The multi-party system is apparently very messy and it often leads to political
instability. But we should acknowledge the fact- that it allows various interests
and opinions to enjoy political representation

Evolution of Party System in a Country

A particular party system takes time to evolve’ ini a country. It depends on the
r '
nature of society, social and regional diversities. It also depends on its history of
politics and its system of elections. India is a country of huge geographical and
social diversity. Such diversity may not be easily accommodated by two or even
three parties. It is quite natural that a multi-party system has evolved in India.
We should keep in mind that each system has its pros and cons.

Popular Participation in Political Parties:

In India the common perception is, political parties are facing a crisis because
they are very unpopular and the citizens are indifferent to political parties.
The available evidence shows that this belief is only partly true for India. The
evidence, based on a series of large sample surveys conducted over several
decades, shows that:
a. Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people in South Asia.
The proportion of those who say their trust in political parties is ‘not
much’ or ‘not at all’ is more than those who have ‘some’ or ‘great’ trust.
b. The same is true of most other democracies as well. Political parties are
one of the least trusted institutions all over the world.
c. Yet the level of participation in the activities of political parties was
fairly high. The proportion of those who said they were members of
some political party was higher in India than many advanced countries
like Canada, Japan, Spain and South Korea.
d. Over the last three decades the proportion of those who report to be
members of political parties in India has gone up steadily.
e. The proportion of those who say they feel ‘close to a political party’ has
also gone up in India in this period. :

Social Science-10
/ 4
CLASS-10 (Source: SDSATeam, State of Democracy in South Asia, Delhi: Oxford University
Social Science Press, 2007)
* ; V'
National Political Parties: i < •

Every party in the country has to register with the Election Commission. Wh le
the Commission treats all parties equally, it offers some special facilities to lar ge
and established parties. These parties are given a unique symbol - only the offic al
Notes candidates of that party can use that.election symbol. Parties that get this privile ge
and some other special facilities are,(recognised’ by the Election Commission for
this purpose. That is why these parties are called, ‘recognised political parties .
State Party: A party that secures at least 6 per cent of the total votes in an electi Dn
to the Legislative Assembly of a State and wins at least two seats is recognis 3cl
as a State party.
National Party: A party that secures at least six per cent of total votes in LdIc
Sabha elections or Assembly elections in four States and wins at least four seats
in the Lok Sabha is recognised as a national party.
According to this classification, there were six national recognised parties in t h.e
country in 2006.
a. Indian National Congress (INC): This is popularly known as the Congn :ss
Party. This is one of the oldest parties of the world and was founded in
1885. The Congress Party had played a dominant role in Indian politics at
the national and state level for several decades after India’s Independence.
Since the first general elections in 1952, the Congress party had been in
power continuously till 1977. After that, it came back to power in 1980
and remained till 1989. The Congress Party once again came back to
power in 1991 for another five years. Congress Party came back in po\|er
in 2004 and completed two terms in office, i.e. ten years.
b. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP): This party was founded in 1980 py
reviving the erstwhile Bharatiya Jana Sangh. Building a strong and modem
India is the main goal of this party. The BJP wants to promote cultural
nationalism (or ‘Hindutva). This party wants full territorial and political
integration of Jammu and Kashmir with India, a uniform civil code a ad
a ban on religious conversions. It support base increased significantly in
the 1990s. The Party came to power in 1998 and remained in power ill
2004. This party stormed back to power in centre in 2014, and was 'e-
elected in 2019 with absolute mejority.
c. Bahujan Samaj Part)’ (BSP): This party was formed in 1984 under
the leadership of Kanshi Ram. The party seeks to represent and secure
power for the bahujan samaj which includes the dalits, adivasis, OBCs
and religious minorities. This party has good presence in Uttar Prade sli
and has been in power in UP for a couple of terms.

(™) Social Science- lO

d. Communist Party of India - Marxist (CPI-M): This party was founded CLASS-10
in 1964. Marxism- Leninism is the main philosophy of this party and it Social Science
supports socialism, secularism. The party enjoys strong support in West
Bengal, Kerala and Tripura, especially among the poor, factory workers,
farmers, agricultural labourers and the-intelligentsia. The CPI has off late
slipped in its hold over public and:has lost power in West Bengal and
e. Communist Party of India (CPI):‘This party was formed in 1925. It Notes
has the same philosophy as CPI (M):iBecame weak after the split in the
party in 1964 that led to the formation-of the CPI(M). Significant presence
in the states of Kerala, West Bengal, TPunjab, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil
Nadu. Its support base had gradually-declined over the years. It secured
about 1.4 per cent votes and 10 seats in the 2004 Lok Sabha elections.
Advocates the coming together of all left parties to build a strong left
front. Initially supported the UFA government from outside, but withdrew
support in late 2008.
f. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP): This party was formed in 1999
following a split in the Congress party. The party espouses democracy,
Gandhian secularism, equity, social justice and federalism. This is a
major party in Maharashtra and has a significant presence in Meghalaya,
Manipur and Assam.
Rise of Regional Parties: Many regional parties have grown in prominence over
the last three decades. This is a sign of expansion and deepening of democracy
in India. Many regional satraps are very strong in their states. Samajwadi Party,
Biju Janata Dal, AIADMK, DMK, etc. are examples of regional parties.

Challenges to political parties:

Some of the challenges which the political parties face are as follows:
Lack of Internal Democracy: In most of the political parties, the power is
concentrated in the hands of one or a handful of leaders. Ordinary members of
the party cannot even dream of rising to the top. The top leadership is often
disconnected with the grassroots workers/Loyalty to the policies and principles
of the party has less value than the loyalty to the top leadership.
Dynastic Succession: The top positions in many political parties are usually
controlled by members of one family. A person bom in a particular family becomes
the leader by virtue of his birth; which is not the sign of a healthy democracy.
This tendency is present in most of the political parties in India. This is not the
case in India alone, but in many other countries as well.
Money and Muscle Power: Winning an election is the ultimate challenge for
a political party. For this, a political party leaves no stone unturned and spends
huge sum of money on electioneering. Parties often take help of criminals and
goons to terrorise voters and polling officers.

Social Science-10

V ?
CLASS-10 Being a Meaningful Choice: Most of the political parties sound similar to one
Social Science another. Very few political parties giye-any real alternative. People have no choic 3
than choosing the better of the two. evils. In some states, the party in power jus t
changes every five year but people seldom experience change on the ground.
1 n-
Way to Reform Political Parties: 'r
* i
Following are some of the recent efforts and suggestions in our country to refonn.
Notes political parties and its leaders:
1. Anti-defection Law: This law was passed during Rajiv Gandhbs
Premiership. The law says that if any MLA or MP changes parties, he or
she will lose the seat in. the legislature. This new law has helped bring
defection down. At the same time this has made any dissent even morje
difficult. MPs and MLAs have to accept whatever the party leaders decide.
Details of Property and Criminal Proceedings During Nominationj:
It is mandatory for every candidate who contests elections to file an.
AFFIDAVIT giving details of his property and criminal cases pending
against him. The new system has made a lot of information available
the public. But there system of check if the information given by
the candidates is true.
3. Mandatory Organizational Elections and IT Returns: The Election
Commission passed an order making it necessary for political parties t d
hold their organisational elections and file their income tax returns. The
parties have started doing so but sometimes it is mere formality.
Suggestions for Future:
i. A law should be made to regulate the internal affairs of political parties.
ii. It should be made mandatory for political parties to give a minimum
number of tickets, about one-third, to women candidates.
iii. There should be state funding of elections. The government should giv e
parties money to support their election expenses. This support could bje
given in kind: petrol, paper, telephone etc. Or it could be given in cash,
on the basis of the votes secured by the party in the last election.
There are two other ways in which political parties can be reformed and they are ;
people’s pressure and people’s participation.

Components of a political party are:

• The leaders,
• active members and
• the followers.

Social Science-ID

i 1
Partisanship: : '0 V..; • CLASS-10
A partisan is a person who is strongly ^oVrimitte'd to a party, group or faction. Social Science
As parties (political) are about a part of the'society, they involve ‘partisanship’.
Role of an opposition party: Opposition parties mobilize opposition to the
government. It puts forward its own views in Parliament and criticizes the
government for its failures. By doing this, {itrkeeps a check on the ruling party.

( EXERCISE ) Notes

Review Questions
1. State the various functions political parties perform in a democracy.
2. What are the various challenges faced by (ttlitical parties?
3. Suggest some reforms to strengthen parties so that they perform their functions
•i •
4. What is a political party?
5. What are the characteristics of a political party?
6. A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the
government is called a

Space for Work

Social Science-10
Social Science


Content .'.'V
• How do we assess democracy’s outcomes?
v . 9
• Accountable, responsive and legitimate government
• Economic growth and development
• Reduction of inequality and poverty
• Accommodation of social diversity
• Dignity and freedom of the citizens
Learning Objectives

Enable the learners to

, Evaluate the frinctioning of democracies in comparison to alternative forms of
• Understand the causes for continuation of democracy in India.
• Distinguish between sources of strengths and weaknesses of Indian
democracy. ______

Accountable, responsive and legitimate government
The most basic outcome of democracy is that it produces a government that is
accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs and expectations of th4
Democratic government can apparently be less efficient than a non-democratic
government. This happens because a non-democratic government does not nee4
to arrive at consensus among a diverse set of people. Democracy functions on th4
basis of deliberation and negotiation and hence decisions are often delayed. But
this does not mean that a democratic government is less efficient.
A non-democratic government may be able to take decisions in no time. But one
needs to assess if those decisions are acceptable to the masses or are they reall^
solving people’s problems.
A democratic government is more transparent than a non-democratic government.
A citizen has the right to know the processes which were followed while' taking
a decision in a democratic government. Thus, a democratic government is mort
accountable and responsive to its citizens.

(S) Social Science-10

A democratic government is legitimate government because it is elected by the CLASS-10
people. This is the reason that democratic governments are thriving in most of Social Science
the countries.

Economic growth and development: / £

Data for the fifty years between 1950 and 2000 suggests that dictatorships have
slightly higher economic growth. In most of the democracies, the economic growth
is somewhat slower. But there are many democratic countries which are among
the economic superpowers of the world. This shows that economic growth does
not depend on the form of government only. Other factors also decide the trend
of economic growth; like population size, global situation, cooperation from other
countries, economic priorities of the country,''etc.
When we look at several other positive outcomes'; along with a reasonable economic
growth; then democracy is always better than’ dictatorship.

Reduction of inequality and poverty:

Economic inequality has been increasing all over the world. In India, a larger,
portion of the population is poor and the number of rich people is less. Moreover,
there is a large difference in the income of rich and the poor. In most of the
countries, democracy has failed in reducing economic inequalities.

Accommodation of social diversity:

Every society is full of diversities and conflicts are bound to happen among
various sections. It is impossible to fully rule out the possibility of conflicts.
Bu democracy normally develops a procedure by which there can be a healthy
competition among different sections of the society. People can learn to respect
the differences and leam to resolve conflicts in an amicable manner. In most of
the democratic countries, social diversity is accommodated peacefully. There can
be some examples where social diversity is still a big problem; like in case of
Sri Lanka.

Dignity and freedom of the citizens:

Democracy has succeeded in ensuring the dignity and freedom of its citizens.
Let us take example of India. There are many social groups which had faced
a long history of oppression. Due to democratic process, a sizeable portion of
these people have been able to move up the social ladder and are in a position
to assert themselves.

Equality of Women
Because of democracy, women could be able to wage a struggle for staking
their claim to equality. In most of the democratic countries, women have
succeeded in getting equal status in the society. This is not the case in most
of the autocracies.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Caste Inequalities
® to'
Social Science Caste based inequalities had been quite predominant in India. But thanks to th ;
democratic process, such cases have_reduced to a bare minimum. People from all
castes can be seen in every sphere of life.

Democracy is a better form of government than dictatorship in the followin Or

• Promotes equality among citizens.
• Enhances the dignity of the individual.
• Improves the quality of decision making.
• Provides a method to resolve conflicts.
• Allows room to correct mistakes.
Democracy Produces Accountable, Responsive and Legitimate Government
People have the right to choose their rulers and they have control over their
rulers. Citizens can participate in decision making. Thus, democracy produces a
government that is accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs amd
expectations of the citizens.
Democracy ensures that decision making is based on norms and procedures. So, a
citizen who wants to know if a 'decision was taken through the correct procedure s
can find out this information. Citizens can take part in decision making whenever
they want. i *

A democratic government is the people’s own government. People wish to Be

ruled by representatives elected by them


Multiple Choice Questions

1. Economic growth depends on which of the following?
(a) Size of the population of the country
(b) Territory or area of the country
(c) Global scenario
(d) Co-operation among various nations
2. Social outcomes cover the areas like
(i) Dignity and freedom of citizens
(ii) Untouchability and discrimination
(iii) Gender equality
(iv) Ban on child labour
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv) (b) (ii), (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii)and(iv) (d) (i)only

(2) Social Science- -O

3. The basic outcome of democracy is CLASS-10
(a) Political, social and economic outcome Social Science
(b) Military outcome
(c) Restricted and limited welfare policies!
(d) Elimination of poverty
4. If a government provides its citizens a right and means to examine the process of
decision, it is
(a) An accountable government
(b) A responsible government
(c) A transparent government t <

(d) A stable government

• 5. What do democracies ensure regarding decision making?
(a) Process of transparency
(b) Decisions taken by the head of the country'
(c) Decision by the Council of Ministers
(d) Restricted popular participation in decision making
•. i
■ , <r

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (a)

Review Questions
1. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate
2. What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities?
3. Give arguments to support or oppose the following assertions: X Industrialised
countries can afford democracy but the poor need dictatorship to become rich.
X Democracy can't reduce inequality of incomes between different citizens. X
Government in poor countries should spend, less on poverty reduction, health,
education and spend more on industries and infrastructure. X In democracy all
citizens have one vote, which means that there is absence of any domination and
4. Identify the challenges to democracy in the following descriptions. Also suggest
policy/institutional mechanism to deepen democracy in the given situations: X
Following a High Court directive a temple in Orissa that had separate entry doors
for dalits and non-dalits allowed entry for all from the same door. X A large number
of farmers are committing suicide in different states of India. X Following allegation
of killing of three civilians in Gandwara in a fake encounter by Jammu and Kashmir
police, an enquiry has been ordered.

Space for Work

Social Science-10
Social Science


• Thinking about challenges
• Thinking about Political Reforms
• Redefining democracy ;
Learning Objectives 1

Enable the learners to I

• Reflect on the different kinds of measures possible to deepen democrac>S
• Promote an active and participatory citizenship. 1

Meaning of Challenge:
A challenge is not just any problem. We usually call only those difficulties a.
‘challenge’ which are significant and which can be overcome. A challenge is a
difficulty that carries within it an opportunity for progress. Once we overcome a
challenge, we go up to a higher level than before.
Foundational Challenge:
Different countries face different kinds of challenges. At least one fourth of tljie
globe is still not under democratic government. The challenge for democracy
in these parts of the world is very stark. These countries face the foundationjal
challenge of making the transition to democracy and then instituting democratfi c
government. This involves bringing down the existing non-democratic regime.
keeping military away from controlling government and establishing a sovereign
and functional state. For example, Nepal was under Monarchy till recent times.
Now Nepal has changed to a democratic system. Certain mindsets and systeris
will take years to change as they have taken years to develop. Nepal is a ve -y
good example of foundational challenge of democracy.
Challenge of Expansion:

Most of the established democracies face the challenge of expansion. This involves
applying the basic principle of democratic government across all the regior .s,
different social groups and various institutions. Ensuring greater power to local
governments, extension of federal principle to all the units of the federation.

© Social Science- LO
inclusion of women and minority groups, etc., falls under this challenge. This also CLASS-10
means that less and less decisions should remain outside the arena of democratic Social Science
control. Most countries including India and other democracies like the US face
this challenge. In India certain socio-economically backward groups have yet
to get the political powers. Additionally, some north-eastern states have not yet
fully integrated with the mainstream India. These are examples of challenge of
expansion of democracy. .
Deepening of Democracy

The third challenge of deepening of democracy is faced by every democracy in

one form or another. This involves strengthening of the institutions and practices
of democracy. This should happen in such a way that people can realise their
expectations of democracy. But ordinary people have different expectations from
democracy in different societies. In the early nineties, when T N Sheshan became
the Chief Election Commissioner, he brought about a revolutionary change of
disciplining political parties. This in turn ensured fairer elections. This is an
example of strengthening a particular political institution.
From above descriptions it is clear that different country face different kinds
of challenges to democracy. These challenges depend on what stage of social
development the country is. Solutions to these challenges also depend on a particular
country’s unique situation. It can be said that there is no pre-prescribed method
to tackle the challenge faced by a democracy.



A challenge is a difficulty that carries within it an opportunity, for progress.
The challenges faced by democracy are:
• Foundation challenge;
• Challenge of expansion;
• Challenge of deepening of democracy.
Challenges faced by countries which do not have a democratic form of
1. These countries face the foundation challenge of making the transition
to democracy and then instituting democratic government.
2. They also face the challenge of bringing down the existing non-democratic
regime, and keeping the military away from controlling the government.
3. Such countries have to make great efforts to establish a sovereign and
functional State.

Social Science-10
Social Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which one of the following laws was enacted by the Government of India in
October 2005?
(a) The Right to Property Act
(b) The Right to Education Act
(c) The Consumer Protection Act
(d) The Right to Information Act
2. Which one of the following is a foundational challenge of democracy?
(a) Empowering women
(b) Keeping military away from controlling government
(c) Ensuring greater power to local governments
(d) Empowering minority groups.
3. Which one of the following is an indicator of deepening of democracy?
(a) Installation of democratic government
(b) Keeping military away from controlling government
(c) Strengthening of the practices of democracy
(d) Inclusion of women in party politics
4. Which legal act is the best to empower people to carry out democratic reforms^
(a) The Right to Information Act
(b)|*The;Right to freedom *
{c)5rhe*Right to education »
(d) The Right to move freely
5. Every established democracy face
(a) challenge of expansion
(b) challenge of deepening of democracy
(c) foundational challenge
(d) dictatorship

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (a)

Review Questions
1. If all the decisions of a political party are made by a single family and all other
members are neglected, then what challenge is being faced by that party?
2. Explain the meaning of 'challenge'
3 Describe in brief the three challenges faced by democracy.
4. Explain with examples why some laws that seek to ban something are not v ;ry
successful in politics.

<2) Social Science- 3.0

, r- t


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. <

Social Science
4 • *


Notes Content

What Development Promises - Different people different goals

• Income and other goals
• National Development
• How to compare different countries or states?
• Income and other criteria
• Public Facilities
• Sustainability of development
I Enable the learners to
| Familiarize with concepts of macroeconomics.
• Understand the rationale for overall human development in our country*
which includes the rise of income, improvements in health and education
rather than income.
[____ • Understand the importance of quality of life and sustainable developme at.

“The process, by which economic wellbeing and quality of life are improve< as
per targeted goals and objectives, is called development.”
Different Goals
Different persons can have different developmental goals. What may be developn eiat
for one may not be development for the other. It may even be destructive for tlae
other. To understand this, let us take the example of a dam under construction.
For an industrialist, the dam means development because it will ensure improved
supply of electricity to the factory. But for people in nearby villages, it can "be
disaster because all of them will be evacuated to make way for catchment i .rea
of the dam.
Different people have different developmental needs. These needs are based on
their particular life situations. Let us assume that there are two people, Lotan

© Social Science*— lO
and Mohan. Lotan is living in a remote village which is, not connected to a road, CLASS-10
while Mohan is living in a big city where traffic bottleneck is a huge problem. Social Science
Construction of even a kutcha (un-metalled) road will mean development for Lotan.
On the other hand, construction of flyovers to facilitate smooth traffic movement
will mean development for Mohan.
We can say that there can be hundreds of development goals, catering to different
needs of different people. So, we need to focus on those goals which are more
important than other goals. Following is a list of goals of development. It is Notes
important to remember that this list is not an all-inclusive one.
Goals of Development:
Per Capita Income: The total income of a country divided by the population is
called the per capita income of that country. As per the 2013 World Development
Report, the per capita income in India was USD 1570 per annum. As per this
report, countries with per capita income above USD 12736 per annum are called
rich countries, while those with per capita income USD 1045 per annum or less
are called low-income countries.
Gross National Product: The total income generated in the country;is.called
Gross National Product (GNP).
Gross Domestic Product: The total income generated minus the income generated
by exports is called the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Infant Mortality Rate: The number of children who die before completing one
year out of 1000 live births is called the infant mortality rate. TheTdksef figure is
a better indicator of development. This is an important parameter as it shows the
quality and extent of availability of healthcare in a country. As per 2011 census,
the child mortality rate in India is 30.15.
Male to Female Ratio: Number of females per thousand males is called sex
ratio or gender ratio. A lesser figure shows society’s aversion to a girl child and
worse condition of women in society. As per 2011 census, the sex ratio in India
is 940 per thousand males.
Life expectancy: The maximum age up to which an adult life is called the life
expectancy rate. This also shows the overall quality of life in a country. As per
2011 census, the life expectancy in India for males is 67 years and for females
it is 72 years.
Literacy Rate: The percentage of literate people is another important indicator
of development. Education is a big leveler as it opens newer opportunities for the
educated person. Especially in a country like India you can see many examples of
a brilliant student coming from a lower class family cracking the IITs or UPSC.
Once you are in the IIT or the IAS then you get a bright and secure future for
you and your family. As per 2011 census, the literacy rate in India is 74%.

Social Science-10 (2)

CLASS-10 IIT: Indian Institute of Technology
Social Science UPSC: Union Public Service Commission
IAS: Indian Administrative*Services
Infrastructure: Roads, railways, airports, ports and power generation are :he
lifelines of a natioms economy. A better infiastructure ensures a better economic
activity leading to overall prosperity.
Combination of Goals Needed for Development:
The above-mentioned list is not all inclusive but they are more important tl ian
other goals which are not mentioned here. To assess the development of a country
or a state or a district, etc. we need to analyze a combination of development
goals. Let us look at following table to understand the meaning of development.
Per capita Infant Net attendance rat
State income mortality age 14 and 15 yea
rate (2011)
(2013-14) rate (2013) (2010 -11)
Maharashtra 117091 24 82 64
Kerai!?*"*” 'uh,l 03820 12 94 78
Bihar * ‘ 0l*31199 42 62 35
The data given in this table shows some interesting aspects of development It
shows the interrelationship between different aspects of development. When
capita income is compared, Maharashtra comes as the richest state among the
vci ut
three and Bihar is at the bottom.
In spite of being the richest state, Maharashtra shows a very high child morta ity
rate compared to Kerala. The figure is double than that for Kerala. The net
attendance ratio of children 14 and 15 age group and literacy rate are higher in
Kerala; as compared to Maharashtra. This explains the significantly higher cl Lil<l
mortality rate in Maharashtra. Bihar is fairing badly against all parameters which
speaks about its poor record on Human Development Index.

Human Development Index

It is a composite index of life expectancy, education and per capita income.
Education includes important parameters, like literacy rate, gross enrolment ritio
and net attendance ratio. Percentage of children enrolled in school is called grt>ss
enrolment ratio.
The term Human Development Index got coined at the beginning of 1990s w len
some economists proposed the idea of measuring development on various Icey
indicators instead of focusing on just monetary income. Based on this ind ex.,
a Human Development Report is published which ranks various countries. r The
following table shows Human Development Report of India and its neighbor;
Social Science - lO

GNI Per Capita Life Expectancy Lifef&y Rate 15+ HDI CLASS-10
Country Social Science
2014 PPP S 2014 Years,2005-2013) Rank
Sri Lanka 9779 74.9 91.2,/ ♦ • 73
India 5497 68 62.8 130
Myanmar 4608 65.9 92.6 148
Pakistan 4866 66.2 54.1 147
'Nepal 2311 69.6 57.4 145
Bangladesh 3191 71.6 58.8 142 Notes

In terms of per capita income, Sri Lanka is way ahead of us. It is also performing
better than India on other parameters. This explains the 73rd rank of Sri Lanka
as compared to 130th rank of India on Human Development Index.
What Development Promises • Different People, Different Goals
—► Development promises a real growth by enhancing total income and
standard of living of a person.
—► Different people have different development goals. The development goals
are varying from people to people. •Jt * £j++ ««

—► For example, a girl from a rich urban family gets as {much freedom as
her brother and is able to decide what she wants to^do in life. She is
able to pursue her studies abroad.
Income and Other Goals
—► People prefer to earn more income for fulfilling their daily requirements
'i ...* (u
of life. Companies provide material thing like, money. But. people also
want non-material thing like, freedom, security, and respect of others.
Some companies provide less salary but offer regular employment which
enhances sense of securities.
-> In other case, some companies provide high salary but offer no job
securities. They reduce sense of securities.
National Development
—► National development refers to ability of a nation to improve standard
of living of its citizens.
—► Standards of living of citizens depend upon per capital income, Gross
Domestic Product, literacy rate and availability of health etc. These factors
also consider as measure of improvement.
How to Compare Different Countries or States?
—* We can compare different countries or state on the basis of per capital
—► We cannot take national income to compare different countries because
each country has different population rate.
—» Per capita income is calculated by dividing total income of a country to
total-population of that particular'country.
Social Science-10
CLASS-10 -► Per capita income of a country shows the standard of living of the citizens
Social Science of that particulaf^company.
—> A country with higher per capita income is more developed than others
with less per capita income.

Income and Other Criteria

For achieving development goal of people, people not only want bet :er
income, they also want non-material thing like, freedom, security, a ad
respect of others.
—► For development of a nation average income or per capital income is
State Per Capita Income
for 2011-12 (In Rs)
Maharashtra 1,01,314
Kerala 83,725
Bihar 23,435

Per capita income of selected States

As per table, Maharashtra had topest position with 1, 01,314 per capital income.
Whereas, Bihar was in bottom position with 23,435 per capital income. It means
a person in Maharashtra earned Rs 1, 01,314 in one year. Whereas, a person in
Bihar earned only Rs 23,435 in one year. So, Maharashtra is more develop sd
country than Bihar with 1, 01,314 per capital income.
State InfahtMortality /Literacy Rate % Net Attendance Ratio (per
Rateper 1,000 100 persons) secondary stage
live births (2011)? ^^>2011 (P) (age 14 and 15 years) 2000-10
Maharashtra 25 J
> 83 64
Kerala 12^% 94 78
Bihar 64 35

Comparative data on Maharashtra, Kerala and Bihar

—► Development of a nation is also depended upon literacy rate.
• In this table, the first columns show that in Kerala, out of 10OO
children bom, 12 died before completing one year of age but in
Maharashtra, out of 1000 children bom, 25 died before completing
one year of age and in Bihar out of 1000 children bom, 44 di^d
before completing one year of age. The last columns show that [in
Kerala, 78 children out of 100 aged 14-15 are not attending school
beyond Class 8. Which is greater than Maharashtra and Bihar.

Public Facilities
Facilities which are provided by the government considered as pub ie
facility like schools, hospitals, community halls, transport, electricity etc.

(3) Social Science- LO

—> As we know that Punjab has more income than the average person in CLASS-10
Kerala but Kerala has a low infant Mortality Rate because of better Social Science
public system like, Public Distribution System; which provide Health and
nutritional status to the state. ,tv;,
—► We need public facility because we are not able to purchase all things
by money. We cannot able to buy a pollution free environment with the
help of money.
Sustainable Development:
—> Sustainable Development refers to development of human with at the
same time sustaining the ability of natural system.
—> It is helpful to fulfils the needs of the human being without harming the
ability of the future generation.
—► For sustainable development, we have to use non-renewable resources like
carbon based originally designed fuel for the quantity how much we needed.
—► Some renewable resources like groundwater will take long time for
replenished. So, we should use that resource in finite quantity.
• Infant Mortality Ratio: Infant Mortality Ratio indicates the number
of children who die before the age of one year, as a proportion of
1000 live children bom in that particular year.
• Literacy Rate: Literacy Rate measures the proportion of literate
population in the 7 and above age group.
• Net Attendance Ratio: It is the total number of children of age
group 1*4 and 15 years who attending school as a percentage of total
number of children in the same age group.


A multitude of meanings is attached to the idea of development; die term is complex,
contested, ambiguous, and elusive. However, in the simplest terms, development can
be defined as bringing about social change that allows people to achieve their human
potential. An important point to emphasise is that development is a political term: it has a
range of meanings that depend on the context in which the term is used, and it may also
be used to reflect and to justify a variety of different agendas held by different people
or organisations. The idea of development articulated by the World Bank, for instance,
is very different from that promoted by Greenpeace activists. This point has important
implications for the task of understanding sustainable development, because much of
the confusion about the meaning of the term ‘sustainable development’ arises because
people hold very different ideas about the meaning of ‘development’ (Adams 2009).
Another important point is that development is a process rather than an outcome: it is
dynamic in that it involves a change from one state or condition to another. Ideally, such
a change is a positive one - an improvement of some sort (for instance, an improvement
in maternal health). Furthermore, development is often regarded as something that is

Social Science-10

CLASS-10 done by one group (such as a-development agency) to another (such as rural formers ii i
Social Science a developing country). Again, this demonstrates that development is a political process,
because it raises questions about who has the power to do what to whom.


Multiple Choice Questions

Notes 1. Development of a country can generally be determined by its:
(a) per capita income
(b) average literacy level
(c) health status of its people
(d) none of these
2. Different persons could have different as well as conflicting notions of a country's
development. A fair and just path for all should be achieved. Interpret the concept
being discussed here.
(a) Social development
(b) Cultural development
(c) National development
(d) Economic development
3. Countries with higher income are than others with less income.
(a) Less developed
(b) More developed
(c) Less stronger
(d) More organized
4. Total income of the country divided by its total population is known as:
(a) Capital Income
(b) National Income
(c) Per capita income
(d) GDP
5. Proportion of literate population in the 7 and above age group is called as:
(a) Knowledge rate
(b) Literacy rate
(c) Attendance rate
(d) Excellence Rate
6. Which age group of children is included for calculating Net Attendance Ratio?
(a) 6-10
(b) 7-11
(c) 5-9
(d) 14-15
7. For calculating Body Mass Index (BMI), weight of the person is divided by the:
(a) Square of the weight
(b) Square of the height
(c) Square root of the height
(d) Square of the sum of height and weight

© Social Science-ID

8. If BMI is less than 18.5 then the person would'beifcopsidered: v CLASS-10
(a) overweight ,'<v Social Science
(b) long height
(c) undernourished
(d) short height
9. What proportion of the country is over using their groundwater reserves?
(a) One-Fourth
(b) One-Tenth
r • Notes
(c) One-Third
(d) half
10. Resources which will get exhausted after years of use are:
(a) Renewable resources
(b) Non-durable resources
(c) Non-renewable resources
(d) Competing resources

Answer Key
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b)
6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (c)

Review Questions
1. What is the main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries?
What are the limitations of this criterion, if any?
2. In what respects is the criterion used by the UNDP for measuring development
different from the one used by the World Bank? 6. Why do we use averages? Are
there any lirnitations to their use? Illustrate with your own examples related to
3. Kerala, with lower per capita income has a better human development, ranking
than Maharashtra. Hence, per capita income is not a useful criterion at all and
should not be used to compare states. Do you agree? Discuss.
4. Find out the present sources of energy that are used by the people in India. What
could be the other possibilities fifty years from now?
5. Why is the issue of sustainability important for development?

Space for Work

• J'.V* '■

Social Science-10
Social Science
i«• ■, •


Sectors of Economic Activities
• Comparing the three sectors
• Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India
• Division of sectors as organized and unorganized
• Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors
, Learning Objectives

, Enable the learners to


1 Identify major employment generating sectors.

• Reason out the government investment in different sectors of economy.

Primary Sector: When the economic activity depends mainly on exploitation off
natural resources then that activity comes under the primary sector. Agriculture
and agriculture related activities are the primary sectors of economy. This secto!r
forms the base of all other products which we subsequently make. Hence, thiL
sector is called primary sector.
Secondary Sector: When the main activity involves manufacturing then it is thfe
secondary sector. All industrial production where physical goods are produceo.
come under the secondary sector. I
Tertiary Sector: When the activity involves providing intangible goods like services
then this is part of the tertiary sector. Financial services, management consultanc^
telephony and IT are good examples of services sector.
Evolution of an Economy from Primary Sector Based to Tertiary Sector:
Stage 1: During early civilization all economic activity involved agriculture an i
related activities. At this stage, primary sector was the most important sector.
Stage 2: When food production became surplus peoples need for other products
increased. This was the phase when some other occupations emerged on the sceni,
e.g. craftsperson and trading. Still, primary sector was the most important secto \
Stage 3: The growth of secondary sector spread its influence during Industrie 1
revolution in nineteenth century. Mass production resulted in development of

Social Science-lb

secondary sector or industrial sector. At this stage, secondary sector became the CLASS-10
most important sector. Social Science
Stage 4: After growth of economic activity a support system was the need to
facilitate the industrial activity. Certain sectors like transport arid finance play an
Vaj * •
important role in supporting the industrial activity.'.Moreover, more shops were
needed to provide goods in peoples neighbourhood. Ultimately, other services
like tuition, administrative support developed. At this stage, tertiary sector became
the most important. This situation can be seen in developed economies. * Notes

Interdependency of Sectors:
To understand this interdependency, let us take an example of a cold drink. A cold
drink contains water, sugar and artificial flavour. Suppose if there is no sugarcane
production then procuring sugar will become difficult and costly for the cold drink
manufacturer. Now to transport sugarcane to sugar mills and sugar to the cold
drink plant needs the services of a transporter. A person or system of persons
is required to maintain and monitor all these movements of goods from farm to
factory to shop in different locations. That is where role of administrative staffs
comes. Let us go back to the farmer. He also needs fertilizers and seeds which
are processed in some factory and need to be delivered to his doorstep by some
means of transportation. Moreover, at every step of these activities we require
the proper monetary and banking system. So, in a nutshell, this describes how
interrelated all sectors of an economy are.

Growth and Status of Different Sectors in India

Rupee Value
5000000 of Sectors


■ Tertiary Sector
■ Secondary Sector
2000000 ■ Primary Sector


1971-72 2011-12

Closely observe the given graphs. The first graph shows the rupee-wise turnover
of various sectors in over 40 years, i.e. 1971-72 and 2011-12. The second graph
shows the share of three sectors in the GDP during these 40 years and last graph
shows share in providing employment.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 The first graph shows a 'iria^ive increase in turnover for all these sectors during
Social Science 40 years, which shows the'-tvay our economy grew.

Share in GDP

80% 'U's*1
Notes ■ Tertiary Sector
■ Secondary Sector

40% ■ Prtrrary Sector


1971-72 2011-12

The second graph shows that share of agriculture decreased substantially and tha :
of industry remained static and share of services grew. What is remarkable is th(:
fact that growth of share of services sector was phenomenal from 35% to 58%.
Share in
100% Employment


■ Tertiary Sector
■ Secondary Sector

40% ■ Primary Sector



But the third graph paints a distressing picture. The share in providing employmen :
was not in tune with the share in GDP. The agriculture provided employmen;
to 75% workers and this decreased to 49% in 2011-12, which is not as big
drop as agriculture’s drop in GDP contribution. On the other hand, the growth ir
employment provided by remaining sectors was substantially low.
The meaning of this finding is as follovys:
• Majority of people are still employed in agricultural activities. As agriculture
provides seasonal employment during cropping season so chances of*

© Social Science-1C
hidden employment are big. Moreover, as thistpry suggests; a developed CLASS-10
nation’s dependency shifts from primary sector towards tertiary sector in Social Science
all aspects of economic development, so it-caMyf$aid that India is still
way behind because majority still depend on agriculture.
• Secondary and Tertiary Sector have failed to generate enough employment
opportunities making a pressure on the primary, sector. Although educated
and skilled workforce does get employed in secondary and tertiary sectors
but for unskilled and semi-skilled workers there is still a shortage of Notes
employment avenues. ' t

Other Classifications of Economy

Organized Sector: The sector which carries out all activity through a system and
follows the law of the land is called organized sector. Moreover, labour rights
are given due respect and wages are as per the norms of the country and those
of the industry. Labour working in organized sector gets the benefit of social
security net as framed by the Government. Certain benefits like provident fund,
leave entitlement, medical benefits and insurance are provided to workers in the
organized sector.
These security provisions are necessary to provide source of sustenance in case
of disability or death of the main breadwinner of the family. Otherwise, the
dependents will face a bleak future.
Unorganized Sector: The sector which evades most of the laws and doesn’t
follow the system comes under unorganized sector. Small shopkeepers, some
small-scale manufacturing units keep all their attention on profit-making and
ignore their workers’ basic rights. Workers don’t get adequate salary and other
benefits like leave, health benefits and insurance are beyond the imagination of
people working in unorganized sectors.
Public Sector: Companies which are run and financed by the Government comprise
the public sector. After independence, India was a very poor country. India needed
huge amount of money to set up manufacturing plants for basic items like iron
and steel, aluminium, fertilizers and cements. Additionally, infrastructure like
roads, railways, ports and airports also require huge investment. In those days,
Indian entrepreneur was not cash rich so government had to start creating big
public sector enterprises like SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited), ONGC(Oil
& Natural Gas Commission), etc.
Private Sector: Companies which are run and financed by private people comprise
the private sector. Companies like Hero Honda, Tata, etc. are from private sectors.


You have seen that employment generation in secondary and tertiary sectors is not
in tune with growth of these sector’s share in GDP. Let us try to find possible

Social Science-10 @
CLASS-10 reasons for this. People who are still engaged in primary sector are doing so
Social Science because of two possible reasons.
• They are not getting gainful employment in other sectors.
• They do not have skills for getting employed in other sectors.
Hidden Unemployment: Let us assume a hypothetical situation. There is a sho y
in a village which is generating enough income to sustain a family of husbanc ,
wife and their four sons. In due course of time, the four sons grow to becom 3
Notes adults and the old shopkeeper dies. Now, all the four brothers are working in th 3
same shop but the shop is not generating enough revenue to sustain the familie s
of four brothers. In spite of this, all the four brothers continue to work in shop
because they are unable to find alternate opportunity. The shop is just big enough
to sustain a family of one brother and there is no scope of business expansion
in the small village. This is a good example of hidden unemployment. This is Ja
situation when people appear to be employed but are in fact unemployed because
of lack of opportunity. This problem is prevalent in rural areas where too many
people continue to work on a small patch of land because they have no other
gainful employment.

Government Aided Schemes to Fight Unemployment

Government, from time to time, announces and implements various employment
schemes to fight unemployment or hidden employment to help the weaker sectio n
of society. Schemes; like NREG (National Rural Employment Guarantee) is the
latest announced by the UFA government in 2004. Now it is known as MNREGA.
(Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment, Guarantee). This programme
guarantees a minimum of 100 days of employment to at least one person froi|n
every rural household. This is part of government’s effort to ensure the ‘Right to
Work’ to the rural poor citizen.
• Economy is normally categorized into three sectors namely -
o Primary Sector
o Secondary Sector
o Tertiary Sector
Primary Sector
• Primary Sector is directly dependent on environment for manufactu ‘e
and production. For example, agriculture, mining, farming etc.
Secondary Sector
• Secondary Sector adds value to the produ by transforming raw materia I s
into valuable products. For example, processing and constructic n

© Social Science-iO
Tertiary Sector CLASS-10
• Tertiary Sector is involved in production and exchange of services. For Social Science
example, transportation, communication, and other services of such kind.
• Tertiary Sector is also known as Services Sector as it facilitates the
production and exchanges of services.

Multiple Choice Questions
1. The sectors are classified into public and private sector on the basis of:
(a) Employment conditions
(b) The nature of economic activities
(c) Number of workers employed
(d) Ownership of enterprises
2. When we produce a good by exploiting natural resources, it is an activity of the:
(a) Secondary sector
(b) Tertiary sector
(c) Primary sector
(d) Organised sector
3. The service sector includes activities such as:
(a) agriculture, dairy, fishing and forestry
(b) making sugar, gur and bricks
,(c) transport, communication and banking
(d) None of these
4. Choose the correct meaning of organised sector:
(a) It covers those enterprises where the terms of employment ar.e regular.
(b) It is outside the control of the government.
(c) Jobs are not regular.
(d) It provides low salaries.
5. Which of the following is included in tertiary sector?
(a) ATM booths
(b) Call centres
(c) internet cafe
'(d) All of them
6. Government owns most of the assets and provides all the services:
(a) Private Sector
(b) Public Sector
(c) Organised Sector
(d) Tertiary Sector

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 7. The value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a
particular year is called as:
Social Science
(a) Gross Domestic Product
(b) Net Domestic Product
(c) National Product
(d) Production of Tertiary Sector
8. A situation in which more persons are employed on a job than are optima ly
required is:
(a) Structural unemployment
(b) Disguised unemployment
(c) Cyclical unemployment
(d) Seasonal unemployment
9. Out of 200 million children in the school going age group, how many are attending
(a) One-fourth
(b) Half
(c) Two-thirds
(d) One-fifth
10. Central government in India made a law, implementing the Right to Work in how
many districts of India?
(a) 150 districts
(b) 200 districts
(c) 250 districts
(d) 625 districts

Answer Key
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d)
6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (d)

Review Questions
1. Do you think the classification of economic activities into primary, secondary and
tertiary is useful? Explain how. '
2. For each of the sectors that we came across in this chapter why should one foe u s
on employment and GDP? Could there be other issues which should be examined ?
3. Make a long list of all kinds of work that you find adults around you doing for a
living. In what way can you classify them? Explain your choice. |
4. How is the tertiary sector different from other sectors? Illustrate with a few
5. What do you understand by disguised unemployment? Explain with an exan pie
each from the urban and rural areas.
6. Distinguish between open unemployment and disguised unemployment.
7. "Tertiary sector is not playing any significant role in the development of Indian
economy." Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.

(&) Social Science i— 2.0

Social Science

3 <L

• Money as a medium of exchange
• Modem forms of money
• Loan activities of Banks
• Two different credit situations
• Terms of credit
• Formal sector credit in India
• Self Help Groups for the Poor
Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to
• Understand money as an economic concept.
• Understand the role of financial institutions from the point of view of
day-to- day life. _____
Barter System: The barter system was used before the advent of money. People
used to exchange one thing for another in this system.
Double Coincidence of wants: The double coincidence of wants is the major
drawback of the barter system. It can be very difficult to find a person who can
fulfill this condition. Suppose you want to barter your MP3 player with a game
console, then you need to find a person who wants to barter his game console
for an MP3 player.
Money is a means by which we can get something in exchange. Initially, coins
came into use. The coins were initially made of precious metals; like gold and
silver. When the precious metals became too precious, ordinary metals were being
used for making coins. Paper money or currency notes gradually took place of
coins; although coins of smaller denominations are still in use.
The currency notes and coins are issued by the government of an authorized body.
In India, the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) issues currency notes. On the Indian
currency note, you can find a statement, which promises to pay the bearer the
amount which is mentioned on the currency note.

Social Science-10 (2)

CLASS-10 Advantages of Money:
Social Science • Removes the coincidence of wants.
• Takes less storage space and is easier to carry.
t • Liquidity of currency is easier.
• Now-a-days; many instruments are available through which it is not
necessary to physically carry the currency.

Notes Other Forms of Money

Deposits with Banks: Most of the people need only some currency for their daily
needs. Rest of the amount is usually kept as deposit in banks. Money which is
kept in a bank is safe and it even earns an interest. One can withdraw money
from his account as and when required. Since deposit in the bank account can >e
withdrawn on demand, these deposits are called demand deposits.
One can use a cheque; instead of cash to settle payments. Moreover, one can also
buy a demand draft from a bank to make payments.
Credit: Banks keep a small proportion of their deposits as cash with themselves.
This is usually 15% of their deposits as cash. This amount is kept as provision
to pay the depositors who may come to withdraw the money on any day. Tliis
amount is enough because only a small fraction of people come to withdraw money
on a given day. The rest of the amount is used by the banks to give money kn
credit to people who need the credit. A bank charges interest on the loan whiLh
it gives to its creditors. The interest rate charged by a bank no loans is higner
than the interest rate given by it on deposits. Thus, interest is the main source of
income for banks.
Credit/Debit Cards: Now-a-days, credit/debit cards are in vogue. A debit card
allows you to make payments from the amount which is lying in your bank account.
A credit card, on the other hand, provides money on credit. Payment througki
credit/debit card is done electronically and this removes the need of carrying cas lx.
Terms of Credit
People often need to borrow money for various purposes. Many businessmen ne sd
to borrow to buy raw materials and machineries. Many fanners need to borrow to
buy seeds, fertilisers, farm equipment’s, etc. People usually buy vehicles and houses
by borrowing from banks. Thus, credit plays an important role in the economy.
Every loan agreement specifies terms and conditions; regarding the rate of interist
and term of payment. In most of the cases, the banks fix an EMI (Equated Monti ly
Instalment) for repayment of loan.
Collateral: An asset which is owned by the borrower and is used as a guarantee
to a lender until the loan is repaid is called the collateral. Land, house, vehic .e,
livestock’s, deposits with banks, insurance policy, gold, etc. are examples of assets.
& Social Science- lO
If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the lender reserves the right to sell the CLASS-10
collateral to obtain payment. Social Science
Terms of Credit: The terms of credit include rate of interest, collateral and mode
of repayment. The terms of credit varies from one loan agreement to another and
also on the nature of the lender and the borrower.
Sources of Credit

Formal Sector: The formal Sector comprises of banks and cooperative societies.
Informal Sector: The informal sector consists of money lenders and friends and
relatives, merchants and landlords.
The following diagram shows share of different sources of credit in rural households
in India in 2003.
Landlords.1% Others, 7%
Traders, 3%

Relatives &
friends, 7%

Fig: Sources of Credit for Rural Households in India in 2003

While the formal sector is bound by the rules and regulations of the RBI and
charge the prevalent rate of interest as per RBI guidelines; the informal lenders
are not bound by such rules. The informal lenders usually charge a very high
rate of interest. A higher cost of borrowing is often detrimental to the borrower.
It usually results in a debt trap for the borrower. The borrower is seldom able to
escape the never-ending cycle of loan repayment.
Many people are too poor to qualify the requirements of credit-worthiness of banks
and cooperatives. There are many others who may not have enough documents;
like residential certificate or income certificate. Such people are usually at the
mercy of informal lenders.

Self Help Groups

Self Help Groups (SHGs) are recent phenomena. An SHG is comprised of small
number of people; like 15-20 members. The members pool their savings. The
collection is then utilised to lend small amounts of money which may be required
by any of the members. The group charges interest on the loan. The arrangement
of loans through Self Help Groups is also known as microfinance because the
small amount of loan is involved.
Social Science-10
CLASS-10 It,was the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh which began experimenting wi li
Social Science microfmance. The founder of Grameen Bank, Mohammad Yunus was conferred
with Nobel Prize in 2006 for his efforts at improving the lot of the poor.
SHGs have helped immensely in reducing the influence of informal lenders n
rural areas. Many big corporate houses are also promoting SHGs at many plac 5S
in India.


Money acts as an intermediate in the exchange process & it is called medium
of exchange. In many of our day-to-day transactions, goods are being bought &
sold with the use of money.
The reason as to why transactions are made in money is that, a person holding
money can easily exchange it for any commodity or service that he or she wants.

Formal sector:
Includes banks & cooperatives; RBI supervises the functioning of formal sources
of loans. To see that the bank maintains a minimum cash balance and monit< »rs
that these banks give loans not just to profit-making business and traders but also
to small cultivators , small scale industries , to small borrowers etc. periodica ly
banks have to submit information to RBI of their activities.

Informal sector:
Includes money lenders, traders, employers, relatives & friends etc. There is no
one to supervise their credit activities. They can charge whatever rate of interest.
There is no one to stop them from using unfair means to get their money back.

Self Help Groups (SHG):

A typical SHG has 15-20 members usually belonging to a neighborhood, who
meet and save regularly. Saving per month varies from 25-100 rupees or more
depending upon the ability of the people. Members take small loans from groxip
itself to meet their needs.


Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which one of the following statements is most appropriate regarding transact on
made in money?
(a) It is the easiest way. - (b) It is the safest way.
(c) It is the cheapest way. (d) It promotes trade.
2. Which one of the following is a modem form of currency?
(a) Gold (b) Silver
(c) Copper (d) Paper notes

© ■ Social Science* • lO
3. Which among the following authorities' issues currency notes on behalf ofvthe' CLASS-10
Social Science
(a) Government of India
(b) The State Bank of India
(c) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
. t
(d) Reserve Bank of India
4. In which of the following systems exchange of goods is done without use of money?
(a) Credit system (b) Barter system
(c) Banking system (d) Collateral system Notes
5. Banks provide a higher rate of interest on which of the following accounts?
(a) Saving account (b) Current account
(c) Fixed deposits for long period (d) Fixed deposits for very short period
6. Banks use the major portion of the deposits to:
(a) Keep as reserve so that people may withdraw
(b) Meet their routine expenses
(c) Extend loans
(dj Meet renovation of bank
7. What percentage of their deposits is kept as cash by the banks in India?
(a) 25% (b) 20%
(c) 15% (d) 10%
8. The informal source of credit does not include which one of the following?
(a) Traders ' (b) Friends
(c) Cooperative Societies (d) Moneylenders
9. Which one of the following is the new way of providing loans to the moral poor?
(a) Co-operative societies (b) Traders
(c) Relatives and friends (d) SHGs
10. Why is currency accepted as a medium of exchange?
(a) Because the currency is authorised by the government of the country.
(b) Because it is liked by the people who use it.
(c) Because the use of currency has its origin in ancient times.
(d) Because the currency is authorised by the World Bank.

1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (c)
6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (a)

Review Questions
1. In situations with high risks, credit might create further problems for the borrower.
2. How does money solve the problem.of double coincidence of wants? Explain with
an example of your own.
3. How do banks mediate between those who have surplus money and those who
need money?
4. Look at a 10 rupee note. What is written on top? Can you explain this statement?
5. Why do we need to expand formal sources of credit in India?
6. What is the basic idea behind the SHGs for the poor? Explain in your own words.
7. What are the reasons why the banks might not be willing to lend to certain borrowers?

Social Science-10

CLASS-10 r>,fi
. i-i

Social Science


Production across countries
• Interlinking production across countries
• Foreign Trade and integration of markets
• What is globalization?
• Factors that have enabled Globalisation
• World Trade Organisation
• Impact of Globalization on India
• The Struggle for a fair Globalisation
i Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to
i Explain the working of the Global Economic phenomenon.

Globalisation: The way in which the world economy is integrated in the modem
world is globalization. Take example of Microsoft. Microsoft is having Its
headquarters in USA. This company is getting part of its software developed in
India and several other countries. And Microsoft’s software is being used acre >ss
the world. Another example can be Ford motors based in USA. Ford is having
manufacturing plants in Chennai and cars manufactured in Chennai go for sale| in
other countries. Moreover, company may be getting gear boxes produced in some
other country, seat belts from a different country, lights, rear view mirrors in some
other nation by some other company. Almost all the components get supplied by-
various vendors to the Ford motor, which assembles them to make the car.
All these activities help in generating employment opportunities across the woi Id-
This in turn affects the world economy. You can think of various activities in be
step of final production of a product or a service which take place around be
world at different locations. This results in interdependence of national economies
around the world.

Development of Globalisation
Since early history global trade has been connecting mankind in myriad wa ys.
Silk route of early history helped in connecting Asia from the rest of the world.
(m) Social Science^- 1.0

This trade route not only facilitated movement of goods but also movement of CLASS-10
people and ideas. If zero traveled from India to rest of the world then western Social Science
clothes came to India. Nowadays the way we relish eating pizza or noodles, people
abroad are big fans of the Indian curry and chicken tikka.
Early phase of globalization involved export of raw material from Asia and import
of finished products from Europe. But from mid twentieth century things began
to change.
During mid to late twentieth century certain company’s became multinationals as
they spread their economic activities to various parts of the world.

Causes of Globalisation:
Need of Cost Cutting: Suppose a company is having two options to get a
particular work done. The first option is to get it done in the home country but
cost involved will be higher. Next option is to get it done in a different country
at a lesser cost. Obviously, any company will prefer the second option. Labour
cost and cost of certain raw materials are cheaper in India, Malaysia, China and
Taiwan. This results in reduced cost of production, which will result in better
profit for the company. So you get a computer with certain parts manufactured
in Taiwan or Malaysia, processor manufactured in India and .software supplied
from USA. The final product may get assembled in the market where it will be
ultimately used.
Need to find newer markets: If home market’s consumer base has purchased a
product and needs no more of it or little bit of it, then the company has to plan
to increase the business. This can be done by finding newer markets with new
consumer base. Especially in today’s scenario when India and China constitute
about one fourth of the world population, any company which wants to get more
business can’t ignore these two markets. Try comparing it with your city or
village. If vegetables produced in a village can only be sold in that village then
it may not find many customers, resulting in low price and may be wastage of
vegetables. To get a better price from large customer base the village vegetable
grower needs to move to cities.

Stimulus for Globalisation:

Earlier countries imposed heavy import duties to restrict goods from outside
and to promote local industries. These were part of deliberate trade barriers. But
WTO (World Trade Organisation) convinced all member nations to reduce trade
barriers. WTO believes in unrestricted economic opportunity across the world. In
India after 1991, liberalization policies were being followed resulting in MNCs
setting up shops in India. The result is for everybody to see. Earlier car meant
an Ambassador or a Fiat and two-wheeler meant a Bajaj Scooter or Rajdoot
Motorcycle. Now people have various options for car and two wheelers.

Social Science “10

i V
CLASS-10 Results of Globalisation:
Social Science Better Employment Opportunities: At present India is the leader in BPO sector.
BPOs provide backoffice support to many MNCs. A customer calling in US!a.
— to sort out his problem may be talking to a call centre employee in Gurgaoh..
> Because of growing economic activities many new centres of economic activity-
have developed in India. These are Gurgaon, Chandigarh, Bangalore, Hyderabad
and Meerut. Earlier Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Delhi used to be major
Notes economic centres.
Change in Lifestyle: Eating habits have changed dramatically. Now you may be
eating Kellog’s com flakes for breakfast and Aloo Tikki Burger for lunch. You miy
be wearing a Levi’s jeans and if you are having a BPO employee as neighbour
then you may have listened his accented English.
Uneven Benefits of Development: For every MNC executive there is a larger
number of rickshaw puller and daily wage earner. There are still millions who a *e
unable to get two square meals in a day. We still hear news of farmers committir g
suicide in Maharashtra and Karnataka.
Unfair Means Adopted by Developed Countries: Developed countries still give
huge subsidies to their farmers and impose heavy trade barriers. In the barga .n
developed nations don’t get the desired benefit out of WTO negotiations.

Globalisation is a reality which is here to stay. Globalisation has given more
benefits than problems. The economists and policy makers of the world need :o
fine tune their strategy so that benefits of globalization can reach the masses. The
ultimate success of globalization can only be realized when it helps achieve a ll
the parameters of development. These parameters or goals of development are not
only about monetary income, but also about better healthcare, education, securr y
and overall quality of life for all.


Globalization (or globalization) describes a process by which regional economies,
societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of
communication, transportation, and trade. The term is sometimes used to refer
specifically to economic globalization: the integration of national economies ini:o
the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows,
migration, and the spread of technology. Globalization as a spatial integration m
the sphere of social relations when he said “Globalization can be defined as tl ie
intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant locations in such a.
way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away ai d
vice - versa.” Globalization generally means integrating economy of our nation wi ix
the world economy. The economic changes initiated have had a dramatic effect on
the overall growth of the economy. It also heralded the integration of the Indian
Social Science-:.©

i \
economy into the global economy. The Indian economy was in major crisis in CLASS-10
1991 when foreign currency reserves went down to $1 billion. Globalization had Social Science
its impact on various sectors including Agricultural, Industrial, Financial, Health
sector and many others. It was only after the LPG policy i.e. Liberalization,
Privatization and Globalization launched by the then Finance Minister Man Mohan
Singh that India saw its development in various sectors.

( EXERCISE ) Notes

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government is called:
(a) liberalisation
(b) Investment
(c) Fovourabte trade
(d) Free trade
2. Rapid integration or interconnection between countries is known as:
(a) Privatisation
(b) Globalisation
(c) Liberalisation
(d) Socialisation
3. Globalisation has led to improvement in living conditions:
(a) of all the people
(b) of people in the developed countries
(c) ofworkers in the developing countries
(d) none of the above
4. Which one of the following Indian indus-tries has been hit hard by globalisation?
(a) Information Technology (IT)
(b) Toy making
(c) Jute
(d) Cement
5. World Trade Organisation (WTO) was started at the initiative of which one of the
following group of countries?
(a) Rich countries
(b) Poor countries
(c) Developed countries
(d) Developing countries
6. Which of the following organisations lays stress on liberalisation of foreign trade
and foreign investment?
(a) International Labour Organisation
(b) International Monetary Fund
(c) World Health Organisation
(d) World Trade Oraganisation ' ''

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 •7.' Investments made by MNCs are termed as:
Social Science (a) Indigenous investment
(b) Foreign investment
(c) Entrepreneur's investment
(d) None of the above
8. Which of the following is not a feature of a Multi-National Company?
(a) It owns/controls production in more than one nation.
(b) It sets up factories where it is close to the markets.
(c) It organises production in complex ways.
(d) It employs labour only from its own country.
9. Taxon imports is an example of:
(a) Terms of Trade
(b) Collateral
(c) Trade Barriers
(d) Foreign Trade
10. Which one of the following is not characteristic of Special Economic Zone'?
(a) They do not have to pay taxes for long period.
(b) Government has allowed flexibility in labour laws.
(c) They have world class facilities.
(d) They do not have to pay taxes for an initial period of five years.

Answer Key
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c)
6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (a)

Review Questions
1. What do you understand by globalisation? Explain in your own words.
2. What was the reasons for putting barriers to foreign trade and foreign investmei it
by the Indian government? Why did it wish to remove these barriers?
3. How would flexibility in labour laws help companies? 4. What are the various wa fs
in which MNCs set up, or control, production in other countries?
5. Why do developed countries want developing countries to liberalise their trade
and investment? What do you think should the developing countries demand in
6. "The impact of globalisation has not been uniform." Explain this statement.
7. How has liberalisation of trade and investment policies helped the globalisatk n
8. How does foreign trade lead to integration of markets across countries? Expla n
with an example other than those given here.

Space for Work

© Social Science-: -O
(iliinit: Uhdeirstantling lE^onomife Pey.ejapment CLASS-10
Social Science


Content Notes *
Note: Chapter 5 'Consumer Rights' to be done as Project Work.
Learning Objectives
Enable the learners to
Gets familiarized with the rights and duties as a consumer; and legal measures
available to protect from being exploited in markets


The consumer in the marketplace

Consumers participate in the marketplace by using a particular product. Had there
been no consumer no company would exist. The status of consumer is more or
less pathetic as far as consumer rights are concerned. You can take examples
of shopkeepers weighing less than he should, company’ making false claims on
packs. Then there are local sweetmeat sellers adulterating raw materials to produce
the laddoos or barfis. You can recall the case of dropsy because of adulterated
mustard oil. No matter how bad quality you get, chances are you will get a rude
response from the shopkeeper if you dare to complain.
If you have traveled by railways then you can recall the horrible taste of almost
all foodstuffs being sold in trains and on platforms. Even the food supplied by
the rail pantry is of horrible quality.

Consumer Movement in India:

India has long tradition of food adulteration, black marketing, hoarding,

underweighing, etc. It was from the 1960s that the consumer movement began
in India. Till the 1970s, consumer movement was mainly restricted to writing
articles and holding exhibitions. But there has been an upsurge in the number of
consumer groups in recent times.
The level of dissatisfaction with the sellers and service providers was such an
extent that the consumers had no choice but to raise their voice. After many years
of organized struggle, the government was forced to take notice and finally the
Consumer Protection Act (COPRA) was enacted in 1986.
Social Science-10
CLASS-10 Consumer rights:
✓ •> . ,, t
Social Science
Right to Be Informed: A consumer has the right to have correct information abo at
a product. There are rules which make it mandatory to mention ingredients ar d
safety features on the pack of a product. Proper information helps a consumer :o
make informed buying decision. A pack of a product also needs to mention tljie
MRP (Maximum Retail Price) and a consumer can complain if the seller asks for
Notes more than the MRP.
Right to Choose: A consumer has the right to choose from different options. A.
seller cannot just offer to sell only one brand to the consumer. The seller has :o
offer various options to the consumer. This right is usually enforced through lav/’s
against monopoly trade.
Right to Seek Redressal: If a consumer gets affected by false promises made
by the producer or suffers because of manufacturing defect; he has the right to
seek redressal. Suppose you took a mobile connection and the bill shows many
hidden charges which were not explained to you earlier. Or the mobile compai ly
activated a ringtone without your permission. Then you can go to the consum
court to put your case.
Consumer Forum:

The consumer movement in India has led to the formation of various organisations
locally known as consumer forums or consumer protection councils. They gur le
consumers on how to file cases in the consumer court. On many occasions, they
also represent individual consumers in the consumer courts. These voluntary
organisations also receive financial support from the government for creating
awareness among the people.
If you are living in a residential colony, you might have noticed name boards
Resident Welfare Associations^ If there is any unfair trade practice meted out to
their members they take up the case on their behalf.
Consumer Courts: This is a three-tier quasi-judicial system. The district Icn el
court deals with cases involving claims upto Rs. 20 lakh. The state level court
deals with cases between Rs. 20 lakh and Rs. 1 crore. The national level coi irt
dealt with cases which involve claims exceeding Rs. 1 crore.
If a case is dismissed in district level court, the consumer can also appeal in ste te
and then in National level courts.
National Consumers1 Day
24th December is celebrated as the National Consumers’ Day. It was on this d ay
that the Indian Parliament enacted the Consumer Protection Act in 1986. India is
one of the few countries that have exclusive courts for consumer redressal. Trie

© Social Science - lO
consumer movement in India has made significant progress in recent times.- At CLASS-10
present, there are more than 700 consumer groups. Out of them, about 20-25 are Social Science
well organized and are recognized for their work.
The consumer redressal process is becoming cumbersome, expensive and ‘time
consuming. The lawyer’s charges in some cases work as deterrent. Sometimes^
the long delay de-motivates a person and he may even stop pursuing the case:
The definition of Consumer right is ‘the right to have information about the
quality, potency, quantity, purity, price and standard of goods or services’, as it
may be the case, but the consumer is to be protected against any unfair practices
of trade. It is very essential for the consumers to know these rights.
However there are strong and clear laws in India to defend consumer rights, the
actual plight of consumers of India can be declared as completely dismal. Out
of the various laws that have been enforced to protect the consumer rights in
India, the most important is the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. According to
this law, everybody, including individuals, a firm, a Hindu undivided family and
a company, have the right to exercise their consumer rights for the purchase of
goods and services made by them. It is significant that, as consumer, one knows
the basic rights as well as about the courts and procedures that follow with the
infringement of one’s rights.
In general, the consumer rights in India are listed below:
The right to be protected from all kind of hazardous goods and services
The right to be fully informed about the performance and quality of all goods
and services
The right to free choice of goods and services
The right to be heard in all decision-making processes related to consumer interests
The right to seek redressal, whenever consumer rights have been infringed
The right to complete consumer education

( exercise )
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Why do we need to have set rules and regulations for consumer rights?
(a) To protect and promote the interest of the consumers against unethical and
unfair trade practices.
(b) To bring discipline in the country.
(c) To provide police protection to consumers during a dispute with the sellers.
(d) Its aim is to make all the sellers fair and honest.

Social Science-10
CLASS-10 2. When was the Consumer Protection Act passed in India?
Social Science (a) 1968 (b) 1986
(c) 1984 (d) 1976
3. In which year did the United Nations adopt the guidelines for consumer protectioiV?
(a) 1960 (b) 1988
(c) 1985 (d) 1999
4. When was the'Right to Information'Act passed?
(a) October 2005 (b) March 2006
(c) December 2007 (d) September 2003
5. What was the cause of the rise of consumer movement?
(a) The movement started to help consumers to form a group to protest against
price rise. |
(b) The movement grew out of consumers dissatisfaction due to unfair practices of
(c) The movement grew out of the satisfaction enjoyed by the consumers for fair
practices of the sellers.
(d) The movement was started to help the sellers to promote their own interest
and cheat consumers.
6. What can be the maximum claim amount at the district level of the consumer
(a) less than 31 lakh (b) 31 crore
(c) Upto 320 lakhs (d) Above 31 crore
7. Which one of the following does not provide certificate of standardization in India?
(a) IS! (b) Agmark
(c) Hallmark (d) COPRA
8. When is 'National Consumers' Day' celebrated in India?
(a) 26,h January (b) 22^ October
.(c) 24lh December (d) 25th December
9. The quasi-judicial machinery set up at the highest level for redressal of consumer
disputes is:
(a) The District Forum
(b) The State Consumer Commission
(c) Consumers International
(d) National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
10. • What was the name given to the agency at the global level for the protection of
consumer rights?
(a) Consumer Court of Justice (b) International Consumer Forum
(c) Consumers Commission (d) Consumers International

Answer Key
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b)
6. (c) 7. (d) 8. <c) 9. (d) 10. (d)

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