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Docente: Alan Daniel Lazo De La Vega Ramos
Trabajo: Practica N° 18
Estudiantes: CUI
Edward Giancarlo Larico Tintaya 20220413
Americo Choqque Ccapa 20221984
Paulo Cesar Jhocimar Charagua Zapana 20221985
Americo: Hello, how have you been this week?
Paulo: Hello Americo, I was very good this week.
Edward: Hello Colleagues, I'm fine.
Americo: What did you guys do this weekend?
Paulo: For my part, on Friday I was at the anniversary of our faculty, I did not see.
them that day, what were they doing?
Edward: I was studying English and my family went on a trip.
Americo: I was at home because I was helping my family.
Paulo: Wow, I hope to see you at the next anniversary of our faculty.
Edward: I wasn't there, sorry, I'll go to the next anniversary.
Americo:I will be there, what do you do in your free time?
Paulo: I usually play on the computer or else I usually go to play soccer.
Edward: I was dancing tinkus at a festival. What places have they visited?
Americo: I visited the jungle happy park last week.
Paulo: I did not go out home. What did you eat yesterday?
Edward: I ate a dry soup with its carapulcra.
Americo: Yesterday I ate a chicken broaster, Do you do any sports?
Paulo: Yes, I practice soccer and basketball.
Edward: I don't play soccer because of an accident.
Américo: And how serious was the accident?
paulo: and how are you now?
Edward: I hurt my leg playing soccer, now I'm fine.
america: i hope you get better soon
Pablo: I'm glad you feel better.
Edward: When I get better, we're going to play with my cousins.
Americo: your cousins ​like soccer or other sports.
Paulo: If they play soccer, what position do they play?
Edward: My cousins ​love football, he plays as a goalkeeper and striker at Melgar
Americo: How are they in the subjects?
Paulo: they already removed me from the chemistry lab
Edward: With bad grades, but I'm fine.
Americo: what happened paulo
Paulo: a little sulfuric acid was spilled
Paulo: It was 2 days ago.
Americo: what kind of musical genre do you like?
Edward: I like K-pop, my favorite artist is Jisoo from Black-Pink
Paulo: I like Hip Hop, my favorite artist is Rastachai, and you, Americo, what kind of
musical genre do you like?
Americo: any type of musical genre.
Edward: And do you like to dance?
Americo: I don't like to dance, I'm bad at dancing.
Paulo: I only danced at school and it was for the points they gave. And you, Edward,
do you like to dance?
Edward: I used to dance saya but now I only play dota, have you played dota?
Américo: Yes, when I have time.
Paulo: Yes, I am a humble herald.
Edward: Are we going to play football or dota next week?
Americo: if there is time we can play dota but next week there are exams.
Paulo: It may be but my other classes are starting, true, the exams are approaching.
Edward: So, are we going to study and pass the semester?
Americo: I agree to spend the semester on that.
Paulo: but because spending this beautiful semester made me want to repeat it.
Edward: What do you think of the teacher in the English course?
Americo: That he is a good teacher because I am improving my English. And you,
Edward, what do you think of the teacher?
Paulo: He's a good teacher but today he didn't seem like the usual teacher his voice
was weird.
Edward: Professor Daniel Lazo makes an effort teaching. How many friends did you
make in college?
Americo: I did some 6 counting on you.
Paulo: counting I think you're 15 and you Edward?
Edward: I don't have any friends yet, just nice classmates and good teachers...
Americo: I hope it goes well bye
Edward: We'll see each other, goodbye Paulo and Américo.
Paulo: Until another opportunity, friends.

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