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N:Good afternoon teacher I hope you have a good day, today we are going to present the final work

and this is my best experience in sports part two.

N:My name is Nick Vela
A:My name is Ana
N:So lets start this activity
N:Hello Diana, what about you?
A:Hi Nick I'm shaking out my scrapbook looking at the day of my greatest sports experience.
N:Wow that is very interesting and incidentally I remember that I played a soccer championship.
A:Really when was it?
N:it was a long time ago when i was in high school
A:Umm Where was it?
N:It was at my school in Lima
A:Oh i see so what"s happen?
N:Well my friends and my teachers congratulated me for playing well and told me that I had a lot
ahead of me.
A:Wow that's amazing then how did it end?
N:In the end I competed with a very strong team but we won despite everything.
A:And how did you feel?
N:I felt very happy because I had never competed in soccer.
A:oh I see
N:And Ana, what about you? Do you remember your best or worst experience in sports?
A:Of course how can I forget my worst experience in sports.
N:Why is your worst experience that happened?
A:Because when I watched American baseball on TV it gave me a lot of negative emotions.
N:Why did it give you negative emotions?
A:Because it gave me anxiety knowing that the ball could fall in the opponent's face.
N:Oh now I understand because baseball scares you, don't worry, it's a sport that has its risks but it's
also fun to watch.
A:If I think that's good I have to go to class see you later
N:Ok bye.

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