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(AC-S12) Week 12 - Task: Assignment – Predictions

Maribel Emilia Valdivia Zuñiga

A: Hello, how have you been?
B: Very good, thank you, we are in exam week.
C: You're right, the exams will probably be difficult.
B: There will probably be a review this week for the exam.
A: I have a math test on Tuesday, numbers are definitely not my thing.
B: I have to work at night, studying and working will definitely be complicated.
A: Finishing the week of exams what are you going to do?
C: I will probably go to the movies on Sunday.

s that are artificial but I don't

remember the players. How
many players are
ERICK: There are 6 players on
each team and the game is
played on skates on an ice
rink. You already know How
do you get points in that sport?
ADRIAN: If the players have to
throw a rubber puck with a long
stick towards the
opposite goal. Finally, the team
that has scored the most goals
in three periods of 20
minutes wins.
ERICK: Friends, why do you
think this sport is not very
common in Peru?
ADRIAN: Well, I think that ice
hockey is not common in Peru,
because the
maintenance of the playing
field is very expensive.
LEONARDO:I think it is
because of the climate of other
countries that is very different
from that of Peru
ERICK: Ok friends, see you
s that are artificial but I don't
remember the players. How
many players are
ERICK: There are 6 players on
each team and the game is
played on skates on an ice
rink. You already know How
do you get points in that sport?
ADRIAN: If the players have to
throw a rubber puck with a long
stick towards the
opposite goal. Finally, the team
that has scored the most goals
in three periods of 20
minutes wins.
ERICK: Friends, why do you
think this sport is not very
common in Peru?
ADRIAN: Well, I think that ice
hockey is not common in Peru,
because the
maintenance of the playing
field is very expensive.
LEONARDO:I think it is
because of the climate of other
countries that is very different
from that of Peru
ERICK: Ok friends, see you
(AC-S15) Week 15 - Task:
Assignment - A not very
common sport in Peru
LEONARDO: Hello friends,
this time we are going to talk
about a sport that is not very
common in Peru. What is
your opinion?

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