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Basic Electrical Components

and symbols

There are two types of electrical signals, alternating and direct.


The direction energy flows reverses at 60 Hertz. It’s reversing 120 times per second.

DC flows in one direction. There is always a positive end and a negative end. Red is positive and black is

Circuits have a power source and an output, with a wire between them.
Closed vs Open

A closed circuit is closed, has continuity, and electricity can flow. An open circuit is open and there’s no
electricity flow.
Series vs Parallel

A series circuit is all linked together. The power distribution is less at the end of the circuit. A parallel
circuit is individually connected to the power supply.

Resistors add resistance to circuit and reduce the flow of electricity. Resistance is measured in ohms.
Bands on the resistor show how much resistance they have.

Capacitors store electricity and discharge it when there is a drop in electricity. It’s like a water source that
releases water when there’s a drought.

Diodes only let electricity flow one direction. The most common diode are LEDs.

Fuses protect a circuit. If the circuit gets too hot, a small wire will burn.

The longer leg is the anode (+ side) and the shorter leg is the cathode (- side). They are diodes so
electricity will only flow one way.

A transistor takes a small electrical current in one pin and amplifies it such that a much larger current can
flow between the other two pins.
Integrated circuits

An integrated circuit is an entire specialized circuit that is small with each leg connecting to a different
part of the circuit.

A potentiometer is a variable resistor that you can change with a dial.


A switch can open and close a circuit, turning it on and off.


A battery stores electricity.

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